Chapter 10: Chapter- 10

Corpses of the zergs and their blood splashing on the ground and trees made it a scene from a horror movie. Shen Li stood up among the dead bodies, hair disheveled, and zergs' blood staining his whole body. His blood bar was still 64% present, and his points were already high to pass to the next level because of this zergs group.

He went to the perimeter of the level-4, there was a blue transparent barrier dividing the two-level, and placed his hand on them. The blue barrier light up and his points for each state, and overall points appear on it. Shen Li got 18 points for time since he only took 10 hours inside the level-5 and 6.4 points for his blood left. Finally, 479 points,432 points from the high-level zergs group, and 47 points from the first day, for killing zergs. Also, another 20 points since he was a single-player, making it a total of 523.5 points.

At the same time, he submits his points, many players get the message that a new record has appeared in the level-5. Previously 'Abyss' had a high record with 520 points, now Shen Li 523.5 was 3.5 points higher than 'Abyss' and ranked first in level-5. In fact, before him, only two players, 'Abyss' and ' Mr.Charming' had passed all five-level as a single player. Many players were interested and wanted to know who this 'Wander' was, who pass level-5 all alone with that high points.

A player needs 100 points to pass to another level, even though it might sound easy, it is not. At each level zergs are divided into three levels, low, mid, and high. If they killed a low-level zerg, they would get only 0.5 points, mid-level gave 1 point, and high level gave 3 points. Low levels are easy to kill, but they stay in groups, and their enormous numbers make it hard to kill them and escape without losing blood.

Mid Levels zergs also stayed in groups, but numbers are less than low levels zergs, but harder to kill as well. High levels of zerg can be found alone, but they can use their antennae and call for backup. To fight against their sheer numbers, players usually came in as a team. Teams can be made as long as there is more than one person and their maximum number is ten. Most players might think it is advantageous to have a team that would make it to the end, but only professionals know that most could not make it past level-3.

Even if a player had a team, their points needed to pass the level would also be as high as their numbers. If they have five members in a team, they would need 500 points to pass the next level. Players usually attacked the low-level zerg groups and slowly accumulated points or attacked high-level zergs that strayed from their group and retreated before the zergs ' reinforcement arrived.

It may work in level-5 and level-4, but it would be impossible to pass level-3 unless all the members of the team are good fighters. The players would become exhausted earlier if there was a dead weight on the team, as they would have to fight for their share. They would also need someone good at tracking the zergs in a team to keep track of the zergs nearby.

Moreover, high-level zergs in level-5 will be the low-level zergs in level-4. Similarly, high levels of zergs would be low-level in the next level. As the levels go up, It becomes harder to fight against the higher level zergs. Whether the players are in a team or a single player, most did not pass through level-3. Since 'Wander' passed the level-5 with high points, many onlookers are interested and betting whether they would pass the level-3 or not.

After fighting for hours, Shen Li was exhausted, so he left the virtual world immediately after submitting his points. If he stays for a while longer, he would have known that he made the new record and people are interested in him now. His idea of not standing out was completely destroyed thanks to the new record and states, showing that he faced off against the high-level zergs alone. In fact, Shen Li was the unlucky one, since when the high-level zerg found him, many other high-level zergs were nearby.

After coming out of the virtual pod, Shen Li went to the kitchen to have lunch. While having lunch Shen Li searched for a new house. Shen Li still had to buy a lot of equipment for the laboratory and this apartment could no longer keep up with all the things in the house. He needs a bigger house, preferably with a basement, an environment with high security, and a lot of privacy, so he can do what he wants in his house.

He searched for a while and saw two houses, which satisfied him. Shen Li chose the one with a bigger basement, wide compound, and quiet environment. The price of the house is 15 million, which is not expensive for a house that big. He contact the owner and discussed the time to sign the contract of the ownership of the house. He set the date for tomorrow after school, he will go straight there.

After finishing the discussion, It was already 15 o'clock. He went to the storage room and made the potions for 10 hours. Since his wood ability was already level-3, exerting the black substances from the herbs was faster and the purity was also more than before. He made 100 potions and posted them on the Star Net, also increasing the price to 12,500 coins. After posting, he went to have dinner since it was already 25 o'clock at the night. He checked the post before going to the second room to absorb the energy, only to see that they were once again sold out.

"It seems 100 is not enough. I have to make more, but school is increasing the time starting tomorrow." Shen Li thought to himself.

"Let's observe the situation first. I will need a full set of equipment for the laboratory if I want to make the potions faster and more effective."

"I think I will be able to buy the full set with the money in hand, though that will leave with very little money left."

You are reading story Miracle Healer Of the Interstellar World [BL] at

His thoughts were running wild again, while he sent the robot to the delivery company. After sending the robot, he went to the second bedroom to absorb space energy. It took him 5 hours to complete the absorption, and his level only rose to level-2 stage-5 since the energy stones were only left for a night and a day. He left the energy stones in the room and headed for the bath, after which he went to the bed to rest for the night.

At a place in the Main Star, a person wearing the military uniform of the logistic department of the sixth army was on the call with his superior.

"Sir, we got six potions from the 'Healer', before it was sold out."

"Good." the other side replied with only one word. But the subordinate seems to be used to this.

"Should we send the potions to the laboratory before sending them to you, Sir?"

"Send one to the laboratory for the test. The others send it directly to me."

"Sir, will it be ok? Is it better to use it after testing in the hands of professionals?"

When the other side did not reply, the soldier understood that his superiors did not agree with him. He changed his words immediately.

"Yes, Sir. We will carry out the order immediately."

After ending the call, the soldier could not help but mumble that his superior is scary. But he did as he was told and sent five potions to his superior and one to the laboratory.

The package arrived at the gate of the big and simple but luxurious villa, a man come out to take the package and walked back inside the villa. He went straight to the main bedroom and pressed the button on the door.

"Sir, the potions have arrived."

Assistant Chen went inside the dimly lit room when the door opened automatically. The twins' moonlight shone on the man sitting on the sofa inside the room, illuminating his handsome face of the man. Golden blond hair that reaches his nape, blue eyes that seem to price through the soul of people who dare to look into his eyes, healthy white skin, sword-like eyebrows, and red thin lips and sharp jawbones. It was apparent from the long, strong legs, and broad shoulders that he was a tall man.