Chapter 38

A Rapid Passage.--Prudent Resolves.--Caravans in Sight.--Incessant Rains.-- Goa.--The Niger.--Golberry, Geoffroy, and Gray.--Mungo Park.--Laing.-- Rene Caillie.--Clapperton.--John and Richard Lander.

The 17th of May passed tranquilly, without any remarkable incident; the desert gained upon them once more; a moderate wind bore the Victoria toward the southwest, and she never swerved to the right or to the left, but her shadow traced a perfectly straight line on the sand.

Before starting, the doctor had prudently renewed his stock of water, having feared that he should not be able to touch ground in these regions, infested as they are by the Aouelim-Minian Touaregs. The plateau, at an elevation of eighteen hundred feet above the level of the sea, sloped down toward the south. Our travellers, having crossed the Aghades route at Murzouk--a route often pressed by the feet of camels--arrived that evening, in the sixteenth degree of north latitude, and four degrees fifty-five minutes east longitude, after having passed over one hundred and eighty miles of a long and monotonous day's journey.

During the day Joe dressed the last pieces of game, which had been only hastily prepared, and he served up for supper a mess of snipe, that were greatly relished. The wind continuing good, the doctor resolved to keep on during the night, the moon, still nearly at the full, illumining it with her radiance. The Victoria ascended to a height of five hundred feet, and, during her nocturnal trip of about sixty miles, the gentle slumbers of an infant would not have been disturbed by her motion.

On Sunday morning, the direction of the wind again changed, and it bore to the northwestward. A few crows were seen sweeping through the air, and, off on the horizon, a flock of vultures which, fortunately, however, kept at a distance.

The sight of these birds led Joe to compliment his master on the idea of having two balloons.

"Where would we be," said he, "with only one balloon? The second balloon is like the life-boat to a ship; in case of wreck we could always take to it and escape."

"You are right, friend Joe," said the doctor, "only that my life-boat gives me some uneasiness. It is not so good as the main craft."

"What do you mean by that, doctor?" asked Kennedy.

"I mean to say that the new Victoria is not so good as the old one. Whether it be that the stuff it is made of is too much worn, or that the heat of the spiral has melted the gutta-percha, I can observe a certain loss of gas. It don't amount to much thus far, but still it is noticeable. We have a tendency to sink, and, in order to keep our elevation, I am compelled to give greater dilation to the hydrogen."

"The deuce!" exclaimed Kennedy with concern; "I see no remedy for that."

"There is none, Dick, and that is why we must hasten our progress, and even avoid night halts."

"Are we still far from the coast?" asked Joe.

"Which coast, my boy? How are we to know whither chance will carry us? All that I can say is, that Timbuctoo is still about four hundred miles to the westward.

"And how long will it take us to get there?"

"Should the wind not carry us too far out of the way, I hope to reach that city by Tuesday evening."

"Then," remarked Joe, pointing to a long file of animals and men winding across the open desert, "we shall arrive there sooner than that caravan."

Ferguson and Kennedy leaned over and saw an immense cavalcade. There were at least one hundred and fifty camels of the kind that, for twelve mutkals of gold, or about twenty-five dollars, go from Timbuctoo to Tafilet with a load of five hundred pounds upon their backs. Each animal had dangling to its tail a bag to receive its excrement, the only fuel on which the caravans can depend when crossing the desert.

These Touareg camels are of the very best race. They can go from three to seven days without drinking, and for two without eating. Their speed surpasses that of the horse, and they obey with intelligence the voice of the khabir, or guide of the caravan. They are known in the country under the name of mehari.

Such were the details given by the doctor while his companions continued to gaze upon that multitude of men, women, and children, advancing on foot and with difficulty over a waste of sand half in motion, and scarcely kept in its place by scanty nettles, withered grass, and stunted bushes that grew upon it. The wind obliterated the marks of their feet almost instantly.

Joe inquired how the Arabs managed to guide themselves across the desert, and come to the few wells scattered far between throughout this vast solitude.

