I wake up before the sun begins to rise. Even though it was only a few hours of sleep, I feel well rested. I strike camp and continue on the journey. Quickly cutting my way through bush after bush, I finally get out of the deep woods around late morning.
Refreshing openness greets me. Being able to see clearly into the distance is a stark contrast to the friendly trees I have constantly been rubbing my shoulders with. Already my pace has increased. Before, I had to cut my way through to gain just about every step. Now I am practically running up the mountain.
Around noon, I take a short break for food. An assortment of dried foods leaves me needing a large gulp of water to wash it down. I don't need the break. I just wanted to rest from the monotony of climbing. Well, maybe I did need the break.
Five minutes of standing and lingering gives me my fill of scenery. Trees are diminishing in presence, replaced by increasingly rocky terrain. Notably, I have a clear line of sight of the mountain I am climbing. My estimates put the peak at six miles away. Though I am not entirely convinced, I think hiking to the peak of this mountain is the best course to take to find the shaman in the cave.
The scenery rapidly changes before me. Half a mile after my break, I walk through a lush meadow. Amidst the greenery, my friend, the stream finds its beginning in a beautiful pond. Feeling helpless against its allure, I take a brief swim in the waters. An easily justifiable action if ever it needs justifying. If I meet the Queen of the Shamans in person, I will at least wash off before I do so, and there is no telling when I will get another chance.
Leaving the mountain pond behind, I cover the next mile extra quick making up for my extended break. Trees have gotten smaller and are more grouped together. There are thick patches, then there are practically barren patches. The terrain is bumpy, and the slope is only ever steep.
Nearing the upper portion of the mountain, the trees are gone, and there is only rock. Steep rocky terrain is replaced with cliffs. I am relying more and more on my magic cord. I toss the rope up the cliff, it latches onto something, and then I climb and hope that magic continues to be magic.
Even though I don't trust the rope system completely, it hasn't dropped me once and if one thing is sure, risking the cliffs is much better than the time and effort required to not attempt the cliffs. As they say, "Moving forward with uncertainty is much better than backtracking with surety." Or something like that. They seem to say a lot of things.
A few hours past noon, I reach the peak of the mountain. Looking out to the west, I spot the tallest peak. To my dissatisfaction, there are a couple more peaks I need to climb and descend before I am on Mount Tall. I get a better perspective of the forest and the desert back to the east.
There is still desert, forest, local mountains, and the distant shadow mist of mystery shrouding the borders. The shadow doesn't just form around the desert. As far as I can tell, it surrounds the entirety of this landscape.
Admittedly I do gain a better appreciation for the size of the desert. Mountains, forests, and lakes consume the western side, while the desert dominates the eastern half. Even including my scorpion excursions, I still haven't explored most of it. Not that I am disappointed in my exploratory efforts. At the end of the day, the desert will still be hot and sandy, and no amount of ancient ruins or prickly cacti can change what the desert is. One thing is clear, if there are any cool cacti, civilization, or ruins, they have found a way to remain hidden.
I debate whether I keep going for the day or take an early break and hope for better progress tomorrow. I decide on the latter and tell myself that I will conquer two mountains tomorrow. With a clear plan, I get to my new nightly routine. Set up camp, eat dinner, practice forms, and meditate. I fall asleep before the sun escapes over the mountains.
Early dawn, the budding light wakes me up. Feeling refreshed and eager to continue my excursion, I eat a small breakfast while soaking in the view, then get back on track. Camp is quickly struck after my meal, and I get on my way.
Two mountain descents and ascents later, I'm on the top of the last mountain before Mount Tall. The sun has not yet gone down. I am tired. I wouldn't say drained entirely, but it takes me longer to get through my night routine. Meditation is cut short as I practically fall asleep when I close my eyes.
My day of hiking wasn't even that difficult. It was just so dull. Rock after rock, much like the desert, just grittier. Neither mountain descended low enough to cross the tree line, so I was forced to face rocky shades of gray. No one is asking, but in my opinion, mountains lose luster when they are devoid of life. Heck, I blame the mountains for draining the life out of me.
Similar to the day before, I am running past rock after rock. Climb cliffs and jump over boulders. Miles come and go as I traverse the mountain terrain. Mid-afternoon, I reach the summit of the tallest peak.
The air is thin and cold up here. I even summon an extra layer of fur to bring back some warmth. Even still, the wind perpetually nips at any exposed skin. I check the surrounding peaks for good measure to confirm I am on the highest mountain. I can see clearly in every direction. In fact, no other peak comes close to the height of this mountain. Indeed Mount Tall does not disappoint.
The mountain range extends far to the north and the south, dividing this land mass in half. Further west looks like a richer forest once you get past the lower trees. Patches of blue scattered throughout the western woods lead me to believe that there are some beautiful lakes to be explored.
Disappointingly, I see no signs of civilization in any direction. Not that I was expecting to be able to see buildings from up here. It just would have been nice.
Making my way down the southernmost ridge, which seems more like the western ridge, I hear heavy breathing and footsteps coming up the northern ridge. Naturally, my curiosity demands to see who or what is making all that noise. I stop my descent, summon a bone chair, and wait for my new guest to arrive. In fact, I even go out of my way to summon another chair. To say I am excited to meet a fellow hiker is an understatement.
