Chapter 32: Second Year Begins


“Welcome back to the academy second year students!” Iruka called from the front of the room. He’d only had to wait for 2 minutes for Naruto to show up today, so he was in a good mood. “This year we’ll be learning about something that you will be using for the rest of your lives: Chakra! Can anyone tell me what chakra is? Sasuke-kun!” 

“It’s the energy of the whole world! All living things use it, but shinobi can learn to use it better than normal!” Sasuke said, excitement clear in his voice. “My brother has already taught me how to feel chakra with meditation!” He finished with pride.

“That’s great Sasuke!” Iruka smiled at him. “And it’s a perfect segue into the first activity we’ll be doing this year: Meditation! Raise your hand if you have meditated before!” Ino and a handful of other students raised their hands, mostly clan kids. 

“This year we will begin every morning with meditation.” Iruka went on. “Today and throughout this first week will be only 10-minute guided sessions as we learn, but as the year goes on, we will extend this time.” 

It was no surprise to anyone that Naruto had a hard time sitting still, eyes closed, and silent for long periods of time. Ino watched him for a while; he would sit and take some comically deep breaths and then after 30 seconds compulsively twitch or jerk in some way or another, before shaking his head and trying again. At some point he noticed her staring at him and as he made eye contact, she gave him an encouraging smile and a thumbs up. His jaw hit the floor as he stared at her and Ino suppressed a laugh as she went back to meditating herself.

Ever since Inosuki had taught her to meditate with a candle Ino had been doing it every day for at least five or ten minutes. Over time it had gotten easier, and she and Sakura had begun searching for and working with their Chakra; it almost felt like working out an especially knotted muscle, slowly massaging and expanding it. Meditating without the candle was a lot harder, especially in a room full of restless seven-year-olds, but she knew she’d get it in time. 

The total curriculum, at least for the beginning of the year was continued reading, writing, history and throwing practice, as well as the new subjects of mediation and taijutsu. To be a second year you had to show you knew the academy katas, and so apparently that meant that they were ready to fight. Ino and Sakura chose each other for partners as the class went through drills which was ok. But then Iruka informed them that there would be sparring at the end of each day, and it would not be optional for very long. 

It was obvious that there were massive gaps in skill immediately, which was to be suspected on day one. As Ino watched a cheerful Sasuke beat a civilian kid into the ground she tried to convince herself that she just didn’t want to ruin her clothes and her hair and her everything. It was what she had said when it was her turn to spar if she wanted to. But the budding psychologist in the back of her mind was tutting disappointedly at her. You’re scared to fail. Scared to look weak. Scared that people will see you don’t deserve to be the Yamanaka heiress. 

Naruto, to the surprise of most of the class, scrapped his way to a win over a larger and better-fed boy. Ino was sure that both of them would have beaten her easily. Two civilian girls fought, and Ino could see they too possessed a certain raw athleticism that she wasn’t sure she had. All that time I spent reading… she couldn’t help thinking. Even timid Hinata agreed to spar. It was a bittersweet moment for Ino because while it was fun to watch Hinata pummel one of Ami’s cronies into submission (Damn that girl is a different person once a fight starts) it was also the most obvious proof of Ino’s inferiority. There was no way Ino would be able to beat Hinata in taijutsu, maybe ever. 

Sakura had followed Ino’s lead most of the day, seeming every bit as self-conscious as Ino. They both sat in gloomy silence at the day’s end, thinking of how easy it had been to excel last year, and how much harder this year already was shaping up to be. Ino was trying to remind herself about her parent’s lesson on the importance of intellectual pursuits, but somehow it didn’t seem as important with the looming possibility of getting beaten up. 

That was how Inoichi found them; staring off into the distance, sitting on their heels, brooding in silence. 

“Hey there ladies.” Inoichi said in a conspiratorial tone. “If you promise not to tell Fuyumi I’ll treat you both to Yakitori on the way home...” Two pairs of shining eyes snapped up to him. 

“Yes yes we promise we promise!!” 

“Well we’d better hurry before your mother gets suspicious! Quick, grab on!” Inoichi stuck his arms out so that they made a “T” shape. Each arm quickly attracted a giggling parasite and soon the three of them were zooming towards the best yakitori stand in town, all thoughts of inadequacy forgotten. 

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