Chapter 55: Chapter 55: The Ultimate Test

Iris expected a great sea of mist as far as eyes could see, but behind the layer of concealment was a dull, grey plain, which stretched into the distance, having only sparse trees and bushes, whose colours decayed until they lost their saturation. The coarse soil became smooth, impossibly smooth, like fine dust, yet firm like stones. The sun-lit sky became dim, with an overcast atmosphere falling onto the world.

The dusty air gave off an unsettling impression: the passage of time had congregated into a vast grinder, crushing everything into powder, devouring passions and colours into monotony, dooming lustres into dullness.

If not for the layer of mist behind her, Iris would have turned around and changed her path. Despite her enhanced perception, she couldn't sense any presence; even the looming ever-watching eyes of the Overseer couldn't peer into the sacred graveyard. It was indeed the ultimate resting place, for everything was motionless, soundless, and lifeless.

If Iris weren't a Slime Girl and needed to breathe, she would have choked on herself and died from suffocation by now. To combat the staleness, she condensed her membrane, walked as slow as possible, and kept her mind alert. Despite the Shadow Heart Core remained motionless, Iris knew that staying inside for too long would bring about unknown consequences.

Though the surrounding was spacious, Iris didn't dare to venture off the track, which led her deeper into the grey landscape. As she walked, she occasionally passed a lonely tombstone, sometimes resting under a tall tree, sometimes resting alone in the middle of a small hill. On the slab was a simple name, without a surname, without the date of birth, without the date of death.

The tombstones were simplistic yet everlasting, looking firm and smooth despite the passing of time. Besides the tombs, multiple decayed equipment laid on the ground, some leaning onto the tombstones, some stabbing into the earth. The gemstones and the engravements on them still glowed with feeble brilliance, illustrating their hidden extraordinary power.

They were the equipment that passed the test of time, accompanying their owners through storms and flames until they came to rest in the sacred graveyard. Each piece would be of legendary quality, something even the Broken Empire would overjoy to gain one.

While their worth was immeasurable, Iris only admired their majestic aura and fantasised about their untold history. Her eyes and hands would move to some of the more intact ones, but the Shadow Heart Core would violently shiver when she came close to touching them. The equipment was too powerful for the weak Iris, who could only sigh and suppress her desire.

If she dared to covet such treasures, either the ancient curses would befall her, or the greed of the others would kill her.

After walking for a long time, Iris came across a giant monument standing beside the road. Aside from the tombstones, a towering silhouette manifested at the edge of the plain, resembling a pyramid, whose peak pierced the sky, taller than mountains. It was the sacred mausoleum.

Iris took a deep breath, feeling the stale air coursing inside her body. Her right hand faintly quivered as she raised it and touched the stone monument, feeling the superb quality of the material, which held against the tide of time, standing as the representative of the lost civilisation.

"Brave Ones," Iris read, "in front of you is the resting place of the imperial family. Those who lack the qualification, turn back and return whence you came, for they who disturb the eternal rest shall have their dust scatter throughout this sacred land."

As she spoke each word, Iris trembled from an unseen pressure which weighed onto her soul. The mental terror didn't originate from another living being but the inanimate aura of the sacred graveyard. Despite housing only the remains decayed by time, the shadow of the legendary figures still instilled fear into Iris. If not for the motionless Shadow Heart Core, she would have broken down and run away.

"Vilia, I'm starting to regret this," Iris said. "Quasi, I've already trusted you, so I'll continue to the end."

Iris didn't know what qualification she needed to possess, but she didn't need to know to have it. Though she was weak and ignorant, she had Quasi's trust, and Quasi wasn't a random person but one of the last survivors of this ancient civilisation.

Iris closed her eyes. Inside her bitter heart, Quasi’s memory flowed out and permeated Iris, assimilating into her membrane, her slime, her manner, and her mind. The pain and sorrow burnt Iris, but she trusted the process. Her body gradually shifted and expanded, turning smooth and mechanical, changing from Liquid-Body Monster Girl into an automaton.

The Corruption Power inside her body condensed into strings of electricity, flying outside the gaps of her white, metallic skin, sparking with searing noises. Because of the destinies Quasi injected into her, Iris quickly imitated Quasi's body to perfection, having both the robotic exterior and the machinery interior.

After a moment of silence, Iris opened her mechanical eyes and inspected her new body. Despite her robotic appearance, her body moved deceptively quick. Her clunky-looking joints easily bent according to her movement. Her air also changed, having the same peculiar aura Quasi had, expressing interest in anything outside her expectation.

"I'm as tall as you now, Quasi. No one would see through my lie if I were to live as you," Iris mumbled, an elegant smile emerging on her cold face. "You left me, so I'll become you. This is your fault."

