Chapter 40: Star People Side Story 5: Formation of the Star Alliance

Star People

Side Story 5

Formation of the Star Alliance

Oct 17, 6 AE…

“It took us more than 3 months, but we finally managed to patch the Missouri back together.” Admiral Margoline stated as he observed the repair crews work on the ship from his office window. He then turned to face Captain Delan and First Officer Reelan. “I must say, the upper brass and I were very impressed by the ship’s and its crew’s performance in the last battle. And I must add that I am impressed that the Missouri managed to hold together after firing the Wave Gun. They certainly knew how to build their ships sturdy back in World War II.”

“Thank you, Sir.” Mark replied.

“As of now, the blueprints to the Neo-Proton Wave Gun are being shared among the new battleships and heavy cruisers. The engineering teams tell me that they should have at least a dozen ships armed with the weapon by the end of the year.”

“And what about the Missouri, Sir?” Reelan asked.

Admiral Margoline nodded, “The engineering teams have assured me that the Missouri, SBX-1, will be combat ready at the same time as those ships have finished with their Wave Gun upgrades. Furthermore, the Missouri will be strengthened and enhanced so that it can fire its Wave Gun without suffering the same damage as before. I expect the Missouri to be leading the next engagement with the Cryterians.”

“And when and where will that be, Sir?” Mark asked.

“Fortunately, during the last battle, we managed to push back the bulk of the Cryterian Fleet. They’re still licking their wounds after the high casualties they suffered. We intend to strike at a large formation of Cryterian forces at this position.”

Margoline made his main holo-projector display a star system that was some distance away from their current position. He pointed to a certain sector. “In four months, we will be starting an operation in this quadrant. I expect the two of you to be ready when the time comes.”

“Yes, Sir!” Both Mark and Reelan said as they simultaneously saluted him.


Aug 4th, 7 AE…

“So this is what you call a Battle-Mech?” Second Lieutenant Jerry Vandelin asked as he looked up in awe at the giant, metal robot.

“This is the standard Hunter model.” Third Lieutenant Gracs explained.

It had only been a month since the Terrans and Kyteeri had joined forces with the humanoid felines known as the Catians. At the time, the war with the Cryterians had begun to swing back in favor with mankind’s enemies. As with the blue-skinned, all-female race, the former residents of Earth had begun sharing technology with their allies in their ultimate goal of defeating the Cyterians. In exchange for hyperdrive technology and advanced computer systems, the Catians were willing to give mankind a new weapon against their mutual foe.

“This thing is like a god-damned walking tank!” Jerry exclaimed as he walked around the machine, totally entranced by its form and power.

“Am I to assume that you are impressed with the Battle-Mech?” The Catian asked.

“The word ‘impressed’ doesn’t even begin to describe what I’m feeling! I can’t wait to start training in this thing!”

“I must warn you, piloting a Battle-Mech is far different than piloting a ship or a Starfighter. It takes a lot of dedication and hard work to become a certified Battle-Mech operator.”

“I don’t care! It’s been the dream of every little boy to pilot a giant, freaking robot!”


In addition to the Catians, the Terrans and Kyteeri were able to make contact with two other races that had been attacked by the Cryterians. And like the Catians, their new allies were able to contribute several technological advancements towards their united cause against their common enemy.


Sept 4th, 7 AE…

“Amazing! Simply amazing! I have never seen such rapid cellular regeneration!” Sergeant Vladimir Kuenov exclaimed as he watched the Nemonian medic show off his technology in the medical facility.

“As you can see, this DNA rejuvenator is able to read and replicate any genetic material on an atomic scale.  You can see just how useful this device would be for wounds and surgery.”

“Is there a smaller, portable version of this device?” Vladimir asked. “This would be a boon for field medics and emergency first-aid kits!”

“Well, no we have never thought about making it smaller and portable.” The Nemonian medic admitted. “Though the idea does have merit. I suppose it could be possible.”

“If you can give use the basic blueprints of this device, I’m certain that the engineering divisions could develop a smaller version.”

A month later, combining the medical technology of the Nemonians, and Terran computer systems, along with their capability to miniaturize machinery, the General Purpose Medical Aid or GPMA was created. Soon, field medics became even more efficient and effective among the infantry and the Medical Corps took a huge leap forward in virtually every medical branch.


Oct 12th, 7 AE, Engineering and Mainframe Section of the Missouri

“Whoa! I’m impressed!” Chief Engineer Matthew Shepherd exclaimed. “Thanks to your information storage methods, we’ve more than increased our data capacity by a thousand fold. “

The humanoid lizard known as a Velor nodded as he pointed to a screen full of text. “I am equally impressed at your computer technology and how compatible it is to our information matrices. I believe that Velor and Terran technology are a good mix.”


Nov 5th, 7 AE…

The bridge of the Missouri

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“Captain and Commander on the bridge!”

Both Mark and Reelan were surprised to see a Catian officer standing near the chair where Lieutenant Commander Bridgestone had occupied.

“As you were.” Mark said to the bridge crew as he and his wife walked up to properly greet the new third-in-command of the Missouri. Both saluted the Catian before Mark extended a hand out. “Lieutenant Commander Harken, I presume?”

Harken nodded as he saluted and then shook hands with his new superior. “Yes, Captain Delan. I am Lieutenant Commander Harken, formally of the Bree’taugh of the Catian Space Naval Defense Force. I have been reassigned to the Missouri to take over the position of Lieutenant Commander… I mean… Captain Bridgestone, and act as your third-in-command.”

Mark nodded as he motioned for his First and Second Officers to sit down. Last month, his former third-in-command, Jaxton Bridgestone, had been promoted and given a heavy-cruiser to command. Reelan had also been offered a promotion, but turned it down in order to continue serving with her husband. As the five races began to form a formidable force against the Cryterians, the crews of the newly-formed Star Alliance became a mixture of Terrans, Kyteeri, Velor, Catian and Nemonians.

