After what seemed to be minutes of silence. I finally had something I wanted to say to Dark Magician Girl, glaring at me with distrust. “You’re technically right, he is possessing me, but not any different from the other spirits possessing me.” Just as I said that plenty of my spirits floated around me, ready to protect Alexis, Blair, and I from anything Dark Magician Girl might do. Dark Magician Girl stammered while watching all the spirits I had contracted ready to help me. “That's… You can’t… If Zorc is attached, you should…” She seemed truly confused until Zorc finally made himself known.
“Well if it isn’t the prodigal teacher’s pet… Finally going your own way?” He said in a mocking tone while appearing beside Dark Magician Girl. She jumped back in shock, keeping her wand trained on Zorc. He held his blackened arms up in surrender. “Please, I only jest.” He said with a chuckle before Dark Magician Girl interrupted. “What are you planning!?” Zorc stopped, and I could feel something strange coming from him. Regret, and guilt.
“Nothing that you would ever understand little girl.” He spoke darkly while the green flames that surrounded his skull burned brighter. “Now we both know that so long as I’m not controlling this boy, you have nothing to threaten me with.” Dark Magician Girl scowled then turned to look at me. “You really thought it was a good idea to take him! Look at him! He is the root of all that is evil!” Just as I was about to say something, Zorc yelled in his commanding tone. “And whose fault was that!!? You preach your own justice, yet letting those that bow before your God throw their impulses to me and my people!! Instead of removing the Evil at its source you just let it build up into something you can hate!!”
All was silent, besides the fluttering of birds being driven away from Zorc’s anger. “You think I was born evil, while your Goddess was born righteous. Well there must be opposites in all things. Where there is light, darkness had to be made. However you deemed dark to be all that is vile and wicked. Don’t you dare preach to me, little girl, you have no idea of what trials my people had to live through because of your so-called Righteousness…”
I stood stunned, as did everyone else while Zorc retreated back inside me. I thought about what Zorc said, wondering what parts of his history I truly didn’t know. ‘There are always two sides to any story. What was Zorc’s?’ As I was pondering, Dark Magician Girl yelled to me, speaking to Zorc inside. “You know I can’t leave you to your own devices! I still can’t trust you!” As she yelled her gaze floated to Blair beside me, still clinging to me since this all began. Dark Magician Girl’s expression became much gentler while seeing through Blair’s feelings in an instant.
The other spirits left, except the girls that all still floated around me, each grabbing onto me, they all had smiles as they watched the scene for some reason. “You like this boy do you?” Dark Magician Girl said gently to Blair, causing her face to redden further, tightening her grip on me while placing her hat over her face. Dark Magician Girl smiled while slowly nodding at Blair. “Ok… I want to join you. If Zorc does control him, I will fight right alongside you to change him back. I will protect you and your love.” Blair blankly stared at Dark Magician Girl, before nodding with her eyes wide. Dark Magician Girl then placed her hand on Blair’s, before forming herself into a card.
Dark Magician Girl/Spellcaster/Effect/Level 6/ Atk:2000 Def:1700
You are reading story Lucky Once in Yugioh GX at
Both Alexis and I stared silently as Blair stood shocked, gawking at her new companion. “What… Just happened?” I asked nobody in particular while massaging my temples, trying to stop a migraine from forming. “Just add this on the pile of shit I gotta worry about now…” I groaned while staring at my Zorc card. I sighed and placed him back in my deck, causing Alexis and Blair to scowl at me. “He’ll be ok.” Dark Witch said in a sultry voice, giggling while wrapping her floating body around my head, blocking my hearing.
I heard her mumbling something from her chest that was pressed against my neck, but couldn’t make out the words. Once she was done, she let go, allowing the rest of the girl spirits to gather around. Dreamsprite was piggy back riding on my shoulders, that little minx trying to get a reaction from me. She wrapped her blue clothless legs around my neck, making sure to have maximum contact with our bodies while she was riding me.
Goddess of Whim attached herself to my arm, hovering beside me while pushing my arm in between her chest. Unhappy Maiden held onto my hand along with Spirit of Breeze holding my other hand. I gulped from my shackles of reason loosening, only to be saved from Alexis’ punch directed at my chest. She knocked the wind from me, causing my focus to be brought to the surprising amount of pain she caused. I looked at Alexis, seeing her scarlet face. She steamed while scowling at me, biting her bottom lip in anger.
She huffed before silently walking away. I glanced at Blair’s embarrassed face as well. “What did you say?” I asked Dark Witch, my scowl deepening. She giggled before tapping my nose teasilly. “Girl Talk~.” She lightheartedly said before holding my other unattended arm. I looked down at Blair, silently asking for answers, but her steaming face hidden under her hat refused to meet my gaze.
I sighed and decided to let it go. I didn’t say it so I didn’t feel guilty over it. Looking at Blair, I decided to change the conversation to help calm her down from whatever Dark Witch said. “Congrats on making your first Duel Spirit friend.” Blair looked up at me, before turning her gaze back to Dark Magician Girl winking at her through the card. “She doesn’t work too well with my deck though…” She mumbled wondering how she would fit Dark Magician Girl and her support cards into her Maiden in Love Deck.
“Then get rid of your other deck.” Rakki said without batting an eye, causing Blair to look back at his frowning expression. She saw how Dreamsprite giggled while he avoided her gaze as she floated around him. “That deck doesn’t have any spirits, and you don’t need it anymore anyway…” By the time he stopped talking, it was barely a mumble. Blair thought about her deck, and how hard she worked on it. Her thoughts then went to the reason why she made it in the first place. She wanted to showcase her love to Zane. However, since then, her affections moved to the scowling man in front of her. She already showcased it the best she could with the help of the girls surrounding him, and she knew that he understood her feelings well. Saying that she didn’t need that deck, added in her mind that he had accepted her feelings for him.
Before I knew it, Blair had jumped into my stomach, hugging me tightly while rubbing her head against my sternum. I let out a cough from her gesture, but couldn’t make any attempt to stop her with my arms full. I just let her continue while the rest of the spirits all embraced me. We all stood in silence for a bit, before Blair looked up with an endearing smile. “What kind of cards did you have in mind for our deck we’ll build together!” I frowned and sighed from the way she worded it. “Let’s just get back to our room first.” I said, Blair giggling while her and the rest of the spirits helped pull me along at a faster pace.