“So, you turned on the Skill Archive?” Allison met up with Kye in Arslade a few days before the academy was due to start its next term. It was decided that Kye and Alethea would not return to the student dorms, considering their marriage. They were set to use Kye’s private chambers in the palace and have Kaede stay there as well. Doran and Michelle stayed in the dorms but were given the freedom to visit as if they lived there.
“Yeah. Was that what you wanted to talk about?”
“No. I...” Allison wasn’t sure how to say what she wanted to say. She had never been one to talk much, always preferring to let her actions speak for her. Her trouble this time was for another reason entirely. She knelt before Kye. “When you told us who you are, it was all we could do to remain calm.”
“What do you mean?”
“When you claimed to be Elysia, two thoughts crossed my mind. I didn’t know whether to think you spoke heresy or if I should honor you.”
“I see. I thank you for not doing the former, but there’s no need for the latter. Come on, stand up.” Kye gestured at her until she stopped kneeling. “I never thought I would receive a mission to come here. It’s... hard to describe. I designed the system from the ground up, but that’s not all I did. With Lady Eve’s permission, I created the very world itself. I always meant to come here once I was done with my duty, whenever that would be. My hope was to pop in and see how the world developed - maybe help the people if they needed it - before finding somewhere to settle down. It was meant to be my final life. But here I am now. I was sent here on a mission, but it has become much more than that. It was here that I was able to reunite with my love and find family that truly cares.” A tear escaped her eye as she looked at Allison.
“You have protected Elysium for the past ten million years. You’ve been to the other universes, haven’t you? I only know a handful of names and locations. How are they? Have they developed well? Are they getting along?”
“Some are fair, some are in a warring period. I don’t spend a lot of time in any of them and I haven’t been since before you were born. With the addition of Daemonheim, demon beasts have become a real issue, so I’ve been focused on the connected worlds... universes...”
“Thank you for your hard work. I’m glad my creation has been in good hands. Are you unsure of terminology?”
“It’s just that we called the universes ‘worlds’ before you revealed yourself to us, but now that we know the ten as a whole are a single ‘world’ in the grander scheme... we’re just unsure what to refer to the individual universes as now, other than calling them universes.”
“I see. Hmm... how about realms?”
“Yeah, that works.”
Kye smiled. “Glad to be of help.”
“Thank you for all you’ve given us.”
“You created our world. None of us would be here without you.”
“Ah, yes. I appreciate the thought, but beyond laying the foundation I have had no hand in the world. Turning on the Skill Archive was the first thing I’d done since the inception of Elysium.”
Alethea suddenly walked in and waved at the two before joining them. “Hey, what’s up?”
“Hi. We were just chatting about some stuff.”
“Yeah? Anything interesting?”
“Well of course!” Kye caught Alethea up to speed. “So, what do you think of my retirement plans?”
“To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if Lady Eve sent us here to retire after cleaning up the mess. I mean... we’ve both been at this since just after World Zero was closed off.”
“World Zero?” Allison asked.
“TLDR, it was the first world Lady Eve created. Both of us lived there before we started reincarnating. It’s a long story though, so perhaps another time for details.”
“As for retirement... maybe. You never know with her.” Kye smiled at the thought of retiring.
“Yes, well,” Allison said. “I’ll be off. I’ll see you at the opening ceremony. Oh, before I go, have you decided which of you will speak?”
“Yeah, she’s doing it again.” Kye smirked as she glanced at Alethea.
“HEY! You said you’d do it this time!”
“Heh. Can’t blame me for trying.”
“Uh huh.”
Allison smiled as she watched the two bicker. “Well, I’ll see you then.”
“Yep! See you then!”
Once Allison was out of the room and they were left alone, Kye and Alethea looked into each other’s eyes and smiled. It was then that the two immortal souls felt that they truly belonged. More than simply walking among mortals for a while until completing their mission, they felt from then on that they must defend their home. Everyone treated them no differently than any other. Their relatives treated them the same as every other family member, their friends the same. Kye flashed back to the moment she was knocked from the sky in the Battle for Arslade when Layla flew after her. Layla was so genuinely afraid for Kye’s life that she abandoned her position to help her. Tears rolled down her face as she thought about all the happy moments she has had in only her first sixteen years.
