Chapter 20: Chapter 19: Reward

I'm The Lowly Villain In The Game | Chapter 19



[Level increased!] 


The surge of energy struck me, rejuvenating every inch of my body to an extent. At the very least, I'm not completely exhausted. I'm still tired though. 


I look beside me, a whitish magic stone lay there, glowing a weak yet noticeable aura. Compared to the ordinary Blue-purple gradient that magic stones have, a special monster's magic stone is more concentrated in MP, creating the pristine white color. 


Stuffing it into my backpack, I felt another item beside me. Turning my head, my eyes widen. It was a cloak. A fur cloak. 


It was iron gray, the same color as the alpha wolf. The fur was also the same quality, smooth to feel but tough to pierce. I knew this item. After all, it was one of the first items I've obtained in the game. 


Pursing my lips, I open my status. 



 « Name » Lukas Gasper


 « Level » 8


 « Class »「Caster」


 « Class Level » 10


HP : 26/40


MP : 2/29


STR : 10 

AGI : 14 

STM : 12  

VIT : 12   

INT : 16




「Inspect I」



「Disguise I」   

「Detection I」



My class level went up three levels when I last saw it. Well, the alpha wolf's stats were proportional to a level 9 monster. It wasn't strange that it went up that high. 


Also, I finally got Inspect I. Upgrading it to Inspect II might take a while but I'm satisfied with the first level. I should be able to appraise most items. 


I wanted to appraise the cloak. Sadly, I don't have enough MP. I drained it all in the fight. If only I had an MP potion… 


Wait. Ignoring the aches in my body, I stand up. My head snapped around to see where the two were. It didn't take long before I found them. 


They were taking care of the last wolf, the one I had stabbed in the eye earlier. I wore the cloak and held the hilt of my sword, walking over to them. 




The regular wolf became aware of my presence. It pounced at me. Without much thought, I sliced its throat. The wolf fell to the ground as it gargled on its blood. 


"Do you have any MP potions?" 


I asked them, feeling lethargic because of my lack of MP. They looked perplexed at my appearance. However, they quickly snap out of their stupor when I inquired them. 


"Uhmm… Here."


Handing me a low-grade MP potion, I uncork it and chug it. Now that I got a breather, I finally got to see their features. The one who had handed me the potion was the man. He had black hair, dirtied from his time here. His stature was normal for his age, a head taller than me, but his frame was on the thinner side. 


A spear hung to his shoulder. Walnut brown leather armor covers his torso and messy, ragged clothes clung to his body. Despite his unfavorable appearance, he looked bright, cheerful even. 


By the way, If you're wondering if there's the possibility of being poisoned, don't bother. There's a special sticker on it that states it's approved by the government. And, when I uncorked it, it created a unique sound only made when it's opened the first time. 


After finishing the potion, I also took a health and stamina potion. I was starting to get used to the bitter taste. Whilst gulping the health potion, I glance at the woman that stood adjacent to the man. 


She looked young, around 18 years old. Black hair in a ponytail. She looked disheveled, just like her companion. She looked nervous and agitated as she snuck glances at me. 


After finishing the two potions, I gave the girl her sword back. An awkward expression formed on my face as I realized the tip was chipped and the blade dulled. 


"Here's your sword back, sorry for the damage." 


"No, no. You saved our lives. Don't worry about the damages." 


She took the sword from my hand while waving her hand, showing that it was alright. I look at the guy. In return, he nods his head. 


"I'll take the cloak and the magic stone. You can take the rest, is that fine?" 


I asked politely, knowing well that I'd get it. I did save their lives. I just said it to appear more polite. A tactic I've learned in my previous life. 


"Sure. You can even take the magic stones."


The man answered me, scratching his neck awkwardly. I shook my head. 


"No need. If you want that repaired, you should take the stones." 


I urged him. Without waiting for his response, I spun around the fur cloak fluttering, matching my movement as it rustled in the air. 


"Uhmm..!" The girl shouted. I halt, but I didn't turn around. "Thank you for saving our lives, we mean it." 


