Chapter 10: Chapter 9 – The Search


Mel immediately stopped her task, to collect water in the basin of the atrium, when she saw Raviel approaching. She knew him too well not to have perceived the anguish in his voice.

"Have you seen Aster?"

“No, I thought he was with you. What's going on?”

Raviel's eyebrows furrowed even more. When he woke up, shortly after dawn, he hadn't been worried to discover the thick half-open curtain and Aster's room empty. The gladiator seemed to sleep as little as him, perhaps he had simply felt the need to get some fresh air. But he hadn't returned, and Raviel had then started looking for him in fear.

“I can't find him anywhere.”

Mel widened her eyes slightly. Aster's disappearance could only imply one thing.

"I'm going out," Raviel announced. “If my father is looking for me, tell him I went for a walk. I prefer that he doesn't know anything at the moment.”

"That I don't know what?"

Raviel froze and exchanged a panicked glance with Mel, then slowly turned to face Magnus. The latter gave him a stern look, but his son held his gaze without flinching.

“Nothing important,” he replied.

Magnus narrowed his eyes and closed the distance between them with a few strides, forcing his son to raise his head.

"Don't lie to me, Raviel. What are you hiding from me?”

He must have taken too long to answer, for Magnus quickly grabbed the top of his tunic and pushed him to the edge of the atrium pool. Raviel felt his breath trapped in his chest. His father held him with an iron fist above the water. All he had to do was let go, and he would fall. However, Raviel had been terrified of water for years. Fourteen years to be exact.

"Raviel," Magnus insisted menacingly.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Raviel saw Mel take a step in his direction, but he shook his head gently to tell her not to move any farther. His father jerked him forward and released his tunic. Raviel didn't have time to be relieved, because Magnus then approached Mel and raised his hand.


Magnus interrupted his gesture, and Mel inhaled weakly, not daring to move.

"Aster is gone," Raviel murmured.

His head lowered to the side and tears welled up in his eyes as Magnus gave him a resounding slap.

"You fool!" he hissed. “And what were you planning to do by hiding it from me?”

“Go find him,” Raviel whispered.

Magnus visibly refrained from hitting him a second time, but he spat furiously:

"Buying him wasn't enough for you? Did you also have to let him get away? Aren't you tired of bringing shame to this family?”

“He has nothing to do with Aster fleeing!” Mel intervenes.

“Shut your mouth! He knows perfectly well that it is his responsibility!”

He turned again to his son, who was taking his anger unflinchingly.

“I will send soldiers after him. I can assure you that he will be back by the end of the day. As for you, one more wrong step and you will regret it.”

Without waiting for an answer, he turned around and headed for the entrance of the house with quick steps. When the door slammed shut behind him, Raviel finally managed to catch his breath.

"I'm sorry," muttered Mel.

She nervously twisted the tip of her braid. Raviel gave him a surprised look before replying gently:

“If one person has nothing to do with it, it's you.”

“You neither!” She protested.

Raviel sighed slightly and brought his fingers up to his cheek, where he could still feel his father's hand hitting him.

“I'm paying the price for my pride. I was presumptuous in believing Aster might stay.”

"You just chose to trust him," Mel said.

Raviel didn't answer, but a glimmer of sadness invaded his eyes.

"Do you think your father will manage to bring him back?" She continued with a hint of anxiety in her voice.

“I have no doubt on the matter. He never announces anything if he is not sure of.”

He turned his head towards the entrance of the villa, looking worried. He felt torn between the desire to find Aster and the fear of what would happen then.


Raviel waited with growing anguish. His father had been away for several hours. Since then, he couldn't take his eyes off the dirt road leading to the entrance of the villa. This is why he did not fail to see two silhouettes appear in the distance. When they got closer and he recognized them, his heart skipped a beat. He absolutely didn't need that right now.

“Hello, Raviel!” Helvia exclaimed.

Raviel stiffened, and he clenched his fists to keep his hands from shaking. He was alone, and in front of him, Helvia advanced with a flexible gait, without seeming to be hindered by her heavy white toga. By her side, Raviel discovered Severus, the son of Valens and heir to the Massallian Empire.