"The Arabs," replied Dr. Ferguson, "are endowed by nature with a wonderful instinct in finding their way. Where a European would be at a loss, they never hesitate for a moment. An insignificant fragment of rock, a pebble, a tuft of grass, a different shade of color in the sand, suffice to guide them with accuracy. During the night they go by the polar star. They never travel more than two miles per hour, and always rest during the noonday heat. You may judge from that how long it takes them to cross Sahara, a desert more than nine hundred miles in breadth."

But the Victoria had already disappeared from the astonished gaze of the Arabs, who must have envied her rapidity. That evening she passed two degrees twenty minutes east longitude, and during the night left another degree behind her.

On Monday the weather changed completely. Rain began to fall with extreme violence, and not only had the balloon to resist the power of this deluge, but also the increase of weight which it caused by wetting the whole machine, car and all. This continuous shower accounted for the swamps and marshes that formed the sole surface of the country. Vegetation reappeared, however, along with the mimosas, the baobabs, and the tamarind-trees.

Such was the Sonray country, with its villages topped with roofs turned over like Armenian caps. There were few mountains, and only such hills as were enough to form the ravines and pools where the pintadoes and snipes went sailing and diving through. Here and there, an impetuous torrent cut the roads, and had to be crossed by the natives on long vines stretched from tree to tree. The forests gave place to jungles, which alligators, hippopotami, and the rhinoceros, made their haunts.

"It will not be long before we see the Niger," said the doctor. "The face of the country always changes in the vicinity of large rivers. These moving highways, as they are sometimes correctly called, have first brought vegetation with them, as they will at last bring civilization. Thus, in its course of twenty-five hundred miles, the Niger has scattered along its banks the most important cities of Africa."

"By-the-way," put in Joe, "that reminds me of what was said by an admirer of the goodness of Providence, who praised the foresight with which it had generally caused rivers to flow close to large cities!"

At noon the Victoria was passing over a petty town, a mere assemblage of miserable huts, which once was Goa, a great capital.

"It was there," said the doctor, "that Barth crossed the Niger, on his return from Timbuctoo. This is the river so famous in antiquity, the rival of the Nile, to which pagan superstition ascribed a celestial origin. Like the Nile, it has engaged the attention of geographers in all ages; and like it, also, its exploration has cost the lives of many victims; yes, even more of them than perished on account of the other."

The Niger flowed broadly between its banks, and its waters rolled southward with some violence of current; but our travellers, borne swiftly by as they were, could scarcely catch a glimpse of its curious outline.

"I wanted to talk to you about this river," said Dr. Ferguson, "and it is already far from us. Under the names of Dhiouleba, Mayo, Egghirreou, Quorra, and other titles besides, it traverses an immense extent of country, and almost competes in length with the Nile. These appellations signify simply 'the River,' according to the dialects of the countries through which it passes."

"Did Dr. Barth follow this route?" asked Kennedy.

"No, Dick: in quitting Lake Tchad, he passed through the different towns of Bornou, and intersected the Niger at Say, four degrees below Goa; then he penetrated to the bosom of those unexplored countries which the Niger embraces in its elbow; and, after eight months of fresh fatigues, he arrived at Timbuctoo; all of which we may do in about three days with as swift a wind as this."

"Have the sources of the Niger been discovered?" asked Joe.

"Long since," replied the doctor. "The exploration of the Niger and its tributaries was the object of several expeditions, the principal of which I shall mention: Between 1749 and 1758, Adamson made a reconnoissance of the river, and visited Gorea; from 1785 to 1788, Golberry and Geoffroy travelled across the deserts of Senegambia, and ascended as far as the country of the Moors, who assassinated Saugnier, Brisson, Adam, Riley, Cochelet, and so many other unfortunate men. Then came the illustrious Mungo Park, the friend of Sir Walter Scott, and, like him, a Scotchman by birth. Sent out in 1795 by the African Society of London, he got as far as Bambarra, saw the Niger, travelled five hundred miles with a slave-merchant, reconnoitred the Gambia River, and returned to England in 1797. He again set out, on the 30th of January, 1805, with his brother-in-law Anderson, Scott, the designer, and a gang of workmen; he reached Gorea, there added a detachment of thirty-five soldiers to his party, and saw the Niger again on the 19th of August. But, by that time, in consequence of fatigue, privations, ill-usage, the inclemencies of the weather, and the unhealthiness of the country, only eleven persons remained alive of the forty Europeans in the party. On the 16th of November, the last letters from Mungo Park reached his wife; and, a year later a trader from that country gave information that, having got as far as Boussa, on the Niger, on the 23d of December, the unfortunate traveller's boat was upset by the cataracts in that part of the river, and he was murdered by the natives."

