Chapter 12: Side Chapter 2: Blessed With Untapped Power

Side Chapter 2: Blessed With Untapped Power

“Can anyone tell me where the hell we are going?”

Chloe said with a sigh as they had been walking for hours now. The forest seemed like it would never end but they end grown to know each other in that amount of time, Ryou was a feminine boy who was bullied for it, Minami was a silent and shy girl who got picked on by the other girls, Chloe because of her appearance and obvious foreigner attitude was ostracized and finally Masayuki it didn’t need to be said because he was simply fat. Each of them had a skill given by that dumb god, Ryou had Appraisal and Area Scan, Minami had Detection, Chloe had Intuition, and Masayuki had the Mapping skill as well as the Storage skill. If one combined any of these skills together they could get out of the forest together alive. How did that incompetent god put them all together with skills like these. 

“I can. There is a small clearing just ahead of us”

“Minami are there any monsters?”

“N-No there’s none.”

“So it is a safe zone huh?”


“I’ll use my Appraisal to see what kind of place it is”

Ryou said with a firm tone in his voice, but what appeared completely baffled him.

“What’s the matter Ryou-chan?”

“This place is kinda bizarre”

“What do you mean”

“Out with it, it could mean life or death”

“It says 『Fenrir’s Area Of Dominance』”

“Whoa such a powerful monster inside of this forest, but are we allowed to go in there?”

“I think it has either left or is around here somewhere. I do not believe that Fenrir is very vicious to the weak like us”

Chloe said with certainty in her voice as she walked ahead of the others. The clearing was quite nice and it had a full view of the sky, there were some parts that were burnt but other than that it was an alright place.

“See?What did I tell ya?I am going to look for a way to sleep”

“Before eating?!Chloe-san I do not think that is a very wise idea!”

“What else can we do?We do not have things that can make us cook food anyway”

“Do not worry about that!I was gathering wood and some things which looked edible as we were walking”

“……Mochizuki are you good at cooking?”

“What are you saying?!Even though I am like this I did not always eat junk food!I cooked on my own and spent a great deal of my money going to places learning recipes that I could cook for people one day!”

Mochizuki puffed out his chest with pride as he smiled taking out the firewood he had in the storage at one of the burnt spots which seemed to be still warm. He nodded as he took out another thing from their world, a lighter.

“I am glad, I always carried this with me”

“Let me guess, the teachers were asshats too so they prompted you to carry a lighter for them so they could smoke on the rooftop?”


“Call it women’s intuition.”


“So what did you find anyway?”

“Using Ryou-chan’s Appraisal skill I gathered some mushrooms, some fruits and nuts. Its not much but I can roast them over the fire and we can eat them before sleeping”

“D-Do you have blankets as well Mochizuki?”

“I don’t, sorry I am not that resourceful”

“We can use some leaves to sleep in, it can also camouflage our scent from wild beasts and goblins that might want to enter here”

“That’s a good idea Ryou-chan!”

Mochizuki shouted with a big smile on his face, this dude really was cheerful that it was hard to believe he was bullied because of his weight. 

“Its a good thing I absorbed everything I could in camping”

“That has saved us.”


“T-Thank you Mochizuki-kun”

“You’re welcome!”

“So what are we to do once we get out of this forest?”

“Find civilization and get strong”

“I like that idea”

“S-Same here”

“I wanna see all sorts of places and races that sounds incredible Ryou-chan!”

“And after we become strong what then?”

“We’ll figure out a way to go back home”

“But we are all from different timelines and periods, Ryou is from late 2010’s, Minami is from a world where the government never stopped being ruled by the shoguns, Yours truly is from the 2040 era and Mochizuki is from a world where the feudal lords still exist in the world and the nobility system persists. How will we go back?”

“Chloe-san I think what Ryou-chan is trying to say is we have to become so strong we beat that god’s ass and become slightly OP enough to send ourselves back home”

“Being honest I am reluctant to go back”

“Same here”

“Here too”

“I still have a mom who worries about me so I must go back or at least go and take her with me to wherever we go”

“How cute”


“Ryou-chan certainly is the cutest in the world with that determination!”

“S-Shut up!!Let’s eat already!!”

Ryou blushed as they complimented him on his steadfast determination. But he was happy that he made such interesting friends in the first place, he wanted to rise and become more to show his classroom and school that he was strong. And to give that god a good beating.

