Opening my eyes, I saw a familiar sight.
It was a familiar room, a room in which I had spent the last 3 months.
Once I realized where I was, I used my Power to inspect my own body.
Even without using my Power, I felt my own tired body, but this tiredness came not from the exercises that I had been doing for these past months.
No, while these could also be called exercises of a different kind, my tiredness came from a different source.
Inspecting my lower body I felt the phantom sensations, inside my stomach and my nether region.
‘ It took more time than I expected, but I did it. I had finally pleasured myself, in a womanly way. ‘
Feeling the phantoms urging me again, I placed my right hand on my nether region and began to rub the little bean.
It was this tiny little part of the body that brought me to hallelujah town.
It was the single most sensitive organ, on the female body, to outside touch. With familiar motions that I had practiced, I began the process again.
Soon my heart increased its beats per second, my lungs expanded and contracted much faster for a faster oxygen intake and my blood went surging through my body at phenomenal speeds.
Most of the blood concentrated down there on the lower body, but there was no stopping it.
Spikes of electricity spawned with every motion of my hand, and through the spine, they traveled all over the body. They delivered pleasure, unimaginable pleasure, that no man will ever be able to experience.
And then, I felt it. The build-up.
Like a balloon that was constantly expanding, I felt it build up inside me.
My left hand grabbed the bedsheets, and my right hand sped up slightly as the seconds passed by.
More and more, its presence became clearer.
More and more, its presence became stronger.
More and more, it grew until it reached the peak, and like a balloon it exploded, only here it was not the trapped air that was released.
No, it was the tempered nerves in the abdominal muscles that produced the charge and released the electricity that spiked all over the stomach, to the spine.
Once there it traveled over the spine to every single part of my body, and when that charge reached my heart and brain, it disrupted the normal rhythm of the body as it passed by.
Resulting in a white canvas that appeared in my mind. No other input reached my brain for those few seconds, my brain needed to redirect that electrical charge back into the body.
When I finally came to myself, I felt the afterglow.
It was a soothing feeling. Like nothing mattered more than that afterglow of emotions my nervous system made me experience.
It was similar to how a body floated on the water, only without the cold and wet feeling on one’s skin and that moment of peace as your emotions and chemicals reset themselves.
Reaching orgasm in a female body with the memories of a male perspective is the single best experience I have ever had before.
Nothing beats it, NOTHING.
Basking in the glow of nothingness as my brain tries its best to remember the feelings, it took a few moments to come to my senses.
With a thought, I tested my body again. “ I feel like jelly and I am probably addicted already. ”
I could feel my brain telling me it wanted more of that, much much more.
Debating if I should listen to it or follow reason and not indulge it.
Reason VS Desire, which would win in this competition, wondered in my mind.
With an internal debate coming to an end, a decision was made.
Flexing my right hand, I notice its reluctance.
‘ Never mind, there is another one. Best I train my ambidexterity. ‘
“ Aaaahhh, Aahhh, Yes,, yes, yes, OMG. ” Halfway through those naughty sounds, Tao Fang lost the meanings of the words her Miss tried to convey. Yet, even without knowing their meanings, she could infer their intent as they delivered pleasure to her ears.
In all her 18 years of life, she had never heard of such a thing. ‘ To think that it was possible to experience such pleasure, even without a bed partner. ‘ Was all that remained in her mind as she listened to her young mistress.
To her it was maddening, having to listen to it like this, every day.
It all started less than a month ago. It was night and her mistress ordered her to stay near the entrance of her bedroom. She ordered to shoo away anyone that came near the place and if by any chance she heard any sounds from the inside, she ought to ignore it.
A bit puzzled as to why that was, Tao Fang, the faithful servant that she was, listened.
At first, time passed normally and she almost fell asleep, but then she heard something.
At first, she thought she imagined it, but as she pried her ears to listen, she heard it again.
It had come from the bedroom of the young mistress.
As the sounds became louder, Tao Fang’s curiosity started increasing, but she still remembered her order, and following orders was what servants were meant to do.
Staying vigilant, she did her best to watch for anyone or anything that showed it was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The sounds stopped after one very loud sound conveyed the emotions of her mistress, which ended everything.
Not hearing anything for quite a while, Tao Fang assumed that whatever the miss was doing, it had ended.
