Before I make the final decision I have to ask one more person.
I kneeled and started praying to summon that damned goddess, I spent an entire hour before a torii gate appeared.
When I saw who came out of the gate I wanted to scream. Well, it is Akagi, the issue is that she is completely naked.
“Have you lost your clothes?” I reminded her about her looks.
“You woke me up, and of course I was naked. Why should I sleep in all of the clothes?” She yawned and looked at me like I am an idiot.
After I saw her body I was… not feeling anything about it. It’s not a surprise that I shouldn’t be aroused by a child. However, I had to keep reminding myself that I am not a pedophile, and I was worried that if someone sees this costume of hers, I might end up in a very spicy situation.
“Can you stop with this nonsense? I came here for what? For satisfaction of your high libido?” She kicked the half-dead person.
She approached me so closely that I had to look down at her, and the sight was much clearer than before.
[I didn’t see anything, I am not a pedophile, because we are both girls!]
“Oh, so you’re worried about seeing Akagi-sama’s beautiful body~?” Here it goes, now she won’t leave the issue without her attention…
“Don’t worry, kid. I am not interested in fooling around with you for longer than it is required.” Well, it doesn’t look that ba…
“The requirements are of course defined by me~.” Suddenly a sweet mature voice whispered in my ears.
When I looked I saw a tall man with wide shoulders and beautiful face. On top of the new form of the goddess were two fox ears. What calmed me down a little was that she is now at least wearing a tunic.
I understood the sex after I saw a modest control tower below the tunic. She caressed my face and whispered.
“You really are behaving like both a guy and a girl~. So funny~.” The voice and manners are refined and gentle, yet they are seductive. Is this her lady-killer form?
She answered with a smile and licked her lips.
“Can we like go back to the topic of why I called you?” I was not feeling good after her pick-up. I felt hot and I am sure I look like a tomato. Not to mention I feel weird in the lower half.
She did not answer but kept caressing my face with one hand, the other touched my back and slowly crept down.
“Are~ you~ sure~?” I felt her each movement and I felt that if this goes on, my innocence will be in danger.
You are reading story I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world at
“You~ are~ virgin~, even with such a harem you don’t use the chance~.” I was on the brink of just falling into her arms and letting her do whatever she wanted, I controlled my own body less and less.
“That should be enough for you~.” It all ended when she just let go of me.
I was heavily panting and I am sure if she kept caressing me, I would c*.
“You look at me like you want to continue~.” I fervently shook my head, which barely avoided reflexive nodding.
She turned back into her usual self, and thus saved me from becoming another of her victims.
“The war, demons versus humans. What should I do?” I panted what I could before I fell down on my knees.
“I can just say that I don’t care about what you do… Well, there are some limitations, of course.”
“What are those limitations?” I am getting tired of having to squeeze every bit of information out of her.
“Haaa… Listen, kid, I don’t care what you choose but let me be clear, if you keep your a* out of it, I will be disappointed…” She waved a finger in front of me.
“Why do you want me to participate in this slaughter of continental scale?”
“Because they already staged so much… and now I have a way to screw every one of their arrangements… khe-he-he~.”
“What do you mean by staged?”
“Light stirred the humans, Dark stirred the demons. I was asked to keep my nose out of their play.” She shrugged her shoulders.
“Of course, Akagi-sama will stay away from their play, because YOU are not me and thus can intervene in any of their plans…” She was looking so happy while I was scared. If this crazy goddess kicks me into the already staged play of the other gods, will it be different from just killing me?!
“Relax, kid. I can change anything I want at any time. They will not dare to lay their fingers on you. So, it looks like I answered what you want. Haaaa, time to sleep.” She walked back to the torii.
“Wait! What will happen if I choose to stay neutral?” I asked her before she left.
“Nothing important, I will just curse you.” She nonchalantly said that and disappeared in the gate.
[What an a*hole. And now I have to think about what to do…]