He was slightly tall and square-shouldered. Severus was also a few years older than Raviel and Helvia. His black hair was trimmed short, and his eyes looked darker, almost black. Where Raviel constantly saw an amused, mocking glint in Helvia's gaze, he couldn't quite define what he saw in Severus. But his gaze sent chills down his spine. It had nothing to do with Valens' gentle benevolence.

“What do you want?” He hissed at Helvia.

He must not reveal anything of the anguish that twisted his belly at the moment. Yet when Helvia took another step in his direction, he couldn't help but back away. Simply dressed in his thin tunic, he felt unpleasantly exposed. He was also sure Helvia was taking advantage of it.

“You didn't respond to my invitation.”

"I gave you my answer," Raviel replied, gritting his teeth.

Helvia displayed an amused smile.

“I was hoping you would change your mind. I didn't have the pleasure of introducing you to Severus.”

Raviel's gaze flicked briefly to Severus. Despite his connection to Valens, he had never exchanged the slightest word with his son, just seeing him from afar was enough. It suited him just fine, as he distrusted Severus.

"I'm glad to meet you," Raviel said coldly.

Severus' face darkened, as Helvia stifled a chuckle. Raviel's sarcastic words flouted all etiquettes.

“What do you want?” He repeated.

A moment later, Helvia slid behind his back, so quickly he barely saw her move. Her arms suddenly wrapped around his shoulders, pinning him against her chest. Raviel could feel her breast against his back. The young man paled, and his whole body froze.

"Let me go," he whispered.

"Your new slave isn't here?" Helvia whispered.

Raviel's heart skipped a beat again. He didn't know how, but Helvia had obviously already heard about Aster's escape.

"I don't see how that concerns you," he replied, nonetheless.

He tried to free himself with a shoulder thrust, but Helvia brought him roughly against her. In front of them, Severus observed the scene without moving, in an impassive manner.

"Always fierce, aren’t you, Raviel?"

“Let go of me!”

His hand slid down his thigh, and he quickly drew the dagger hidden under his tunic. Helvia barely blinked as the tip of the weapon landed on her throat, but her gaze was downright snide. Severus gave a slight smirk.

"Don't make the mistake of thinking me defenseless!" Raviel warned.

You are reading story The King’s Gift at

"You know perfectly well that's what you will be the moment I choose to use my Gift," Helvia scoffed. “A pretty harmless prey…”

The dagger pressed more firmly against her skin.

“Take your leave now!”

"Master, do you have guests?"

Raviel could almost have sighed with relief when he saw Mel appear on the doorstep. She was careful not to let any emotion filter on her face but had adopted a stern posture.

"Absolutely not," Raviel replied. “They were getting ready to leave.”

His voice was calm as if detached from what had just taken place. Helvia wanted to retort, suddenly looking more menacing, but Severus caught her off guard.

“It's true, I've seen enough.”

Raviel turned to him and cast his gaze into Severus's darker ones. His face only showed an unconventional hard look.

"There's no need for me to walk you home," Raviel said in an icy tone.

Severus smirked, but it only made Raviel warier.

“Come on, Helvia. We have a lot to do.”

Helvia sighed very theatrically, but still whispered in Raviel's ear.

“I loved having you in my arms again.”

Then she moved aside to join Severus.

“I hope you find your slave,” he said. “It would be a shame otherwise… After all you've done to get him!”

They walked away as if nothing had happened, while Raviel stared at their silhouettes, unable to move. Mel promptly joined him in a few strides.

"Raviel," she called gently.

"I’m fine," he answered flatly.

He suddenly put his slender fingers against his mouth, to hold back the retching that shook his body. Mel put a hand on his arm, hoping to give him some support. Raviel was shaking like a leaf, with shortness of breath and far too pale skin.

“What do you need?”


The dagger he had kept in his hand until then fell to the ground.

"I'm here, Raviel. I'm here.”

Raviel closed his eyes.

“I'm here. Everything is fine.” Mel repeated.


Raviel slowly opened his eyes. His room was bathed in the late afternoon light, and a few rays caressed his face. He straightened up slowly. The moments after Helvia and Severus left seemed vague to him. Only the fear that had violently invaded him came back to him.

He ran a hand over his face. He had had a seizure. It had been a long time, though. He had almost come to think that it was only his past. A bitter smile appeared on his face. Maybe he looked more like his mother than he cared to admit. Perhaps this was just the harbinger of a deeper madness within him.

