Chapter 211 – Precise Calculation
The only thing was that he missed his master, apprentice brothers and sister, and even Huang Kun.
The minivan stopped at the side of the street to let Zhu Xin Yi get down first. She needed to buy food and other daily necessities. While Wei Xiao Bei drove the car into the alley and parked the minivan in an underground garage.
When Wei Xiao Bei opened the dojo doors, he was stunned to see that Huang Kun was currently training with someone, and his opponent was second senior apprentice brother Zhang Zhi Long.
It was clear that Huang Kun had been suppressed by Zhang Zhi Long to the point that he could not breathe anymore.
In the end, when Huang Kun was so anxious that he attacked to make a comeback, Zhang Zhi Long took a step back and easily pressed him onto the ground, making him unable to struggle free anymore.
Zhang Zhi Long extended his hand and pulled up Huang Kun. However, as Huang Kun got up, he muttered, “Second martial uncle, don’t you know how to go easy on me. My bones have already fallen apart.” It could be seen that the relationship between Huang Kun and Zhang Zhi Long had become closer.
“Brat, someone is accompanying you to train. Don’t go overboard.”
Wei Xiao Bei walked over and and shouted. This made Huang Kun not dare to dilly-dally anymore and immediately jumped up. He looked at Wei Xiao Bei and greeted him, “Master, you have returned.”
Before Wei Xiao Bei was able to reply, Huang Kun immediately followed up, “What about sister Xin Yi?”
“She went to the supermarket to buy things. Quickly go help her.”
Wei Xiao Bei’s words made Huang Kun stand up and go outside.
When he left, the two apprentice brothers walked into the inner practice ground.
After talking for a while, Zhang Zhi Long expressed his regret of still not being able to go in the Dust World after thinking up so many methods.
When he returned and saw Huang Kun who had not returned home, he was inspired to try again. During this period of time, he had placed his efforts on Huang Kun.
He would have him practice everyday and caused him unspeakable suffering.
However, from Wei Xiao Bei’s point of view, Huang Kun had gotten stronger under his second senior apprentice brother’s training.
After chatting for a while, Wei Xiao Bei saw that Zhu Xin Yi and Huang Kun had carried big bags back.
It was now close to noon, so Wei Xiao Bei did not give up the chance to train his [Cooking] skill.
After busying himself for more half an hour, everybody sat at the table and began to eat.
Other than Zhu Xin Yi, Zhang Zhi Long and Huang Kun were both surprised at Wei Xiao Bei’s cooking and praised him without end.
After all, Wei Xiao Bei had never shown this much skill before.
Seeing him today made them feel that it was unimaginable.
“Xiao Bei. With your skills, you could already become a chef in some restaurant.”
Zhang Zhi Long praised him. Who knew that Wei Xiao Bei would reply, “Yeah, I’m thinking about it.”
Zhang Zhi Long’s smile immediately became dull. After coming to his senses, he stared at Wei Xiao Bei with disbelieving eyes, “You want to be a chef?”
“Right, second senior apprentice brother, can you help me ask around about it?”
Wei Xiao Bei nodded his head and immediately smiled.
Zhang Zhi Long felt a bit of rage rising up from within him. According Zhang Zhi Long’s notion, Wei Xiao Bei was able to enter the Dust World, which was a heavenly opportunity dropping on his head.
If it was Zhang Zhi Long, he would immerse himself in the Dust World everyday, unwilling to leave. He never imagined that Wei Xiao Bei would ignore his own occupation and choose to become a chef.
If the power to travel to the Dust World could be exchanged, Zhang Zhi Long would likely be willing to pay any sum for it.
Wei Xiao Bei simply did not know that his words would bring this much rage from his second senior apprentice brother.
After eating lunch, Wei Xiao Bei was dragged to the side by Zhang Zhi Long. After being berated, Wei Xiao Bei understood why, but he could not say that he needed to train his [Cooking] skill, so he gloomily left.
Even though the path of asking his second senior apprentice brother for help had been cut off, he was not dejected at all.
He would not be able to work in big restaurants or big hotels. This could be considered a good thing. After all, with his current level of skill and the fact that he had no certification, it meant that going to these places would only land him in a lower position. Becoming the handler was impossible.
He might as well just find a small cafeteria. However, even small cafeterias would require a chef to have certification. Other than that, he would also require a sanitation certificate and many others.
So troublesome.
Wei Xiao Bei scratched his head as he wandered into the courtyard.
At this time, Huang Kun, who had just finished washing the dishes, walked out and saw Wei Xiao Bei. He immediately got into a conversation, “Master, you want to be a chef?”
Wei Xiao Bei nodded and thought that Huang Kun would persuade him not to take the wrong path like what Zhang Zhi Long said, so he immediately shut Huang Kun’s mouth by saying, “Enough. Go back to training. Let master see your progress.”
