_________ POV Enel_________
I don't know what I was expecting, honestly.
I'm able to look at this whole island, the way Doflamingo separated families and made people forget about their loved ones is something I had forgotten about for a bit.
I mean, if I knocked out Sugar I would've had enough reasons to take him down, as he also turned marine officers and World Government agents into toys.
Now that I think about it, my momentary lapse in memory regarding that might just be related to Sugar's fruit. It's really one of the most demented in the series.
Thankfully, I at least remembered that Sugar turned everyone into toys, but I had also kinda forgotten about Kyros in general, which means I was affected by her fruit too... Hmm, curious.
At least everything turned out fine. Well, the situation isn't over, but there aren't all that many people left from Doflamingo's side, most of his associates were overwhelmed by sheer numbers.
Even civilians picked up weapons to fight against his rule, if I leave him in the streets then he will 100% be killed by the civilians.
And I don't want that to happen, he enslaved an entire kingdom, and I wanted their royal family to be the ones to kill him.
He will still die, there's no question regarding that. But I didn't feel that he should die by my hand at first... But I guess it doesn't really matter at this point.
I need to kill him quickly, and, now that I think about it, if I give the honours to someone from the Riku Family (Dressrosa's royal line), then the World Government might try to harm them.
The Government is so deluded that they'd go out of their way to protect any Celestial Dragon, even a former celestial dragon turned pirate that technically enslaved an entire country.
But I doubt the World Government suddenly cares about people or slavery. So it shouldn't surprise me.
It was a lot more surprising to see someone like Oven actually help people.
He's not exactly been shown as a positive character in the series, but I guess he's gone through plenty of changes in a relatively short time.
It might also just be because Viola is still wearing my coat, but the fact that he'd help someone associated with me is even more shocking, as I am a marine (for now) and he is a pirate.
I can sense that Viola and Rebecca have already met, and Diamante is dead by Kyros's hand. Oven went back to collecting spices (looting from stores by the looks of it), he's ignoring most of the conflict around.
I would go to Viola to grab my transponder snail, but I don't feel like interrupting her reunion with Kyros and Rebecca, so I'll hold off on that.
First, I'll finish off Doflamingo... There's someone else already with him too, so I should act now.
_________ POV Narration _________
Donquixote Doflamingo was stuck, he didn't understand how he had lost, everything had happened too quickly, and he was left trapped in a ball of what he assumed to be white gold and seastone.
He tried to struggle, to break out, but he really had no chance after being weakened by Seastone. His physical strength wasn't that bad, so he could still somewhat try to struggle.
But Enel's staff was made of rather sturdy metals, so he was stuck in the end.
"Young master!" Doflamingo heard a shout from the side, he couldn't turn around and see who it was, but he could recognize the voice of one of his subordinates.
"Monet! What is the situation in the kingdom?! Also, get me out of here, quickly!" He was quick to give orders to her, trying to assess the situation as best he could.
"Young master! Most of our people are down, I don't know what happened to Sugar, but every doll is back to being a human!" Monet said as she ran toward him in a panic.
"Are you serious?! Where the hell is Trebol?! He was supposed to protect Sugar at all costs!" Doflamingo was quick to lose his temper, as he wasn't exactly in the most flattering of positions.
"Y-Young master, you sent Trebol away on a mission earlier today..." Monet said as her voice trembled a bit, she quickly got to work through, using her devil fruit to try and cut through the strange sphere that imprisoned her master.
Doflamingo scowled a bit as he thought about ways to salvage the situation.
But he didn't have a lot of time to think.
"Wow, I leave you alone for a few minutes and now you're already trying to escape?" Enel appeared on the sphere, crouching down near Doflamingo's head and looking at Monet with a raised eyebrow.
The green-haired snow woman was quick to dash at Enel, trying to kick him away from Doflamingo, but she was unfortunately outmatched, as Enel simply intercepted her kick with a haki-enhanced fist, breaking one of her legs in the process, and sending her flying upwards.