Debating with herself if she should continue staying gourd or leave, the sounds resumed.
Only this time, they conveyed much more vigor and desire.
The first night, Tao Fang followed her order dutifully but as those sounds kept appearing in the coming nights, her curiosity finally overcame her duty and she peeked at her young mistress.
She carefully opened the door slightly, when the sounds were the loudest and saw the body of the young miss, naked, legs wide open and with an arching back above the bed.
Her right hand looked as if it was stuck in her nether region, and her body trembled.
“ Haaaaa. ” Her young mistress gasped as her body plonked back down on the bed.
Her body was in such a shameful position that if anybody saw it, they would immediately call her a vixen.
Noticing that it was over, Tao Fang did not immediately close the door as she knew that if the previous nights were any indication, her mistress wouldn't stop yet. And she didn't disappoint, her mistress switched hands and started again, only this time Tao Fang noticed how she did it.
As Tao Fang observed her mistress, she felt an ache in her stomach. A familiar sensation of an aching belly that happened when one ate something bad, she ignored it and continued to observe her Miss.
Every night the same event happened. The young miss pleasured herself and the servant observed her mistress, unaware that those observations awakened something in her.
Something she never knew was even there, and neither did she know how to interpret the ache that slowly started to build in her stomach. She had an idea, after all, she did observe her miss, but every time she tried it alone, her mother came to her thoughts.
She always spoke of vixens that sold their bodies at the brothels. Of women that were trained to receive pleasure as they pleased the men for coin.
At the same time, she thought of her mistress, the new mistress. The one before this one came, would never have done something like this.
If word of it spread, she would have become the laughingstock of the Empire.
Rumor after rumor would spread that Yu Jiao, the direct lineage of Yu Liwei, had become a vixen, trained in the arts of selling her body, and no man would ever marry her if that was the case.
Yet, this new Jiao ignored it and did it anyway. Night after night, but that was not the end. As if that was not enough, she went at it in the morning.
Tao Fang listened to her mistress and she heard the much-needed sounds, she knocked on the wooden part of the door.
That was the only way to interrupt her mistress, she found out.
Otherwise, she would keep on going until the sun reached the peak in the sky, then come out demanding food only to vanish back inside.
‘ Should I say something to miss? ? Tao Fang thought.
Waiting for a few moments, Tao Fang went inside.
As if used to seeing her miss in such a shameful position, she ignored her for a bit and found the courage to speak. “ Miss, may I say something? ”
As if not expecting it, Yu Jiao, looked at her servant with a cloudy expression. “ Ah, sure. What is it? ”
Once more the servant rethought her actions, after all, a servant's place was not to question their Master. Yet, deep down she knew that this should not continue. “ I, I, I don't think that you should continue doing what you're doing. It is very inappropriate, I… I think. ”
“ Oh? ” Hearing her servant, Yu Jiao smiled. This smile was not of joy, at least not entirely. No, this smile carried a hint of mischievousness. “ I may not have memories of you past the last five months, but you never tried to correct anything of my behavior and only ever listened. What changed? Why are you suddenly interested in me and my actions? ”
With that question, Yu Jiao rolled to the side of the bed and stood up. Still feeling a bit jelly, she needed a few moments to find her bearings.
Realizing her mistake, Tao Fang panicked. Her breath began to pace, her eyes lost their shine and upon her vision darkness encroached as her focus became her mistress and everything else became unimportant.
Tao Fang lost herself in her panic and even though she noticed her mistress closing upon her and raising her right hand to slap her, she did not recognize what that meant.
“ Oy, don't panic now. I just asked a simple question. Calm down and speak to me. ” Yu Jiao spoke loudly to shake the servant out of her panic attack.
With an unconscious motion, Tao Fang touched her slightly hurting cheek, with her left hand.
With the sting there, her panic ended as fast as it had come. Realizing her mistake, she kneeled with both knees and head on the ground. “ Miss, please forgive me for my mistake. It will not happen again, I swear. ”
Experiencing her first kneeling apology, confusion entered Yu Jiao’s mind.
Never before had someone degraded themselves like this in front of her, just to apologize to her.
A bit unsure as to what to do, Jiao sat back on the bed, not bothering to wear anything.
