Chapter 5: Chapter 5: A Master (2)

It feels so warm, I love this feeling. In an attempt to become even more entranced in the warmth I dig deeper with my whole body, suddenly a sound startles me awake.

"Mmmhh" I hear a feminine moan, it's extremely enchanting yet frightens me to the bone. My eyelids burst open full of energy as I take note of my surroundings.

All I see though is white, moving my head back I see two well-sculpted yet small mounds, they both have a small bright pink peak and... These are titties!! I look up to the owner of such refined equipment only to find a lustful gaze staring right back at me.

Normally I would be ecstatic, but not only do these belong to a 4-year-old girl, but they also belong to the creepy princess! Also why the hell am I here, what happened to the crib!?

I begin to struggle, but she only holds me tighter to her chest. I will once again declare with confidence I'm not a lolicon, in fact back on earth one of my friends had a little sister who would walk around shirtless a lot, she was a 7-year-old at the time but I couldn't care less.

The difference is my friend's sister was never this close!

She begins hugging me tighter and as a result, I fought like a caged beast, unleashing all my prowess on the unruly girl.

"Hehe, stop it luke that tickles, wait, no, keep going"

How does she go from a loveable child to a dangerous pervert so fast, also why the hell can she feel lust, isn't she way too young for that!

Following 4 minutes of cuddling/fighting she picked me up and started getting ready, that's when I realized, she was naked.

Like completely and utterly Butt-naked. Who the hell sleeps with a baby naked! earlier It didn't matter but now it does, I can see all of her!

She picked me up seemingly in no hurry at all and began heading to the bathroom. She then began brushing her teeth and shortly after brushing mine.

After that, we put clothes on, thank god. Perfectly timed after getting clothed someone knocked on the door. It was an old maid who seemed a bit too buff to work in her line of work, but who am I to judge.

"Good morning Bertha" declared the princess happily.

"Good morning princess, here is your breakfast. I will also inform you that the rest of the family is extremely curious about the slave you purchased yesterday. Though some were vehemently adamant that you don't let him sleep with you. As usual, it seems you don't care about other's opinions."

"As always thank you for the information Bertha"

"It's a pleasure princess" The large woman bowed before gracefully leaving and shutting the door.

Following Bertha's exit, the princess began playing with me, it was like a bonding time. We played games, told each other about ourselves, she even tried to feed me mouth to mouth. That part was disgusting.

She also 'Taught' me how to play chess and picked up on where my literature lessons had last ended, I realized that for someone her age, she was incredibly intelligent, I was baffled at how smart she was, it was hard to remember that she was only a 4 year old.

Following our activities, I took an afternoon nap while according to her she "sorted some things out". However, after waking up it seemed her issues had been fixed as she was back and ready for more once I woke up.

We spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening reading while she basically answered all the questions I could think to ask.

(A/N: Your lovely Author here just to give you a little warning, info dump ahead! I repeat info dump ahead! Beware, and read ahead at your own risk)

Of the many things I learned, I found out that this planet is called Regrilia, it is a planet with 3 continents, Wodrax where the Demons rule. There is also Tulax where the Elves live, Tulax is also home to the demon forest, a mass expanse of forest and swamp that is completely full of demon beasts.

Lastly the land I inhabit currently, Ebath. A continent that is home to 3 major races, the Dwarves, Beastmen and obviously, Humans. Among the countries fighting for dominance over the continent, there are 4 human countries.

The one I currently inhabit is named Esmil, it is the most famous country in terms of magic, having both the best magical academy and the majority of talented people on the continent in terms of magic.

You are reading story A world full of Yanderes at

One of the most interesting topics I learned about with Adriana was magic.

When someone is born they have a certain element or no element at all, they also have a certain mana pool. It is extremely rare to be born with two elements, and no one has ever been recorded to be born with three elements.

The four most common and widespread elements are Fire, Water, Air and Earth. These elements all have massive amounts of research that has been developed into them. These elements have the most spells created for them, and the majority of people who can wield magic, use these.

There are also other elements that are less common, some being lightning, poison, or mind magic. Among those three there are also many others however their users are few and far between. If you are born able to wield these uncommon elements, you will often have to search for spells or create your own which is significantly more difficult than just learning them.

Another branch of magic that some people have is body magic, it is something most people are not born with but it is still fairly common. You could think of body magic as a fifth element. It is commonly used by Heclyae, a human country famous for their swordsmanship, it is also used frequently in the barbarian country of Estra.

The rarity to be born with both body magic and an element is less seen than being born with two elements. To be born with both two elements and body magic has never been publicly seen or proved just like being born with 3 different elements.

Finally like I mentioned previously, people are born with a mana pool, though it's useless if you don't own an element, if you do it will become one of the most important parts of being an amazing mage.

A mana pool is what fuels your magic, with a large mana pool you can cast larger and more powerful spells. The number of spells can also increase based on your mana pool.

Everyone is born with a mana pool of the same size, however, you can increase it through a variety of methods. First of all through a sacred art known as mana generating. Secondly, you can increase your mana pool size by using rare and expensive materials, such as potions or specific plants.

Also, the purity of your mana pool is of great importance. The purity will not only influence the power and cost of your spell, but it will also become the limiter on how far your mana pool may be increased. For example, if your born with a mana pool that has a purity level of 1, it is likely that for the rest of your life you will only be able to cast beginner spells. Likewise, however, if you are born with a mana pool that has a purity level of 10, the spells you will be able to cast if enough effort is inputted, will become the most powerful advanced spells in the history of magic.

After a long session of reading, both I and Adriana began to prepare, she had warned me in the afternoon that tonight I would have dinner with her family and meet them, though extremely stressful, I'm sure they won't expect much from a one-year-old child.

We began to prepare, Bertha brought in some fine pieces of clothing. I was pimped out in a miniature purple suit, however at the neckline, and the ends of the sleeves, a frilly white piece of clothing came out that acted as an undershirt. The whole outfit made me look like I came out of the Napolean era. Overtop the undershirt the suit jacket reminded me of what piano players wear, it had a long tail at the end that went past my back down to my knees and ended off by splitting like a forked tongue.

I also had to wear uncomfortable tights that were too small even for my legs. Luckily I wasn't forced to wear a wig, but besides that, the outfit was exceedingly uncomfortable.

Opposite me Adriana was dressed just like a princess, she had a blue dress with floral patterns covering it that made her blue eyes come out, her corset seemed uncomfortable but she fit it on, the dress stayed loose around her legs but was not the type to forcefully expand out like in a ballroom.

She had a small elven looking tiara atop her blonde hair, it possessed a tiny blue gem that only seemed to make her eyes stand out even more. All blue with golden hair, she was dressed just like my picturesque image of a princess.

"My little slave looks quite handsome" Adriana spoke, appearing in a daze while glancing at me.

"You as well master" I blankly said, though I thought she looked fantastic, it wouldn't be in my rights as a slave to treat my master like a lover, somehow she still took it the wrong way though.

"Hehehe, my Luke is such a flirt, what will I do with you"

After having her moment, however, suddenly her face became extremely serious.

"Prepare yourself however, my family will not care whether you just a child or not, to them your just a slave that can be disposed of. I'll protect you of course, but they might hurt your feelings so tough it out for now. Don't worry my love will wash it all away tonight"

Though ending in a strange way, the message was extremely serious and I didn't want to underestimate anyone, especially not the royal family.

I steeled my will and prepared myself to meet my new master's family.

"Bertha, we are ready." Adriana declared, once again reverting to her cold formal tone.

After a bow, Bertha began leading us to the royal dining hall. following tonight, my life could change forever.