Chapter 7: You Cannot Escape The Past
The young girl hugging my waist called me mother, I am pretty sure she is very confused and she doesn’t know who her mother is. She is probably having amnesia, I patted her head and then looked her into the eyes. I would have to tell her the truth.
“Hey I am not your-“
Tears were about to well up in the vampire child’s eyes and she looked so adorable too. I was about to go with the flow again, how can one reject this cute girl’s adorableness to the face?Where was such a demon? Definitely not me. Keeping my mouth shut as I knew this too was probably fate, let’s look for your real parents if you have any.
“But please refrain from calling me Mama”
“Not even I could call Yukiyo-kaasan that”
She shouted with a large smile, at the corner of my eye I could see Alex and Ellen slowly sitting down on the ground both of which were merely watching this scene unfold. They had fought an enemy who was far stronger than they could believe however the core of that tough opponent was a cute little girl, I believe their mental fatigue had been blasted to the very stars. Freki returned from extracting the dungeon core and suddenly as soon as he saw the little girl his jaw dropped.
“Mother has acquired a daughter without giving birth?!”
He screamed as the dungeon core rolled on the ground meaninglessly. The same thing that clicked in Freki also happened to Geri whose switch suddenly turned on.
“Oi we haven’t -”
“Say Geri what shall we do?We suddenly got a little sister to dote on”
“I do not know but I will spoil her rotten”
“Are you two wolf-sans my big brothers*?”
“So fluffy, and cool!”
I wasn’t even able to deny these two Fenrirs, they too went with the flow, I was wishing they too could reject this girl of her passage into our family because weird things would happen such as her gaining my family name! Shen on the other hand was laughing loudly in this silent cemetery holding her stomach because the hilariousness of the situation itself was too much for her. The girl was busying herself playing with Geri and Freki who were more than glad to entertain her.
“You’re so noisy”
I was the first one to notice as I looked towards the coffin immediately. What I saw was a pale hand of a young girl then slowly but surely the upper body of a girl with similar features as the first one rose up like she was waking up from a long sleep. She yawned as she looked around, she had short jet black hair as well as the characteristic crimson eyes which had eye bags beneath. She almost looked like me when I was younger and spent way more time on the screen of my PC, the air of a true hikkineet. She wore a goth lolita dress which was centered on these following concepts: comfort, easy to sleep in, easy to move in and finally delicate beauty. I was about to ask where the hell did this girl come from but it seems her sister was quick to answer that.
“Ah twin you woke up!”
“Yes….and I could hear you make a ruckus when you woke up before me. Do you ever show consideration for me twin?”
“I am sorry!”
She bowed her head low before the black haired twin.
“Its….okay..ah….is that our mother?”
“Pleased to meet you Mother”
“M-Me too where did you-”
“Twin was sleeping inside of my shadow you see mother!I left her behind because I had woken up before her!”
“I see.”
“Look, look twin these are our brothers!”
“Un…..take care of me well my elder brothers. Hmm?”
The black haired twin walked up to Shen who had now calmed down and was now staring at her with her half closed eyes. She dropped herself on her breasts like it was nothing and let out a sound of pure happiness.
“H-Hey what are you doing?!”
“I thought your boobies looked comfortable to sleep on. Nothing wrong with that is there onee-sama”
SHEN NO NOT YOU TOO!!I seemed to scream internally as I saw Shen become swayed by this child who she began to know only a few moments ago.
“Hey do you remember your names?Or the names of the people who took care of you”
The black haired twin simply gazed at my direction with her cheek still on Shen’s boobs.
“No…I recall we had no names. Neither we were raised by anyone…I do not recall anything at all”
“There should be an explanation for that Kaa-chan”
“Then tell us Freki”
“I believe these two were generated by the magic core to serve as the dungeon boss, I heard certain demon lords were born this way. The same could apply with them.”
“As for the golem?”
“It was their premature form. Like a boss they were to have multiple stages however they are still young as you can see”
“Hmm….I am babysitting again, anyway since you two have no names how about I call you Shiro and Kuroe respectively”
“Yes do you not like them”
“No Shiro likes Shiro’s name!”
“Kuroe….yes I like that name”
“Okaa-san what is your name?”
“Yes, that’s right what is mother’s name!”
“Mine is Shinohara Yukiyo, Shinohara is my family name and Yukiyo is my name. Pleased to meet you both”
I had a bad feeling about this, I checked their statuses just to make sure but what I found there almost made me faint.