“ Ok, before we go to the reason as to what you originally wanted to speak about, tell me this. Which mistake did you make, that you're asking for forgiveness from me? Be clear in your response as I want to know it. ” Jiao asked the servant.
You are reading story My Clone in Another World at
With some hesitation, Tao Fang replied.“ I, I should not have dared to question your actions, miss. A servant's place is to serve the Master and not to question their decisions. ”
“ I see. ” Yu Jiao said. “ I can infer as to where that notion came from but tell me why your reaction is so out of proportion. Don't tell me that the servants of the Yu Clan have to follow all the decisions of those they follow without any regard for their own? Or is that how it is in the whole Empire? ”
With questions in the air, Tao Fang remembered that this mistress she served had lost memories and probably was unaware of the mistake she made.
Regret entered her mind as she realized that she could have just gone on without any problem but now was stuck in the problem.
“ The Empire, miss. ” Replied Tao Fang, aware that she had dug her own grave and even jumped into it.
Staying silent Yu Jiao, considered her thoughts for a bit. “ If what you're saying is true, does that mean that I could have you killed without any repercussions? ” She asked the servant in curiosity, but for the servant girl in question, shivers overcame her.
Tao Fang did her best to not show her trembling body and replied honestly. “ Y…Yes, miss. A, aside from damaging the Young Miss’s reputation if you did it without any fault of on, on my part. ”
Hearing that, Yu Jiao shook her head and sighed. “ Tao Fang, you have been by my side ever since I could realize where I was and who I was. I am sure you know I am not your previous Master or Mistress, so there will be no problem if you tell me this. Has the previous me hurt you in any way? ”
“ N, no, miss. I have faithfully served before as I did to you now. Before this day, that is. ” Replied Tao Fang in a hurry.
“ Good. Are you aware of others being hurt, something similar or worse that happened to servants in the Yu Clan, if they misspoke? ” Jiao asked the servant.
Trying her best to remember if such a thing happened, she realized that she could not. “ I am not aware of such things, Miss. ”
“ Good, then it will stay like that. Stand up, no more groveling in front of me. ” Ordered Yu Jiao.
Tao Fang hesitated for a bit, but used to the orders she did stand up. Yet even after standing up her spine bent forward in supplication by pure habit.
Even then, when she saw her mistress of 13 years of age there naked, without a shred of shame, she realized that now she served someone completely different and not just someone that lost her memories.
All this time, she ignored the signs and just did her best to serve, but she finally realized that Yu Jiao is a completely different person from the one she was before.
Now her mistress exhibited confidence that the previous one never had. That nothing could faze her and that she would do as she pleases and when she pleases, and that the current Yu Jiao behaved as if the whole world belonged to her.
“ Tao Fang, listen to me closely and never forget it. I know little about the habits and socialities of the Empire, so a lot of times I will make mistakes. So when you notice those mistakes, I want you to remind me of them. Is that fine with you? ” Stated and inquired Jiao of her intentions to the servant.
“I will try to miss. ” Agreed Tao Fang, happily now that she has dodged her error.
“ Good. Before we speak of the main reason that started all this, let me tell you one last thing. ” Jiao spoke. “ Right now, I don't have the power to change anything in this world. I am far too busy just improving myself, but one thing I will not tolerate is that habit of bowing. So far I have ignored it but no more.”
Back on her feet, Yu Jiao went towards the servant and looked up into her eyes, as she was still smaller than the servant. With a firm voice, she declared her intent. “ I am not a fan of servants and slaves in general, but when in Rome you do as the Romans, I guess. I will reluctantly agree to you staying a servant but I will not allow you to bow to me or anybody else. ”.
Not done with a simple speech, she dodged to Tao Fang's side and slapped her back lightly. “ Straighten that back into its proper position. ”
Yet, seeing the slightly confused look in Tao Fang’s gaze, Jiao placed her hand on the girl's back and pushed her neck back where it belonged. “ Good, from now on, when in my presence that is how you will behave. If somebody does not like it, then just say that it was my order and shift the blame on me. Is that understood? ” Inquired Jiao of the servant.
With habit she tried to hunch her back in acknowledgment but seeing the fierce gaze in her eyes, all she did was nod her head towards her mistress, before giving a verbal reply. “ Yes, Miss. ”
“ One more thing, are servants allowed to cultivate? ” Jiao asked while taking a step away from her and sitting back on the bed.