"And his dreadful fate did not check the efforts of others to explore that river?"

"On the contrary, Dick. Since then, there were two objects in view: namely, to recover the lost man's papers, as well as to pursue the exploration. In 1816, an expedition was organized, in which Major Grey took part. It arrived in Senegal, penetrated to the Fonta-Jallon, visited the Foullah and Mandingo populations, and returned to England without further results. In 1822, Major Laing explored all the western part of Africa near to the British possessions; and he it was who got so far as the sources of the Niger; and, according to his documents, the spring in which that immense river takes its rise is not two feet broad.

"Easy to jump over," said Joe.

"How's that? Easy you think, eh?" retorted the doctor. "If we are to believe tradition, whoever attempts to pass that spring, by leaping over it, is immediately swallowed up; and whoever tries to draw water from it, feels himself repulsed by an invisible hand."

"I suppose a man has a right not to believe a word of that!" persisted Joe.

"Oh, by all means!--Five years later, it was Major Laing's destiny to force his way across the desert of Sahara, penetrate to Timbuctoo, and perish a few miles above it, by strangling, at the hands of the Ouelad-shiman, who wanted to compel him to turn Mussulman."

"Still another victim!" said the sportsman.

"It was then that a brave young man, with his own feeble resources, undertook and accomplished the most astonishing of modern journeys--I mean the Frenchman Rene Caillie, who, after sundry attempts in 1819 and 1824, set out again on the 19th of April, 1827, from Rio Nunez. On the 3d of August he arrived at Time, so thoroughly exhausted and ill that he could not resume his journey until six months later, in January, 1828. He then joined a caravan, and, protected by his Oriental dress, reached the Niger on the 10th of March, penetrated to the city of Jenne, embarked on the river, and descended it, as far as Timbuctoo, where he arrived on the 30th of April. In 1760, another Frenchman, Imbert by name, and, in 1810, an Englishman, Robert Adams, had seen this curious place; but Rene Caillie was to be the first European who could bring back any authentic data concerning it. On the 4th of May he quitted this 'Queen of the desert;' on the 9th, he surveyed the very spot where Major Laing had been murdered; on the 19th, he arrived at El-Arouan, and left that commercial town to brave a thousand dangers in crossing the vast solitudes comprised between the Soudan and the northern regions of Africa. At length he entered Tangiers, and on the 28th of September sailed for Toulon. In nineteen months, notwithstanding one hundred and eighty days' sickness, he had traversed Africa from west to north. Ah! had Callie been born in England, he would have been honored as the most intrepid traveller of modern times, as was the case with Mungo Park. But in France he was not appreciated according to his worth."

"He was a sturdy fellow!" said Kennedy, "but what became of him?"

"He died at the age of thirty-nine, from the consequences of his long fatigues. They thought they had done enough in decreeing him the prize of the Geographical Society in 1828; the highest honors would have been paid to him in England.

"While he was accomplishing this remarkable journey, an Englishman had conceived a similar enterprise and was trying to push it through with equal courage, if not with equal good fortune. This was Captain Clapperton, the companion of Denham. In 1829 he reentered Africa by the western coast of the Gulf of Benin; he then followed in the track of Mungo Park and of Laing, recovered at Boussa the documents relative to the death of the former, and arrived on the 20th of August at Sackatoo, where he was seized and held as a prisoner, until he expired in the arms of his faithful attendant Richard Lander."

