Chapter 182: Chapter 181: Snowdrift Sidequest

Inside Snowdrift cave…

The dormant volcano had a large opening that showed a small ray of light that reached the insides of the volcano.

Because of that, certain plants grew, which provided food. In addition, the rich soil of the volcano made the place capable of easily growing plants. And there was also a small stream that burst out of the ground giving nourishment to the plants.

And in this small safe zone hidden from the ravages of the Mist, a wolf stood by.

The wolf had a green rock on his forehead. The center of this rock had a purple jewel that shone brightly.

This is the Ra-Seru, Terra. She met Noa when Noa was two years old and decided to merge with the wolf instead and took control of the wolf with her power.

Terra! Good morning!” A young girl jumped up and greeted the wolf.

She was a scarlet-haired young girl with bright green eyes.

She stood up from the rock and smiled as she took a deep breath.

It’s a beautiful day!”

The wolf smiled as she watched Noa jump out of the rock.

She kicked the ground and began to move.

Oh? Your skill increased!” Terra praised.

I finally performed that jumping skill you taught me! I can also feel the wind in my steps, as you said!”

Good. Today, we start with training your upper-body skill. Back then we have been focusing on working your lower body. As warriors of the wind, our sprint, dash, and movements are most important. But if we are unable to deal any damage with our fists, we can’t win in a fight where we are forced to punch. Especially if we are up against Serus. So now, we are finally training the upper body and your fist!” Terra explained.

I got it!”

Alright. Let’s go to the… Wait! What’s that?! A powerful Seru?!” Terra gazed up at the sky in terror.

Hold on!” Dyne shouted as the three kept holding on to each other.

As they entered the hole of the volcano, Dyne suddenly threw out Grim, and Arya also did the same.

The two grappling hooks were lodged at the wall, and the group managed to hang up in the air.

Arya and Dyne divided the weight and held it up in the air.

Arya. Follow my lead! I’ll detach first. You grapple once we get lower.” Dyne ordered.

Alright, Master Dyne!”

No! Humans! That… that Seru! It’s Yami!” Terra exclaimed in shock.

Terra. So I guess those memories that Master Dyne showed me are true.”

Noa was amazed at what she saw.

Three people fell from the sky.

Terra! Terra! Are those birds? Did the Stork bring them here, as you said? Are we going to be a family?!” Noa asked several questions at once.

As she was raised by the wolf Terra, Terra had to go through the process of going through ‘the talk’ with Noa as to how babies are born.

But Terra was too focused on the sky. She knew Yami betrayed Tieg and sided with Rogue.

Dyne and the pair slowly went down.

As expected. Noa has grown strong! This place has no Mist, and Noa grew up not experiencing its maddening and weakening effects.” Dyne secretly observed.

Soon, the group was able to descend properly on the ground.

Noa kept flapping her arms excitedly and spinning, jumping upper-cut in her excitement.

I have brothers and sisters!” Noa cheered.

Thank you, mister stork man!” Noa shouted to the sky.

Terra growled and took up a stance in front of Noa.

Noa! Move back! Those are our enemies!” Terra shouted.

Relax, Terra. It’s me!” Jedo spoke.


Remember what happened? Yami died. I took her body. So I am the first-ever, dual-element Ra-Seru.” Jedo explained.

Wha-What?!” Terra was amazed.

This must be Noa. Hello Noa.” Jedo greeted.

Oh! You are like Terra! But how come you are not like Terra? You look like me!” Noa was amazed as she turned to Dyne.

Hello, Noa! You’re older than I thought! Oh! Right! If we are to follow reality, a newborn can’t be raised by a wolf. You must be already two years old when that happened…” Dyne realized the minor changes. But as Dyne thought, he realized that it wouldn’t be long until…

Crap! Begone evil thoughts!” Dyne chanted.

Erm… This is Master Dyne.” Jedo introduced.

Master… Dyne?” Terra was confused. Why would the prideful Jedo refer to a human as a 'master'?

Yes. He is an agent sent by Lord Tieg. I actually met Tieg. It’s sort of hard to explain.”

You met with Tieg? How did you acquire Yami’s power?”

Master Dyne helped me. Haven’t you noticed? He’s like us.” Jedo pointed it out.

By Tieg?" Terra focused her powers and realized the elements in Dyne.

"How?! Fire! Earth! And Holy! All in one?!” Terra exclaimed.

Hi! Dyne Valiant. I guess you could say that I’m a Brimstone Ra-Seru!” Dyne laughed.

Terra was shocked. But then she noticed the two humans next to Dyne.

And these two are…?”

The wives of Master Dyne.” Arya interrupted.

That’s right. These are my- wait, what?!” Dyne was shocked.

Arya!” Rena chastised.

Arya was laughing.

Such a cute little sister!” Arya smiled. Noa reminded her of one of her relatives.

Hi! I’m Noa! Are we going to be a family?! Did Mister Stork bring you here?!”

Yes! I’m Dyne. I’m going to be your brother! And this is Jedo. He is Mister Stork! He brought us here!”

Mister Stork?!” Jedo and Terra exclaimed.

Hello, Mister Stork! Thank you for bringing my family here!” Noa talked excitedly.

You are reading story Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World at

N-Noa. That's…. Wait! Jedo!? You can talk!” Terra realized that Jedo was already capable of vocalizing his words.

