Chapter 25: Chapter 17: Crypted Chaos

Chapter 17: Crypted Chaos

After relaxing at Gertrude-chan’s home for a while and participating in the festival that came right after, we decided to go to the royal capital of the beastkin kingdom as we had promised. We went by carriage of course since we didn’t need to cause any panic within the kingdom and it seemed that Dark Matter fragment hadn’t returned yet. It could be that it developed a personality and began to investigate on its own, I’ll wait for her to come back, I’ve got to think of a name for her when she returns. The trip was filled with cheers and celebrations so the people were making a big ruckus because of Geri and Freki whilst me and everyone else were resting inside of the carriage and stretching when we needed to outside when we were not inside of a city. 

“What did you expect when you reached the beastkin kingdom really?That everyone will just stare at these Fenrir and just ignore them?”

“Uh yes?”

“Foolishness, Fenrir are sacred creatures and haven’t appeared in the world for a very long time and there is even a mythos centered around them”

“I heard from Gertrude and her parents in full detail, is this the reason why Geri and Freki’s parents left them here?”

“Probably, they do worship the goddess of life after all”

『Lythalia accidentally helped with the stepping stones of several demihumans in this world, she gave them advice randomly and in doing so ended up having to keep a promise to the beastkin and the elves as well as the dwarves. Mankind was not supposed to rule alone but in coexistence hence why she saw what was coming and wanted to at least prepare for it after she gave birth and dealt with several issues in the universe that needed her attention.』

Sophia spoke right after Shen in a very casual and informative way, it made me gain some insight though. It must be very hard to be an eldritch goddess who accidentally gives random kingdom building advice and has to come back to clean her mess. Only problem with that is I am the one who is cleaning up her mess, oh well I am having fun whilst I am at it. 

『However because of a certain being she ended up meeting just the right person at just the right time. With a Yggdrasil seed inside of their soul I am not going to clarify who that is. All I will say now is that they have to help as much as they can to restore the balance as soon as possible even if it means taking some extreme measures. After that they can do whatever they wish to do』

“You heard that Yukiyo restore the balance she says”

“Yeah, yeah I am going to be having a wild time with the inhabitants of this world aren’t I?”

“I pray you don’t be too harsh on mankind”

Sev said with a pale face considering that I might rampage if I discover certain things that might happen.

“Don’t worry, I’ll try to be as level headed as I can Sev. Kuro, Shiro”


“We are listening”

“I will always protect you no matter what and I am never going to abandon you, so know that after I am done with this world you will be coming with me wherever I go as well”


“Exploration of different worlds…..interesting”

“Same goes for you Geri and Freki”

“We already knew that”


“Oh my, it seems this dark elf certainly has ambitions”


『Beyond that there is a being who is exactly like her that she has to meet so this world isn’t supposed to be our pitstop』

“……Another Yukiyo”

“……I don’t want to imagine that”

“…..But that’s a reality is it not?”

“…..It is”


“『You are breaking common sense in other worlds, how could that not be bad』”

Everyone said in unison that I had to get knocked back to reality that meeting Lucky Discord would be a headache for everyone except me!Lucky Discord please prove these guys wrong!I stretched my body and got back into the carriage so we could go back on our journey.

When the news arrived she was shocked to say the least but the advent of the Fenrir twins had come to pass, the prophecy was going to be fulfilled. The steps to greatness would begin now and she was envisioning it, long ago when she was a child her mother, the former queen told her that she had a vision that in her time that the Great Beastkin Empire would rise again. Her enslaved brothers and sisters would be set free and begin to live happy and content lives, the territories which were theirs to begin with would be in their hands once more. She sat on the throne watching the setting sun as the trumpets blasted out loud, they have arrived, the ones who are to bring back the old glory of the Great Beastkin Empire. The chimes in the room blissfully rang as she could feel their very god like presence.

