Chapter 51: Chapter 42

Star People

Chapter 42

The Great Split

Feb 28th, 13 AE, 1800 hours, Polaris City, Free Land…

In the Council of Prime Directors Conference Chamber, the five leaders of the Star Alliance were preparing to have dinner and were currently discussing the aftermath of the war against the Zedan Empire. It had been two weeks since Operation Fortitude and the Zedan unconditional surrender. Since that time, the Missouri and the other ships had been maintaining their positions and kept the combined barrier operational, in order to prevent the continent from breaking apart. However, everyone knew that they couldn’t keep it up indefinitely.

As he looked down at his meal, which consisted of a very thick cut of steak, scalloped potatoes and some bread, Nasaak grumbled a bit. “Ordinarily, I would enjoy eating such a dish, but considering what we have to do now, it’s making me lose some of my appetite.” Nevertheless, he still cut a large piece of steak with a knife and took a bite. “I’m getting tired of having to clean up the enemy’s messes… again!”

“Oh come now, it’s not that bad.” Nerto commented as he ate from a large bowl. The contents resembled spaghetti, but the noodles had a silvery shine to them, and they were topped with a blue-colored sauce.

“I beg to differ!” The Catian Prime Director stated as he put down his knife and counted with the fingers his left hand. “The Empire of Sath… that debacle with the Planet Ravager in Euracon… and now the idiots of the Empire of Zedan. Not only did we have to save them from their insane emperor’s doomsday weapon, but we’re wasting precious resources and energy just to keep their continent from falling apart!”

“Now, now…” Anida said in a calming tone. She was currently enjoying what appeared to be gray-colored quiche. “We should consider ourselves fortunate that this war didn’t end in a total catastrophe. If Captain Delan hadn’t suggested Operation Fortitude, there would have been enormous casualties on both sides and mass genocide of the entire Zedan populace.”

“Yes, we should thank our lucky stars that the war ended the way it did.” Viska stated. She was having a few skewers of purple-colored meat and indigo fruits. “The Zedan people know that Free Land saved them from annihilation. The few protesting groups were immediately silenced once we played back that recording of their emperor’s conversation with Captain Delan. As of now, there have been few complaints with our forces occupying the continent.”

“It’s not like they have a choice. And neither do our forces.” Nasaak stated as he resumed eating his dinner, though at a slow pace. Normally he would have already devoured the steak and would be on his second helping. “We can’t lower the barrier without risking the continent breaking apart. And we still have that matter of highly dangerous water to deal with. The ocean beneath that landmass is extremely irradiated and the surrounding waters near the coastlines are only slightly less radioactive.”

Benjamin nodded as he ate his dinner, which consisted of lasagna and eggplant parmesan. “The radiation levels have killed all Zedan fishing industries, figuratively and literally. Although that particular problem should be solved soon. Radiological cleanup teams have reported that the water is reacting well with Triderium Isotope 7 solutions. They estimate they should have the radiation levels down to harmless levels in another week or so.”

“That won’t repair the ecological damage already done to those waters.” The Kyteeri Prime Director stated after taking another bite. “The ocean life in those areas was all but annihilated and those that survived nearby will experience minor to major genetic mutations.”

“The Zedan people should thank us even more that they won’t be experiencing the same horrific effects as the people in Japan did back during World War 2.” The Terran Prime Director remarked. “Changing the subject, what’s the latest from the Zedan government?”

“With Emperor Zendara gone, General Himro and his followers have taken control.” Nasaak stated. “He’s been elected as the supreme leader of Zedan and so far, he’s kept the people more or less under control and they haven’t shown any outward hostilities against occupying Free Land or allied forces. It looks like they will be setting up something that’s similar to the Council of Prime Directors, with a primary elected official for each of the soon-to-be Zedan islands.

“There’s just no avoiding it, is there?” Anida commented as she took a sip of Kyteeri wine.

“How can it be avoided?” The Velor Prime Director said as he slurped up a noodle. “The geological structure of the entire Zedan continent had been destabilized so badly, that it would be a miracle if it didn’t break apart into more than a few dozen islets once the barrier is dropped.”

“We might not be able to keep the Zedan continent in one piece, but we may able to minimize the break-up.” The winged Prime Director said. “Our infrastructure and geological teams have been working around the clock to seal minor fissures and cracks in the continental shelf. They can’t do much against the major fault lines that have already separated, but they can reinforce the continental fragments, thereby creating very large islands similar in size to Bisra and Excra.”

“So instead of one big Zedan nation, we’re going to end up with about six smaller ones?” Benjamin inquired. He had read the report that the major fault lines had generally broken the continent into six major fragments.

