Chapter 148: ‘A side story of darkness and a cat’ No 1.


The last thing I remember is a mine.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself somewhere on a ground. I can’t confirm that it is near a coastline, which means that I was taken here by someone.

I jumped up and put a hand on the handle. If I am taken hostage than the enemy made a grave mistake of leaving the weapon in my possession.

Four and a half minutes have passed but no one came. I started checking out the surroundings.

No signs of people. Good.

I looked at my clothes to check for clues or damage.

The same sailor school uniform my seniors made me wear. Black vest with white collar and white shirt.

Clothes, check. Weapons, ‘metal rustle, click’ check. Situation unknown. As one wise person would say: ‘Enacting search protocol’ or something similar. I feel bad for not being able to suppress my emotions well enough.

It is a good time to leave this area. I made a small landmark in case someone will search for me. If it is an enemy then I will kill them. If it is an ally then I will rejoin the original unit and continue to fulfill my duties. There is no third option.

I am in a forest. The dense vegetation and shadows make me feel at ease, yet I should prepare myself for a situation where I have to act in an open. I ran to the north. Soon I ran into an edge of the forest and made myself a shelter for the daytime. When the night falls I will move out and perform a reconnaissance. If everything is good I will continue moving.

For now, this hot air is making me… sleepy…

You are reading story I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world at