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Doflamingo at this point was cracking his teeth out of anger, the veins on his forehead were pulsing visibly, to the point where Enel thought he was having a heat stroke or a regular stroke.
Enel tapped the sphere with his staff, absorbing most of the metal back into the staff, leaving only a few seastone-laced chains wrapped around the warlord.
"What do you plan, Enel!? I doubt you're stupid enough to actually kill m-" Doflamingo's monologue was stopped by Enel's spear attempting to pierce through his chest.
The warlord's eyes widened in shock, as the worst thing he could imagine just happened right in front of him.
He managed to use armament to completely cover his chest just in time, but Enel's spearpoint also turned black.
Everything slowed down for the two of them, as lightning once again sparked into existence. A clash of conquers, this time Doflamingo was pulling no stops, struggling as his life was on the line.
And Enel's anger was put on full display, as his spear seemed driven to pierce the warlord's heart. Doflamingo grit his teeth as he did his best to block Enel's spear from reaching its intended target.
In this exchange, the only thing that could save him was his willpower. If he was strong enough, then maybe he'd be able to block that spear, maybe it'd give Monet enough time to fly back to him and free him from those chains.
But the world was never kind to Doflamingo.
The chains around him pulled him towards the spearpoint. He could now feel the spear, slowly piercing his skin and muscle tissue, as he was helpless to act, the Seastone still stopping him from fighting back completely.
Doflamingo couldn't help but scream internally, about the unfairness of the situation, of how he refused to resign himself to such fate. Commendable will, but Enel's desire to kill him was even greater.
In the end, the stronger will overcame the weaker one. With Enel's spear piercing through Doflamingo's chest completely. The warlord gasped as he felt the spear point leave a hole in his heart.
Enel then pulled out his spear from Doflamingo's chest, turning it back into a staff and attracting the chains back to it. He took a step back and studied the dying warlord.
Doflamingo stumbled forwards a bit, he looked genuinely confused, his usual smile was turned completely upside down as blood flowed from his mouth.
He stretched his hand towards Enel, seemingly attempting to strangle the Rear Admiral in his last breath, only to fall forwards, unable to move forward.
"Heh... You probably think this is all my fault... That I was the one responsible for all of your problems..." Enel said as he crouched down a bit, talking casually in the Warlord's final moments.
"In truth, you did all of this to yourself. You were the one in control of your own life, you made your choices... And this is where they led you."
Enel was mostly just speaking to himself at this point, not really gloating, just idly chatting by as he waited for Doflamingo to draw his last breath.
The Warlord couldn't even hear Enel's words, as he was far too focused on seeing his life flash in front of his eyes.
"YOUNG MASTER!" Monet shouted as she flew towards Doflamonigo using her devil fruit powers. Enel didn't bother to stop her either, as he didn't see how she'd be able to help Doflamingo at that point.
She seemed to grab his bleeding body within her arms as she wept, Enel tilted his head a bit as he tried to remember what connection the two of them were even supposed to have.
He remembered Doflamingo somewhat caring for his close confidants, but he didn't remember much about Monet.
Regardless, she was an officer in Doflamingo's army, so he swung his staff, hitting her across the head much like he did her little sister, Sugar.
With her knocked out, he simply walked off to deal with the rest of the officers in Doflamingo's army. Not many people could face them within Dressrosa, and Enel wanted to end the war already, so he decided to take matters into his own hands.
He planned to knock out people like Baby 5 and Senior Pink, the others he didn't really care about much.
Viola, Rebecca and Kyros were still hugging it out and reuniting, they were also joined by the former king, Riku Doldo III, who had apparently been cosplaying as a gladiator for some reason...
It was a rather touchy reunion, one that, once again, Enel didn't feel like crashing. So Enel continued on his way to hunt down the other officers still in Dressrosa.
Hope you liked the chapter!
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