Chapter 12: Chapter 12: You can Meet Colorful Characters

The now party of three left Jiputin immediately when the man was able to walk. They travelled eastward toward the city of Dosael. They would have to walk for about a day and a half to get there.

"So, we never actually asked for your name, right?"

Brittanya looked back and asked the green-haired man whose long hair was now brushed up. He was walking behind her.

"Um… I think it was… Kryllo…"

He answered with an unsure look in his face.

"You think?"

"No one… has asked me… for a long time… Even Karlah… just called me… 'Hey'…."

Kryllo clearly had difficulty speaking long phrases.

"You're not used to talking, are you?"

Jaegar interrupted the conversation. Kryllo nodded his head.

"That raises more questions than answers."

Jaegar just shrugged his shoulders as he seemed not that much interested as to why Kryllo was the way he was right now.

"So, we shouldn't talk to him then?"

Brittanya crossed her arms while looking up.

"It's fine… Occasionally..."

Kryllo looked at her.


They reached Dosael in about two days of travelling. The city was larger than Jiputin but was smaller in size compared to Unowne. The houses and small buildings were made of painted concrete walls.

"Since you had an arrow with you when we first met, I thought you're an archer. Which was why we also decided to go to Dosael."

Jaegar was talking to Kryllo while the three of them were looking around the streets of the city.

"Do you know how to use a bow?"

Jaegar looked at Kryllo. He then silently nodded back at Jaegar.

"That's good, because this city is the Archer's Den Headquarters. We can find a quality bow for you to use."

Jaegar was then looking at the different stalls selling archer equipment.

"Say, are you a member of the Archer's Den?"

Jaegar asked Kryllo as he stopped in front of a stall to check the displayed weapons. Kryllo shook his head.

"Then we should register you here. We can ask around where the headquarters is."

Jaegar finally settled in front of a weapon's shop and talked to the owner. After they bought a wooden bow for Kryllo, they went around looking for the headquarters.


The three asked around and after a while, they finally found out where it was. While walking toward the headquarters, they heard a commotion happening nearby.

"Finally caught you! You apple thief!"

Some townspeople were ganging up on a young man. The said person was already lying on the ground while the others were holding him down.

"We'll take you to the knights and have you locked up in prison!"

The person who took back an apple from the accused thief's hand kicked the struggling suspect.

"I had to do it! It was my mission! I could have paid for it if I was allowed to!"

The young man who was pinned down was still protesting.

"We don't care why you did it! What we care about is that you stole from us, and you're going to prison for it!"

The angry townspeople then proceeded to drag the young man who was now tied up.

"What was that about?"

Brittanya asked the others while she watched the young man get dragged away.

"A thief being caught. Not much of a thief, is he?"

Jaegar commented casually. They continued to walk toward the headquarters.


After talking with a receptionist inside the Archer's Den headquarters, the party waited for Kryllo's test to begin. While standing near the receptionist, they were then greeted by an examiner.

The said examiner then led everyone outside of the building and into a large open space at the back. As one would expect of the Archer's Den, there were a lot of circular targets set up on the field used for archery practice.

"You have a nice-looking bow there. I hope you can use that."

The examiner was talking to Kryllo while they were both in the middle of the field. Kryllo nodded at the examiner. Meanwhile, Jaegar and Brittanya were standing a little further from them.

"Now what I need to see is you using that bow and hitting the target over there. Ok, show me what you got."

The examiner pointed to the target placed in the distance in front of them. The examiner then handed Kryllo an arrow and then stepped away from him.

Kryllo gripped his bow with his left hand. He stood there for a while, looking sternly at the target.

"Anytime now! Just do it already!"

Jaegar shouted at him. Then, as if waking up from a trance, Kryllo suddenly ran toward the target and hit it with his bow.

"What the hell are you doing?! That's not how you use a bow!"

Jaegar's jaw dropped while his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.


"Look at what you did! They threw us in here because of fraud!"

Jaegar was sitting on the stone floor beside Kryllo. They were now locked up in a cell inside the prison. Brittanya was nowhere to be seen inside the prison cell.

Jaegar then suddenly stood up. He shouted at the knights standing guard while he held the bars that prevent their freedom.