“Hey, Maya?”
“Yeah, Elysia?”
“I’m happy we were given this chance.”
“Success!” Louise jumped for joy after finally successfully over-enchanting.
“Congratulations!” Kye and company were present for Louise’s success. “Now just make a few more to build a weapon!” Kye gave her a smug smirk.
“Hey!” Louise pouted.
“I must admit, I was dumbfounded by the dust.” Kye glanced over at one of the side tables where a pile of metallic dust was left. “I’m still not completely sure why your failures turned to dust whereas most other failures only produced unusable ingots. I’ll compile the data sometime and we can try to figure it out.”
Louise nodded. “That sounds fine to me. By the way, how did the space element topic turn out?”
“Allison gave me the write-up for it after the last council meeting. The six of us are all being credited for it since we all had a hand in its discovery. I’ll announce it at the opening ceremony.”
“Oh, you’re doing the speech for our year?”
“Yeah. I’ve... got a few things I’m gonna say... heh. It’ll be fun.” Kye smirked at the thought.
Louise turned to Alethea. “Should I be worried?”
“Probably.” She shrugged. “Even I don’t know what she’s planning. We could ask Astraia since they’re soul-bonded, but I bet she won’t say either.”
“She sure won’t!”
“I suppose we have something to look forward to... I hope.” Louise and Alethea shared a wry smile while Kye enjoyed her personal amusement.
You are reading story Elysia in Another World at novel35.com
On the day of the ceremony, Allison introduced the rulers and gave the same speech about not causing trouble then flared her aether a bit to show the new students that it was futile to cause trouble. Afterward, a noble spoke for the first-year students since there were no new royals entering the academy.
And then it was my turn.
I announced the discovery of the space element. That shocked the crowd, but not as much as what I told them next... or rather what I did next. As I closed my speech, I flared my white mana, then white aether. I didn’t expect to get away with it for a whole year, but after the battle on Atlas, I figured having white mana wouldn’t be as much of a surprise. Before I could return to my seat, several students shouted about that battle. Allison allowed me to address it and even played the video of it for the assembly. I had already become something of a legend, but that battle forever engrained my Goddess of Light title upon me in the eyes of the public. Even knowing I am a white mana user, they stuck to Goddess of Light since light is what I favor... to the point that my soul is dyed in light.
School life was enjoyable. Even though I spent half of my first year with my mana usage hindered, I still managed to score at the top of the class. Alethea and I competed for the top score in every subject. Doran and Michelle, being quite smart themselves, gave us a good challenge. The four of us scored 99 or 100 in every subject. The results for the first term of our second year were even better. We all tied with perfect scores.
And then... I missed the entire first month of the second term. The last month of pregnancy really kicked my butt, but we planned for me to be absent anyway since we expected that I’d be unable to control the illusion magic well enough once I was that far along. But it was worth it. On September 1st, my fraternal twin daughters were born. One very heavily favored my Akari family, while the other favored me. I knew who was who, of course. Azalea reacted to me the same way I reacted to Layla, who said the newborn was a carbon copy of me. As Elysia and Azalea, we looked very similar, almost like twins. My boobs were bigger... Azalea was flat-chested. But that didn’t bother her; she even said once that she’d hate to have big boobs. I mean, mine aren’t just huge, but I do tend to bind them somewhat so that they’re firmly in place. I really hate having a bouncy chest... it can really hurt sometimes. As Kye I looked almost identical to Elysia, so I expected Azalea to grow up the same.
As for my black-haired daughter, I knew she was Suzuka. I would never mistake her mana, or Azalea’s for that matter, but I also coerced Evelyn into confirming it on multiple occasions.
“Have you decided on a name?” Alethea asked.
“I’ve been thinking about that for months and I still haven’t decided. Do any of you have any ideas?”