『Divination Skill Has Been Activated』

By force her mind’s eye opened up, she stood in the middle of a great landscape with grass and distant trees. Those who were slaves stood all beside praying when she stared at up to the sky she saw them in their full glory. A wolf covered in flames and another covered in lightning, behind them they commanded a countless number of similar wolves who gathered as a pack. These were the Ultimate Alphas of their race, one filled with wisdom and knowledge, the other filled with the brutality and experience of a veteran warrior. They both howled and the sun filled landscape turned into night with the full moon shining more brightly than ever, with the stars painting the night sky in a wonderful myriad of colors as if entailing the eternal greatness of them being obeyed. Behind them was a dark elf who smiled warmly at them with her arms folded.

The door opens and she immediately gets off from her throne, she bows before her gods in the flesh and the one who took care of them up until this point. She could hear the knights of the room and the people in question freeze up.

“I, Cimeria Grimsvile, welcome you Great Patron Gods of the Nation. Lead us to Glory O Deities of Wildness. Show us the path of Victory and may we reclaim our nation’s former territories and its peoples who have been unrightfully enslaved by the humans. Our fate and destiny has been fulfilled as the prophecy told us!”

She said these words from the bowels of her soul, she believed in those words and knew they were about to become a reality. After what seemed to be a moment of silence and the sound of kicking the sounds of padded footsteps could heard approaching her.

“Please rise your head”

She did as she was asked and stared at them intensely, they were just as majestic as they were in the vision but in an earthly form that concealed their greatness. She was surprised at how normal sounding their voices were.

“My name is Geri”

“My name is Freki”

“A promise was made with your ancestors and we would like to continue that promise”

“Will you allow us to do that?”


“Then that settles we would like to give you a divine protection and it seems there’s one of you….”

“Worry not, my daughter will tend to you and be given your divine protection as well!”

“Ah, w-where is she?”

“Apparently she applied to become a knight today I must apologize, one of my elite knights will pick her up right now.”

She will certainly be surprised by this, she smiled as she knew that her daughter was inept in swordsmanship and had little magic ability as was the state of the beastkin. She signals one of them to go take Wynter so she could receive blessings from the Fenrirs. Life was changing right here and now.

I had to kick those two into motion because it would be embarrassing for them to just stand here and say nothing, they should act the part when the time comes. The queen’s action took me by surprise same with the escorts who guided us from our carriage. After that we began to have a normal conversation.

“As we wait for my daughter I must tell you of the current situation. Our territories were taken by the humans with our people being enslaved by them eventually to suit their needs, we have tried numerous times to regain our land but it was in vain. You are our hope but I have worries”

“That there won’t be an accommodation for your people until they take back their land?”


“I have a solution for that”

“As expected of the great mother, what is your plan?”

“I will create a dungeon that will become a temporary living grounds for them”


She sounded confused, I know I am saying some really strange stuff but I had to press on.

“I am capable of creating a large dungeon that will keep your people safe, in fact we will rescue them all tonight and 8 days from now we will attack the capitals in unison”

The queen whispered something to one of her servants who began to guide us into another room which was connected by the door that was within the throne room. This was where they held all of their conservations for war, a laid out map was on the table with the queen directly point at the locations that had been taken away from them all those years ago. The territories were massive city states and a couple of villages and towns, I knew what to do and smiled as I watched her point out the areas.

“The moon is about to rise, now it is time to act”

“Great Mother how will you retrieve our people, if I may foolishly ask”



She didn’t expect that answer, I pointed out to the area that was just at the border of all three stolen territories. It was large enough for my labyrinth city to be created. 

“Sophia will you help me out?”

『Of course I will, I know this world like the back of my hand』

“Thank you”

“Is that the voice of our great goddess Sophia-sama?”


“Speak not. I can tell you are different, please do as you wish.”

“Okay…it seems Geri and Freki will arrive to give you the divine protection after we are done with this.”

“That is alright as well”

Looks like I have hit her with some hard information to accept. I teleported out into the open with Geri and Freki.