The genuine gratitude in her voice made me stop and think. I wasn't a saint. I had my fair share of bad deeds, both in my previous and current life. 


I saved them because I didn't want to see someone die knowing I could have prevented it. I had the means to save them so I did. If I didn't, I would have left them. Also, the cloak was a drop I needed. 


In short, I didn't need her thanks. It was a selfish act driven by my avarice. 


A few seconds passed. I sighed before nodding my head. Then, I continue walking, hiding the soft smile that was plastered on my face.


Even if it's for my selfishness, it feels good knowing my actions saved others. 






'Inspect I' 


〈Alpha wolf's cloak〉 

【Defense Power: +10】


A cloak made from the fur of the alpha wolf. It is capable of deflecting projectiles and stabs from monsters with ease. Due to the environment the wolf was in, the fur cloak will protect you from cold weather. 


《Requirements: None.》


I could use this until the 10th floor. I could even give it to Amy to protect her. As one of the first items I obtained in the MMORPG, it had a special place in my heart. 


I was currently making my way towards the 5th floor, using my smartwatch to navigate the nearest scripture. I expanded my MP, eyeing the surrounding for any monsters. It also helped that Detection was active. 


Although nothing on this floor could threaten me, I learned my lesson the first time a goblin ranger used Silent Arrow on me. 


To be extra safe, I wore the cloak like a hoodie, protecting my head and concealing my identity. Fortunately, I reached the scripture without a single confrontation. 


I did the usual, placing the stone and igniting the runes. After the blinding light subsided, I was right behind the labyrinth. 


Making sure that no one was near, I take off the cloak and stuff it into my bag. Then, I check the time. 


[5:43 PM]


'It's early…'


I'm two hours ahead of schedule. I've been in the labyrinth for close to 8 hours, twice as long as usual. Normally, I could go days on end in the game, but alas, that was the game. 


The constant lookout for my own life and the mental exhaustion that came with it made it impossible to go any longer. My body may keep up; however, my mind could not. 


It also didn't help that I don't have a partner or party. 


Hahhh… Anyways, I should go home. Although I'm a few hours early, my home is the most comfortable place to be in. The sense of relief knowing someone was waiting for you back home was soothing to know. 


If you ever wonder how I never got caught, it was simple. I had an extra set of clothes hidden in my backpack. I would go to the backyard of our house and change there, hiding my armor and clothes in a hole I made. 


Later, I would come back and clean it myself. Also, all magic stones and items were sold to a nearby store. I could have sold to the Adventurer's guild, but the risk would be too much. 


Magic stones were a universal form of currency in this world. They were like batteries, filled with Magic Power to be used for machines or whatever else. So, in most cases, shopkeepers usually accept my bartering. 


All in all, I earned a few bucks. Previously, I said that the magic stones I get don't earn much, but if you hunt a few dozens of monsters a day, the money starts to add up. 


That was my routine. It left the least likelihood of getting caught by my parents whilst simultaneously earning me money.


Before I knew it, I was near my house. Just like I explained, I did my routine, hiding my clothes, changing, and entering the house. The odor was still putrid as when I was in the labyrinth so I usually take a bath when I get home.


"I'm home." 


"Welcome home." 


Sending a quick reply about taking a bath, I head to my room. Tossing my clothes and backpack, I took a quick shower to cleanse the nasty odor. 


After the shower, my towel hung to my neck as I made my way toward the living room. I wore a cobalt blue t-shirt and some random shorts I found. The soft fabric of both my shorts and shirt were comfortable to wear, relaxing my body. 


You are reading story I’m The Lowly Villain In The Game at

Inside the living room, my sister eyed the TV like a hawk. I was about to sit down on one of the couches before my mother called out to me. 


"Lukas, Amelia. Can you go grocery shopping? We're running out of ingredients in the fridge. Here's the list." 


Mom hands Amy the list. She was more experienced in this field. It's not like I was incompetent, Amy was just incredibly good at housework that it's baffling. 


I know how to do basic work like laundry, ironing, and cleaning. However, things such as cooking were a no-go. I was just horrendous at it. 


