Chapter 203: Chapter 203 – War of the Gods (1)

Chapter 203 – War of the Gods (1)

Kumarak’s weapon was called Destroyer, an axe that was much bigger and longer than normal. He held it as he looked at the battlefield in front of him. Numerous troops flocked, but just as sheep were unable to deal with wolves, the expedition forces struck the orcs and broke apart. No matter how many enemies were present, there was nothing to fear.

“Did you smash a mountain?” Someone suddenly said.

Kumarak looked at his opponent. A man dressed like a knight and exerted a different force from the other soldiers. A moderately strong person, he possessed the power of a knight. He stared at Kumarak with challenging eyes and pointed his sword.

“You are acquainted with my reputation.” Kumarak responded with a grin. He would listen to what the knight had to say.

“I volunteered for this expedition to prove my strength. You are the warrior who made a mountain flat.”


“It is a great honor to meet you. I will beat you and let the continent know the name of the Arteros family. The world will know that Arteros’ sword is the best.”

Kumarak’s mouth dropped open. This knight expressed the intention to increase his reputation by using Kumarak as a sacrifice. In other words, he was already thinking about after the fight. For him, Kumarak was just a means to an end.

It didn’t make sense.

“I am the last descendant of the Arteros family, my name is Bede…”

However, Kumarak didn’t listen any longer. He looked down at Destroyer. It drank the blood of his enemies. A demon who covered away blood with blood, leaving stains on it. There were great warriors and knights he couldn’t help admiring. Hunters, magicians, giant monsters, all of them were terrifying opponents that Kumarak killed.

Kumarak always risked his life. Kill or die. That was his principle. Things were never easy. At the end of a battle, Kumarak was tearful because he was still alive. Then he expressed condolences to the dead enemy.

Kumarak stood here instead of the strong opponents. Their lives were left there.


“This battlefield that the gods are watching is the best stage. Come, Mountain Smasher. Attack…”

What was this knight talking about? Increasing fame and spreading the name of his family? He was worried about compensation in a moment when he should be gathering his courage and swallowing back tears?

He seemed so trivial to Kumarak.


The man moved his sword.


Kumarak didn’t move.


The man’s sword stopped in front of Kumarak’s chest.

“What is it?” The knight cocked his head and stared. “Aren’t you going to fight, Mountain Smasher?”

Kumarak smiled. It was a terrible smile that distorted his face. The knight didn’t stab him. Did he imagine a wonderful stage? Or did he think a quick fight was too boring to raise his reputation? Either way, he abandoned the chance to take Kumarak’s life. He had no idea about the opponent in front of him.


Kumarak’s chest swelled. He condensed his rage. His breath was sealed and the pressure in his abdomen rose. Then he roared.

“I am Kumarakkkkkkkk──────!”

The earth shook. The ground shook like an earthquake was occurring. For a moment, all the troops on the battlefield stumbled.

“My name is Kumarakkkkkkk──────!”

Kumarak roared and swung Destroyer. The knight talking about his family was split apart. The sword was broken, the right arm severed and the axe pierced the middle of the abdomen. Blood poured from his mouth.

“You are a fool. Grrung.”

The knight’s eyes stared at Kumarak. Kumarak pushed the body with his feet. The knight’s body broke down. It was the end. People would forever never know the name of that family.

“It is starting now.”

Kumarak raised Destroyer. Far away, he saw Crockta descending on the great army. Their eyes met. Kumarak laughed. Then he attacked the surrounding soldiers. Once Kumarak started to advance, no one could stop him.

At that moment. The soldiers stood up. A light shone down from the sky, healing the wounds of the expedition army and filling their bodies with unknown strength. Despite the dominance of the orcs, the expedition troops started to push forward using the momentum of the gods.


Of course, it was only a little annoying for Kumarak. Kumarak wielded Destroyer and his enemies flew through the air every time.


Once again, someone called his name.

“Who is it this time?”

“I have been watching you for a long time.” He was a dwarf paladin with the mark of a god on his armor. His eyes glowed blue. “Do you remember Almutad?”

Kumarak jumped. It was a name from his past.

“I grieved day and night when that child died by your hands.”

Kumarak realized who was in front of him.

“I will return that pain to you.”

Almutad. The great worm that swallowed his friends. Kumarak pursued it, turning the mountain flat and slashing at the worm that emerged with Destroyer. He pulled the remains of his companions out of the great worm’s stomach and buried them.

He received the title ‘Mountain Smasher’ due to this fight. If that name was mentioned, the person in front of him must be,


The god of all underground creatures. The father of the creatures who squatted beneath the ground, a transcendental presence who favored dwarves and loved worms. The paladin, no the incarnation of Tartatod laughed.

“That’s right.”

The gods were intervening.

Kumarak laughed. “You are a nasty pervert who pampers those stinking worms. Grrung!”

The dwarf’s face stiffened. At the same time, a reddish brown aura covered the dwarf. The power of a god. Kumarak was able to feel the intangible energy.

Kumarak gave strength to his stomach and built up his willpower. He wasn’t fighting just the expedition members who followed the divine message. The gods had come out directly.

“Stupid orc.”