In addition to the new Catian Second Officer, the Missouri bridge crew also had a talented Velor at the helm, Ensign Gatsbu. On his home planet of Velor, he had been known as an Aero-Skimmer pilot. This was the equivalent to a bush pilot of Earth, and Gatsbu was quite capable of maneuvering something as large as the Missouri around tight spaces.

The new navigator was another Catian, Ensign Taichen. She had served briefly on a Catian freighter before being assigned to the star battleship. Sitting at the communications station was Lieutenant Visera, another recent transfer from the Kyteeri. She had served with Admiral Tarhesse for a year before being sent to the Missouri.

Down in the Engineering Section was Lieutenant Matthew Shepherd, whose main job was to keep all the systems of the star battleship working properly. He had also participated heavily in the refit of the Missouri and the Neo-Proton Wave Gun’s redesign. His engineering crew consisted of Terrans, Velor and Catians.

In the Medical Section, the Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Vladimir Kurenov and his staff of Nemonians, Kyteeri and Terrans made certain that everyone on board the Missouri was in good health.

For the remainder of the Cryterian War and beyond, this would be the Missouri’s crew.


Jan 10th, 8 AE…

“Open fire!” Mark shouted out.

The two main Pulsar Gun turrets at the front of the Missouri let loose with six beams of devastating energy. The anti-proton beams tore through the defensive shields of the Cryterian Mothership and slammed into the frontal armor, causing a massive explosion. Normally, the Missouri would pull away in order to keep the enemy from locking onto it for a counter-attack. However, the asteroid field they were in gave them a very limited field to maneuver. Despite Ensign Gatsbu’s ability to guide the ship through the swarms of meteoroids and other space debris with uncanny accuracy, the defensive barrier of the star battleship was still taking a pounding from smaller meteorites and other lesser objects. Behind them was a huge asteroid, which blocked off their avenue of retreat.

On the other hand, the confined quarters also worked in their favor, The Cryterian Mothership was far larger than the Missouri, and therefore, could barely move about, thereby making it an easy target. And since the last barrage had opened up a sizeable hole in their opponent, Mark decided to go for the kill. As the Cyterian ship tried to turn away to protect the damaged section in its hull, he barked out the following.

“Ahead quarter-impulse, Ensign Gatsbu! All forward guns and batteries, save for the Wave Gun… target that damaged section of the Cryterian Mothership! All weapons are to be on continuous fire! Engineering section… full power to all forward shields! We’re going to shove the Missouri right down that Mothership’s throat!”

Almost instantly, the two Pulsar Gun turrets began firing off continuous streams of anti-proton beams. Missile batteries and smaller Pulsar guns also let loose with nonstop barrages. Every beam, projectile and missile impacted heavily against the breach in the Cryterian Mothership’s hull, widening the hole even further and driving deep into the vessel itself. It was like a giant spear of light was being pushed into a gigantic beast and was still driving forward. The Cryterians began firing on the Missouri, hoping to force it to veer off its attack vector. However, the star battleship continued on as its forward shields took the brunt of the counter-fire.

“Continue firing! Ramming speed, Ensign Gatsbu!”

The Missouri increased its speed as its weapons continued shooting though the Mothership. To the shock and amazement of all those watching, the Missouri actually entered the Mothership through the enlarged breach and continued blasting its way through it. A few seconds later, the rear of the Cryterian vessel exploded outward as anti-proton beams shot out from it, causing a large hole to be created. A few more seconds later, and the hole was big enough for the Missouri to pass through it and exit out into space again. A few moments later, the entire Cryterian Mothership exploded like a miniature supernova.

“I can’t believe what I just saw!” Lieutenant Kojiro Tanakato exclaimed from his Star Hawk fighter. “The Missouri practically shot its way THROUGH a Cryterian Mothership!”

The spectacular strategy would later be called the Delan Maneuver.


Feb 14th, 8 AE…

“Lieutenant Commander Harken! You are trigger man!” Mark ordered as he pressed the activation switch.

“Aye, Captain!” The Catian third-in-command stood up as the Neo-Proton Wave Gun controls appeared before him.

As the Missouri’s bow opened up to reveal its ultimate weapon, several of the newly-commissioned Supernova-class battleships began powering up their Neo-Proton Wave Guns as well. On board the Iowa, Admiral Kajor announced his orders to the fleet.

“All ships are to synchronize their Wave Guns with the Missouri! Do not fire until the Missouri does!”

On the bridge of the Missouri, Harken had just finished arming the Neo-Proton Wave Gun.

[“Neo-Proton Wave Gun armed and ready. Final activation code required.]

“All fighters and allied ships have cleared the firing range.” Reelan announced.

Harken nodded as he gave the final codes.Final activation code… Zeta… 009068… Omega.”

[Final activation code confirmed. Safety locks released. Target acquisition?]

“Target at coordinates zero, zero, zero… lock on!”

[Target acquired.]

“Countdown on my mark, Lieutentant Commander!” Mark cried out. “Five… four… three… two… one… FIRE!”

At nearly the same time the Missouri let loose with a massive beam of energy, the other ships opened fire with their Wave Guns as well. Every beam came together into one gigantic torrent of destruction as it struck the asteroid where most of the Cryterian fleet was stationed at. The entire sector of space briefly lit up as if it was in the center of a massive supernova.

At this point, the tables had been turned and now it was the Cryterians who were on the defensive. The Star Alliance was now a force to be reckoned with.

Author’s Notes

This side-story was requested by readers who wanted more about the Cryterian war.