Alethea, Doran, and Michelle were in the room with me when the girls were born. We ended up using Kaede’s real name here, but I didn’t want to use Suzuka or Azalea. To that end, all four of us spent the entire time trying to think of names and bouncing ideas off each other. For Suzuka, I ended up choosing a name my little sister Yami had suggested. And so, Rei Akari joined the family. As for Azalea... she was more challenging. I wanted to give her Alethea’s last name, but she was adamant about using my last name.
“Okay, Azalea, who’s last name do you want? The pink-haired girl is our fellow immortal Maya. She is your biological...” I almost said father.
“Thanks for not finishing that sentence...” Alethea smiled wryly.
Kye gave her an apologetic smile.
“Guh!” Azalea pointed at Doran and Michelle.
“You want their name?”
“Gah!” Azalea cheered as best a newborn could.
Kye looked to the redheads in question. “Can we even do that? I admit I don’t know the nuances of this world’s... well I suppose our situation is a bit uncommon even then.”
“It’s allowed,” Michelle said. “Since we’re engaged now, all four of our names go in the birth record. So, you can use any of our family names.”
“Okay then. Azalea, their last name is Maya... wow, I just realized the-”
“Shut up, I’ve been trying to ignore it the entire time!” Alethea pouted.
“How about... hmm...” Kye and baby Azalea stared into each other’s eyes for a moment while she thought. “My name is unisex. It’s spelled differently in English... K-Y-E, because who knows what my parents were thinking, but the standard spelling of Kai is unisex. So maybe a unisex name?”
“That drastically cuts down the options,” Doran said.
“And since she wants your last name, we shouldn’t use a Japanese first name. Hmm. Okay, Azalea, what do you think of Joey? Joey Maya?”
“Welp, we have her gah of approval! Heh... when mom figured out I could communicate, I gah’d at her to try to talk, too.”
“I like that name,” Michelle said. “I like it a lot.” She walked over and held her hands out to the blonde newborn. “Hi, I’m Mimi!” Joey eagerly reached for her and Kye handed her off. Alethea was holding Rei, who got jealous watching Joey and reached out for Doran.
“Heh.” Doran accepted the black-haired girl and the two newborns exchanged glances. “I get the feeling that they are gonna be...”
“““A HANDFUL!”””
Kye sighed. “Good grief. Michelle, please don’t get pregnant anytime soon. The three we have now will be a challenge already while we’re still students.”
Kye glared at Michelle. “You didn’t.” Then she glared between Alethea and Doran. “You didn’t!”
“Hey, don’t look at me!” Alethea shook her head. “I’m not sleeping with any of you until I get the bottom surgery. Conceiving Rei and Joey was a one-time thing!”
“Doran?” Kye glared at him more intently.
“It’s her fault.” He pointed at Michelle with a poker face. “She takes responsibility.”
“Hey, don’t you put it off on me alone!”
“You’re the one that snuck in bed with me on our birthday.”
“So this was a few months ago!” Kye’s glare intensified.
“Uh... yeah...” Michelle looked to baby Joey. “Help!”
“GAH!” The newborn was very clearly scolding Kye for getting upset. Michelle smirked at Kye and Kye sighed.
“Whatever. So, May 28th?”
“Yeah. Was just one time but... I’m bakin’ a bun.”
“Are you using illusions yet?”
“No, I don’t need them yet, but I suppose I should probably start. It’s been three months... so it’s about time.”
“Our family is growing even more!” Alethea was all smiles.
In December, we updated our marriage registration to add Doran and Michelle. We were the only polygamous royal marriage. Michelle’s turn to give birth came around on March 2nd the following year. She had triplets! The one boy was named Adriel and the girls were named Ariel and Anna. All three were given the Maya family name. We all agreed to hold ourselves back so as to not have another pregnancy while we were still students.
The year after, my little brother Zen was old enough to enter the academy. That was my fourth year. Another year after that and my little sister Yami started school. Both gave speeches in their respective first opening ceremonies.
That was the year I formally became the first student in history to also be an instructor.