“That’s about the best we can hope for.” Nerto stated. “Most of the civilian population has begun migrating to areas that will sustain them once the continent breaks apart. Relocating over 200 million people is no simple task, especially since the newly-formed islands won’t be able to support them all.”

“So we’re talking about refugees and immigrants, right?”

The humanoid lizard nodded. “At least fifteen percent of the population will need to find new homes elsewhere. Most have plans to settle in the Merdov continent. And quite a few of them are petitioning for asylum in Free Land.”

“That makes it very difficult to turn them away.” Anida pointed out. “Certainly they are citizens of a recent enemy nation, but we cannot hold them responsible for the misguided actions of their government.”

“I can also imagine a lot of hostility and discrimination from the Merdov natives against the refugees. After all, it wasn’t too long ago that Zedan declared war on everyone.”

“There have been some Zedan who are demanding that we give them the territories that they had already conquered.” The Nemonian Prime Director stated. “That’s pretty arrogant of them to demand something like that, considering that they lost the war.”

“There are a few more points to consider.” Nasaak stated as he took another bite of his steak. “Our allies have been demanding for some of the Zedan lands as part of war reparations. Considering that Free Land did more than 90% of the heavy lifting during this conflict, I really don’t see them getting much on the spoils of war.”

“Well, considering that the Zedan territory is going to be a lot smaller in the future, there won’t be much for our allies to lay claims on.” Benjamin pointed out.

“Good point. So the request for territory will be denied for both Naran and Atlans.”

“Both nations will protest.” Anida warned.

“Let them protest. It’s not like they can force their demands onto us. They should be thankful, considering all the gifts we gave to them before Operation Star Point, so not getting any new territory shouldn’t be an issue.”

“Well, I can certainly see Atlans backing down and not pressing the issue. Naran however, is another matter. Their egos took quite a beating during Operation Star Point and that debacle at the Zedan capital.”

“It’s their own fault for getting ahead of themselves and thinking they could take all the glory.”Nasaak stated as he finished off his steak. At this point, he had gotten his appetite back and ordered a second helping. “Their magic-based weapons and technology are laughable. Sure they can be quite powerful and destructive, but their general usage and practicality are abysmal. Slow start up time, slow reload and can only be used in certain situations with the conditions are just right. And when you put that kind of destructive power in the hands of idiots like that Naran colonel and captain, then you’re just begging for trouble.”

“Yes, we all read the reports on the Deriaton One’s impressive but poor overall showing during the war, especially at the Zedan capital.” Nerto said as he too ordered a second helping. “Their so-called greatest weapon has enough firepower to be considered as not a joke. However, considering the enormous preparation and reloading time, (which by the way, applies to just about every device they have), makes it less a threat to us. And speaking of weapons, did you hear the latest intelligence reports?”

“I know. Both Naran and Atlans are trying to learn how to make their own Ender bombs.”

This caused a row of concerned murmurs among the other Prime Directors. After Operation Fortitude, the Free Land forces had raided every Zedan atomic research and development facility. All laboratories were cleaned out of any vital materials and devices used to create weapons of mass destruction. Every document, every file cabinet, and every desk was either taken or destroyed, along with their data to create such bombs and weaponry. And they made certain to capture all scientists, engineers and key personnel involved in the Ender project.

Like the advanced Zedan jet fighters, tanks and rocket weapons, the Star Alliance did not want their allies to attain technology before they were mentally and morally ready for. Even that deactivated Ender bomb and the remains of the Zedan flying wing bomber near Omaha Beach had been quickly disposed of. Naturally, both Naran and Atlans had protested the wholesale destruction of advanced enemy technology without giving them a chance to study it, but Free Land was adamant about not letting Zedan secret technology, (no matter how outdated it was to the Star Alliance), fall into the wrong hands.

That didn’t stop Naran and Atlans from trying though. After seeing the Ender Network nearly destroy the entire continent, both kingdoms had been attempting to glean some insight on how the atomic devices worked and how to apply them. Whatever documentation they had managed to get before Free Land were able to destroy or confiscate, only gave them a broad overview of how the Ender Bomb worked. With no Zedanium available, both Naran and Atlans researchers could only speculate on what element was needed to create such destructive power.

“After that debacle at the Zedan capital with Deriaton One, I shudder to think what those fools would do if they were given access to an atomic bomb.” The Catian Prime Director mused as he bit into his second steak.

‘Well, I can’t say much for the Kingdom of Naran, but I believe that Atlans won’t be as foolhardy if they were to get vital information on how the Ender bomb worked.” Benjamin remarked.

“That doesn’t mean we should let them have the plans to it.”

“Indeed. I agree that we should keep the nuclear genie in its bottle for a while.”

“I don’t know what a genie is, but I understand the analogy all the same.”


