Chapter 16: Greki and Freki get the Deity treatment?!Mofumofu galore!
“She’s gone Your Majesty. Any observations?”
“That dark elf is far superior to any of us, she lives on a plane of existence that carries those around her into another realm entirely. The sage has grown in strength in such a short amount of time, her title as a human has even transformed as well into something as well.”
“What is her title now?”
“Grand Sage of Time”
“You’re serious?”
“Yes……that is her title now. The dark elf is a special one that I can tell you, her attacks whilst using a weapon she utilized for the first time is unbelievable to the extent I wanted to say she is lying but it really is something that she hasn’t used if at all.”
The prime minister fell silent once more as he stared at the king with a complicated gaze.
“Do not worry Rothwell, she is on our side. I do feel sorry for whoever is her enemy however.”
“Thank goodness”
Rothwell breathed a sigh of relief as he took the king to the royal bath house.
The Cornea Empire had experienced a massive disaster and they didn’t even know who attacked them, the people’s hearts were in turmoil and there was nothing they could do about it. The nobles of the affected families were in a state of utter confusion as the head families were dissolved almost immediately, the flies took down every potential successful heir who had grown up until that point, that is the reason why they gathered at the doorstep of the prime minister to ask to be aided by him.
Some of them were angry and looking for answers because the head families were essentially their masters and now they were masterless. Some were happy because now they who were second class nobles, would be promoted to the status of first class nobility, no one would deny that they were nobles of the Empire. The third group was confused and not sure what to do with themselves.
“Calm down, calm down”
The prime minister, Argon Sanhidrell was an old man, he had a handlebar mustache, a wrinkled regal face that made you think he was just a kind grandpa. His eyes were sharp yet they were deceptive enough to make you think he couldn’t possibly have any sort of insight in him at all. His white hair was tied into a short ponytail, his body was built like a statue and he could easily walk back into the battlefield if he so wished.
“You may not know this since you are the heads of the branch families but the head families have been for generations now involved in being the secret force we send to eradicate our enemies in their sleep or when they are young.”
“They who were the heads of each respective noble family encountered on their greatest mission yet which was to kill the Demon King’s daughter, we have no information about it. We are still investigating the matter you see, but one thing is certain those flies weren’t a natural disaster they were a skill of some kind. The responsibility lies with you now, we have a plan for you however. You can choose to accept it or not”
The branch family nobles were silent and were waiting to hear the solution to this problem, some of them did expect the answer however.
“You are all going to become the next head families, continuing on the operations that the now deceased families undertook.”
“What’s the catch”
One of the silent calculating nobles asked with his arms folded.
“Your families are either to appoint one of the summoned heroes as the heads of the family or adopt them as heirs to the nobility. Simple as that”
“And what if we refuse both?”
“Then we will just have to truly eradicate you, your choice.”
He was serious about this and left them with no choice but to accept one of the options. They all left after making their decisions, Argon leaned back into his chair with a cigar in his hand and began to smoke with the room instantly being surrounded in the scent which drifted around like an aura of some sort.
“I do not know what kind of being attacked those noble assassins. But it is a dangerous entity, it is similar to a violent natural disaster, I feel like it was a tad bit merciful by sparing the branch families. The royal court mage however…..we have lost a great figure within our nation.”
Argon was right next to Quincy when he died, the sight was horrifying and he engraved it in his heart. Being attacked by a massive group of flies that enter one’s body and become maggots that eat through the flesh to the body until nothing is left. The only thing that could be said was that he suffered a brutal if not miserable death.
“That man was pioneering new forms of magic and tools that would help us against the demons. Now that he is gone a large hole has been left in his absence….we do not even know what attacked us at that time or even why but it has something to do with the Demon King’s daughter.”
He smoked out another puff and stared blankly at the far side of the room, to a certain corner which he directed his gaze on.
“Now inform me what is happening in the kingdom”
“As you wish”
The corner spoke as a figure covered in black immediately went in front of him going down on one knee as he began to relay the information to him.