• Name: Shiro Shinohara
• Age: 14 (Slow Aging) (Older Twin)
• Race: Vampire Demon Lord
• Title: None
• Job: None
• Level: 20
• Job History: None
○ Attributes:
• HP: 4,000
• MP: 6,000
• Strength: 5,000
• Agility: 4,000
• Stamina: 2,000
• Intelligence: 6,000
○ Skills:
• Blood Sucking Level 2
• Scream Level 3
• Claws Level 1
• Flight Level 2
• Golem Manipulation Level 5
○Passive Skills:
• Superhuman Strength Level 1
• Regeneration Level 2
• Heightened Senses Level 1
• Quick Reflexes Level 4
• Sunlight Resistance Level 2
○ Status Effect:
• Sealed (REMOVED!)
○ Unique Skills:
• Demon Lord Form Transformation Level 1
• Name Kuroe Shinohara
• Age: 14 (Slow Aging) (Younger Twin)
• Race: Vampire Demon Lord
• Title: None
• Job: None
• Level: 20
• Job History: None
○ Attributes:
• HP: 4,000
• MP: 6,000
• Strength: 5,000
• Agility: 4,000
• Stamina: 2,000
• Intelligence: 6,000
○ Skills:
• Blood Sucking Level 2
• Scream Level 3
• Claws Level 1
• Flight Level 2
• Golem Manipulation Level 5
• Alchemy Level 4
You are reading story I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base! at
• Appraisal Level 6
○Passive Skills:
• Superhuman Strength Level 1
• Regeneration Level 2
• Heightened Senses Level 1
• Sunlight Resistance Level 2
○ Status Effect:
• Sealed (REMOVED!)
○ Unique Skills:
• Demon Lord Form Transformation Level 1
『You have acquired the following skills: Flight, and Scream!』
……..Someone tell me I am dreaming. I am officially raising the next Demon Lord as my children, wait that could do well as the title of a light novel. If I was still on Earth I could have written it but now I have to experience it, it seems Shen appraised their statuses as well and sighed at the same time I touched my forehead in exasperation. I chose not to tell neither Alex nor Ellen cause they might as well faint.
“Alright then let’s go home”
“Hey Alex, Ellen you guys alright?”
“I have given up on trying to understand you”
“You are doing great then Ellen”
“Its time to move out”
“Again?But we haven’t even spent an hour here”
“Don’t worry we’ll be riding on Shen”
“….uh what kind of riding are you talking about?”
“Definitely not the naughty kind”
Okaa-san in heaven I’ve kids now and their vampire demon lords I hope you are happy you have an even bigger family.
☆The Great Sage’s POV
She seemed perplexed by what she was seeing, the lake where the water dragon was supposed to be was completely abandoned. And the surrounding areas where the other monsters had changed as well, there were signs of a great battle that occurred simultaneously. The water dragon couldn’t have fought both the giant and the Orc King as well as the Goblin Chief at the same time. It wasn’t that strong, Sev definitely knew that. She sighed as she paced in the air with footholds appearing each time she walked.
“How strange….in that direction there is the Weissvalt Kingdom. I heard that an adventurer with a dragon had thrashed the place as well killed that dumb Hero. If that is correct it would take a couple of minutes if it is flight with that dragon…..hmm”
Sev touched her chin and waited before turning around towards where the city of Melbour was supposed to be. It was slowly headed there, she had created a spell that would immediately tell her the distance of the water dragon should it move via flight. Why didn’t she feel it leave earlier then?What did that prideful dragon do to escape her spell? It was all a mystery something must’ve happened within this forest and whatever it was she had to find out.
“Regarding the facts I have to quickly teleport to where that dragon is before it can wreck damage”
Sev began to chant as she focused her mind to appearing where the dragon was. Within seconds she had appeared several meters ahead of the water dragon, she was rather surprised to see a dark elf, a human, an elf, two vampire children and two Fenrirs all on the back of that water dragon. What kind of scenario was this? She had to find out. She began to prepare herself and used several buffs before she could enter this kind of battle.