Now that I think about it, Rose was good at cooking… 


"Hey. What's with the face? Let's go."


Despite my sister's harsh words, I could see her solicitude bore into me with her eyes alone. Dismissing her consideration with a wave, I head to the front door to get the family keys.


"Don't worry about it. I'm still trying to find a party." 


"Oh? You have anyone in mind, except you know, her?" 


Her face dropped when she mentioned her, who I could assume is Rose. Bitterness flashed on my face before turning back to a passive expression. 


"Yeah, it isn't her. She has her own party. I heard they're pretty good friends." I said with melancholy. I could audibly hear the sadness leak out in every word I spoke. "I do have a party in mind. She's nice to be with." 


"A girl?" 


I stop and look at my sister. She had a grin on her face, the same kind our mother would have. A shiver ran down my spine. My mother was one of the few people I sincerely cannot deal with. She was unpredictable. 


"Yes, a girl. I don't know if she's already at a party, but I plan on joining hers." 


"Uhuh. Is she pretty?" 


"What does that have to do with this?" 


"I don't know. It's about time my brother gets a girlfriend." She scoffed. I roll my eyes. It isn't easy moving on from your first love, you know? "Besides, she should be better than her, right?" 


My lips pursed. I don't particularly enjoy Amy's slight diss towards Rose, but I couldn't blame her either. I stay silent, relishing the sun setting as we made our way towards the supermarket. 








The transparent doors slid open as the sensory tool used to pick up our presence activated. We were at the closest supermarket near our house. It was fairly large too, enough to accommodate a few hundred people without an issue. 


"What's on the list?" 


"Today's dinner and a few items to restock." 


"Oh? What's for dinner?" 


"Chicken parmesan. Let's go to the condiment section first."




I follow right behind her as she took out a trolley from one of the long lines of them. Like I said before, she was the expert here, not me. It'd be better if I stay out of her way. 


First up, the condiments. I only got a quick glimpse at the list, so I knew a few items there. Amy, on the other hand, seems to have already memorized it. She started chucking soy sauce, tomato ketchup, and other condiments into the trolley. She did it with so much brutal efficiency that I was in awe. 


It didn't even take 5 minutes before we finished.


Next up, vegetables. Apparently, we ran out of white onions and garlic. Well, I think we did since my sister started picking them up. Again, I was left flummoxed at her ability to instantly discern what vegetable was fresher than others with a single glance.


It was frightening. My sister is frightening. She did it so casually too.


Our next stop was the meat section. But, before we got there, Amy threw some other miscellaneous items into the cart. She was quick with it, disappearing for a second and appearing right after with a new item in hand. 


When we reach the poultry section, my eyes wandered to the displays of plastic-wrapped chicken. It was cheaper to buy specific parts than a whole bird. 


Since mom was making chicken parmesan, it's best if we bought chicken breast. My hands grabbed onto the nearest package of frozen chicken breast. 


"Hey Amy, how about this—" 


My words were cut short as the hand holding the piece of poultry dropped. A loud clank resounded as the solid piece of frozen meat came into contact with the metal trolley. 


My face paled as I saw the figure I didn't want to see so badly. Seeing my uncertainty, my sister raised a brow, following my line of sight. Quickly, her face tensed. 


It was Rose. 


She was standing a few meters away from me, wearing her casual clothes that adhered to her body. Noticing our gaze, she registers my presence as she glares at me, her eyes blazed with pure hatred. My throat constricted as I gulped with great endeavor. 


That's right. This was the closest grocery store in the neighborhood. If Rose's parents asked her to buy groceries, she would go here. But what are the odds? 


I kept my face stern, hoping to end this soon. The spiraling emotions prickling my heart was forcibly quelled down. Despite that, there was still that little spark that thumped loudly, crumbling the walls in my suppressed feelings.


Amy, on the other hand, glared back at Rose with the same intensity. I could see her jaw tighten as she gritted her teeth. 


"Hey." I held Amy's wrist, tightening it. She snapped out of her ire as she peered at me. The deep ocean-like eyes filled with worry and concern met my own. "We have to buy some parmesan for the dish, right?" 


