Side Chapter 1: The affairs of the gods and the ones who are to be summoned and the ones who are to be abandoned
Lythalia, the Evil Goddess of Life was being scolded by her loved one. Bast’s appearance would fit one’s perception of it, in the eyes of humans they would appear as an attractive member of the opposite sex, in the eyes of gods they would appear as an exotic as well as eccentric looking god or goddess, to other evil gods it would appear in the form which is closest to their children but more hideous, however to Lythalia their lover it would appear in its true form. That is to say it took the form of an enormous humanoid cat with Egyptian clothing that was made for royalty, it had nine tails each with an eye that stared at Lythalia. It was hard to tell whether Bast was a male or female entity because of their voice and appearance, one could say that Bast could be represented in both forms at once.
But Bast was undoubtedly the Fenrir children’s father and that same father was shouting at its wife.
“Relax Bast, they are in great hands.”
“We must go and fetch them immediately”
“Uh they’ve already grown up to be fine teenagers due to leveling up quickly in that world”
“……….Lythalia just who did you leave our children with?Who did you leave Lyst and Thabis with?”
“A very capable human”
“A human you say?Are they not abusing our children?”
“No, they are being taken care of and loved equally. Look she even gave them names that can be said in the mortal’s language. With time they will rise to our rank soon”
“I see, I’ll visit this human to give my thanks, give her my blessing. What were you so busy with that you had to give our children off to a human for anyway?”
“……some cocky gods who thought they could square up against us came over and tried to overthrow us all.”
“Gods?Not Evil Gods?”
“Yes, very troublesome powerful gods”
“Can that human handle it?”
“She is powerful and has infinite potentiality, she has a certain quality about her. I can say she has an ability that she uses unconsciously on those who are around her, its not inside of her skills which she can consciously see”
“And that skill is called?”
“Yggdrasil’s 0”
“She has the seed inside of her?I do not believe such a reckless human would have such a precious item inside of her soul”
“But she does. She can grow infinitely strong because of it, I can tell by the way she can easily gather those who are strong and powerful to her and raise them up even higher”
“We surmise that she would attract trouble because of such is that right?”
“Of course, some of those gods have noticed that and instructed their respective nations to summon heroes from her world to kill the supposed Demon King”
“But she isn’t a Demon King”
“Its in her jobs though”
“Go ahead”
“Our children are in the safest hands possible, We will make sure that they will be protected even more by the other gods”
“I am sorry, I didn’t tell you earlier”
“It is okay our love. You are brash at times and you make us so frustrated but we still love you. By the way where is Nyarlathotep and Hastur?”
“Ah, they are visiting that girl right now”
“Before that Tsa’Shoggoth had already given her a blessing in the form of two skills, the Skill Eater and Belphegor skills”
“Our head hurts”
Lythalia in Bast’s eyes could be seen as an airhead and didn’t care to mention that those two were already moving onto a very special slime in the form of a dark elf.
Another punch had been laid on his face by the bully who tormented him. The only thing he could do was profusely apologize and offer up his money in a hurry, it didn’t change the result of him being punched down by the bullies for being such a wimp, he didn’t want to accept it but he was rather pissed off at himself. He imagined if he had power he could easily kill these bullies but he did not have power so he took the beating and was left with no money. Ryou stood up from the ground and spat out the blood which was inside of his mouth, it was tough being the weak and ridicule object of the entire class. The thing about Ryou wasn’t that he garnered a lot of attention, he had delicate features that made him look like a girl: long blonde hair, pretty looking blue eyes, pale white skin and an adorable look on his face, his American mom would tell him he needs to accept that he was just as beautiful as she was. This of course brought its own problems what was more worse is the fact he was naturally weak, didn’t have much to show for it and thus because of his beauty he was bullied by both boys and girls, he walked towards class looking all dirty receiving a condescending look from his teacher.
“Ryou!What is the meaning of this!Looking like some rag doll inside of my class!!”
Ryou could hear some snickers from within and began to condemn himself even more.
“Get in and let us get this started!”
“Y-Yes sir”
His high pitched voice replied as he quickly entered class and sat on his chair. He finds that his books are missing from his desk and simply sighs.
“Open to Page 145, hmm?Ryou don’t you have a tex-?!”
[This seems to be the right classroom.]
A voice suddenly speaks from out of nowhere, it had a joyful tone to it despite no one being able to tell what gender it is.
[Alrighty!!I am going to make an announcement to you mortals, you are going to be all summoned to become heroes in another world. You are all going to be given special abilities and going to see your statuses in a moment. I am a god of another world so relax and wait until then.]
[An annoying mortal huh?Vanish will ya]
The history teacher started to disintegrate immediately making everyone scream and panic.
[Don’t worry not all of you will face the same fate, he was a liability.]
