Chapter 3: Two

Once upon a time, a King was reigning in these lands. For a while, he was a good and respected King. Unfortunately, obstacles and foes grow from the shadows. The good King found himself surrounded by enemies from left to the right, from above and behind.

Those enemies grew in troops and legions around the land, ready to invade and take the crown by force and blood. The good King had no way to save his people from war at his doors.

His allies, who were not many, researched day and night for an answer, a power that could win them all and bring peace once more. And they found it. Without thinking twice or remorse, they found the key amongst their own people. The creature of elves, fey, fairies, meres and others. Some of those were born with the mark of pure magic: The Blue Blood Ones.

So those mortals, with no shame or respect, stained the soul of magic trou alchemy and tricks. So they could summon the most powerful creature anyone has known with chains and shackles. They turned a creature of pure magic into a slave, a Battlemage infused with the power of each element, spell, and force unimaginable to any of us.

The Battlemage would be forever chained to the King’s will and was able to conquer any war, battle, or voice against the King. On its own with no need of an army, weapons or artillery.

The Battlemage was prohibited of sight, speech and willpower, a puppet in the hands of their master. A slave, used only for killing or, worst, with no strength to defend itself.

The King became so obsessed with power and blood he began to be greedy. More land! More treasures! A kind of narcissist hunger that would fuel and attract the dark influences into the heart of mortals. The Battlemage became the ultimate weapon, used only to cause destruction!

There was no choice left to the other creature but to gather and find an opponent to the Battlemage. They created The Chainbreaker as a warrior with equal power, a creature with freedom, and no chains or malicious bound. The Chainbreaker was made to stop the King’s bloodthirst forever and save the Battlemage from him.


‘Maddie! Shouldn’t you read her a much happier story?’

Maddie turned her head to her sister, gliding against the door frame.

‘She seems to like it; at least she is finally drinking the milk you brought.’

‘Did the honey do the trick?’; Maddy nods.

Maggie sat next to her sister, bending her head and watching the infant sucking the goat milk mixed with some herbs and honey from a leather bottle. The baby refused to swallow any milk untampered, and both fairies tried several recipes and finally seemed to get one right for the child’s taste.

‘Yes, she stopped crying at last. I wanted to tell her the story of the Blue Blood Ones, and I think we should prepare her for the worst. We must protect her as in the story, and she’ll need to learn how to defend herself. Or at least how to run.’

‘It is an old story, Maddie. No mortal would ever remember it.’

‘What if they do?’

‘What if they don’t?’

‘What if they do?’

You are reading story The Chainbreaker at

‘She is only one Summer old, and I don’t think any mortal cares about a baby.’

‘She is not just a baby. She is special.’

‘She is not that special. She is just a baby who happens to…’ Maggie couldn’t finish her sentence and finalise by sighing deeply: ‘Which part of the story did I interrupt?’

‘I was about to explain the Chainbreaker.’

Maggie nodded, took the baby from Maddie’s arms to hers, and started to tell the story of the Chainbreaker.


The Chainbreaker could not just be anyone; it had to be the One. A true Heartmate. The One who would use words of love to unravel any string, any knot, by breaking the chains linked to the King.

Unfortunately, no one remains who remembers the end of the Battlemage’s story. Some say that the Chainbreaker was able to free the Battlemage, and they lived happily ever after, who knows where.

Others believe the Chainbreaker came too late, and no sound could reach the Battlemage’s ear and heart. It was made of stone with all the darkness of the once good King.

Hence the Chainbreaker had the choice to kill the King, which would also be the death sentence for the Battlemage, who would fall lifeless or carve the heart of the One they loved the most with their sword. Anyway, one of them died, and the other followed. The Chainbreaker, after winning the bittersweet battle, disappeared to never be found again.

Once peace came back to the land again, the creature gathered in secret and helped all Blue Blood Ones to hide in a land that none could see or find. They swore an oath that none would speak, seek or know about any Blue Blood Ones as if they never existed. What happens if one asks? They would deny it with their lives.

So when a creature comes to age, they are taught the following words:

Red, green and stone,

no other colour runs the bone.

Stick, leaf, pitch my speech

And my eye deny with my life!


What the faeries didn’t notice, a tiny firefly rested on the baby’s ear and, with none able to hear it, whispered: ‘That one day the Blue Blood One shall come.’