“I don’t think that is a bad idea. How about we go to a neat place after we beat that god and live together”

“Not bad”

“I-I think it is good as well”

“Umu, hot hot hot hot hot hot!!!”

Mochizuki bit into the roasted mushroom with everyone laughing at him as he tries to cool down his mouth in a hurry.

The two gods analyzed the area the rejects of that god had been resting in.

“So did you find them?”


Hastur had searched the nearby area using the humans as a form of marker to search for traces of Lythalia’s Fenrir children. They found a zone where one of the skills of the kids had been activated and stationed them there to sleep. It was easy to use the human subconscious to go in certain directions, they looked at the four who were now sleeping in a blanket of leaves and smiled.

“They have potential, if they meet up with that human they will certainly grow strong enough to exact their revenge.”

“Indeed, now then it is time we gave them the same level class of skills that human has.”

“She did begin out as a slime and look at her now”

“They do not have weapons though, mind if I shortly returned home for……never mind I get the feeling that Bast wants to do something. I’ll go look in a nearby dungeon” 

Hastur said as Nyarlathotep kept on staring at the kids who were sleeping down below. They made their presence as thin and natural as the air, and were moving through uncommon angles and spaces. If the kids had learned about the techniques that they used they would be happy however it would have a strain on their fragile human minds. One needed to have their mental structure reconfigured to be similar to that of an Evil God in order to use their techniques and skills, Nyarlathotep was adept at skillfully warping the human mind by involving them in unnatural and life changing events. He did so in many worlds and dimensions with the human mind being always so interesting to him. There were humans who could stare at an evil god straight in the eye and not go mad, such a human was the woman who was taking care of Lythalia’s children. 

Not only had she stared at Lythalia in her truest form but managed to go so far to appraise her. It was something that caught the interest of Tsa’Shoggoth who saw her potential and gave her an Abyssal Skill, a skill that could allow for evolution to take place in any race. One could become a god by having such a skill, if allowed to grow but if met with the one who had the Yggdrasil Seed in their soul they could rise to become beings of great power such as Nyarlathotep. None of the arrogant gods of this world knew that, and they had all planned to use war as a prop up to gain a lot of souls to square up against the Evil Gods. Of course it would not work on them however it would be troublesome if they manage to incapacitate them in any way thus Nyarlathotep did this after convincing Hastur who was very much content with watching from beyond space and time. 

“I’ve returned, I’ll place them just above their heads where they sleep”

“What are you Santa Claus?”

“No, but I feel rather generous”

“Let’s grant them the skills they need”

“It might evolve them a little bit”

“I can see Bast has taken a liking to that girl over there”

“The one with the black hair?”


“Then I’ll do them a solid and turn her into a race that will raise to be similar to them”


The two evil gods began to bless these kids who didn’t know any better in their sleep.


A loud scream woke everyone up in the morning making them jump up from their leaf blankets to look around. They were all prepared for the worst but what they found was rather amusing to say the least.

“Eh?Minami-chan did you always have cat ears and a tail?”


“Wait that voice Mochizuki-kun is that you?”

“Yes I am Mochizuki Masayuki-sama what is it?”

Mochizuki seemed different as he was totally different from yesterday, he was slimmed down a bit and he appeared to be rather handsome with his cheeks still worthy for someone to pinch them like one would with a child’s. Ryou checked himself before anything and he was still the same yet could feel a certain level of power dwelling within him. Chloe had also remained unchanged.

“Hmm everyone check your statuses”




“What the…”

• Name: Ryou Senjigawa

• Age: 17

• Race: Human

• Title: Rejected Summoned Being, Avenger

• Job: None

• Level: 1

• Job History: None

○ Attributes:

• HP: 2,000

• MP: 1,000

• Strength: 500

• Agility: 1,000

• Stamina: 1,100

• Intelligence: 1,500

○ Skills:

• Appraisal Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

• Area Scan Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

• Swordsmanship Level 1 (NEW!)

• Energy Siphon Level 1 (NEW!)

• Night Vision Level 1 (NEW!)

• Iron Body Level 1 (NEW!)

• Sword Draw Level 1 (NEW!)

You are reading story I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base! at

• Sword Arts Level 1 (NEW!)

○Passive Skills:

• Heightened Senses Level 1 (NEW!)

• Aura Detection Level 1 (NEW!)

• Mana Protection: Skin Level 1 (NEW!)

