Chapter 1: One

Maddie was ready to flap her wings away directly to her bed. She had just finished adding the last star mushroom to her basket, but instead, the faerie was interrupted by her sister’s murmur:

‘Maddie! Hey Maddie, come here!’ whispers Maggie, a couple steps away.

‘What?’ she hisses back to her twin, flapping her wings quietly, and then she heard it too. ‘Is that a baby?’

‘Should we look for it?’

‘Are you mad? Are you so careless? You dimwitted pixie dust! What if it’s a hag trying to eat two dumb fairies!’

‘And what if it is a baby? Then we are the hags who let a baby cry in the woods until it’s not!’ the twins watch each other defiantly until the cry becomes too loud to be ignored.

‘It’s a baby.’

‘Is definitely a baby!’

‘Or a very talented hag.’

‘It’s a baby!’

Maggie and Maddie flew in the direction of the loud baby howl from the deep of the woods. It was not usual that a faerie would brave herself to adventure so far into it. Many dangers could await - Hags, Trolls, Werewolves, and all sorts of night creatures would love a pixie snack. They followed the crying and didn’t realise they were following a shimmering path of fireflies. Both sisters only stopped when they saw a surrounding of glows around a hollow old tree.

‘By the Green Mother!’ said Maggie.

‘What? What is it?’

Maggie came closer to the tree and dipped her head and arms inside the hole, coming out with a baby girl wrapped in leaves and moss.

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‘I told you it was a baby!’ however, her sister’s face was pale as the moon while holding the infant. ‘What is wrong? Maggie! What is wrong?’

Maddie flew a jump next to Maggie and looked at the baby girl, with glimmery pinkish skin and eyes of a colour she saw nor could describe. However, while Maddie lost her eyes on the baby, she immediately understood the pale expression of her twin. The baby had a small scratch on her cheek. Probably done while Maggie grabbed her out of the hole. It was a slight scratch, nothing serious, nothing to worry but the baby was bleeding, a tiny drop. That little infant was exuding a small droplet of blue blood.

Maddie looked at her sister: ‘She has blue blood.’

‘She has blue blood.’

‘She has blue blood!’

‘Stop repeating she has blue blood! I know she has blue blood!’

‘You were right. I am a dimwit, and it would have been better an old hungry had.’

‘I never said that!’

‘You never said that!’

‘Would you stop! What should we do now?’