“This is going to be hard to do boys”


“But we wish to do it anyway”

“Great because we might need to become show offs for a bit”

“Are you saying?”

“That we should make the humans tremble?”

“More or less”

“Mother is certainly the best”

“Kaa-san truly is”

I turned around to the empty field with a smile.

“『Dungeon Creation』”

The mental image in my mind was a massive labyrinth that had 3 layers to it, the first two being the initial dungeon and the third being the city that the freed people would live in, those in villages will be alright but those in towns and cities however it would be a different case. The only option was to leave the villages alone (I know they will be taxed heavily and turned into slaves so I will check the mines just in case) and rescue those who have been facing hardships currently. You ask how can I be everywhere at the same time, Dark Matter-chan to the rescue!Of course I will personally visit the capitals to give them a big ol’ scare. After the dungeon had everything that would be fit for it I decided to bring my two cute daughters into the scene.

“Shiro, Kuro I want you to nurture the dungeon core just enough for it to produce a miasma that keeps ordinary monsters out, okay?”

“Understood Okaa-san!”


“Also I want you to make the city that is in the third floor beautiful, do not overdo it make sure it looks and feels like a city. You are free to even add a sky as well”

“I will keep nee-chan in check”

“I believe in the both of you”

I looked forward to this and now when the moon was high in the sky it was time.

The moon had a chilling presence about it, as if something was awfully wrong somewhere. Tonight was different from all the other nights, every once a month the beastkin would go out into their little homes and pray to the moon which was their deity. This was around since the beginning of the acquisition of the city states themselves that this tradition began and it had remained ever since, the influx of people required the beastkin to become slaves so they could accommodate the people coming to stay. The guards were at their stations as usual and they watched the slaves pray to their god, the new lord of the land was to say the least the worst the land had ever seen. Oddly enough he was out tonight and walking towards one of the guards.

“Hey you”

“Yes Milord!”

“What are the filthy slaves doing?”

“T-They are praying to their gods Milord!”

“Not only are they disgusting demihumans but they are pagans as well”


The guard let out a tired yet silent breath, he didn’t like where this conversation was going at all.

“Alright then, stop them from committing this vile act”

“W-What Milord?I failed to catch what you said”


“But Milord this is a tradition that has occurred for decades, if we stop them something bad will happen”

“Like what?They will rebel against us?!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU MAKE ME LAUGH!!Such a thing will not happen, now disperse those filthy demihuman slaves!!Guards get to work!!”

All the guards silently took their whips and began to walk towards the slaves who were praying to the risen full moon, each step felt heavier and they were all sweating. The man who ordered them to do this was a overzealous human supremacist, he was raised in the empire before coming here so they knew that the Empire was afraid he might screw up because of his nature. One of the guards raised his hand to release the whip onto the back of the slaves and the deed was done but then it was at that moment a deep anger filled howl filled the land. It seemed like fate itself was disturbed by what was going to occur here as such the time had come to step in. 

The slaves stopped praying and stared towards the night sky where the anomaly was occurring as flame and lightning were building from completely nothing, then the beasts of legend was born. The Fenrirs of Wrathful Flame and Lightning was here, they towered over the city for all to see them in full glory. The slaves’ collars all broke at the same time, accompanied by another large howl caused the sky to flare up in brightness as the flames and lightning from their body increased in intensity from behind was a being that they couldn’t fully explain as by a wave of the hand all of the slaves had vanished leaving no trace behind. The sound of pure doom was beginning to ring out its song as the new lord was spoiling his pants as he watched the Fenrirs stare him down, and the thing behind them was smiling at his despair. This was not going to end well for him and he knew it. 

The underground city was filled with cheers and noises of happiness. People were being reunited, people were praising their living gods that they were finally set free and now they were going to be leading better lives than before. This was for a brief moment as everyone turned their attention the dark elf who had brought their gods to them in the first place.