"Hey, I'm a knight too! I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding! Let us out!"

You are reading story Do I have the Wrong Job despite being in the World’s Strongest Party? at

He stuck his face in between the cold, steel bars. A guard then walked toward him.

"It'll take days to confirm your identity. And even if you are indeed a knight, we have to honor the complaints of the Archer's Den in accordance to the pact with the Knights' Order here in Dosael. You're staying here until they say otherwise."

The guard shook his head as he walked away from the cell.

"They aren't letting you out either, huh."

A voice came from the back of their prison cell. Jaegar and Kryllo both looked at who it was. There was a young man with golden hair sitting at the corner.

"I mean, yeah, I was stealing an apple. It was my mission. It's just because I got caught that I'm here."

"Well, that's what usually happens when you get caught stealing. They put you in jail."

Jaegar turned around and sat down again.

"You were that guy from earlier, huh?"

"Oh, you saw that? That was quite embarrassing. I'm just not cut out for this…"  

The young man was scratching the back of his head. He then let out a big exasperated sigh.

"My name is Leonze, by the way. So, what did you guys do to end up in here?"


Kryllo answered him.

"Don't you 'nothing' me! You said you knew how to use a bow!"

Jaegar slapped Kryllo on the chest with the back of his hand.

"That's how… I use it…"

Kryllo looked Jaegar in the eye.

"You've got to be kidding me. You're telling me you are useless when not in berserk?"

Jaegar smacked his own face with his hand.

"What a bunch of lively kids…"

An old, tired voice suddenly echoed from the cell directly opposite of Jaegar and Kryllo's cell.

"When did kids these days become so spoiled?"

There was an old man, whose hair and beard have grown so long unkempt, sitting at the back of his cell.

"Back in my day, we were tasked with the most impossible mission! These days they order you to steal apples?"

He let out a loud and sarcastic laugh.

"No wonder the monsters have been increasing a lot, kids these days aren't competent enough to kill them!"

His tone became more serious.

"It's true that the monsters have been increasing in numbers. That's why the Knights' Order gave the mission to us knights to eradicate those monsters."

Jaegar stood up and answered back, feeling offended by the old man's words.

"We're not with this guy here, anyway. My party is doing whatever it can to finish this impossible mission—"

"Impossible mission?!"

The old man couldn't help but interrupt Jaegar upon hearing those words.

"Don't make me laugh, kid! You think that's impossible? My party was tasked to find the Legendary Artifacts!"

"Legendary Artifacts...? I thought those were only from stories?"

Leonze went into deep thought after hearing the term from the old man. He then questioned the old man with doubt in his voice.

"Of course, it was! Why do you think they were called 'Legendary'? It's because they're only found in legends!"

The old man raised his voice and started to show his irritation while talking about the topic.

"We wasted our time, searching endlessly, for things that didn't even exist! And what happened to us after all of that? We got hunted by the king himself! He wanted us dead!"

The old man was now glaring at the three youngsters in the opposite cell. A knight then appeared in front of the old man's cell.

"Hey old man! Enough of your crazy talk! That's why you were put in this jail. If you don't quit it, we'll have to sentence you to death for treason, you got that?"

The knight looked at Jaegar and Kryllo, and furrowed his eyebrows and then shook his head. The knight then walked away without saying anything else.

"Talk about crazy."

Jaegar couldn't believe what he just heard from the old man. He turned back and sat down again. He saw Leonze still in deep thought.

"You believe what that old man was saying?"

He asked Leonze.

"Hmm. I just didn't expect to hear that term here in this prison. Aren't you curious what those Legendary Artifacts are?"

Leonze raised his head and looked at Jaegar.

"Not really. I'm not interested in fairy tales. I have a more important mission than that."

"I see."

Leonze saw a knight was opening their cell. He then stood up and dusted his clothes.

"Well then. It was nice meeting you."

"Where are you going?"

Jaegar watched as Leonze walked toward the door of the cell.

"Out of here."

Leonze walked out of the cell while the knight locked the cell door again.

"Hey! What about us?!"

Jaegar grabbed the bars again while looking at Leonze walk free.