Iris stared at the pyramid and took a step forwards, feeling refreshed, excited. After she transformed into Quasi, the pressure of the divine resting place subsided, accepting that Quasi had the qualification to visit the sacred mausoleum.

Holding the black card, Iris passed through the rows of tombstones unscratched. She still didn't dare to take anything. The thoughts of unknowable traps lurking in the shadow dispelled her desire for the legendary equipment. Fortunately, she didn’t know how precious they really were.

After the rows of tombstones, some golden statues emerged before Iris. They towered along the road, standing side by side, protecting the foot of the pyramid. Most of them stabbed their swords into their golden foundation, while others held spears and staffs beside them.

They were lifeless, but Iris felt like their unmoving gazes were staring at her puny figure, closely following her every movement. Because of their size, they towered over Iris despite standing so far away, exuding their impressive presence while deterring the weak-willed from disturbing the divine rest.

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The road ahead Iris was now dustless. There were no rising ashes, insects, or gales. The sparse garden gave off a sense of desolation. When Iris passed through a greyish leafless tree, her footstep generated a soft breeze that permeated the stale air. The wind was feeble, but the dead husk failed to resist it and collapsed into a torrent of ashes.

Iris almost cried out, but the illusionary glares of the golden statues made her swallow her panic. Her eyes darted around and found nothing outside of the bleak silence. There was no trap, or they had already decayed through the passing of history.

"Quasi, just how long has it been for you?" Iris mumbled. "Monster Girls existed since the dawn of history. Even ten thousand years ago, Monster Girls are still a constant. Which era did you come from?"

Feeling like an explorer, Iris increased her pace as the adventurous heart took over her. Despite the unknown danger, she could sense that this place might be where she could fulfil her main objective. Even if she gained nothing extra, she had to complete her main task.

Iris arrived before the golden gate at the foot of the pyramid. Now that she was near it, she could see its true height. Its dizzy peak towered above the sky, turning blurry as the atmosphere obstructed her vision. If not for the lack of clouds and dust, Iris wouldn't get to see the golden apex.

Not just the pyramid, even the main gate was too large. Compared to it, Iris was like an ant, an adorable, tiny ant. She couldn’t push it open, but she didn’t have to.

On the gate, there were countless symbols engraved in it. Most of them spoke of the ancient tales and customs of the imperial family. Iris just skimmed through until she found a big line in the middle of the gate.

"Only the Destined Ones can meet the imperial family," Iris read. She had no idea what they were talking about, but she had Quasi's appearance and the black card. "Quasi, help me again, please."

After preparing herself, Iris held the black card and slowly moved it. As the card grazed the smooth metallic gate, sparks flew and congregated around the point of contact. Muffled searing noises resounded as azure light seeped into the golden gate, moving along the gaps between the engravement.

Once the electricity covered the gate, the sounds of gears turning and engines roaring broke the oppressive silence, overwhelming the searing noises. The ground faintly shook, radiating majestic impact throughout the world. Iris hastily retreated and glanced backwards. The golden statues remained unmoving, but the withered bushes and trees couldn't withstand the impact, crumbling into grey ashes.

The faint earthquake continued for a few minutes until the golden gate finally moved. Even though the air outside was stale, the air inside was fresh. It quickly blew out and permeated the surrounding with colours.

Iris took a deep breath. The air quality was amazing, better than the air of the forest from before. One deep breath, and the anxiety dispersed into calmness.

"Vilia, we're the first to explore this place, the first!" Iris said, her voice quivering. "Maybe, just maybe, you still have a chance."

Entering the pyramid, Iris found herself in a long, spacious hallway with evenly spaced marble pillars supporting the high ceiling. On them were blue-flame torches, whose radiance generated no ashes and minimal heat, preserving the sacred atmosphere of the pyramid.

Unlike the dull, golden exterior, the interior was colourful, with black and blue as the dominant theme. If the outside was an ancient ruin, the inside would be a futuristic building.

Tightly holding the black card, Iris walked along the corridor, surveying the strange decorations, treating them like eye candies. They must have significant cultural meanings, but Iris could only see that the material was expensive and rare.

As she reached the middle of the corridor, the golden gate behind her closed, faintly shaking the pyramid. Iris stopped and waited until peace returned before she continued onward. Her manner resembled Quasi to perfection, down to the cold robotic movement and the fascination towards all things.

As Iris was walking, the Shadow Heart Core faintly quivered, stopping her movement. In front of her, space twisted and blurred, turning obscure before regaining its transparency. A group of three lifeless automatons stood before Iris. Their demeanour resembled Quasi, but their eyes were dead and stagnant.

The most peculiar thing about them was that their aura mimicked Iris, their strength the same as her.