The voice said with a tone that was playful and reassuring for a moment, suddenly game like screens started appearing in front of them.
“Whoa?!I am level 26!And a swordsman!”
“Level 17, monk huh?Not bad”
“Hahahaha look at this guy he is a level 1!”
Ryou was level 1 and jobless everyone else had a job and he was left out again, they all laughed at him the voice included.
[Well then I guess all of you will be summoned with a couple of others from different time periods and timelines. Will weed out those who are weak like that idiot over there!]
Everyone stared at Ryou who was the odd one out in his class, thus everyone disappeared leaving him alone inside of the class.
[Well then I will just send you to some remote location, boy. Its a shame that this had to happen to you but such is fate anyway make sure you die real quick in my world!I’ll just give you the Appraisal skill to know what killed you so be thankful!]
You are reading story I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base! at
The voice unpleasantly laughed at Ryou who started to feel dizzy as he fell to the ground being teleported to another world.
Ryou woke up in a dense forest with nothing but clothes on his back. He instantly knew he was in the world of that god or whatever, he looked around and had dark emotions swirling inside of his heart. Why was he the only one who had to be picked out of those with strength.
“Um, excuse me”
He screamed as he jumped frontwards and falling on his face.
“I am so sorry I am so sorry I am so sorry I am so sorry I am so sorry I am so sorry I am so sorry I am so sorry IamsosorryIamsosorryIamsosorryIamsosorry IamsosorryIamsosorryIamsosorryIamsosorry Iamsosorry!!”
The girl who called out to him apologized so fast that he couldn’t make out what she was saying in the end. He held his nose for a moment and stared at her, she had long black hair which completely covered her left eye she wore a different uniform from him though. He wondered where she came from and was found at a loss of words for a moment.
“M-My name is Funamori Minami l-level 1, w-were you summoned to the world as well?”
She was a reject like him, he felt glad that he wasn’t alone and sad that they would die in an unknown world.
“Senjigawa Ryou, nice to meet you. I am also a level 1”
HE SPOKE WITHOUT STUTTERING?!WHAT WAS THIS LEVEL OF CONFIDENCE HE WAS GAINING?! She smiled upon hearing him shaking his hand as he had held it in front of her.
“Nice to meet you Ryou-chan”
“You’re a girl are you not?”
“No I am a boy”
“No don’t lie I have seen girls who c-crossdress like boys in m-my school”
“……..W-wait what kind of school are you from?”
“Edo S high school for girls”
“Edo?Isn’t Tokyo the city that had that name?”
“Tokyo?I have never heard of such a place, is it a small town?”
“Ah, that voice did say different timelines. I am from a different timeline from you”
“I-Is that so?Anyway we need to find a way out of here”
“Good idea”
“So you guys are finally done huh?”
Another voice spoke out to the both of them and they instantly froze from hearing it.
“My name is Chloe Knightfield Nishizawa pleased to meet you both, I am also a level 1.”
A westerner was in the midst of them, she had white hair which was tied into a high ponytail but her hair which was pretty was all messy and spiky. Her green eyes were all tired and had eye bags under them she wore a different uniform from them which seemed to be made out of high quality fabric.
“Nice to meet you”
“So what are we going to do?”
“How about we look for a place to sleep first?Maybe look for some animal trails”
“Good idea Ryou-kun”
“Thank you”
He smiled at being called Ryou-kun, he was going to be very good friends with this girl Chloe as well as Minami-chan.
“I-Is there anyone else?”
“Yup right up here”
The three of them made a surprised sound as there in the trees was an overweight boy who was stuck in the branches.
“Masayuki Mochizuki pleased to meet you all. Could you guys help me outta here?”
The three after a long time helped him out of the branches finally reaching ground level Masayuki thanked them with a smile. He had short black hair and black eyes but he had a gentle and kind aura around him, it could be said he was the embodiment of optimism itself.
“I am sure we will get out and become strong!”
“You are enthusiastic about this”
“Its a dream come true!A fantasy world to discover and explore, dungeons to see and cities to visit!”
“Ah an otaku…”
“I hope we hold out that long though”
“Same here”
Ryou with people from different worlds decided to take their first step in this unknown world. He wanted to get back at all the people who laughed at him including the voice that wished him to die.
As soon as the rejects leave two evil gods make themselves visible once more.
“Well then it seems things are going to become interesting”
“Indeed. I’ll give the boys some skills and divine blessings”
“I’ll do likewise with the girls.”
“Should we follow where they go?I mean, Hastur they will prove to become really useful”
“To meet the mortal taking care of Lythalia’s children?Certainly.”
“Then we’ll lead them there, it seems those idiots summoned a bunch of useless fools with high levels instead of raising them like the way we will raise them”
Nyarlathotep and Hastur began to follow the rejects from different timelines and worlds.