Chapter 54: Ch 39. Battle of the unknown sea


I fired two shots in a general direction of enemy ships.

Ever since I sunk two destroyers, I was harassed by other ships. Sometimes I got attacked by small groups of destroyers, one time I even faced a heavy cruiser. The further I was going into the fog, the heavier was the resistance.


A large pillar of water hit somewhere behind the stern, it is a shot from an enemy battleship.


I can only fire where I think they are, I have to constantly maneuver and turn the rudder, otherwise I will be hit. I barely avoided getting damaged but with the heavy opposition I face, that will not continue forever. I have no way to launch a counteroffensive because I have NO IDEA where they are. I can’t launch scouts because I continuously turn. I am stuck in a deadly dilemma. I can either launch my aircraft but will most likely get hit by an enemy shell, or I can continue evasive maneuvering and not launch anything but pitiful shots towards enemy direction.


Because I have no escort, I am under constant threat of being attacked. While at first both I and the maids were somewhat inspired by the victory against the destroyers, soon the constant tension started hurting us.

The poor girls rarely leave the latrine because they are constantly throwing. The normal faring was not affecting them but now that I have to evade all the time, their seasickness showed itself.

I am not affected by it, might be because I am a carrier myself, though also because I am the carrier, I have to constantly be on my toes.

I still have some hope because every day I find the fog becoming thinner.

Every day the visibility improves, it improved to the level when I can spot the incoming torpedoes not within 50 meters but from 1 kilometer. That gives me a lot of time to act.

Soon the enemy battleship disengaged, like they all did. Sooner or later the enemy warships either get sunk or retreat.

Twelve hours later.

I was expecting that the enemy will soon attack again but I was not attacked even once, the scout I sent confirmed that there is an enemy formation nearby, led by a battleship but they, even though are in range, never fired at me. Soon I discovered a possible reason for that.

Within a moment the fog disappeared like there never was any to begin with. When I looked back I saw the same thick wall of fog just behind the ship. When I checked the possible location I found that we should be close to the land mass where the target is located.

I checked all ship’s systems and found nothing out of ordinary, the radar works perfectly, and I even spotted a group of flying objects behind the ship, where the fog is. It looked like I was not able to scan only because I was inside the fog.

I steamed for a few hours but nothing happened. At long last I let the maids to come out on the flight deck. I was expecting that they will be running around, playing and just having fun after the confinement but I never expected that their first action will be to kiss the deck… I don’t know why… but I felt kisses just below my right breast…

You are reading story I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world at

“Master, why are you twitching?” Willow innocently asked me.

“Maybe because you kissed my deck?” I sarcastically commented about their immoral actions.

Our lives were really in danger so I did not punish them for their innocent show of happiness, but the kissing of the deck was forbidden.

The next few days passed peacefully and I was finally able to take a nap. In total I spent about 8 days without any form of sleep or rest. F* yeah!

Even though I totally forbade waking me up, I felt that someone was trying their best to do that by shaking me.

I. AM. SLEEPING.” I don’t know how I managed to bark with such a low voice but even that was not enough to stop a maid from shaking me.

“Master, we have an emergency! Please, wake up!” Rin was shaking me? I never expected her to be so rude with her master.

Rin, lemme sleep!

“Master, wake up! We really need you!”

Just play with my tails, I don’t wanna cuddle.” Why are they so impatient? Why do they need to wake me up to play with me? Can't they be a bit more patient?

The head was numb and heavy as is I was after a very good party. Rin was continuing shaking me, even after I so benevolently let her play with my tails.

“Master, for the love of God! Wake up!

F* carry me there, don’t wanna wake up!” Fine, you won.

AUCH!” She smacked me!

Master, please, watch your language, and wake up!

Here we go again, one mommy was left behind… New mommy is here.

In the end, I reluctantly slimed out of the bed and dragged myself after Rin-okasan.