March 4th, 13 AE, 1050 hours…

Inside the main hyper-lift to the Missouri’s bridge…

“It’s been almost three weeks since the end of the Zedan War.” Captain Mark Delan said tiredly as he and his wife were on their way to the Missouri’s command center. “I really want to see Rachel and Rebecca right now.”

“Yes, I miss our little girls too.” Reelan nodded. “I know they’re in good hands with Kisar, but I want to hold them in my arms. However, since we can’t drop the barrier without the whole continent becoming unstable, we’re pretty much stuck in this position.”

At that point, the hyper-lift reached its destination and opened its doors.

“Captain and Commander on the bridge!” Harken announced, making the bridge crew stand up and salute.

“As you were.” Delan said as he motioned for his wife and third-in-command to sit down with him.

 “The Commander and I were just talking about the current situation of Operation Fortitude. Is it impossible for one ship to drop its barrier?”

Harken shook his head. “I’m afraid so. The geological teams state that any drop in barrier integrity will cause a ripple effect and send shockwaves that can cause damage and endanger the civilian population. We can only hope they’ll be able to stabilize the main sections of the continent, so when we do drop the barrier, the sections will safely become large islands.”

“So there’s no way for us to stabilize the continent to remain in one piece?”

“Our technology is far more advanced than the Istaria natives, but partially terraforming a planet’s surface; even on a small scale is still beyond our capabilities. Reinforcing the six main sections that will become large islands after the Great Split, is all we can do.”

“The Great Split?”

“That’s what everyone is calling the event when the time comes to drop Operation Fortitude.”

“So when does the Great Split take place?”

You are reading story Star People at

“The geological and engineering teams say that it will take another two weeks to fully reinforce the foundations of the main sections. The radiological teams assure us by that time, they’ll be finished with decontamination procedures and making the ocean water safe enough for marine life to live in again.”

“And the refugee situation?”

“Those who will lose their homes after the Great Split will board the Victory-Class Transports. The Steel Heart will be heading towards the Merdov continent. As for the other one Steel Will… it will be heading towards the Vados continent.”

“Vados? Are you saying that the Kingdom of Naran will accept the refugees of an enemy nation?” Reelan asked.

“Well, not exactly Commander.” Harken said while scratching the back of his head.

“Explain.” Mark inquired.

Harken nodded. “The Kingdom of Naran refused the refugees’ request for asylum. However, the territory that was formally the Empire of Euracon was basically open land. After the Planet Ravager incident, some places are still available and the few city states that had survived the collapse of the Empire are offering asylum to any refugees.”

“I thought the Planet Ravager had rendered that area completely barren and uninhabitable.”

“Not quite. Though a good portion of that area was devastated, a few locations were able to recover and have become viable farmland. Furthermore, the surviving city states have stabilized their economies and have opened up trade. In order for trade and the economy to grow, they need to increase the population. So you can see why they are accepting the refugees.”

“I don’t like the idea of people migrating to the former Underhanded Nation, but it’s not our choice to make for them.” Captain Delan remarked.

“Indeed. The refugees understand that there will be a lot of hardship ahead of them. Furthermore, many are disenchanted with how the Zedan government and Emperor Zendara had put them into an unwinnable war against us. They want to get as far away from Zedan as they can.”

“So they’ll be leaving with basically nothing but the clothes on their backs?” Reelan asked.

“Not quite.” Harken answered. “The Council had decided to take pity on the refugees and awarded each Zedan family or individual enough Instant Food Packets to last them for a year. They’ve also given each a Pre-Fab Domicile Kit to set them up in Vados, Merdov or wherever they wish to go to.”

The Pre-Fab Domicile Kit or PDK, had been widely used by the people of Free Land during their long journey through space. Every few months or so, they would have to set up temporary bases of operation and living facilities for the military and the civilian populations, usually within large asteroids or small moons. The Kit was a package that was about the size of a two-slice bread toaster. It had sensors that would let the user know if the area was viable enough to set itself up. If it was, then all one had to do was press the Expand button.

The Kit would immediately expand into a single-story, insulated building that covered about 1,000 square feet and had all the essential utilities needed for a family of four, including electricity, water, heating, air-conditioning and waste disposal. It could even compress back into its original form for easy storage and transport. The individuals or families would have to provide for furniture for themselves.

“What about the refugees that petitioned for asylum in Free Land?” Mark asked.

“They were turned down for admission to the Alder continent. However, they were given a choice to settle on one of the island colonies… Triton, I believe.”

“Triton?” Mark’s wife said. “That’s a good colony with decent resources. So how many refugees are going to Triton?”

“Around seven hundred thousand or so.”

“I hope they’ll be good neighbors.”