Sun and moon. That’s how I can describe these two, Shiro was the energetic cute and extremely curious older twin. Asking plenty of questions about being an adventurer which Alex and Ellen had answered with great detail making her more curious, despite being a vampire she shined like the bright sun, her sister Kuroe was more reserved and calm. A quiet girl who enjoyed learning new things and acquiring knowledge, she was an indoor type of person. The moonlit sky which had thousands of stars painting it were shining brightly giving off a serene almost dream like beauty. Geri and Freki howled at the moon despite being as high as they can to it. Shen too was slowly flying her way to the city of Melbour, I who had been sitting down on her back was craving for having a cup of sake to toast to this beautiful scene. But then I noticed something ahead of us and walked to the base of Shen’s head.
“Shen there is something up ahead of us, you have to stop”
“It seems you have noticed it as well huh?”
“Yeah, there is a visitor who is waiting for us in this land of clouds”
“Why does that sound something that you took that from one of the tv shows you talk about?”
“Well because I did, anyway I am going to have to tell everyone to go to the ground level.”
“Indeed, it seems this person might be someone I know”
I soon prompted everyone to hurry down to the ground, Geri and Freki could leap off from this height and still be okay, the vampire twins would hold Alex and Ellen as they flew down to the ground. I told them something was up and didn’t want to involve them. Thus they did as I told them and we moved in closer to the person who stood with her arms folded, it was like it was natural to stand on the air like that. I wish I could gain such a convenient spell. Now closer I could see the person who stood ahead of us, she had long white hair and golden eyes which shined brightly in the night wearing a black robe as well as a witch hat and a magical staff that was made from some high quality materials I could only surmise dragon bone or the like.
“Long time no see Shen”
“Ah, I remember you. You’re the Sage who pushed me back, the one who defeated me”
“Indeed, I am glad you did not forget me. Recently a lot of strange things have happened, the giant and orc king as well as the goblin chief have been killed.”
“Yes, I killed them”
“Impossible I know your strength”
“Knew. The me of back then and the me of now are two very different entities”
“I can see that, was the cause perhaps you?”
She directed her gaze at me making me smile and put my chest forward in pride.
“Yes. Shen is my friend and a part of family it is only obvious for me to want her to become stronger, she protected me in a time where I was far too weak and helped me raise Geri and Freki”
“It is as she says Great Sage”
“I do not trust your words, dragons have a long history of often lying to get what they want”
“I am not a traditional dragon”
“Yet you acted like one”
“I will rid this world of you, as well as that dark elf. I do not wish to hear of your tomfoolery, you destroyed yet another kingdom and for that you must repent”
“Why is it always the girls with the strong looking eyes and appearance the ones who cause trouble for every person who they see fit?”
I seemed to ask that question to the air as the sage was enveloped in an aura of blue flames.
“It doesn’t mean that I am not pumped to fight another Hero today”
“So you are the one who killed the fool who decided to ruin the world’s peace? I take it you have your reasons but that dragon is no good”
“I am the one who decides that! Shen has only been good to me!She is a little rough but she has a heart of gold!!”
I ran from the base of Shen’s dragon head and leapt towards the sage who had appeared in front of me.
“I am already doing it!”
Shen transformed into her human form whilst I easily drove myself forwards using the new skill : Flight. I thrust my sword at her who shot a fireball at me which I easily cut in half as the activation of Sword Dance skill rang within my head, she dodged the ensuing numerous sword slashes that I did with an incredible level of skill. Smiling as she moved backwards to make an arc with her staff that created a wave of fire that was followed but a small water bullets that made the form of a vast flower as fire and lightning were now mixed in. Wow she is creating what some may call a bullet hell, Shen was there to rescue me though.
“Such a form-?!”
Shen grabbed me and leapt backwards spitting a mass of flames that destroyed the almost infinite amount of elemental bullets. Ah I am being held in princess carry, how embarrassing.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes I am”
“You’re always so reckless! Listen Sev is a sage who has mastered all elements and can use them to her advantage, she is a master at magic but a failure at close combat. I will dissipate her stronger attacks whilst you get closer”
“Roger that my queen”
“If you have enough time to fool around then go already!”
I was thrown like an arrow at Sev the sage who was more serious than before, I took out the items that idiot hero had and thrust them forward. She noticed ahead of time and stopped the knives in their tracks through some use of time magic, but soon after she regrets having done that as my wires easily surround her.