“Alright, this is an underground city which is located between 2 levels of a dungeon. It is located between the borders of the city states and the beastkin kingdom, I am the creator of this dungeon so you will be safe in here. The beastkin kingdom for now cannot accommodate places for you to live just so please be patient as we fight to regain your land back. This will all happen within a 8 day period, as you can see you were all taken during the same time in the night and the lords of the territories will all march down to this exact area after we give them a tip.”

Their faces became tense and filled with sadness for a bit but Freki stepped in.

“Trust in us, they will certainly not take you away not from this place because it is literal hell for them”

They began to lighten up and smiled once more as everyone was instructed to go to the bath houses which were located in the great dungeon city as the people called it.

“Now then let us begin”

Yukiyo turned to Shiro and Kuro who she pats immediately for a job well done.

“You did fantastic my beautiful daughters, I’ll make ice cream for you once this is over”



“Now then we need a boss for this dungeon”


“You mean the dungeon lord right Mama?”

“Yes, of course the dungeon would need to create one but I cannot afford to waste time on a monster that will be too easy to defeat, I’ll be taking care of the dungeon and the way it is structured now.”

“Here starts the literal construction of hell itself”

“I feel sorry for those humans”

Yukiyo activated her unique skill: Monster God which creates a complicated purple magic circle. The amount of mana being burnt here could fuel a magic core and leave it running for the next hundred years or so. A figure emerges from the magic circle, it’s a massive skeleton at least it is taller than Shen by an inch or two. It is clad in black armor and looking rather intimidating, in the parts were its forearms would be exposed was covered in cold blue flame that acted as muscles for its clearly visible bones, it had an eyepatch that covered its left eye which served as a decoration with a single horn being located at near the temple. It’s blue flamed eye held intelligence inside of it, Geri and Freki stood back for a bit in surprise.

“Mother just what have you created?”

“Uh…..a skeleton general?”

“No, look at its status, our younger brother is anything but a skeleton general”

• Name: ???

• Age: 0

• Race: Skeleton Knight Lord

• Title: Creation of the Archbishop of Chaos, Lord of the Undead

• Job: Dungeon Lord of the Chaos Crypt

• Level: 230

• Job History: None

I froze as I stared at my creation who was being called younger brother by Geri and Freki, Shiro and Kuro ran towards the skeleton knight and hugged it.

“You are so tall despite being so little!I am your onee-chan Shiro!”

“I too am your older sister, Kuro pleased to meet you younger brother”


It went down on one knee and had its bare skull patted by the twins with its gaze becoming gentle and warm, it gave off the emotion of an actual being. Yukiyo walked up to it and patted it as well.

“Your name shall be Odin, I don’t think I’ll make any monsters since I have installed some just now using the dungeon function. We are family okay?I know you have a long journey to walk but we will walk it together.”

“I, Odin shall take your words into heart, great mother”

“Ah he can actually talk, well then I guess I have to give you an early birthday gift then I thought you wouldn’t talk for a bit”


Yukiyo literally on the spot held a jet black long sword with a human skull for a hilt and a glaring dragon eye on its forehead, she gives it to Odin whose eye is burning brightly as it stares at the sword. 

“Its not much but this is the sword Gram, it means Wrath from where I come from. Use it as you see fit. A group of invaders are going to arrive here in the next 5 days or so.”

You are reading story I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base! at

“I see, vile invaders who seek to ruin the peace of the people. I as the lord of these people shall protect them.”

“His speech has gone all weird”

“Its been like that since the very beginning”

“I actually feel sorry for the people who are going to be coming here”

“They are elitists so it shouldn’t be a problem”

Under the duration of a single night all the slaves within the city states of Gresval, Melnia, and Zandesh had disappeared and were nowhere to be found. The lords of those city states conducted an immediate meeting amongst themselves, Keith, Peterson and the new lord of Zandesh Wilfred all sat around the same table with complicated looks on their faces. Wilfred looked the most distraught as if he didn’t get a wink of sleep if at all. If one was to describe their appearances it would be watered down to Old Army General, Old Fat Boar noble, and Young but skinny brat.

