Chapter 9: Journal Entry: Day 3

Journal Entry: Day 3 

My 3rd day in another world was both longer and shorter than the previous two. I spent 5 hours after midnight, or around that long according to me, clearing rooms full o monsters. Because I am saving the battery on my phone and can’t keep checking every time I want to know the time I have to often guess. And with every phone having a clock, who wears a watch nowadays? I sure don’t, not even a smart watch. When I woke up the next day, if I slept for 8 hours like I normally do, then it would have been 13 o’clock. Today I conducted a few experiments with a few of my cards, other than just using them to murder everything in my path to the exit. I also levelled my occupation enough to be able to summon 3 star creatures, which was big help. So, here is what I found about my cards and some other things. Different cards count with different Summoning methods. Dian Keto is a Spell card, but because of its name is counted as a minor God, which is Epic rank Summoning skill. Remedy is also a Spell card, but is counted as a Plant Summoning. Then there is Insect, Creature, which a lot of things fall under, Beast, Spell, Machine, Item, Curse, Seal and I presume many others. I hadn’t spend time to figure out the levelling mechanic, but the more Summoning skills I have and more often I use them the faster my occupation levels. I have one Warrior card that is performing outside the norm and I don’t know if it is just this one card or if other warriors will perform the same way. Only the future will tell. All in all, today was a productive day and I can’t wait to escape this place. 

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