Tartatod wielded his hammer. Kumarak blocked with Destroyer.

You are reading story Praise the Orc! at


Kumarak was thrown back. The expedition members and orcs fighting were scattered. Kumarak rolled across the ground several times before recovering. He slowly got up. Those who were caught in the conflict groaned on the ground.

His whole body creaked. Kumarak had never been pushed back by a blow before. It was the first time. Kumarak was thrilled by the overwhelming power difference.

“Don’t resist, mortal.” Tartatod said calmly. “Not just me, but the other gods will borrow their bodies. You can’t beat us.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Grrung!”

“Resistance is useless.”

“Kulkul, everyone says that before they are beaten up!”

Kumarak grabbed Destroyer and leapt towards Tartatod. However, Tartatod’s body blurred and disappeared. Kumarak stopped.


Tartatod appeared in front of Kumarak. Kumarak hurriedly wielded his axe. Tartatod blocked with his hammer. There was tremendous pressure. Kumarak couldn’t compete when it came to strength.

“Uhhhh…” Kumarak pushed his forehead forward and shouted. His forehead hit the dwarf’s face.


Tartatod moved back from the sudden hit. Despite the power of a god, it was natural to receive damage after being hit in the face. Kumarak touched his forehead and raised his head. Blood poured from Tartatod’s nose. Kumarak laughed. Tartatod’s face was red.


The power of a god exploded and hit Kumarak.


Mouth dripped from his mouth as he rolled across the ground. He barely managed to hold onto Destroyer.

“I tried to kill you nicely…”

“There is no such thing as a nice death. Stupid god.” Kumarak raised his body and laughed. Tartatod’s face distorted. “Tartatod, you really don’t know anything.”

“Shut up. Dirty orc. Vicious bastards.”


Kumarak raised his body. It wasn’t just Tartatod. The battlefield was now entering a new phase. There were those who showed the power of a god and every time they attacked, the orcs were greatly pushed back.

“I wonder why there is a god who takes care of those who crawl under the ground.” Flames burned in Kumarak’s eyes. “If a god dies, will a new one appear?”

Kumarak was the one who smashed a mountain in order to kill a great worm. A slaughtering machine who moved with a commitment to tearing apart the enemies. If the enemy was a mountain, eliminate the enemy. If the enemy was a god, eliminate the god. Kumarak didn’t choose the enemies.

“Now it is interesting.”

He hadn’t experienced anything worthy since smashing the mountain. He hadn’t met a good enemy since the time he dug at the mountain for several months. But the enemy was a god. He would kill a god and change his title of ‘Mountain Smasher’ to something else.

Kumarak held Destroyer’s handle.

“Tartatod. You will die to me today.”


Zankus quickly sprang up and fired his arrow. He only aimed at places where the enemies were concentrated.

The arrows of an unexpected size pierced through the enemies. His arrows were never satisfied with one life. If one was killed, it would penetrate through the body and kill at least three more. He killed three or four each turn. The arrows became like a skewer.


“Avoid it!”

“Sun Killer!”

He crushed the enemies. A single arrow penetrated through and crushed many enemies in a show of pure force. Every time he shot an arrow, it felt like the battlefield had been hit with a hammer.

“You’re lucky we’re fighting on the plains,” muttered Zankus.

The open plains with no obstacles blocking the field of view was a disadvantage for a hunter. If this were a mountain or a forest, they would’ve died without knowing where the arrows were coming from.

Zankus scanned in front of him with a hunter’s eyes. The expedition had overwhelming numbers, but the strength of the orcs dominated. In particular, the strategy of putting strong leaders at the forefront was effective. The enemy’s power was crushed by the vanguard, while the scattered remnants were swallowed by the other orcs. In addition, Crockta was wielding his greatsword at the very front.

Zankus grinned. When he returned to Orcrox for Lenox’s funeral, he learned there was an orc who survived alone. He didn’t look reliable. The orc spoke about getting revenge for Lenox; however, owever, Zankus doubted him and warned,

‘I will hunt you down if you play stupid games. I can’t trust a person who ran away alone.’

That orc was Crockta, who had made those words a shameful memory by now.

“We can’t lose.”

Zankus fired several arrows at the same time. Then he pulled his bowstring all the way back using his muscles. When the string was released… It was like the dew rolling off the leaves. Like feathers falling from wings or stamens dangling to the ground. Lightly.


It tore through the battlefield. Everywhere the arrow passed, a large wound was dealt to the ranks of the expedition. There were only dead bodies and the wailing of those who lost their limbs.

“It is boring like this.”

At that moment, something happened. A light shone down, healing the soldiers and pouring the power of the gods into the paladins. It was the participation of the gods.

Zankus’ hands shook.

“It can’t be helped.”

He scouted the battlefield for his next prey. At that moment.


An arrow flew. Zankus’ body twisted. A beam of light passed by Zankus’ neck. Blood flowed down.

“……” Zankus grinned. “How interesting.”

Somewhere among the expedition members. There was a hunter like him. He could feel the strength of a god coming from the wound on his neck.

Zankus’ mouth twisted as he muttered, “If I kill the god of hunting…”

Zankus’ body slowly blurred.

“I will be the god of hunting.”