“This is something that has never happened even in my time alive”

“It is certainly a peculiar incident, a howl was heard and all the slaves vanished but not before massive wolves were seen right before. Of course I caught sight of them”

“As did I”


“They were the most majestic creatures you have ever seen, if I recall the beastkin worship the sun and the moon because they represent their gods who are Fenrirs capable of devouring the moon and sun. It is why they can live on in any situation and will move forward because they believe those wolves will someday return”

“……I have a confession to make”

“Out with it lad”

Wilfred was shaking like a leaf and didn’t want to say anything but he pushed the words out of his mouth because he had no choice.

“I was about to end that tradition because I thought it was filthy and disgusting. Those filthy pagans looked so vile that I wanted to at least punish them for their evil right then and there”


Keith stood up and punched Wilfred in the face with enough power to knock out a few teeth, he wipes his hand with a handkerchief and spits on him.

“We have lost our main source of labor and entertainment all because of your foolish actions. The mines are empty!The brothels are empty!The prisons are empty!The arena is empty!You stupid motherfucker!!”


“Men give him a couple of good punches to the face and make sure the injuries last on his face”

The knights in the room picked Wilfred from where he had fallen and begin to beat him mercilessly with punches that could stay ingrained on his face, his handsome looking face would be ruined forever and that was his punishment. 

“I was about to stand up and do a little bit of beating myself but it looks like you were able to do it for me”

“Yes… then what do we do?How did this happen?And most importantly where are they”

“I believe the beastkin kingdom have their hands in this, they must’ve prepared for a long period of time for this exact moment. The issue would remain with where to put all of those people.”

“I received a….tip”

Wilfred came back with swollen lips, a few teeth left, a black eye and multiple bloody bruises to his face. He spoke whilst bowing to these two, his pride had taken a large hit, perhaps this was the reality check he needed.

“Wan ov mai spies menshoned dat a dungeon has appeared nea the region that connects the city states”

“I see, so these monsters have created a dungeon for that specific region. I presume we have to send the very best since these monsters of legend are likely hiding them there”


“Bring up the Order of the Mountain Sword and the Order of the Sea Dagger as well as several top adventurer parties. We will pay them all well as long as the slaves are returned to us.”

“Indeed, an extermination force will be gathered. Send that out as an announcement right now”

“As you wish”

One of the knights who beat up Wilfred immediately ran out of the room to activate a very unique spell called Telepathic Message, it will relay the message instantly and with clean precision. They remained in the room as the knight came back bowing before his lords.

“They have all agreed and are awaiting your orders”

“Great then, we will teleport them near the border and from there they will march until they reach their destination which you have mentally showed them”

“As your will stands”

He rushes out once more with the lords of the city states failing to recognize that doom was coming very soon at their doorstep.

They all stood in front of the dungeon which was in the form of a tomb, the door was wide open waiting to greet them into its darkness. 2 Knight Orders(both of them having 100 knights under their belt) and 4 Elite Adventurer Parties to roughly name them there was the Skyward Feather led by the handsome noble, Matthew its members were consisted of other nobles who decided to take the mantle of adventurer after being cast out of their families, the Raging Boulder led by the rough faced Seth with his ragtag team of mercenaries who took on the job of adventurers when the time called for it, the Witch’s Kiss led by the beautiful androgynous Zailo who must’ve had elven blood in him and his mage only party of androgynous men, last but not least was the Beast’s Roar led by a single mysterious man wearing a wolf’s head over his face to hide his identity named Volo, his party members are consisted similar dressed figures all wearing animal heads to hide their faces. In total there was 240 people here ready to take back the escaped slaves who were inside of this dungeon.

“I smell the fine stench of death. I might actually die here”


“Do you now?I smell the scent of flowers and honey”

“It could be just you, it’s a surprise that you even got this far.”

“What do you mean to say, hmmmmmm?”