“It is of no use”
She created an air current that shot at me which I narrowly dodged as I flew towards her, I only received a shallow cut on the cheek which instantly healed. I grinned as this was an opponent I could fight toe to toe with. She was about the same level as me, at some point Sev stopped chanting altogether. Ever fought a low leveled boss with super high quality armor and watched it level up as time passes?That is what I am experiencing had Shen not been there I would have been long defeated. Speaking of Shen she had cast a water aura over my body as Sev cast an AOE spell that had flames inside of a ring like manner, I had to draw backwards after that then noticed Shen approach Sev quickly.
“Fist of The Water Dragon: A Thousand Waves”
Shen began to throw an large amount of punches that began to crack at the barrier that the sage had hastily put up, using the chance she glared at me for a short amount of time which was cue time for me to invade the space and penetrate the barrier all together with my sword which easily shattered it into pieces. I went back within an instant giving Shen the spotlight once more who then entered the spell radius of the sage giving her a kick that sent her flying up even higher in the air before punching her down to crash to the ground but that sage stopped herself and pointed her staff at Shen causing a myriad of magic symbols to float in the air as she was casting some powerful magic. Shen merely smiled as she folded her arms.
“Throw the best you got Sev, I will withstand it!”
“A bit too prideful there aren’t you Shen!”
The multicolored arias that shined in the trajectory of Shen began to spin as a beam was shot at her. Shen’s whole body began to glow as her hands turned into dragon claws.
“Dance of the Elder Water Dragon’s Claws: Magic Destroying Fists”
She begun to punch infinitely at the beam at a steady beat that made even Sev shocked, I was merely watching this unfold as Shen continued to punch the beam that was directed at her.
“I have changed, matured even. I loathed myself for being so weak, I did not want to follow the traditions of my dragon kin but ended up doing such. I wanted more strength but hid myself inside of a lake until I met her. She is the one who made me who I am today, she is my one and only. I do not believe I have ever felt anything for anyone before but it is different when it comes to her, I smile and experience happiness. She talked to me like we were equals and made me be who I am. I AM STRONGER THAN ANY OF MY DRAGON KIN AND MY FATHER!!!”
I couldn’t hear what she said except what she shouted as she finally punched Sev sending her spiraling down to the ground, there’s no way that would kill her. I started to descend down to the ground to where the sage was with Shen as the signs of the sun rising were beginning to trace their existence. Sev slowly got out of her crater and stood on her cane dusting off her robe as she did so. She didn’t kill her.
“You certainly have changed……I have you to thank….I could have died but you chose not to kill me. I think it is a little strange that a slime such as yourself would come this far”
“Worry not. I do not wish to expose you, you have done well…..please continue taking care of Shen”
“I will”
“Good. It seems I had nothing to worry about, I guess I will head back home”
The sage went back through teleportation after giving a gentle smile at us.
“Thank you Yukiyo I cannot thank you enough for standing up for me”
“Its what family do right?You are my biggest family”
“Eh?!Why are you crying?!”
“It’s tears of joy you idiot”
I smiled at Shen who was happy, sure the past came to haunt her and all but she reconciled with it. I am curious about her father and all but I will leave it for another time, I gave her a hug as I could feel the tears wet my jacket but it was worth it anyways.
“Thank you for everything I hope I can continue being with you”
“No need for thanks I am just doing the bare minimum for family”
“Let’s go look for the others”
I walked with Shen who was smiling brightfully with an accurate knowledge of where everyone was. e arrived at the city gates before the hours of dawn and entered without any problems. I decided to head first to the marquis’ home with everyone excluding the human-elf pair. Albert opened the door for us and got the shock of his life, as we were both carrying Shiro and Kuroe in our arms. He soon directed us to bedrooms designed for girls, I fell on the bed that the two were placed in and slept peacefully with the two as well as Shen who joined in somehow.
“So in other words these two didn’t know who they were and assumed you were their mother?”
“This gets stranger and stranger”
“Well I don’t think I find it all too troublesome look Mona has playmates now.”
Risa said with a gentle smile on her face as the three children were having a wonderful time playing hide and seek amongst many other games. The morning had risen and the marquis was rather confused as to why I came back with two children so I told him everything excluding the Vampire Demon Lords part it would cause pure panic.
“A guest for Yukiyo-dono”
“Who is it?”
“Uh…you need to see it for yourself”
I walked with Albert down the hall with a bad feeling in my heart and butterflies in my stomach. As soon as I saw who it was I screamed.
“I have quit my job and will now live with you as my master. Please take care of me”
Sev was just standing there with a bright smile as my days were certainly going to become more hectic.