Chapter 359: V3 Ch 33. Eastern cruise

I started thinking about what to do with those cheeky seagulls.

For a second I doubted what to do but then I remembered that I copied the entire known world’s map and opened it.

[The main archipelagos of Benezian holdings are scattered from West to East, so if I move to the North, I will soon meet huge monsters and would have no land for a long time, unless the seagulls’ point of interest is close. On the other hand, the way to the East will be near islands and I might as well follow this trail.]

Since I finally made the decision, I set course for the East. The seagulls approved of it by remaining silent. I steered the ship and maintained the course, pathed by the seagulls.


The door opened and Patricia entered. She was wet and angry.

Can you stop steering left and right for no reason?! I just wanted to drink but now I am drenched from head to toes!” (P)

You can proceed drinking now, I stopped setting course.

Thank you for your generous permission.” She approached the compass and glanced at it. I closed my ears.


Have you heard the seagulls? Me too. They want us to sail to the East.” Patricia gulped and glanced at the seagulls outside.

We are so dead if they drag us into a storm…” (P)

They did nothing bad to us yet, so I just continued doing what I did.

On our way I had several sonar contacts but they were far enough to not consider them a threat. The signals tried staying nearby but we were too fast for them.

A day later we reached the borderseas of Benezio and left the ‘hostile’ territory. In between two archipelagos I had another sonar contact.

It was trying to intercept us, so I launched depth charges.

A couple of present flew towards the target and splashed near.


Since the stupid enemy did not expect something like that, the depth charges exploded close enough to make it stop. I felt like it stopped forever.

The next day I encountered another contact. It was swimming very fast and was trying its best to chase after me. As it approached the depth charge range, I shot two charges, waiting for the enemy to be killed again.

You are reading story I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world at


As the charges exploded, raising two bubbles of water, something shot from the water, and flew towards us.


“Enemy on approach!”

What I saw through binoculars was appearing to be a reptilian. It had a long snake-like body with short limbs and two large wings.

Patricia, what the hell is this?” She glanced.

“It’s a Sea Wyvern. Unless you can shoot upwards, we are dead.” (P)

Then let’s start shooting!

I must have some points left for AA.


You received 139 upgrade points

IJN Kuronami – DDL. Upgrade points – 2.

Torpedoes – 6/6.

HP – 3700.

HI – 100%.

AU – 75%(2263nm).

Increase caliber – 0/50

Improve mounts – 0/100

You can find story with these keywords: I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world, Read I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world, I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world novel, I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world book, I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world story, I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world full, I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world Latest Chapter