“The mission is that we enter the dungeon and fight whatever we meet here, no one is dying. We return alive with the slaves.”

“That might prove to be difficult depending on how the dungeon actually ends up functioning against us”

The conversation between Seth and Zailo was about to break into a fight but the leaders of the knight orders spoke up to avoid any sort of meaningless conflict from going on.

“If you want to battle to the death after this you are free to do so but please do not fight before we enter the dungeon”

“Ah one of the scouts has returned with information about the dungeon’s name”

“It is called the Crypt of Chaos as it states right before we entered on a stone inscription. There are no traps for about a kilometer or so, we should be fine.”

“What a wonderful name, I bet an evil god sleeps in such a tomb. This will add to my glorious name and my fellow party members”

Matthew spoke in full happiness as he was prepared to take on whatever was in front of him, Volo was silent as ever looking merely at the tomb in front of him. They marched down to the massive tomb door which was still open with the sun slowly beginning its dance into the sunset. There was a certain aura about the dungeon they were inside of it, it felt very strange, even as their torches flared in heat and brightness the darkness was so much more greater. Like falling down into the darkness of the ocean with the outside light failing to penetrate the darkness of the tomb, a choking sensation was around all of their necks and then a shining light is emitted beneath them. 

“Wait this wasn’t here when we entered?!”

A trap was occurring right now and they couldn’t stop it, this was only just the beginning of their problems. Firstly each and every one of them were separated from each other by intention of course.

☆ Knight Orders of the Mountain Sword and Sea Dagger

A faint crimson light was the thing that greeted them into the world of the conscious, it was just bright enough to see their surroundings for a bit. Both the orders of the Mountain Sword and Sea Dagger were together, they picked up their weapons and shields and began to analyze the environment they were in. It looked like an underground city of some sort, long abandoned and forgotten by time itself. They weren’t prepared for an instant teleportation and had gotten used to the idea of fighting their enemies head on, the goal was to find the core where the slaves would be. One of the knights walked up to an altar which was covered in dried up blood with human skulls laying littered around.

“Destroy it”

He nodded to the command and began to wreck it with the club he had for these occasions. Then the ceiling turned into a red sky, the city was shown in a more dead way than previously. The altar broke down into a passage that they could enter, large enough for a giant to pass through.

“What’s that smell?”

The rising stench of rotting flesh could be smelt as the winds began to rapidly pick up, something big was headed their way. A crimson hurricane slowly approaching them destroying everything that was man made. There was only one option and that was to plunge themselves into the broken altar before they were caught up in that swirling mass of destruction, many had done so with eagerness to die due to falling than an natural disaster like this and be displaced to god knows where. 

Some of them didn’t make it but it was a small number 10 from each group, their swirling screams could be heard even as they fell into the darker abyss that welcomed them in open arms. Landing on their feet did hurt and their torches fell out of their hands collectively, it was fleshy here as if the ghost town above lived to tell a story that they shouldn’t have come here. It was something that reached within their souls. Flesh was everywhere, it covered the walls and floor. The sizzling smell of burning meat reminded them of that. Another altar was found right before them with their souls gripping up in pure fear.


Another message was on the side as well.


And another.


A unified roar was heard surrounding them as it came closer accompanied with a rush of sprinting, now began the true horror. As a flood of red came towards them, the first amongst them fell towards these beasts of flesh that had sharpened claws and fangs. The message of the altar was correct their swords weren’t doing anything to the rushing mass of madness.


