In front of me was someone who claimed to be the ruler of all dragons with a proud look on his face. He was keeping his head high as if it was my greatest honor to be in front of him. But wait, if this guy is the ruler of dragons, doesn't that mean he is Akemi’s father? No wait, Akemi clearly said that all of the other dragons were killed or brainwashed so there is a high chance that this guy is a fake.
“You’re in front of the leader of the dragons, why aren't you saying anything?” He weirdly looked at me as he asked that question. Rather than being Akemi's father, he looks like her older brother. Even his hair was the same color as Akemi’s...
“Hey. Hey, hey, are you ignoring me? Why are you ignoring me? I'm the greatest dragon of all time, you know? Say something!” He continued looking at me as he was trying to get my attention.
“Who are you?” I asked him this question in order to figure out whether he was Akemi’s father or not. There is a chance that he is a fake, trying to take over Akemi’s position for some reason...
“Who am I? I already told you, I'm the ruler of dragons.” He kept insisting he was the ruler of all dragons. He was weirdly looking at me since I wasn't surprised or shocked by that.
“No, the king of dragons has been dead for thousands of years.” He looked really surprised the moment I said that to him. Then he looked down as he thought to himself.
“Thousands of years...? So that's how much time has passed…” He looked a little sad as he was thinking about something on his mind.
“So why are you pretending to be someone who is supposed to be dead? You won't suddenly tell me that Akemi’s father has been alive this whole time, would you?” I was trying to figure out who he really was and what he was planning by saying all that stuff. Based on what Akemi said to me, she was the only dragon in the whole world. So even if this guy, ‘who might be a fake’, retakes his position as a leader, he won't do much because there are no other dragons alive in this realm or in the human world.
“W-wait, before that…. Akemi is still alive?” He worriedly asked as he grabbed my hands. It felt kind of weird when he grabbed my hand like that. He didn't seem to have any negative thoughts about Akemi or me.
“Yeah, she’s still alive.” He smiled as he let go of my hands in relief. Right now, he truly had the face of a father who was worried about his own child.
“But if you really are alive... then why haven't you met Akemi yet?” He looked at me the moment I asked this question.
“No… I'm not alive… I died while trying to protect everyone. What you’re seeing right now is nothing else but a fragment of what I used to be, before I died.” So he’s something similar to a ghost? But anyway, why would he appear in front of me and not his own daughter?
“Anyway, how is Akemi? She might be really lonely now that everyone is gone.” He sadly said to me as he was trying to know about Akemi’s situation.
When I first found Akemi, she had gone into a deep sleep in order to recover her own strength, and weaken her curse. I didn't really care what she did at that time, not to mention I almost killed her when I was in auto fight mode.
“She’s doing fine. Akemi was cursed by an Angel, but she managed to weaken it after absorbing an artifact.” I tried explaining to him about Akemi’s condition right now. Now that I think about it, is everyone safe? I couldn't sense any of their presence, that's why I was a bit worried.
“I see… I'm glad that she’s doing okay.”
“Why are you showing up in front of me instead of your daughter?” This was one of the questions that I was trying to figure out.
“It's not that I didn't want to, but I couldn't.” He said to me.
“You couldn't?” ( Hatsuko )
“As I said before, I'm just a fragment of what I used to be, so I have no control of who I meet here.” This place was like a dark void, but I still could feel the ground underneath me.
“Where are we?” ( Hatsuko )
“This is a place created by me. I set up this illusion some days before I died. I made this place in case something bad would happen. And I’m glad I did!
But the question right now is…
What are you?” He was staring at me with an intense look on his face as he was waiting for me to respond to him.
“I’m a human.” But he started laughing the moment I responded to his question.
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“Hahahahaha, there’s no way you are human. The aura you are releasing is way different from those weak humans, so you can’t just lie to me. I may be a fragment but my eyes can see beyond your fake appearance!” I was surprised by what this guy was saying to me. I may have gotten stronger than before, but I still felt like I was human. If I had changed my race, I would have known, since my status would have notified me.
Wait, now that I’m taking a closer look at my own status, it doesn't say anywhere that I am a human… Normally when I look into someone’s status, It would show their species as well. But in my case I don't even have that part at all.
“I was born and raised as a human so my answer won’t change.” But my answer to him didn’t change.
“Is that so?”
But what did he see in me that made him realise I was not a human? Maybe this guy might know what has happened to me...
“What does my aura look like to you?” I asked him this question as I was trying to understand why he didn't believe that I was a human.
“I’m not sure but… your aura is really similar to that of an... Angel and Demon.... but at the same time it's not. That's just weird and impossible...
To be honest I’ve never seen an aura like yours in my whole life.” He crossed his arm as he was saying that to me. But he kept staring at me in order to figure out what my aura was like to him.
“What do you mean?” ( Hatsuko )
“It's simple, Angels are the opposite of Demons and Demons are the opposite of Angels. But right now, your aura is just like theirs but at the same time it's not. Think of it like this, if their aura colors are black and white, yours would be a mix between them making you into something impossible to exist.”
“Why is it impossible?” ( Hatsuko )
“Because those are the rules of their existence. Two different colors that are never meant to be the same. That's also the reason why they could never be together at the same place.”
“So that's why they started the war?” ( Hatsuko )
They were born to go against each other by any means necessary. But I have heard that many years ago that wasn't the case.” From what I could understand, and whatever rules there may be, there must have been at least a starting point where there was no war between Angels and Demons.
“There was no war?” I asked as I was trying to understand what really had happened.
“I’m not sure but, there is a legend passed down by many generations of dragons…
Angels and Demons did not exist before.”