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Who knew that Huang Kun would not give up and sneakily asked, “Master, if you want to be a chef, I might have a way.”
Originally, Huang Kun was not there to dissuade Wei Xiao Bei but rather to lick his boots.
Wei Xiao Bei stared at him and thought of what kind of connections the brat had.
No matter what was said, Wei Xiao Bei did not berate him but carefully listened to him.
However, Huang Kun said that he could ask his mother for help. Moreover, his mother was an executive in a food and beverages company, so there should be no problems.
Hearing Huang Kun’s words, Wei Xiao Bei suddenly asked, “Brat, why haven’t you returned home yet.
While saying this, Wei Xiao Bei stared at Huang Kun’s face.
Hearing this, Huang Kun’s face became frantic. Without a doubt, when Wei Xiao Bei left, he simply never returned home even once or gone to school.
“What’s your mother’s phone number?”
Wei Xiao Bei felt that he had indulged Huang Kun and thought that his mother might be worried.
“Master, old people should not get angry, don’t get angry. It’s because my injury had not healed yet, so I’m afraid of worrying my mother. Please rest assured. I already called home. There should be no problems.”
Compared to other people of the same age, Huang Kun’s ability to react and make excuses like this was indeed faster. He quickly made his move and dissipated most of Wei Xiao Bei’s anger.”
In truth, Wei Xiao Bei felt a bit of shame to call Huang Kun’s mother.
Now that the situation seemed to be dealt with by Huang Kun, Wei Xiao Bei became relieved. His next words became calmer.
With a connection like Huang Kun, Wei Xiao Bei did not need to go find a job offering. If he did so, it would take too long.
In order to have things go smoothly, Wei Xiao Bei pulled Huang Kun to the side and told him the details.
Since he had decided to borrow this means, Wei Xiao Bei was not willing to destroy such an opportunity.
After Wei Xiao Bei urged him, Huang Kun made a phone call not to his mother but to her secretary.
For Huang Kun, not contacting his mother was for the best. Imagining his mother’s nagging tactics made his back feel numb.
Huang Kun’s phone call went smoothly. Wei Xiao Bei who was listening to Huang Kun’s sweet plea made his bones itch.
It was clear that the secretary who Huang Kun called Sister Yi could not deny his request.
After hanging up the phone, Huang Kun proudly displayed his accomplishment to Wei Xiao Bei. As long as the sanitation certificate was done, Wei Xiao Bei could immediately start working at a fast food restaurant under his mother’s company.
Without a doubt, the fast food restaurant business was much more suited to meet his demands. He could make a lot of food in such a restaurant. This would help him satisfy the quantitative problem of raising his skill. The most important point was that working in fast food restaurants allowed him to work casually.
The sanitation certificate was not easy to obtain.
Wei Xiao Bei went to the hospital to do a general check up, and it would take at least a week before the certificate comes out.
His second apprentice brother had left the dojo and once again obsessed himself with finding a way into the Dust World.
Wei Xiao Bei inspected Huang Kun’s injuries. He saw that it had healed up nicely and would not have any side effects.
After finding out about this, Huang Kun began bothering Wei Xiao Bei to go into the Dust World.
It was fine to go in, but before that, Wei Xiao Bei needed to allocate his evolution points.
After raising his [Cooking] skill, he now had 1260 evolution points.
He first decided to increase his reasoning to 20 points.
There was no need to explain the benefits of this attribute.
After concentrating on it, his evolution points decreased quickly, consuming 492 points to raise his reasoning to 20 points.
Following the increase, something warm entered his brain and flowed into the bloodstream. A sharp dizziness made him unable to open his eyes as he felt a strong feeling of paralysis.
Luckily, Wei Xiao Bei was currently lying on his bed. There should be no problems even if he could not control his body.
This dizzy feeling persisted for a long time. When it disappeared, he felt that his mind had cleared up. Information about the items around him would enter his brain.
When a dragonfly passed by, Wei Xiao Bei was able to begin perceiving information: speed of 16.5 kilometers per hour. It planned to catch a housefly and needed more speed and a proper angle to do so.
This made Wei Xiao Bei feel that his brain had started to become akin to a a computer. As long as he opened his eyes and used a bit of effort, Wei Xiao Bei could tell that the mental consumption of the skill had increased. He could not help but close his eyes and look at his status panel.
At this time, Wei Xiao Bie noticed a new ability appeared behind the reasoning attribute.
Precise Calculation: This ability will appear once reasoning raises to 20 points. This ability allowed the user to think 5 times faster than normal and gain more details.
Without a doubt, this was a strong ability. Although the time it remained active was not long, it was clearly a nice support ability.