Chapter 138: A.F vs 250,000! – Chapter 138


A.F was finally recovered from its wounds, and now it was time to make its unpredicted move. The aura around A.F had gotten even thicker than before, making some people of this city faint from this sudden change.

[ I… I can’t breathe… ] 

Some people near the front had no other choice but to leave that area because of A.F’s terrifying aura. But taking some distance away from him wasn't going to change their fate. 

A.F pointed the palm of his hand towards the people and cut down several hundreds of people with one of the swords.


[ RUUUUN!!!! ]

[ [ [ [ AAAAHHGHHHHHH!!!!! ] ] ] ]

People started screaming in terror from the sudden slaughter of A.F and how easy it could kill hundreds of people in one move of its arm. That was also the trigger to make everyone run away from that place as fast as they could. 


[ A MONSTER!!! ]


With another swing of its arm, several swords started flying around and cutting any entity that was near it.

[ I… impossible… h-h-how can such a thing exist!!!!? ] ( Kenji )

Kenji was frozen in fear as he couldn't move an inch from his body. Cold sweat was running down his body and his mouth was really dry from the things he was watching right now. 

[ aaa… w-what is happening? M-my body is moving on its own?! ] 

[ AHGHH!! ]

[ What are you doing?!! ]

Near the front line, people started killing their own comrades without any mercy. They couldn't move on their own anymore.

[ I'm not d-doing this!!! ]


[ N-no! HEELPPP!!! ]

Their friends, their loved ones, were shot without mercy. And those who didn't have any weapons, they used their own hands to kill their comrades. They couldn't understand why their bodies were acting like that. And all they could do, was watch as their loved ones died by their own hands. 

[ p...please… stop…. ]

Those were the last words someone heard as he strangled his best friend to death. 

They used anything possible to kill the one beside them, their nails, teeth, knife. It didn't matter for as long as they killed the one near them.

But even for those whose body wasn't being controlled, they started killing those near them.


All of the humans around had the same face as Hatsuko. It was as if the vision of their eyes weren't showing what was right. The same thing was happening to some other people as well.

[ GO DIE!!! ]


They raged as they started brutally murdering each other. 







Haruto’s POV



The guildmaster had spread the news around the city about a certain danger that might come into our city. But I would have never thought that it would be a friend of mine.

When we first met, I actually looked up to him. Even though he was a cold person, I didn't mind it since he saved my life. 

But I would have never thought that he was manipulating us the whole time. He even corrupted Hina’s mind so he could get her for himself.

My chest was filled with rage with how much I wanted revenge on that kind of guy. That's why I started training even more than before together with Ren and Kanae. We couldn't endure the fact that that kind of monster was actually trying to manipulate everyone I knew!

I may not be smart but I’m not stupid!

Day after day we trained to the point where we put ourselves to the limits. 

But after some weeks, on everyone’s special device, a notification came.

“Alert! The target is here!”

Everyone in this city already knew this kind of notification since most of the citizens also have been training their skills for this. 

You are reading story Green Life at

We couldn't rely on Sakuru’s help since they were not responding to us anymore. Neither were our smartphones. When I asked the higher ups about this, they said that our main satellite was down.

After I prepared all of my equipment, I noticed from my window that everyone was rushing inside their houses. But at that moment, I saw a green blurr flying at an insane speed.

Was that him?!

Was what I thought at that moment. But I didn't have any time to waste, that's why I went outside with everyone who had fighting skills. I wanted to be near the front lines with Kenji, a great hunter of our city.

[ He’s here! ] ( Haruto )

I said to him as soon as I got closer to him.

[ I know, prepare yourself for when he comes! ] ( Kenji )

[ I’m already prepared! I won't let that bastard get away after hypnotising one of my girls! ] ( Haruto )

My chest started burning again the moment I thought about it. But thankfully, Kenji had managed to put them to sleep until they found a way to break Hatsuko's mind corrupting skill.

But the thing is, Hina wasn't the only girl that was caught by that bastard. Another five beautiful girls were hypnotised by him. 

One of them was Akemi, a beautiful girl with silver hair. If I had to describe the rating of her appearance then it would be a goddess! On the other hand was a girl named Chloe. She had a great body and a cute face. An innocent girl with white hair and eyes with two different colors. And lastly, two twin sisters who looked like dolls.

I could not imagine the things he might have done to these girls.

But it's okay, I won't allow any of them get near that bastard ever again. That's what I swore to myself as I was waiting to fight.

It didn't take long before Hatsuko came back. Just from looking at his face, It made me rage in anger. I wanted to take him down, I wanted to be the one to take him down.

We thought we killed him when a specially made sniper fired a bullet at his head. We even saw as it pierced through his head within the milliseconds. But not making sure if the enemy was down, was our greatest mistake.

Hatsuko managed to get up once again even after having his own brain blown. 

That thing was clearly not a human! No human would survive after getting shot in the head. But this time, as he was getting up, I could feel my whole body trembling in fear.

If I wasn't breathing slowly, I might have thrown up from the dense atmosphere.

[ He.. eeek! ] ( Haruto )

I couldn't hold my voice inside at all. His killing intent was destroying me from the inside.

[ H-Haruto… I can't stand up... ] ( Kanae )

[ Haruto… ] ( Ren )

They already were on their knees as they couldn't stand up anymore. Even after our extreme training, we couldn't even stand straight just from his killing intent.

But I had to stay strong so the girls will have someone to rely on.

No, I won't let his killing intent stop me from fighting!

But as I was trying to stay strong, the more insane the situation became. With one move of his hand, more than hundreds of people were sliced in half.

He didn't care at all if he killed one or thousands of people. But as i thought that this couldn't get any worse, people started killing each other, thinking it was Hatsuko. Fireballs were raining down from the sky, burning thousands of people alive.

I could not believe my eyes! This was really happening! 

The city I live in and its citizens were slowly dying one after another.

But I don’t care about that for as long as these girls are alive. I will protect them even if I have to face him.

I put my arm around Akemi's waist as I thought that. That was the only thing that was going through my mind.

[ aaaaaaaahh ] ( Akemi )

Suddenly, Akemi yawned, waking herself up.

[ Huh? Where am I? And what's that noise? ] ( Akemi )

She wondered as she was half asleep.

[ Y-you’re awake? Are you okay? ] ( Haruto )

I was a little happy and worried about her sudden awakening. Did she manage to break through Hatsuko’s hypnotism

[ Hah? Who are you? And how dare a human touch me?! ] ( Akemi )

She looked at me all pissed as she grabbed my arm and gripped it really hard to the point of almost breaking it.

[ OUCH! OUCH! You’re gonna break it!!! ] ( Haruto )

She let go of my arm after she saw Hatsuko over there. Is she still under his hypnosis? That's the only explanation I came up with from the way she was acting. No girl would suddenly grab my arm like that.

She was staring at Hatsuko as if she was thinking something in her mind. No, I have to do something before she sides with that monster once again.

[ I see... ] ( Akemi )

She said as if she realised something in her mind. Her face was completely calm and she didn't seem to be bothered at all by what was going on right now...

This has to be a nightmare… right?!


