Chapter 72: Chapter 72: Contained Anger and Travel

_________ POV Enel _________

"Garp got the short end of the stick, metaphorically speaking..." Aokiji said as he looked around for a bit.

"I don't think I like where this is going..." I said as I crossed my still-injured arms.

"You're not going to, especially if your relationship with Garp is truly as good as rumoured." Aokiji seemed quite angry himself, as he seemed to grit his teeth a bit before continuing.

"As soon as the war ended, the World Government looked for someone to pin the blame on."

At this point, my smile has turned upside down completely. I think I get where this is going...

"It's come out now, that Garp had been the one to shelter Ace after he was born. This is only known internally by a few people at the top.

It seems this has been known for a while now, but everyone thought this execution would wash away those sins, as the World Government didn't want to ruin the image of the marine hero..."

I can feel my eyes widening involuntarily from the bullshit that I am hearing.

"Now, as we are speaking, Garp should be heading for Impel Down in a special ship, being transported by the strongest CP0 agents that the World Government has."

How the-...

No, I guess it would make sense for them to keep a close eye on Garp... They must've found out about Ace at some point, but couldn't get rid of him without going against Garp.

The second Ace became a pirate, Garp could no longer protect him. Guess it was just written in the stars at that point...

Now that I think about it. The title of Marine Hero is a really big one, we're talking about the person credited with catching most of the highest ranking pirates of his era, including the Pirate King himself...

But Garp had never been awfully loyal to the world government and its ideals. He only cared about propagating his own justice, and he abhorred the Celestial Dragons at the same time...

The government must've been at a loss regarding what to do with Garp. Now this situation gave them the leeway to get rid of a nuisance.

Not only that, the war gave them the opportunity to create another hero... Aokiji.

"I think I get the picture..." I said as Aokiji also nodded.

"He didn't resist arrest, he probably hopes that Sengoku will be able to bail him out... But Sengoku has lost all of his influence with the Government after the war..."

Aokiji seemed to clench his fists, I have never actually seen this guy so angry in the show, it is actually somewhat refreshing...

"Akainu has been trying his best to convince the elders to reconsider. But it seems that the influence of the Marines, in general, fell a lot in the eyes of the World Government. Our hands are simply tied."

I think I get why this situation is so frustrating for him... After all, I can barely contain myself from just storming the 'Holy Land' and frying alive everything with a pulse.

I can't just do that though... Who knows what aces they have hidden up their sleeves? If it was that simple I'm sure the Revolutionary Army and Dragon would've stormed it by now...

Hell, even Kaido would've taken them down by now if it was that easy.

I need to think of something to bail Garp out too now.

He will certainly not be made a slave in the Holy Land. The old guy would likely rage and kill everything in sight if that were to happen.

Merely going to prison for a bit won't affect him much. I doubt the World Government can afford to announce Garp's imprisonment publically though...

First, I'll have to finish the task at hand.

_________ POV Narration _________

"I understand... I wasn't expecting to hear this type of news today... But I guess I should've expected something like this to happen..." Enel said as his earlobes swayed in the wind.

The former Rear Admiral calmed down the rage inside of him. There was no use in blaming himself and there was no point in blaming the situation.

What he needed to do was to prove to the World Government that making a move on Garp was a huge mistake.

In truth, the situation was rather desperate for the Marines now. Even the usually callous Akainu was stressed by how things were developing.

He may not have placed all that much value on the lives of his fellow marines, but Garp was a symbol of unwavering justice whose mere presence on the battlefield could skyrocket the morale of all troops present.

You are reading story One Piece: Reborn as Enel at

Akainu could also tell that the World Government was trying to make Aokiji the replacement, but he also knew that a replacement for Garp was simply impossible.

The second the rest of the navy found out, it would spark a revolt. A huge one.

It would likely raise an internal conflict large enough to collapse the Navy completely.

The fanatics of the World Government would always stick to it, there may have been quite a few in the Marines, but even they would likely question that decision.

Akainu instantly realized that Garp's imprisonment was simply never going to be announced to the world.

Officially he was simply retiring, making way for the new generation. The World Government was simply trying to fade him out.

That realization made Akainu break his desk in anger, and Sengoku was far worse. The old Fleet Admiral was prepared to completely resign and storm Impel Down himself.

Akainu managed to calm him down, hoping to still solve the situation diplomatically... But they both knew the chances of that happening were infinitesimal.

Akainu did have an idea eventually though...

'How about we just ask Enel to do it?' They knew Enel was friends with Garp still, Garp hadn't been all that serious fighting him in the war and Enel also hadn't really injured any marines too severely.

Fortunately, Aokiji was already one step ahead. While Sengoku and Akainu were contemplating how to contact the Newbie Emperor, he was already in front of Enel, giving him the details of the situation.

"Enel, I know that you are no longer a marine. But I believe I am not wrong to think that Garp is still your friend..." Aokiji said as he rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"You are not..." Enel said as he started making a small boat with his gauntlets.

"I'm not going to ask you to save him, but I feel that-"

"No, it's fine, I'll do it. I'll make sure Garp gets 'transported' out of Impel Down safely... Not like they'd ever be able to publically admit that Garp is being held there..."

"... Thank you. I'm sure Akainu and Sengoku will be relieved to hear that."

At this point, the two of them had been talking for a few minutes, finally, the marine Aokiji had sent after the prisoner had returned.

Bonney was both cuffed and blindfolded, she seemed utterly confused and somewhat unaware of the surroundings.

"I see she's getting the royal treatment," Enel said jokingly as he looked at Aokiji for a bit.

The Admiral simply shrugged a bit. "Transporting a prisoner with a bounty as high as hers to The Holy Land isn't all that common..."

"Not blaming you. Probably their instructions anyway..." Enel signalled the marine to simply place the confused pirate on the boat he had made earlier.

The marine did so, reluctantly if one might add.

"Anyway, here we part ways, Aokiji." Enel said as he looked back at the new 'Marine Hero'.

"Yes... The next time we meet might not be this friendly." Aokiji said as he narrowed his eyes a bit.

"Eh, who knows? I certainly have no idea what the future holds in store for us...(at least not at this point)"

Enel then jumped on his ship and took off. Leaving behind the marine warship and sailing in a straight direction for the Sky Islands...


Hope you liked the chapter!

Thank you all for the power stones! This story really is my most successful one yet :)))

This night my vacation is starting.

I have a backlog of chapters ready to go, but I might miss a day or two if my laptop shits itself, so pls bear with me this week :)))

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