Chapter 117: ‘Oh my, is that a side story?’ No 22.

Presenting the champion

The capital entered my vision after a two-day trip.

I saw a large city with marble facing of buildings, clean streets and a lot of people. I have to admit, I am not good with crowds so this place will be a bit stressing.

My companions almost dragged me to a large wall inside of the city. There was another castle, a part of the ancient defense?

When we entered the castle I found a luxurious interior with wide halls. Now that is something befitting Her Majesty. That is why I was not surprised when we walked into a throne room.

We approached the king who sat on his throne, surrounded by people.

My companions have knelt, with the exception for the warrior. I performed a slight curtsy, befitting my role of the flagship.

The warrior stepped forward.

“Greetings, Your Majesty. We arrived as soon as you summoned us.”

“You don’t need to be so formal with me, son.” The king exchanged greetings with the warrior and looked at me.

“I ordered to bring your reward to the armory, you all may go. We will have a conversation later, my dear champion.” After this, the warrior stayed and the rest of us left the throne room.

“Son, are you sure that she will be of use?”

“I assure you, Your Majesty. She might be weird but her strength is unmatched, I did not even fight her. If I did, I would not be here.”

A servant rushed into the throne room and approached the king.

The situation is developing, one week at most.

After this phrase, the king’s face expressed only concern.

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