“Not only is the little half elf brat wanting to aid those filthy demihuman nations he has already made contact with the demons”
“Inform me more”
“The Demon King’s daughter has made contact with him and now they are entering peace relations with each other as nations”
“Under unknown circumstances she has agreed to becoming an ally to the kingdom.”
“………my question is what happened for such to accelerate to such a level. The demons are normally very isolationist and would not bother seeking the help of other nations.”
“There is an answer to that albeit from my personal research, she has found a teacher who can help her grow. One she calls with utmost respect”
“Hou?Tell me more”
“This dark elf teacher hails from the kingdom and has been an adventurer for 3 to 4 months, however they are an anomaly in of themselves. Firstly they have a dragonkin who is always beside them, two Greater Wolves that have been heard to talk and two children are known to be vampires”
“This is very interesting, I may have found our Fly skill user. Continue to gain more information that you can about this dark elf”
“As you wish”
“I may need some of those summoned heroes who are going to be selected by the families to go on their first mission. This is getting rather intriguing.”
Argon smiled as he began to smoke even more with a small chuckle breaking through here and there.
“You are visiting my homeland?!”
Gertrude screamed out and we merely nodded after returning to the Marquis’ home. She looked at him and he too nodded with her excitement skyrocketing, she hugged both Geri and Freki immediately.
“My Dear Gods my people will be so happy to meet you!!Ah, I am so sorry!!”
“Its okay Gertrude”
“Its alright”
I stood next to Shen who folded her arms and merely watched as Shiro and Kuro were now hugging them too.
“Is this the right decision to make?”
“Yes it is, the king said so didn’t he?”
“Yes he did…..I am just wondering if it is alright to make an immediate teleportation there”
“So that’s what you are thinking about”
“What an idiot, that’s enough common sense breaking for the day”
“No one travels that fast not even people with the teleportation spell”
I looked at Sev who silently looked away for a minute, a-am I that broken? Notte began to talk right after she took a sip of tea.
“It is true, so we shall go by carriage. I do not mind slow travel myself because my father used to take such journeys to spend more time with his family. If bandits appear we will promptly deal with them”
“Yes mama Shiro will beat up all of the bad guys!”
“I will assist my sister in that endeavor as well”
Shiro and Kuro joined in as well, was I getting used to being ridiculous that I was forgetting to use normal traveling now?I removed the thought from my mind and began to eat the cake that was given to me.
You are reading story I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base! at
“Its been a long time you two!!”
“Lady Mona!!”
The twins ran towards Mona and began to play with her, Marquis Frank and Risa-dono were not too far behind.
“I’ve sent a letter to the Gertrude’s family in the beastkin kingdom, they should provide you accommodation and would be thrilled to see their daughter return home.”
“The queen has used a magic spell to send a message to the royal family so they should be waiting your arrival 2 weeks from now”
“Both husband and wife are terrifying”
“Fufufufu are we?”
Rise tilted her head cutely with me sitting back and drinking more tea as time passes. Sev looked at me with a weird gaze that made me immediately aware of what she was going to ask.
“Yukiyo there is something I would like to discuss with you”
“Out with it I don’t mind since everyone knows I am a gift that keeps on giving”
“Did you perhaps transfer a skill to me”
“Well that confirms the weird title and skill related to it, I must thank you however because it has been my dream to control time itself. But please when you are transferring skills to others inform them”
Everyone began to laugh at the dejected me who wanted to get rid of a skill and not get noticed….
I will not detail the journey cause it was fairly simple, there were no bandits, no danger just a overwhelming amount of land changing. As one would think monsters far weaker than you will immediately avoid you like the plague unless they are either starving or desperate but we didn’t seem to find those either, we will more or less enter Gertrude’s family territory. The evening was serene and beautiful, the moons were circling each other and made for a more beautiful sight than what one would like to imagine.
“Just a second”
“Wait Yukiyo what are you…”
I leapt up into the air and used high speed flight to stay afloat as I had gone right above the clouds and stared at the land below, the land was like a jewel even more than it was when I was walking on it. The stars painted the sky in a bright light giving it an artistic value that would make any painter and poet feel inspired just staring at it, of course none of the star constellations I knew were here. I briefly returned down to the ground and smiled.