“They’re part of the biggest faction against the Zedan government and would rather live with former enemies than on the Zedan territories.”

“And what about the finalization of the Zedan surrender, war reparations and peace treaty?” Mark wondered.

“According to the new Zedan government, they will officially sign the documents after the day of the Great Split.” The Missiouri’s third-in-command stated.

“So that means no one is going home for another two weeks.”

Both Reelan and Harken sighed and nodded.


March 18th, 13 AE…

The Missouri’s bridge…

“Captain, I have just received word that all geological and engineering teams have evacuated the main fault lines of the continent.” Lieutenant Visera announced. “All Zedan citizens are either on the main sections of the continent that will become islands, or have boarded the transports that will take them to Merdov, Vados or Triton.”

“Very good Lieutenant.” Mark said as he turned on the main intercom systems from his command chair. “Attention all hands! Attention all hands! This is the captain speaking! First of all, I would to thank the entire crew for its patience and dedication to duty while enduring Operation Fortitude. The operation will be ending today and we will soon be making our way back to New Pearl Harbor. Again, I thank you all for your cooperation. All hands to your stations! I repeat, all hands to your stations!”

Mark then switched channels to the Main Engineering Section. “Mr. Shepherd, are we ready to drop the barrier and engage tractor beams?”


Down in the Missiouri’s Engineering Section…

“Aye, Captain!” Chief Engineer Shepherd replied. “And it’s about time! I’ve spent the last month patching and re-patching the Missouri’s photon relays to keep them from burning out on us! We’re going to need to overhaul the barrier emitter networks when we get back to New Pearl Harbor.”

“It’ll be on the top of the to-do list when we return to Free Land. Are you ready to disengage barrier and engage the tractor beam?” Delan inquired.

“Ready to begin on your orders, Captain!”


“This is Captain Delan of the Missouri to all Star Alliance vessels of Operation Fortitude.” Mark announced. “The Missouri was the first ship to engage its barrier to save the Zedan continent, so now it will be the first ship to disengage its barrier. On my mark… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… begin reducing barrier output, and engage tractor beam Mr. Shepherd!”

“Aye, Captain!”


Outside of the star battleship Missouri, the barrier energy that had been radiating from it began to get dimmer. Its grip on the terrain weakened as the ship began emitting a wide area tractor beam to begin guiding the landscape in a certain direction. The ground shuddered a bit as the force that had kept it stable was being slowly taken away. However, the overall land held together, thanks to the reinforcement measures the geological and engineering teams had implemented far below the surface.

Slowly and gradually, the other ships followed the Missouri’s lead as they too began to drop their barriers and engaging their tractor beams. The entire continent shook with a constant but controlled vibration as it began to crack apart along several major fault lines. The break up was not chaotic, but orderly as the enormous landmass became divided into six smaller ones. As the islands began to form, every group of Star Alliance vessels slowly began pulling away from each other, dragging their assigned landmass with them. As the islands were pulled further apart, ocean water started rushing in, filling the gaps. Small pieces of land and debris disappeared beneath the waves as the main islands were moved further and further apart.

Finally, after 30 minutes, the Free Land ships stopped and the six main islands began settling down in their new positions. A dozen or so smaller islands also formed and would later stabilize on their own. Each main island was an average of 10 miles away from each other and the largest among them was in the center. It was designated as Zedan Prime and would be where General Himro and his followers would govern the new Zedan Archipelago.


“Status report, Ensign Taichen?” Mark asked as the tractor beam was deactivated.

The Catian navigator nodded as she looked over the sensor readouts. “Geological scans indicate overall stabilization of main islands. No fissures or ruptures indicated. It will take a few more days for everything to settle down but it appears that the Great Split was a success.”

“And the transports carrying the refugees?”

Visera nodded as she finished communicating with the transports. “The Steel Heart is already on its way to the Merdov continent. Since the Zedan Archipelago is nearer to it, the trip won’t be very long. The Steel Will is about to get underway to the Vados continent. As for the refugees heading to Triton, they’re now boarding several cruisers that were assigned to ferry them to the colony. And Captain, we’ve just received orders from New Pearl Harbor to return to base.”

Mark sighed in relief as he nodded to his Velor helmsman. “Ensign Gatsbu, take us home.”

The humanoid lizard smiled as he entered the coordinates for New Pearl Harbor.


From a third-story balcony at the Royal Palace, General Himro and Major Vero watched the Missouri fly off. Once it disappeared over the horizon, both men looked toward the new northern coastline that had formed when the continent broke apart. Each had a somber expression on their faces as they realized that the Zedan Empire was no more. And tomorrow, they would do what no one in the long history of Zedan had ever done.

Sign the official declaration of surrender.

To be continued…