Chapter 38: A Father, a Mother and their son.

"The moon is so pretty isn't it?" A murmur slipped through my walk.

Tilting my head, I glanced at the beautiful woman dressed in black, golden yellow flowing hair and a charming set of eyes.

A bountiful amount of boob with a blob of green in the middle. My eyebrows twitched as I eyed Lil Zoro.



Lil Zoro smirked smugly, not ashamed to be third-wheeling my makeup date with Hilda. I couldn't help but smile warmly at the future stripper.

What a beautiful child, what a lovely face. A face so charming and ugly deserves to be punched.

My eyes then briefly glanced at Hilda who had the most stone-cold face I had ever seen in my life. Even in my previous life, no woman I had been with had such a monotone face.

I wonder if it is irreplaceable to go back to what we were before. Haha. The world is shining upon me, instead of a therapist maybe I should become a joker instead.

Sometimes I wonder what the great Lord Oink would do in my place. He surely wouldn't be as pathetic as me.

Giving me a chance like this... to transmigrate into a fantasy world... despite the world toppling danger world he has pushed me into...

I really should be grateful and maybe stop fucking around a bit...

Like I said. I would make a good joker.

"Hilda, I am sorry." I didn't look at her as I spoke. Hilda's eyes widened a bit before returning back to normal, her expression as monotone as before.

Baby Beel perked up to look at his father whose back was wide, his hands slightly touching his leg again and again as a sign of anxiety.

Instantly he felt a little warm in his heart. Next, he looked upwards to look at his mother's visage that was as cold as a frozen blueberry pie.

He stared at it and stared at it until the wind brushed his hair and then squealed in happiness.


There was a small crack, a small curl on her face. 

"Apology accepted."



Hmm? As I entered the district. I couldn't help but see that there was a lot of crowd. People rushed in and out, it was the buzz of a marketplace.

A wharf of savory food drifted in the atmosphere making me breathe it greedily. Beside me, Lil Zoro had already started to show me his puppy eyes.

A sigh escaped my mouth, my hands reached for my pocket as I pulled my wallet out. Opening it slightly, my face became slightly grim.

It dawned upon me. I had been kicked out... even from family finances at least for now.

I really shouldn't have destroyed an entire mountain.

You are reading story Protagonists are my Stepping Stones at

But! Hey! I did not expect to get grounded for destroying one. 

I mean... which grandparent grounds his grandson for blowing away a mountain... it is unheard of.

Shaking my head slightly, I inhaled a mouthful of air and exhaled. Turning to look at Hilda who was as emotionless as ever, I spoke.

"Let's go in... you hungry honey?" I know! I know! I cringed myself but some things are necessary when one has to cool an angry woman.

*Hmph.* I think I heard a snort. Hilda glanced at Lil Zoro before speaking.

"Yes. It seems that the yung- young master is hungry."


A low rumbling voice could be heard. Hilda instantly blushed. I smiled. Finally a proper crack in her face.

Cumming close to her, I bowed slightly as I spoke.

"Shall we leave, your highness?"

I don't know what her facial expression was but what I spoke was indeed quite correct since Lil Zoro was a prince and we were his parents albeit not biological... but that can be changed once I use [Blood Adoption] on him, a subskill of my [Blood Manipulation].

For now, I like being a stepdaddy. 

She lightly touched my hand, before looking away. No words, it seemed more like as if she ignored me as she walked past with Baby Beel.

Looking at her back, I walked towards her and clasped her hand tightly, surprising the maid.

Little Zoro wriggled out of Hilda's arms and jumped onto my head as we wandered the marketplace with people staring at us.

Lil Zoro once again shoved his butt in my eyes as he looked at the people staring at him. He snorted as he glared at them with his signature devil look.

"Abuuuu jabbbuu poo poo (Dead Men Tell No Tales)."

Some looked at us with jealousy and some with melted hearts.


As we walked the marketplace window shopping stuff. I was impressed. Japan really is beautiful with all of its festivals especially the shojou side of Japan.


I whiffed the air. Although I am not a dog like Jabami. Even, the great me can smell good food.

My eyes looked at the huge line of people in front of me and the two restaurants on either side of me.

A wide smile broke onto my face. Unlike my warm one, this was a lot more straightforward. Hilda instantly got a chill on her back as she looked at me while Lil Zoro... the stripper just had stars in his eyes.

I looked at my two companions as I spoke. My eyes closed and my smile was back to normal.

"Let us eat some Mapo."