“It is certainly beautiful up there”
“I know so what are the plans for tomorrow?”
“We just greet Gertrude’s parents and go to the queen”
“It will be simple and fast”
“Let’s hope it stays that way”
“What is it?”
“I sense someone watching us, hey Dark Matter-san”
A Dark Matter eye came from my shadow and stared at me all confused and such. World’s Eye had already located where the person was so it was a matter of catching them.
“Please go find the person spying on us, kill them if you can. If they escape, put a tracking fly on them and make sure we know where they are at all times. Once you find out where they came from, immediately kill them.”
It nodded as it went off into the forest, everyone who was acting once concerned started to act more relaxed which as great. We then went to bed despite me hearing some confused screaming and several trees being cut down I was sleeping quite peacefully.
In the Golden Age of the beastkin empire before it fell into the beastkin kingdom a prophecy was made.
【The Empire Shall Fall, It Shall Recede From Its Glory Days. Its People Will Be Enslaved. It’s Golden Years Will Be Behind It. But Hear Ye Words! The Twin Fenrir Gods Shall Come From The East! They Shall Bring Back The Glory Of The Empire!!Great Work Shall Be Done In The Wake Of Their Arrival!!They Will Make All Beastkin Proud Of Their Heritage As Beasts 】
This was reduced to being a fairy tale passed on generation after generation, something the beastkin told themselves after the eventual great fall of their empire. Some formed an entire religion around it, they based their temple looking towards the East in anticipation of the Twin Fenrir who were spoken about in the old legends. The Wolf That Rips Through The Darkness and The Wolf That Ignites Light Into The World. Fenrir are creatures that exist only in myth and have never been seen before. Well that is up until today that is, the gate guards who believed in the prophecy all froze in place as they had seen their gods in the flesh.
“…..they are here”
“Our Gods are here, The Sons of The Goddess of Life…..”
The commander was trembling in pure excitement as he sees the living incarnations of their gods walk towards them with a group of extraordinary beings as well especially the dark elf.
The old commander shouted in a powerful voice as all the men in the great border wall roared in a great shout that echoed throughout the building, greater days awaited them now.
“But commander what if they are not the ones we were waiting for?”
“Do you feel the hairs of your skin standing?Your sixth sense telling you that something is different about them from the regular Greater Wolves you have seen”
“It is them, the ones we have been waiting for, the ones who shall free our brothers and sisters from the shackles of the humans who took over our lands”
“Watch them enter majestically a new age is upon us”
Have you ever been worshipped as a god before?Weird question I know but this is something that happened when we arrived in Gertrude’s family territory. Immediately upon setting eyes on us, the border patrol of the nation froze and opened the gates for us. Their reaction was gold though. They shouted in excitement for some reason I do not know why the trumpet was blown and now we were being escorted by knights in armor who were blowing trumpets as hard as hell with a certain level of extra effort. When we reached the city….the reaction blew up to a 100 real quick, the people were going wild and I was struck by a level of amazement that I had never seen before. I had to ask Gertrude some questions.
“Why are the people so happy?”
“There is a prophecy that mentions that the Fenrir will bring about the golden age of the kingdom. And our enslaved people will be set free by them”
“Ah I see, did you have a plan for this?”
“Yes. My parents come from a long line of believers so we should be fine”
“Thank goodness”
“They seem to give a gaze of respect towards you as well”
“Because you are their mother”
Gertrude-chan’s house was made to be like a shrine and it was big enough to accommodate Geri and Freki, after a soul crushing speech by the both of them they were now both relaxing in the sun whilst I was busy being allowed to pat the soft kemonomimi of these people. It was so cute.
“Gertrude you have made us proud!”
“We knew sending you over as a maid was the right decision!”
“Ahem ‘scuse me”
“You are the Great God Mother of the Fenrir right?”
“Yes you can say that”
“Our Great Lords and yourself have been invited to see Her Majesty after your rest in our shrine”
“That seems good to me”
“In the mean time if you want anything please ask”
“I will”
I was thinking of so many kinds of ears to mofumofu, this is the paradise a certain brother and sister duo wanted to have to themselves. For now I am going to go easy.