For now, all of us had split up in our own way. It could be said that we were having a race towards the dojo.
Hilda was right behind me while Lil Zoro was sitting on my head. I was a bit surprised that she could keep up with me but not much. If I want I can go faster with the help of [Super Control].
If I use[Super Control] while using my [Blood Manipulation] and manipulating my body. My speed could probably reach heights never seen before.
Maybe even faster than light... I can try it out to be honest.
The previous me before transmigrating hadn't tried out any ideas nor was be creative. He was like a shell of what a human being should be. Maybe he was made like that on purpose for me to inhabit him.
It could be said that he was simply a doll made to host my soul.
Oink is amazing. To be able to have such perfection. This just makes me admire him more. I have never ever seen a person more amazing than him. A peerless existence.
I slowed down a bit and approached Hilda, surprising her by suddenly taking her into my arms.
She blushed and shouted at the sudden touch. Tilting her head she glared at me. I didn't change my stoic expression as if everything I did was normal.
"Hehe, aabju jaabu da huhuhu." Baby beel on my head giggled. Hilda seeing the joyful expression on her master's face sighed and reflected on the words I told her.
I heard her mumble something but didn't pay mind. She was probably finally accepting her 'wife' role. Although I did notice that her gaze on my face seemed heavy and was starting to get longer.
Tilting my head I raised my eyebrows. She instantly blushed, caught red-handed, and stuck out her tongue cutely.
I smiled a bit as I increased my speed. It was cute that even after catching her she peeked on my face secretly with a flushed visage.
[Hilda POV]
'My child needs a happy family so it would be nice if you acted as my wife and his real mother.'
This pissed me off. I am the caretaker of the great demon prince of hell and even then I am getting pressed so hard by this man.
I have never seen a man more shameless than him. Even in the underworld where there are all kinds of shameless people, there is no one like this guy.
If not just that, he doesn't even seem human. He gives off a different vibe altogether. An extremely dangerous vibe.
The original reason why I didn't want him to adopt young master was because of that exact same vibe.
If not for young master's crying and that wimp of an Oga then I wouldn't even have to bear with him.
Grr... just thinking of Oga annoys me. Although I never liked him I didn't expect him to dislike young master to such an extent to hesitate.
Right at that moment, a cry of laughter broke me out of my monologue.
"Hehe, aabju jaabu da huhuhu."
My expression crumbled as I saw my innocent young master pulling the hair of Miki while sitting on his head and laughing with joy.
A sigh involuntarily escaped my mouth. At least the young master is enjoying. Then I tilted to look at Miki who had an extremely 'kind' smile on his face.
Well... at least this father is better than Oga. Maybe the young master will be better in his care.
Tilting my head I looked at the young man carrying me. His arms were indeed quite strong. I could feel his muscles through the clothes.
They were extremely hard and compact while being super smooth at the same time. His face was delicate yet dangerously perfect.
His stormy grey eyes shined in the dark with a hint of purple within like a noble being and his ombre hair fluttered in the warm breeze.
My heart started to pulsate faster.
You are reading story Protagonists are my Stepping Stones at
*Lub...dub...lub...dub... lub...dub....*
I didn't notice it before but.... this man is extremely handsome.... probably the most handsome man I have ever seen yet.
I could feel my ears heat up and my throat choking over my saliva. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.
He tilted to look at me with slight surprise. My heart stopped! It literally stopped! I had been caught red-handed.
Involuntarily I felt my body tingle and stuck out my tongue.
He smiled, it was arched up in a crescent manner and hung until the end of his mouth. I felt warm in my heart at the moment.
His smile was beautiful, giving a sense of companionship and comfort.
I covered my face with my hands. I felt shame. I stuck out my tongue like a child!!! Aaaaaarghhhh!!! At least I should have done something better! Who the hell does that!
From the gap of my fingers, I continued to peek at his face like a star-struck child.
I am not sure if I made a good choice or not by accepting him as the young master's father but what I know is that... I don't really hate this feeling.
Just maybe... "Maybe... I will accept my position of wife."
At that time... I didn't know that Miki had heard my mumbling. All I saw was a slight smile on his visage while increasing his speed.
I am quite shocked at how fast he is.. probably faster than most high-leveled demons back in the underworld.
Then I heard him speak.
"Let's go. To infinity and.."
We were already halfway towards the dojo when I noticed that Lil Zoro was shivering a bit and then I realized.
I am so stupid.
Baby Beelzebub is just a kid. His body will not be able to handle too high of a speed. Tilting my head I looked at Hilda who was in the same situation but better than Lil Zoro.
I think I should lower my speed a bit.
Decreasing my speed, I started to look at the surrounding scenery. The night air was fresh and cool.
It gave me chill vibes. The sky was covered with a million stars just like how it is in Japanese anime night skies.
Now to see the ground... tilting my head I looked down and immediately stopped in my tracks.
Hilda and Lil Zoro both frowned but I didn't pay then mind because I had come across something extremely interesting.
In front of me... below... there were four figures.
An orange-haired guy who looked ugly as f*ck. A delicate-looking girl beside him with a school bag behind her back, no ass..very all... not my type.
Against them were two figures. A long red-haired guy whose eyes were like a snake and a long black-haired guy who gave out the aura of a tsundere.
I recognized them. How could I not?...
Oh my f*cking Oink. You son of a gun. I literally prostrate before you.
One of the mainstream animes, a hit show which displayed one of the most bad-ass villains of all times...the creator of Keikaku.
The famous anime with many hot waifus waiting for me.