Tao Fang shook her head and then nodded. “ What do you mean yes and no? Explain? ”
“ There is no law that forbids us from cultivating, but how and what we cultivate is up to the Master we serve. ”
With a face that showed that she expected it, Jiao spoke. “ Oh, another rank separator? Am I right to assume that the greater the cultivation of the servant is, the more favored they are by the Master? ” To that assumption, Tao Fang nodded.
“ If I continue that thought, a Master's personal cultivation reflects upon the servant, right? ” Jiao asked and Tao Fang replied with a nod.
Seeing it, Jiao asked the question she wanted to ask the most. “ I take it as the previous me had no cultivation at all, you do not have one either? ”
Denying ever having cultivated, Tao Fang shook her head. “ I see, come here. ” Order Jiao.
Moving closer to her mistress, Jiao picked up her left hand and used her Power to sense inside Tao Fang.
Remembering the teachings of the old man, she recognized the roots Tao Fang had inside her body. “ Five colors, huh? The previous me had one and even if they were broken, she was still the daughter of the mainline, I take it you were assigned to me by Lady Ye? ”
“ Yes, miss. When you reached the age of 10, I was assigned to you. ” Replied Tao Fang.
‘ Sigh, why use somebody with better roots on an already broken tool? I guess that was the main reason. ‘ Jiao thought in her head. ‘ I wonder if she even was trained by the maids of the Clan, considering how her reaction earlier was exaggerated. ‘
Ignoring that, Jiao considered the possibilities. ‘ Never mind that, if I want her to cultivate, it would either have to be a first-grade Mantra like the Heavenly Jade, where the roots shifted, or find a way to do it myself. Otherwise, her cultivation speed will be too slow. ‘
‘ On the other hand, I am still figuring things out with Life Essence, and I am not ready to use her as an experiment in that field. Too many things that could go wrong. ‘
“ Ok, I will think about the best way to help you cultivate, but for now there will be no difference from before. ” Instructed Jiao. “ Now tell me, why did you speak out earlier? ”
“ I. Umm, miss you have been spending all your time inside and, and doing that. ” With a shyness written on her face, Tao Fang replied. “ If… If somebody saw you and spread a rumor about you, it would ruin your reputation. ”
“ I see. That is a valid point. ” Agreed Jiao with her. “ I don't really care if a rumor spreads about me, but is that not why I asked you to look out for me, to prevent such a possibility? ”
“ Yes, miss. But, I can't be there watching over you all the time, especially if you are not minding the time of the day or that it has to happen every day. ” With the initial fright of expressing herself and her doubt gone, Tao Fang said what was on her mind.
“ Hmm. ” Humming to herself, Jiao looked at herself. After many months of being stuck in the opposite gender, she was used to seeing herself naked, but no matter how much time passed one thing didn't change.
‘ Seeing a naked girl in front of my eyes, even if that girl is me, is making me horny again. ‘
Shaking her head to rid herself of the phantom sensations she felt, she replied. “ I guess you are right, somewhat. I am overdoing it, somewhat. Still, you don't have to worry about that, after some of the novelty has passed, I will reduce the amount of time spent on said activity. You on the other hand are not entirely honest with me. Tell me, or I will have to punish you? ”
Hearing the word “punish” sent shivers down Tao Fang's back, but at the same time, she was confused as to what her missus was talking about.
“ What was the order I gave you when I started pleasuring myself? ” Asked Jiao with a naughty smile on her face.
Her Jade green eyes only emphasized said smile even more.
Tao Fang thought for a second about the original order and realized her mistake. Yu Jiao noticed the realization on her face and ordered. “ Say it. ”
Tao Fang’s first thought was to go down to the ground and beg for forgiveness.
Her second thought was that her mistress ordered her to not bow anymore.
Her third thought was to apologize as she was. “ It was to prevent anybody from interfering with you and to shoo them away, and to ignore what was going on inside your room, miss. I… Please forgive me for ignoring your order. ”
Observing the motions of the servant, and how her reaction portrayed her inner conflict, Jiao replied while smiling like a Cheshire cat. “ We will see, but first tell me what you were doing, as you ignored my order? ”
Even the servant could tell that Jiao just wanted to mess with her, but being a servant she had no choice but to go along with the whims of her Mistress.