"And what became of this Lander?" asked Joe, deeply interested.

"He succeeded in regaining the coast and returned to London, bringing with him the captain's papers, and an exact narrative of his own journey. He then offered his services to the government to complete the reconnoissance of the Niger. He took with him his brother John, the second child of a poor couple in Cornwall, and, together, these men, between 1829 and 1831, redescended the river from Boussa to its mouth, describing it village by village, mile by mile."

"So both the brothers escaped the common fate?" queried Kennedy.

"Yes, on this expedition, at least; but in 1833 Richard undertook a third trip to the Niger, and perished by a bullet, near the mouth of the river. You see, then, my friends, that the country over which we are now passing has witnessed some noble instances of self-sacrifice which, unfortunately, have only too often had death for their reward."




5月17日的白天过得很平静, 没有任何意外发生。沙漠又开始出现了。一股不大不小的风把“维多利亚号”往西南方送去。它不偏不倚地一直往前飞着,影子在沙地上划出一条笔直的线条。


白天里,乔精心烧烤了最后几块野味。当初肯尼迪打来猎后,只是把这些肉简单地作了一下粗加工。乔把一串烤得香喷喷的沙锥鸟当作晚餐。风很合适,博士决定在明月迷人的夜间继续赶路。 “维多利亚号”升到了500尺的高度。月光下气球稳稳当当地飞行了约60英里路。整个过程中,吊篮没有丝毫摆动,甚至连像儿童那样的浅睡也不会被打扰。














弗格森和肯尼迪在吊篮边俯身观看。只见下面走着一支人畜庞杂的大队伍,其中光骆驼就有150多头。 这支队伍是从廷巴克图到塔菲莱去的。这一趟靠每头骆驼背上的500斤货物, 队伍中每个人可赚12个金穆特卡尔(相当于12 5法郎)。所有的骆驼,尾巴下面都挂着一个小袋子。那是用来收集骆驼粪的,因为在沙漠中,骆驼粪是唯一靠得住的燃料。

图瓦雷格人的骆驼是最优良的品种。 它们可以3天甚至7天一口水不喝,或者2天不吃一点东西。它们跑起来比马还要快,而且聪明、听话,服从向导“克阿比”的指挥。在当地提起“梅阿利①”没有不知道的。




“大自然赋予了阿拉伯人一种无与伦比的辨路本能。”博士答道,“欧洲人弄不清方向的地方,他们毫不犹豫地就能辨清东西南北。一块毫无意义的石头、一粒石子、一丛小草、沙子颜色的细微差异,这些都足以使他们清楚自己该往哪儿走。夜里, 他们就根据北极星来认路。他们每小时前进不超过2英里,而且中午最热的时候,还要停下来休息。这样,你们可以估计出,穿越900多英里的撒哈拉大沙漠,他们需要花多少时间了。”

此时,“维多利亚号”已经从阿拉伯人惊讶的目光中消失了。看到气球飞得那么快, 这些阿拉伯人不知道有多羡慕呢。天黑时,“维多利亚号”飞过了东经2度20分地区。一个晚上,他们又走了1度多的路。










“没走过。他离开乍得湖时,经过的是博尔努的一些重要城市。他在加奥城往南4度一个名叫‘塞’ 的地方过的尼日尔河。随后,他深入到了尼日尔河河弯里那片从未被考察过的地区。 又受了8个月的累后,巴尔特才抵达延巴克图。如果风大些的话,他走的这些路,我们用不了三天就能飞完了。”