She nods. I ignore Rose's existence completely as I pushed the cart towards the dairy section. The heart-wrenching sorrow gnawed at me as I felt my mind twist and turn from the pain. 


Thoughts of my past with Rose, our relationship, and the reason for our estrangement resurfaced, clashing at the little bit of sanity I have left. I felt raw, and numb as my heart started pounding to my ribcage. 


There was a reason I was avoiding Rose, and this was it. 


I thought it would be easier. I believed that when I inherited both my memories of my past and current lives, I would be fine. 


But it wasn't like that. It was anything but that. I became aware of my feelings for Rose. The true extent of what we had. It wasn't a simple crush nor was it an obsession. 


It was pure, untainted love. I may sound delusional, but what Rose and I had was special. 10 years. A decade. That was a lot of time, a lot of memories. 


And now it's all gone. 


Like a knife rammed into my heart, I felt an excruciating ache form in my chest. Cold sweat started forming in my palms, cheeks, and back. My usual composure was thrown out of the window as each step I took towards the dairy section felt awfully hollow. 


"You good?" My sister asked, a scowl still etched on her face. In spite of that, I could see the worry in her eyes. 


"I'll manage."


I replied, sending a weak smile, my face paler than usual. My feelings for Rose were not a one-time thing. It would take me months, maybe years to get over her because of our loose ends. We didn't have a proper sense of closure after all. 


Honestly, I didn't want to give up on our relationship. A part of me wanted to fight— whatever that meant. However, as I run through my memory, it'll take more to fix what we've broken. 


It was just a mess. 


In the end, the rest of our grocery shopping was in silence. 






"We're back." 


"Welcome back. What's with the long face?" (Mom) 


"It's nothing. I'm tired from carrying the groceries." 


"Just place them on the kitchen floor. I'll arrange them." 




I walk over to the kitchen with half a dozen plastic bags filled with groceries. My fingers were literally burning from the plastic…


Placing the bags on the floor, I sigh with relief as the tight pressure of the plastic bag's handles was finally lifted. Immediately, my mother rummaged through the bags and appropriately placed the ingredients in their respective pantries. 


She was faster, better than my sister. Was it a decade's worth of experience? Or, was it her motherly powers? They did say that all mothers were superheroes. I became keenly aware of that today. My mother was a superhero. A real wonder woman. Not that knock-off brunette with a lasso. 


My mother was the real deal. Contemplating, my eyes wander back to Amy. I wonder if she'll live up to our mother's legacy? She was getting there. She just needed the motherly energy. 


Something snapped in me when I imagined my sister marrying someone, and being a mother to that someone's kids. Whoever that someone is, they better pray to every God out there. I wasn't overprotective of my sister by the way. I just had the natural amount of doting one would have for their blood relative. 


If you think I'm overprotective, take a look at my father. We even have an operation for a certain scenario regarding Amy. 


Following my mother's extravagant display of prowess, dinner came. This time, my father was able to join in. As usual, dinner was peaceful. My earlier angst caused by Rose's sudden appearance slowly vanished. 


I closed my eyes, thinking through what happened earlier. Ever since I came to this world, I've been learning what it means to have a family. 


In essence, I was trying to be a better person. I didn't want to go back to that empty shell of a man that I was in my previous life. I wanted, in all hardships and struggles, to love and be loved, even with the good and bad of it all. The joys and sorrows. 


And my family was the start of this remodeling of mine. 


At the very least, I'm a whole lot a better person than I am before. I've grown, for the better part. I knew how to communicate my emotions more clearly.


Despite that, whenever I face Rose, some part of me wanted to go back to that empty husk. A person who feared connecting with others.


An undeveloped man. 


I swallowed a mouthful of saliva. It was easy to go back to that detached state, that stagnant demeanor. However, I knew it was wrong. It did nothing but ruin the effort in becoming a better person. 


That's why… Even if I get hurt, I want to end things with Rose properly. And, if I could, I wanted to fix our relationship. 


Only then would I find peace with myself.