• Increased Attack Power When Equipped With: Sword Level 1 (NEW!)

• Concentration Level 1 (NEW!)

• Sword Aura Level 1 (NEW!)

○ Unique Skills:

• Satan Level 1 (NEW!)

• Sword Lord Level 1 (NEW!)

• Chaos Level 1 (NEW!)

• Blessing of the Crawling Chaos Level 1 (NEW!)

• Name: Minami Funamori

• Age: 16

• Race: Human(Former!) → Beastkin

• Title: Rejected Summoned Being, Avenger, Favored One of Bast

• Job: None

• Level: 1

• Job History: None

○ Attributes:

• HP: 3,000 

• MP: 500

• Strength: 2,000

• Agility: 4,000

• Stamina: 3,500

• Intelligence: 600

○ Skills:

• Detection Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

• Archery Level 1 (NEW!)

• Close Combat Level 1 (NEW!)

• Sharpened Claws Level 1 (NEW!)

• Night Vision Level 1 (NEW!)

• Rapid Attack Level 1 (NEW!) 

○Passive Skills:

• Heightened Senses: Sound, Eyesight Level 1 (NEW!)

• Sharp Instincts Level 1 (NEW!)

• Increased Agility Level 1 (NEW!)

• Increased Attack Power When Using: Claws, Bow Level 1 (NEW!)

○ Unique Skills:

• Asmodeus Level 1 (NEW!)

• Arcane Level 1 (NEW!)

• Blessing of the Not To Be Named One H██Level 1(NEW!)

• Name: Chloe Knightfield Nishizawa

• Age: 18

• Race: Human (Former!)→Imp (Human Appearance)

• Title: Rejected Summoned Being, Avenger, Fiery Delinquet

• Job: None

• Level: 1

•Job History: None

○ Attributes:

• HP: 1,800

• MP: 2,500

• Strength: 3,300

• Agility: 1,300

• Stamina: 2,000

• Intelligence: 2,500

○ Skills:

• Intuition Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

• Marksmanship Level 1 (NEW!)

• Close Combat Level 1 (NEW!)

• Sharp Shooter Level 1 (NEW!)

• Quick Draw Level 1 (NEW!)

• Slow Motion Shooting Level 1 (NEW!)

• Night Vision Level 1 (NEW!)

• Fire Magic: Explosion Level 1 (NEW!)

○Passive Skills:

• Increased Attack Power When Equipped With: Gun Level 1 (NEW!)

• Informed Eyes: Heat Signature, Biological Targeting Level 1 (NEW!)

• Rapid Gunfire Level 1 (NEW!)

• Rapid Reload Level 1 (NEW!)

○ Unique Skills:

• Belphegor Level 1 (NEW!)

• Fastest Gun In the World Level 0 (NEW!)

• Blessing of the Not To Be Named One H██Level 1(NEW!)

• Name: Masayuki Mochizuki

• Age: 17

• Race: Human

• Title: Rejected Summoned Being, Avenger, Connoisseur 

• Job: None

• Level: 1

•Job History: None

○ Attributes:

• HP: 900

• MP: 4,000

• Strength: 1,000

• Agility: 900

• Stamina: 1,000

• Intelligence: 4,000

○ Skills:

• Mapping Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

• Storage Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

• Mana Control Level 1 (NEW!)

• Magic Mastery Level 1 (NEW!)

• Midrange Combat Level 1 (NEW!)

• Healing Level 1 (NEW!)

○Passive Skills:

• Magic Learning Level 1 (NEW!)

• Multi-Cast Level 1 (NEW!)

• Chant Revocation Level 1 (NEW!)

• Magic Resistance Level 1 (NEW!)

• Rapid Evasion

○ Unique Skills:

• Astaroth Level 1 (NEW!)

• Archimage Level 1 (NEW!)

• Chaos Level 1 (NEW!)

• Blessing of the Crawling Chaos Level 1 (NEW!)


All of them were silent by what they saw, with the associated weapons right above where they were sleeping. They were even given blessings by gods who were known in fiction back in their world which distressed all of them.

“Ah, enough about that. We have a visitor”

“The owner of the place is back huh?”

“Looks like we have to quickly adjust to battle huh?”

“I-I will do my best!”

The four were facing off against a white wolf with a flame like pattern in its fur making them all tense up immediately. They quickly grabbed their weapons and pointed them at the Fenrir.