A lot has happened. We have a lot to talk about, Terra. I haven’t met him yet, but Meta has also awakened. Master Dyne has already helped him and has found a suitable host.” Jedo explained.

Anyway… Let’s all get acquainted. Rena, Arya. This is the place where I am at. Legaia. Cultivation is different here. It’s weaker and stronger than your world. Weaker because they are underdeveloped in physical cultivation. But stronger because they found another means to cultivate.” Dyne harnessed Spirit.

Soul Cultivation,” Dyne revealed it.

Rena and Arya watched in amazement. They felt the power of Dyne.

Oh! Wow! Brother! You're so stronger! Noa can do that too!” Noa also harnessed the power of Spirit.

As expected. Noa. We have to change your style in training. Attack me and I’ll show you.” Dyne ordered.

Eh? But brother. I’m quite strong.” Noa answered back.

Don’t underestimate Noa.” Terra spoke to Jedo.

Don’t underestimate Master Dyne.” Jedo laughed.

Just tell Noa to attack Dyne.”

“… Alright. I’m quite curious about this Master Dyne. Noa. Attack him with all your strength.”

Alright!” Noa smiled and ran.

The burst of speed Noa revealed was outstanding. Almost instantly, he was already in front of Dyne.

Dyne raised his arms and swiped down.


The entire punch of Noa was negated.

Noa continued her barrage, but instead of a normal form of a block that the classic Legaia characters have, Dyne met each of Noa’s barrage and released enough Spirit to negate her attack.

Soon, Noa landed four attacks in succession.

Impossible!” Terra was amazed.

Rena and Arya were also shocked by Noa’s movements. She was clearly not even a level one Martial Advent, and yet she had amazing speed!

Spirt can be used in this way. Attack and defend. Minimize the usage of Spirit and place it only on certain parts.” Dyne revealed and gave Noa a light push.

Noa was pushed back and thrown back.

Terra rushed and used his body to catch Noa.

Impossible! I trained Noa to be capable of increasing her Agility!”

Hmp. Useless. Dyne can practically perform hundreds of spirit attacks.” Jedo laughed.

Dyne continued and kept on attacking the air as his spirit force erupted.


Each punch created an explosive force.

Dyne kept at it until there were more than twenty punches.

Terra and Noa were amazed.

Amazing! Big brother! You’re so strong!”

What a monster…!” Terra was shocked.

He is Tieg’s disciple. Er… I think he is. Lord Tieg, Is he your disciple?” Jedo asked. From his interactions, he had seen Dyne make marvelous things that shocked Tieg.

Tieg? How dare you call on Lord Tieg!” Terra shouted angrily.

Tieg? I don’t think that the former cheapskate is my master. Is he like… erm… an ally? A benefactor?” Dyne was curious.

How dare you say that about Tieg!” Terra exclaimed.

What? I’m honest. I’m thankful for Tieg, but I’m not his disciple. Please. I’m above that.”

Terra was about to explode in anger, but then she heard it.

MOTHER FRAGMENT!” Strafe cursed.

Lo-Lord Tieg!”

I gave you three freakin' games! Can’t you be at least a little thankful for it?!”

Hmp. Well, I guess your right. Fine. I guess I’m a disciple of some sort.”

Lo-Lord Tieg has returned!?” Terra was shocked.

Yeah. I’ll explain later. What you will learn will shock you. We’ll talk privately.” Jedo sent to Terra.

Wow! Big brother is so strong! What about big sisters?!” Noa flapped his arms as she ran towards Arya and Rena.

Terra observed Arya. She could feel that this cultivator was far stronger. Only the monks of old who fought with them were this strong. It was impossible to attain and sustain this strength because of the Mist.

I’m nothing compared to Master Dyne.” Arya laughed.

Terra.” Dyne approached.

I came here looking for you and Noa. All Ra-Seru and Ra-Seru wielders need to gather because we have an urgent task at hand. But we have to leave this place.”

Are we going to awaken a Genesis Tree?” Terra asked.

No. Not yet. The enemy will search for the other Trees and kill them. So we have to wait. Once we begin our quest, we can resurrect the Genesis Trees one after the other. But we already have allies. There are two human villages that are alive. For now, we need to go back to other villages. We do plan to save one Genesis Tree, though.” Dyne recalled the plan to revert the Genesis Tree in West Voz Forest into a Seedling.

I understand. But since you are strong, and we have strong allies… Dyne-”

Master Dyne.” Jedo corrected.

Ri-right. Master Dyne. There is something deep in this mountain that I need you to look at. It might be possible to acquire it.”

Oh? A side quest?! Interesting. Strafe! What is it?! What is it?!”

Terra was shocked that Dyne called Tieg’s real name so casually.

Show me a good battle. Be warned that the guardian guarding it should be stronger now because of Calamitus.” Strafe answered and spoke no more.

What is it?!” Dyne turned to Terra since he knew Strafe wouldn’t say anything.

I was shocked to see that this weapon, that was forged, in Sol appeared here. It was a mixture of Seru and Sol Technology. They created a weapon of immense power that gave the humans a chance to fight back against the monstrous horde. Rem destroyed all these weapons since he feared that humans would use them against each other after the war.”

What is it?! Just say it already! Don’t leave me hanging!”

The humans called it the Ancient Relic Machine...”

The moment Dyne heard the word Ancient Relic Machine, a certain game came to memory.

We Ra-Serus called it by another name. We called that weapon, a Wild Arm!”