In a dim-lit room, there sat a bald man that stared at what looked to be a crystal ball, the crystal ball showed the scene of a Young man dressed in unusual clothing, and next to the young man is a bunch of dead bodies that had their heads severed.
The man's face had clear dissatisfaction written on his face, He slammed his fist on the table to vent his frustration.
"DAMMIT useless fools"
He shouted, his voice was slightly high-pitched pitched making it indistinguishable from a man's or a woman's voice.
"I Something the matter master"
From the darkness appeared a man with black hair the Man's face was unclear due to the darkness but he was dressed in a butler uniform.
"Yes something is the matter that stupid princess is still alive"
This man was Roylee Dey Cart, a man of noble birth who holds the title of Marquis, trusted adviser to the king but at the same time is planning to usurp the throne.
The Royal family of the Celestine kingdom consists of four members, the king, the first prince, the first princess, and the second princess, the queen had died due to an illness a few years ago.
The man had hoped to be rid of the Royal children before getting rid of the king but he has yet to kill any of them, the first prince was already not going to inherit the throne, the first princess disappeared a year ago nobody knows where she is he has tried and failed to look for her, having a lost member, only for that family member to come back and ruin everything was not something he wanted but it seems any attempt to find the first princess was useless, the second princess was supposed to die today.
"Someone meddled with the bandits I hired and now they're all dead."
The bandits were the easiest way he could get rid of the princess and then eliminate them to not leave a trace of his involvement but now his hand has been forced.
"Do you perhaps need me to eliminate the one who meddled?"
The butler smiled as a battle-crazed smile blossomed on his face, while he may be known for his excellent butler skills in the castle he also happens to crave battle and slaughter, one who wants nothing more than to break bones and carve flesh.
"NO, I'll send one of my Familiars, I need you here to deal with the knight commander when the time comes"
He needs the battle maniac behind to handle so tough opponents, the knight's commander is very troublesome and has influenced the king.
"Very well"
The butler said and slowly faded into the darkness.
"I don't care who you are but you shall pay for meddling"
I could feel the magic power flow into me circulating in my body empowering me, it's been two hours since I sat and my body has yet to have its fill, I figured that it's because my body is from a different world without any Magic so it's filling an empty slot but that's taking too long, maybe I have a massive mana pool or something.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes I'm quite alright now"
She speaks, considering that she just got attacked by bandits and has no one to escort her, it would be good for me to escort her home, she's noble, and I'm quite certain her daddy dearest would be thankful that I brought home his dearest daughter safely.
"Do you want me to escort you home?"
You are reading story In another word with Madara’s powers at
I Stood up and approached her as I asked, she nodded, and I offered my hand for her to stand up since she was sitting down.
"May I ask the name of the person who saved me"
She asked rather politely, perhaps the situation demands she be polite after she just lost someone she held dear plus you can't be rude to your savior.
Would have thought she was the arrogant ojou-same type considering she was like "do you know who I am " to those bandits.
Since she asked for my name, I'm kind of conflicted on which name I should give her, for one I don't feel obligated to keep my old name, perhaps a new name in order, and since this will be a new life
"Well, my name is..."
However Before I could tell her my name, a giant wolf-like creature stepped out of the trees, the thing was massive and it just suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
It roared at us showing its razor-sharp teeth and claws that could bisect a man the beast charged at us However today was gonna be it's last.
I looked at the girl beside me and I could see the shock all over her face, she was frozen stiff, a poor thing having a bad day, first bandits now this.
"Begone you monster, fire style: majestic destroyer flame"
And from my mouth, I spewed a massive torrent of flames and immediately scorched the beast that threatened to eat us.
However, due to the potency of the jutsu, I used a good portion of the forest was lit and now a massive forest fire was happening.
"No, that's impossible"
I looked at the girl and she had slumped down on the ground, the shock on her face never left but now it's instead of fear it was Amazement.
"No way, you burnt the forest"
"That's what fire does tho"