Imagine my surprise and embarrassment when not one but multiple people, well, beast-like people, crest the ridge and catch me unprepared. First, to summit the mountain, the largest of the bunch is wearing full plate armor made of steel and currently drawing a war ax that matches the design of his armor.
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Following the leader, the rest of the pack summits the peak. The crew then fans out on both sides of the leader. Bulky in frame and size, the beast people have a strong resemblance to Grundle, only lacking the wildness and the head-like pauldrons. Other than the lead bear person, the rest of the crew wears an assortment of metal and leather armor, swords, and axes.
This is a disaster. I'm short six chairs, there are not nearly enough biscuits required for a good party, and my attire does not meet the standards of my guests.
Trying my best to be a good host, I warmly welcome my newcomers. "Hello, fellow mountain climbers." I pause for a moment so that they can respond. Only when the silent responses start to get weird, do I continue.
"Welcome to the peak of Mount Tall! Please take a seat—" Too forward. Need to tone it down. I criticize my greetings as I gesture to the chairs I am summoning. "—If you want. You don't have to sit if you don't want to. We can stand here and leave the chairs behind... If you all prefer. Let's reminisce on how unpleasant this whole hiking experience has been."
I'm about to summon my last chair when I notice the lead bear person wave a hand shrouded in darkness. Following the motion, mana required to summon the seventh chair is blocked. I try the summons again and fail. This is unexpected.
"Did you all kill the power by chance? We could really use another chair." I ask unaccusingly.
Objecting my unaccusing query with silence, the bears maintain consistency. Which I can respect. Giving my visiting friends the benefit of the doubt, I attribute my inability to summon the last chair to stage fright. A performer I am not. Mentally, I cross that off the list of jobs I held in my life with memories.
Mixed expressions of aggression, shock, tiredness, and anger are apparent on my guests' faces. Clearly, they are not amused by my party tricks or lack thereof. I am going to have to step up my charisma. Other than low growling amongst themselves, they haven't spoken a word. So I persist in my greetings. Kill them with kindness, sort of an approach.
"I'm sure you all are wondering who I am and what I am doing here. Let me fill you in. Maybe you all will do the same in return. Hi. My name is… oh fetch." Terror surges through me, and I ineptly voice my dilemma vocally. "I haven't picked a name yet." I might as well just turn the table now with how badly my introduction is going.
Mumbling growls intensify among themselves. Biscuits and friendship don't seem to be on their agenda. In unison, each bear person draws their weapon. However, I'm not discouraged. Friends make better enemies, or is it enemies make better friends? No, that's not it either.
"Come now, put those pointy sticks and swords down," I say calmly and peacefully, hands gesturing out, palms angling towards my guest. Ever so slightly, I pat the rising tension in the air down. "It's better to have friends than enemies."
It's small, but I give myself a congratulatory fist pump. Sure the bears still don't seem to like me, but that's on them. I'm crushing my first social encounter with the most human-like people I've met that aren't spirits.
Turns out you can have many first times when you get into specifics. It's a stupid thought, and now I'm sorta grinning like a fool. OK, maybe I am a little to blame for their social preference leaning not in my favor. It is time to reel them in.
"Anyway, sorry for the name blunder earlier. You all can call me Sean. Hi! I'm Sean. Nice to meet you all. Please have a seat. Let's talk."
Finally, one of them engages. It is the one I designated as the leader. "Silence, human." He says with a demanding roar. "You are not worthy of our time. Now tell us where the shamans are, and we can end your existence kindly." Adding weight to his words, he tightens his grip on his war ax and takes a couple steps in my direction.
Bravely, I counter his forward steps with a couple back steps of my own. My hands are still stretched out, offering peace. "Look, man, beast, things…really, if you'd give me a name or something to work with, I can address you more appropriately. For instance, you must have heard me introduce myself. I'm Sean. Not human. So next time you put me in my place, try to at least use my name.
"Sure. Sure—" taking advantage of my conversational higher grounds I find myself standing upon, I press my advantage. Bones will be so jealous if I return from my sojourn with friends. "—it isn't the best name, and I might have just come up with it on the spot still, it's my name, and it'd be nice to be addressed by it." Not once have I acted aggressively towards them, and I feel I have already built enough rapport that I can be a little bolder. "Also, might I just add, you seem awfully contradictory. Maybe we can have some dry tree biscuits together and sort through what you really want."
Now I have offered food, given feedback, and been absolutely wonderful. There is no way the problem is me. I pull some biscuits from my bag and place them on the table. Taking out a bite of my own biscuit, I continue to try to extend a peace offering. "These bis—" I am cut off before I can continue speaking.
"Where is the shaman? Point us in the right direction, and your death will be quick." This time it is the beastman on the right of the lead bear that speaks. Following his words, the pack splits. A pair of beastmen circle to the right, and another pair circle to the left. That leaves the leader, second speaker, and another support bear directly facing me in the middle. Classic pincer move.
On the down low, I try to summon a blade or two. Energy is still being blocked for me. This is going to get dicey. "I actually don't know where the shaman is, and rumor has it that said shaman doesn't want to be found." And with that, the beasts start their attack.