Thinking for a second about the things she had been doing and witnessing, her face went red, from embarrassment. “ I was p,p, peeping on you miss, as you p,p, pleasured yourself, miss. ”
“ Ahaha, indeed that was what you were doing. ” Amused, Jiao confirmed it again. “ Did you think I would not notice you? The way you stared at my body as it enjoyed the pleasure I gave it. The way your gaze got hungrier and hungrier as it looked upon me? ”
Driving the deed deep into Tao Fang’s mind, every word out of Jiao’s mouth only shamed her more. “ Let me tell you what I think. The reason why you spoke out to me earlier, while you may not be aware of it, or maybe you just ignored it, I can infer what was driving your motivations. You want to experience the same pleasure but you are scared of rumors and how society would look down on you. “
Her mistress’s words sunk deep into her mind as she heard them. “ The reason you wanted to speak out to me was to change my behavior so that you would no longer feel conflicted by what you witnessed every day. The problem, as I said earlier, is that I don't care about such rumors and gossip. So you will continue to be conflicted in your mind. ”
“ Miss. ” Deep red appeared on her face.
As she was read like a book, Tao fang had no way to deny the accusation.
“ For the reason of disobeying my order and peeping on me, I will now administer your punishment. STRIP. ” Ordered Jiao, with a stern voice that said, there would be no backtalk.
Such bold words ashamed the servant even more.
There was no denying the will of her mistress, after all, she did disobey the order she gave.
Only the reluctance wasn't as strong as she imagined it would be. The only indication of it was a brief glance at the door leading outside.
Of course, Jiao noticed that brief glance. With a thought, her phantom appeared outside the door, and it would inform her of anybody trying to get close. “ There is no point in looking for a way out. If somebody does come, they will see you naked. That will be part of your punishment, now I won't say it again. STRIP. ”
“ Yes, miss. ” Replied the servant. With shaky hands, she unclothed herself.
Tao Fang wasn't beautiful to a great degree, but the Yu household did have standards and she was good looking and she had curves that showed an almost fully grown woman.
Once the clothes were down, Tao Fang just stood there and looked away from her mistress.
Jiao on the other hand was staring at Tao Fang's nether region. ‘ Either the standard for beauty here is different, or she forgot to shave off the bush. Wait, they don't have razors as Earth did. How will I get rid of mine in the future? ‘
Delegating the problem for the future, Jiao spoke as she stood up from the bed and pointed at it. “ Look at me. Good, now go on the bed and lay down with your back on it, legs facing me. ”
Nodding to the order, she laid down with her legs closed. “ Open up those legs, and show me what I did that caught your attention, and made you disobey my orders. ”
At that moment the final barrier inside Tao Fang's mind broke and she finally found an outlet for the desire that had been building up.
Remembering everything she had seen her mistress do, she did it herself.
With inexperienced hands, that started everything, she slowly got used to the feelings she received in return.
Her movements became smoother, her breaths faster and as she enjoyed what she did, the pressure inside her built up and when the moment finally came, she blanked out for the first time, ever.
Her body trembled from the shock it had gotten. It took a few moments for her to come into the light of the day and recognize what happened.
Her head searched for her mistress and there she saw satisfaction and passion.
“ How was it? ” Asked Jiao curiously.
“ Wonderful. It… was amazing. I have never felt anything like that. ” Replied Tao Fang, still basking in her afterglow.
“ Good, once you're done basking in that feeling, put on your clothes and prepare me breakfast, or was it lunch. Either way, tonight you will come here again. ”
Still somewhat jelly, Tao Fang received her order with confusion. “ Tonight? ”
“ Yes, tonight. Did you think that was enough punishment? No, no, no, that was just an appetizer before the main dish. ” Smirking at her, Jiao delivered her proclamation.
“ I, yes, Miss. ” Tao Fang accepted the order and slowly got up.
Feeling jiggly, her movements were slow and it took her a while to put on the clothes before she gave a small bow to Jiao, and went on to her real purpose as a servant.
“ Hahahaha, I am sooooo going to enjoy this. ” Echoed in the room Tao Fang left behind.