“很早以前就被发现了。”博士回答说,“勘探尼日尔河与它的支流吸引了许多探险队。我可以把一些主要的探险队说给你听听:1749年到1753年,亚当森①查看了这条河,并游览了戈雷岛;1785年到1788年,戈尔贝利和杰弗罗伊穿过了塞内冈比亚②的沙漠,并一直走到了摩尔人③的国家。那些摩尔人杀害了索涅、布里森、亚当、赖利、科什莱和其他许多不幸的人;此后,来了大名鼎鼎的蒙戈—帕克。他是沃尔特(斯各特的朋友,也是位苏格兰人。)1795年,受伦敦非洲学会的派遣,蒙戈—帕克来非洲考察。他抵达班巴拉,见到了尼日尔河。后来他和一个奴隶贩子作伴同行了500英里,查看了冈比亚河。1797年蒙戈—帕克回到伦敦。1805年1月30日,他与一位姻亲安德森、画家斯科特和一队工人又动身来非洲。他到了戈雷岛,与一支35名士兵的小分队会合后继续出发。 8月19日,他又一次来到尼日尔河。但是这一回,由于过度疲劳,物质匮乏,当地人的虐待,天气的酷热和对健康有害的自然条件,最后,40名欧洲人只活下来了11人。11月16日,蒙戈—帕克夫人收到了她丈夫的最后几封来信。一年后,人们从一位当地商人的口中得知,这位不幸的旅行家12月23日乘船顺尼日尔河而下到达布萨时,瀑布掀翻了他坐的小船,他本人也被土人杀害了。”











“可以。 5年后,莱恩少校打算穿越撒哈拉大沙漠,一直挺进到廷巴克图去。但是,在延巴克图以北几英里的地方,他被乌拉德—西曼人勒死了,因为那些人想逼他改信伊斯兰教,他坚决不从。”


“之后,一位有勇气的年青人靠他少的可怜的一点钱财,开始从事而且最后完成了现代探险中最惊人的一趟旅行。我想说的是法国人勒内—卡耶。1819年和1824年, 他曾做过多次尝试。1827年4月19日,他又一次从里奥—努内出发。8月3日,他到达蒂梅城时已精疲力竭, 身患疾病。直到半年后,即1828年1月他才又能继续旅行。 凭借身上穿着的东方人服装的掩护,他加入了一支骆驼商队。3月10日,他到达尼日尔河, 进了热内城。他从那儿乘船顺流而下,终于在4月30日抵达廷巴克图。此前,另一位法国人安伯尔,英国人罗伯特—亚当斯分别于1670年和1810年可能也到过这座奇异的城。但是应该说,勒内—卡耶是第一位把该城准确资料带回来的欧洲人。5月4日,他离开这个‘沙漠明珠’。9日,找到了莱恩少校被杀的地方。19日,他到了埃尔—阿拉旺。随后,他离开这座商业城市,经历无数艰险横穿苏丹与非洲北部地区之间的茫茫荒漠,最后进入丹吉尔①城。12月28日,他登上了去土伦②的船。 19个月中,尽管生病就占了180天,他还是由东到西横穿了整个非洲。唉!如果卡耶出生在英国,他肯定会获得现代最勇敢旅行家的美誉!与蒙戈—帕克齐名!但是在法国,他却没得到应有的重视③!”





“由于积劳成疾,他39岁就去世了。那些人认为给他颁发了1828年地理学会奖就够了。倒是在英国,他获得了当时最高的荣誉!再说,就在他做这趟无与伦比的旅行时,一位英国人也想出了这么一个计划,并进行了尝试。他的勇气丝毫不逊于卡耶, 但是却没卡耶那么幸运。 这位英国人就是克拉珀顿上尉,丹纳姆的同伴。1829年,他在西海岸的贝宁湾登陆重返非洲。他沿着蒙戈—帕克和莱恩的足迹前进,在布萨发现了与蒙戈—帕克之死有关的资料。 8月20日,他抵达萨卡图。在那儿,他成了当地人的俘虏,在他忠实的仆人理查德—兰德的怀抱里咽了最后一口气。”




“是的。 至少这一次探险平安返回了。但是,1833年理查德第3次去尼日尔河旅行时,在河口附近被莫名其妙飞来的一颗子弹击中身亡。朋友们,你们看,我们飞越的这块土地是许多旅行家作出崇高奉献的地方,而他们得到的回报,更多的却是死亡!”