Chapter 16: 16. You have no right to rule over that which you despise

The more blood Damien extracted, the harder it felt to suppress his Vampiric instincts, his soul called out to him.

“You dare to share a bed with livestock?”

“She tried to kill you? A mere, foolish spy tried to sever your neck! Aren't you angry?” 

“You teach magic to someone you don't plan to control? She offered her body, which includes her mind!”


Damien felt the elven woman's body shudder before going limp in his embrace. Not wanting to kill the woman, he extracted his fangs and tried to lie down and sleep, but the voices got louder and louder instead. His body was angry that he didn’t punish someone who had the audacity to aim for his life.

Damien listened to the voices and slowly began to agree, he had been too soft.


Fay was standing in the corner of the room, ready to take Imyrll to a bed in the servant quarters because she knew Damien hated to share his bed with anyone. But to her surprise, he laid down for a moment and closed his eyes. 


Fay couldn't believe it and walked over, right as she was about to ask Damien if she should move the woman his eyes snapped back open.


His gaze was fierce and filled with killing intent. Fay was terrified, but quickly realized the intent wasn't directed at her… but instead the elven woman.


His eyes became more and more devoid of emotion, as if something was taking him over. This wasn't the Damien that Fay had become used to, no…


It was the monster within.


Damien got out of bed and stood up, his usual imposing height felt even more impactful as his naked form towered over the bed, shrouded in the moonlight. He turned around to face the bed and his claws extended to become daggers.


He grabbed the barely breathing elf's head, leaving deep cuts along her face which contorted in pain, but she didn’t wake up.


Damien then muttered under his breath, “I am no longer that weak kid in the hospital bed, no, I have become something more, something greater. I have a purpose now.”


His eyes flared a dangerous red, and he threw the woman against the far wall with surprising strength. She woke up screaming in pain.


Damien ignored her and just walked around the bed with slow steps, his imposing form dwarfed the woman on the floor.


“A little worthless bitch tried to kill me? Who gave you the courage? Do you think you could assassinate me and not receive punishment?”


Damien extended his arm and easily lifted the woman's small naked body from the floor by her neck. 


“Fay, hand me the silver dagger” 


Fay had been asked to remove Imyrll’s clothes from the bathroom earlier, she had found it weird that she had found a small silver dagger hidden in her boots, but now some of the dots are connecting. This bitch tried to kill her master? 


Fay went and grabbed the dagger and handed it over to Damien.


Damien held the dagger up to the breathless woman and put the blade against her neck. Just before he could plunge the dagger into her neck, Damien's [Control Freak] trait whispered into his ear.


“Why kill such a useful pawn?”


Imyrll spat in Damien's face and said with a shallow voice


“Kill me you monster” 


Damien put the dagger in his own mouth and with a single bite, shattered the silver dagger and then spat the pieces back into her face.


“Death would be too easy for you, serve me instead,” Damien said without emotion. 


“I would never… serve… such a bastard”


“It was an order, not a request. I am done playing nice with you.”


Damien held the woman's head and sunk his fangs in once again, this time forcing his blood magic into the woman's system. Her eyes became slightly hazy, but then returned to normal.


“Haha haha, you are pretty weak for a vampire!”


Damien looked at the woman with contempt and tried to figure out how to overcome her mental defenses, then memories began to flood his mind.




A long stone table with dismembered body parts from various races covered every inch of it. Around the table stood men and women with either white or black hair, they all had blood-red eyes that seemed to gleam in the darkness. Blood flowed off the table and dripped onto the floor.


Damien found himself standing at the end of the table and two stood next to him. Damien recognized the boy as Karpov his elder brother, and the girl to be Vanity his younger sister.


Karpov turned to Damien with a sneer on his face, “Damien, isn't this great? A feast for your birthday!” Karpov then grabbed a leg that looks to be from a female human and bit deeply into the tender meat. 


“You know I hate these dirty things, Karpov” Damien answered with disdain. “Did you even wash these bodies before cutting them up?”


Karpov just grinned in response, “Of course not, got these fresh from a local mine! Should still be covered in delectable sweat and grime!”


Damien almost gagged and turned to leave. 


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Karpov grabbed Damien's shoulder and said in a low voice “Brother you always were a weakling, how can a vampire be scared of a little blood?”


Damien turned and said in a cold tone “I don’t fear blood, I'm just not a savage like the rest of you. I have standards I wish to maintain.”


Karpov had a dangerous glint in his eye, “I'd be careful what you say, Damien, insulting the vampire race's way of life is a quick way to the grave.” 


Damien just scoffed in reply “This is no way to live, look around” Damien pointed to a vampire in the corner fucking a dead corpse of a beastman. Then in another corner was a cage containing some half-alive slaves that were being throat fucked. 


“I refuse to raise my blood magic if this is what I will become,” Damien said with resolution.


Karpov sneered, “Then you have no right to rule over that which you despise.” Damien nodded in agreement, “I shall take my leave then.”




Damien looked back at the woman who had called him a weak vampire. He grinned.


‘The previous Damien refused to raise his Blood Magic because he was afraid it would turn him into a lust-filled beast. But considering my human soul has merged with this body, I should be able to control myself to a degree.’


“Don’t compare me to those creatures that hideaway in caves and fulfill their useless desires from night till dawn.”


“I have a purpose


Damien reached inside himself and slowly undid the self-imposed bindings on his blood magic.


Power surged through his body and he screamed. A blood-curling scream. Imyrll tried to drag her bloodied body across the floor and escape, but quickly found Fay's foot on her head.


Damien took a few minutes before he regained his composure. He grabbed the woman's face and forced open her mouth. He then cut his finger with his other hand's claw and a single crimson drop of blood dripped into Imyrlls open mouth before his wound quickly sealed itself up.


Her body became red hot as she screamed. Her eyes constantly shifting between blood red and her normal green color.

Damien flooded her mind with his Telepathy, "OBEY"

Eventually, the blood-red won, and she slumped over before rising to her feet.


Her wounds were healing at a visible rate, but she seemed uninterested. Her gaze seemed hazy, as if she wasn’t focused on anything. 


“What are my Lord's commands?”


Before Damien could answer, a voice sounded in his head.


“Blood contract made between Noble Vampire Damien Nightshade and Elf Imyrll Rosethorn. 

Blood slaves affinities (Spatial) have been unlocked. ”


Damien floated over his pocket watch and looked at his status:


[Damien Nightshade]

[Noble Vampire]


Psychokinesis [C+] 

Automatic Writing [F]

Telepathy [E]

Pyrokinesis [E]


Blood Magic [F] → [D]

Blood Contract [F] (New)


Spatial Magic [F] (New, gained from Blood Contract)


Mana Control [D]


Blood Contracts: (New)

Imyrll Rosethorn:

Spatial Magic [C+]

Dagger Arts [E]

Mana Control [D]



[Germaphobe] Unable to learn melee skills / 100% Increased control over ranged spells

[Control Freak] Increased affinity to control skills by 10%

[Lazy] Increased mana regeneration while resting by 20% / Increased exp to learn new spells by 10%

[Concentration] Increased affinity with mental spells by 5%

[Noble Aura] Intimidation increased

Damien grinned. “A good Villain needs loyal subordinates, after all.”