Later that evening Ino had all of her writing materials ready to go. They were at the Haruno house this time. Sakura told her about how she’d been fighting alongside Tsunade, and there had been a slug, and how she’d been able to do the super strength punches too. And then there was another dream of Sakura alongside Tsunade in a difficult surgery that would have failed for anyone other than the greatest medic of all time. Ino did her best to write it all down with her limited written vocabulary. It was so incoherent that it might as well have been a secret code.
Woman, bug, 3, ninja, health
Sakura, war, hand, big hurt
Woman, sakura, teacher, health
Health, hurt, woman, sakura, help
“Wow Ino, all characters and no pictures?” Sakura asked, looking over at Ino’s work.
“Yep! I’ve been practicing! Although I am guessing that in a couple years if we read this we will have absolutely no idea what this means.” Ino grimaced.
“Maybe once we can both write and read good we can go through all of them and create a really good record of it all! Hehe maybe we can sell it as a book some day!” Sakura laughed.
“Hey you’re right!” Ino exclaimed. “We could totally write these out into a dramatic story! What would your penname be?”
“Uhmmm…” Sakura hummed. “I have no idea. Kyoki Yume?”
“Insane dreams? Hahaha nobody would buy our book!” Ino cackled. “I’d go with something old and strange, like Kageyama.”
Sakura smiled. “That’s probably better. Well at least we have our fallback career planned out now.”
That night Sakura had another one. This time she was attacked alongside 3 other Konoha nin, while escorting an old man. They were able to identify scary-jerk-guy and annoying-guy, but everyone else was a mystery.
“I can’t believe that even in my own dreams I’m mostly just a bystander.” Sakura muttered. “You’d think that I’d at least do something cool, if not be the hero of the encounter.”
“That’s why we need to work on your confidence!” Ino asserted. “Describe the bad guys to me again.”
“Well there was only one. He had this huuuuuge sword. And bandages covering his face. And uhm… uh hehadreallynicemuscles.” She blurted out. “But then there was another-“
“Wait, wait, wait,” Ino cut her off. “What was that last part?”
“Err, well, he was only wearing a tanktop and uhh, his arms werrreeeee kinda nice looking.” Her face steadily grew to match her hair color as the sentence went on, eventually culminating in Sakura burying her face behind her knees.
“Hehe ok ok I won’t tease; you were going to say something else?” Ino gave Sakura a devilish smile.
“Yeah this random masked ninja brought him down and took him away. It was kinda suspicious.”
“Suspicious how?”
“It’s hard to explain…” Sakura murmured. “Sometimes in the dreams I’m overcome with a really strong emotion or sensation or feeling, and that’s what I felt there. Like in the Tsunade dream I just kinda had this feeling of trust in her.”
“You said there was a fourth Konoha nin?”
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“He had a mask too, but normal not bandages or whole-facey. And he had his hitae-ate pulled down over one eye.” Sakura frowned, trying to remember. “Actually, I think he moved it off his eye when we fought… I’m not sure.”
“Konoha, ninja, mask, eye, hmm I don’t know the character for cover. I’ll just draw an eyepatch.” Ino said each word slowly as she drew its character or combination of characters. “How about the old man?”
Sakura shook her head, “he was barely in the dream at all. I don’t think he was important.”
“Ooh!” Ino chirped with sudden inspiration. “Do you wanna draw the sword?”
Sakura nodded excitedly. She drew a long, mostly flat rectangle, except for at the very end. Then she drew a circle and a half circle in it. Then she put a stick figure next to it.
“What’s with the stick figure?” Ino asked curiously. “And what’s with the circles?”
“There were holes in the sword. I don’t know why they were there, but they looked on-purpose.” Sakura replied cheerfully. “As for the person I figured it would be helpful to show how big the sword was.”
Ino looked back down at the scroll. “What?! The sword is bigger than the stick figure!”
“I told you it was a huuuuge sword.” Sakura said knowingly.
“Wow. Your brain does not have a good understanding of physics.” Ino said gravely, still a little shocked.
“Hey!” Sakura said indignantly. “Ninja can do all sorts of crazy things! I bet there’s swords out there that big!” Ino wasn’t convinced.
“Well, more people to look out for on posters and stuff, I guess.” Ino said as she began rolling up the scroll. “Maybe we should see if we can get our parents to take us walking around the village more. Maybe we’d see some of these people?”
“Why? What would we say to them?” Sakura asked, instantly defensive. “Hi I’m Sakura and I have crazy dreams about you?”
“I don’t know, but aren’t you curious? Your dreams could be, like, visions of the future or something!” Ino exclaimed.
Sakura snorted. “If that is the future, then Konoha is seriously messed up because there is no way kids could defend that old man from crazy-big-sword-guy. He could have killed us all with his pinky.”
“Yeah… and also you said there were like huge monsters and people that could fly.” Ino’s tone was resigned.
“Eeeeexactly.” Sakura said. “But I’d still be ok walking around if you promise not to talk to anyone if I recognize them.”
Ino nodded and smiled. “Maybe we can go after school tomorrow.” Then she tucked the last scroll away and went to sleep, trying her best to dream of Tsunade.