“You're awake…”

He turned his head towards the entrance of his room. Mel looked at him gently, a small copper basin in her hands.

“I brought something to refresh you,” she said, advancing towards the bed. “How do you feel?”

"I'll be fine," Raviel whispered.

Mel sat down on the edge of the mattress and plunged a clean cloth into the clear water. When it was sufficiently soaked, she placed it against Raviel's forehead.

“You were hot just now.”

She hesitated for a moment before adding:

“I'm sorry to have come so late. I was on the other side of the villa when they arrived.”

“Don't worry. It does not matter.”

“Raviel ... I know when you're lying.”

Raviel turned his head away, toward the large opening in the wall. The blue sky seemed radiant with purity.

"Don't worry," he repeated.

Mel sighed slightly.

“You have the right to suffer. You also have the right to express your pain.”

“I'm fine. It was just fatigue.”

“Ok,” she whispered.

She got up gently and smiled at him.

“I still have things to do. I'll come back to see you later.”

She only took a few steps into the bedroom when a loud noise suddenly sounded outside the villa. She exchanged a worried look with Raviel, and he jumped out of bed. They rushed into the atrium and quickly reached the entrance of the villa. Raviel flung the door open and stopped abruptly.

Riding a horse with bulging muscles, his father was back. Several soldiers accompanied him, and one of them held a long chain in his hand. And at the end of this chain, a thick iron collar encircled Aster's throat.


Aster was walking the streets of Massallia with unfeigned pleasure. He slipped between the passers-by, inhaled the delicious smells invading the whole space, and cast curious glances all around him. He had never discovered the city this way. The sun was reaching its zenith, and the cries of the merchants trying to attract the crowd were mingled with the effervescence of the individuals who crowded around the stalls. That was enough to make him smile.
A smile that sagged slightly when he thought of Raviel. It had already been several hours since he had left the villa. Raviel must have become aware of his disappearance. Would he be in trouble because of his escape? Had Aster made the best choice?

Ignoring the knot suddenly gripping his stomach, he continued on his way. The city seemed huge to him, and he was still struggling to find his bearings. If he wanted to escape before the end of the day, he must not waste time.

He let himself be guided by the carts traversing the streets. Many seemed to be heading out of town. Maybe he could even negotiate with the driver of one of them once he reached the outside. But Aster suddenly lost interest in the carts when he saw soldiers coming from the opposite direction. He froze for a brief moment, before thinking to himself that it was impossible they were there for him. But a bad feeling persisted.

He continued on his way as if nothing had happened, but the knot in his stomach betrayed his apparent tranquility. He glanced behind him. Other soldiers were advancing with sure steps, and Aster had the unpleasant feeling of being caught in a pincer movement. His breath became more disordered. It was probably just a coincidence. A mere coincidence. He had nothing to fear. No one could find him, could they?

He suddenly turned into a small alley, then into another. Moments later, he heard metallic clanking echoing behind him. Aster felt his heart racing, and a sudden rush of adrenaline washed over him. He started running with all his might.

He refused to be caught. He refused to be a slave. It had already been far too long.

He rushed into a new alley, his lungs on fire. The noises chasing him seemed more distant to him. But he did not slow down, determined to establish the greatest possible distance with his pursuers. After several long minutes, during which the sounds became more and more diffuse, he allowed himself a relieved smile. He turned into the corner of the alley...and let out a cry as his back hit the ground hard. The shock echoed through his whole body, and his vision blurred for a brief moment.

“I believe we have our fugitive!” Someone sneered. “Pick him up.”

Two soldiers approached and pulled him up roughly. Aster braced himself to resist, and one of them got his elbow in the nose. He heard the soldier curse, just before his arms were suddenly twisted behind his back to immobilize him. He struggled with a low growl, but a third soldier stepped forward, presumably the one who had given the order. Aster stopped. He was alone and unarmed. He knew he had no chance.

“These slaves who always think they're smarter… Ultimately, the general will make you not want to run away.”


Aster could never finish his sentence because the soldier's knee plunged violently into his stomach and took his breath away.


Raviel's gaze caught Aster's, whose rage seemed to overshadow any form of fear until Magnus abruptly grabbed the chain attached to the iron collar. He pulled it, throwing Aster to the ground, and Raviel shuddered when he realized what was coming next.