One of the knight leaders of a faction had his jaw ripped off from his face and he fell screaming as they devoured him alive, total and utter calamity had occurred amongst them in a way that they never thought was possible. Knights were dying in droves, stabbed to death by flesh monsters that knives for hands and fingers, ripped apart by huge hands with countless mouths that ate them as they tore them apart, massive hammers crushed them over and over again, finely cut into pieces by knives whilst they were still alive, beaten to death via punches and kicks, they were like fleshy clay that was meant to be played with. One broke through the increasing madness and blood soaked screams, his eyes filled with madness, body covered from head to toe in blood and flesh, sword near breaking point. He kept on running inside of the darkness, eventually their screams couldn’t be heard anymore as he was far enough. He let go of his sword as he stared at the light which was just ahead of him, he was going to be free and the tranquility of the silence helped him ease a bit. He wanted the violence to end, he enters the door of light only to find a world of bright white but his peace filled quietness was short lived as an invading swarm of black crawling creatures came towards him shrieking in their insectoid voices. Left with nothing he ran towards them screaming as loudly as he can, he even killed some of them using his fists and kicks but eventually he too succumbed to the might of the dungeon. The knight orders came to meet their fates in this bed of death.

☆ The Adventurers

An undead labyrinth city that is what they awoke to, the four adventurer parties found themselves inside of. In their first moments of being awake they didn’t have to battle the undead which was a relief but they were surrounded by undead. A single point of interest was the castle that was at the center of the city, this would be their goal it didn’t matter that the knights had been separated from them they would take the glory and reward all for themselves if they didn’t show up in time. This was the deal. Matthew began to pull out a notebook and a drawing pencil sketching immediately as he did so, his noble party members began to do the same thing.

“What in god’s name are you idiots doing?”

“Detailing our adventure of course. Unlike you ruffians we would like to chronicle our journeys for our future generations to read and find inspiration inside of it.”

“Ugh…..You do you I guess”

“The architecture of this city is rather unique as if it exists in another world completely different from ours, the roof of the dungeon appears to simulate a night sky with a rather gibbous moon.”

“There’s a lot of undead in this place, its like this is the underworld…”

“Maybe it is, it is called the crypt of chaos. I am now starting to doubt if those beasts really were just gods.”

The mages stated their concerns because the city itself seemed rather ancient and its design showed off to them that it was great and powerful enough for all of its citizens to eat and live like nobles, the nobles continued to sketch as they drew quickly on their notepads whilst walking with everyone. The lights of the homes themselves were on as if living people were inside of them, of course they could not get inside but it seemed like a residential area for the most part. The only sounds they could hear were the undead who were groaning in the distance and the marching patrolling skeletons holding torches in full plate armor.

“……..This confirms it, this is where the undead go when we purify them”

Zailo whispers with a grave tone in his voice as he watches several knight skeletons pass by with torches in their hands hiding within the dark alleyway. 

“Maybe an origin point?Look at the miasma that this place has, it’s so potent that if we were to die here we would immediately raise back up as undead without even needing for a certain amount of time to pass”

Another mage said with sweat dripping down his chin, the answer was obvious they wouldn’t be able to leave here alive if they chose to brute force their way out of here. The best option to traverse the streets was to climb the walls and begin to run across the roofs where the chance of undead would be low. The one who suggested this idea was Volo who pointed above, following suit after the bear head wearing mercenary they used magic to climb the walls and finally reach the roof tops.

“This is certainly quite the sight”

“I do not like to agree with you much but yes it is”

“Shall we get moving?I believe we only have a couple of more minutes before they spot us”

“You make sense boy lets’ go”

They began to leap off from the roof in quick motion reaching ever closer to the castle that was at the center of the city, the main issue of navigating their way towards it was now in the clear. The undead had responded by shooting arrows at them but they ignored this through the use of shields and magic spells, they had the courage to finish this after all. Nothing would come in their way from taking their rewards, the castle unclose was large they could say that even in silence. It was built different from the other castles they had seen up until that point. The point was made even clearer by how grand it seemed as if this was the core of the dungeon itself, of course it would be an exaggeration to say it was but it felt like it nonetheless. The rooftops end right before the castle which had a wide area to walk on, it seemed the undead didn’t enter this area either.

“We may have hit gold”

“Not yet my ruffian friend we still have a boss to fight”

“Ah I forgot about that are we entering the castle to defeat that guy?”

“No, your opponent has come to you instead”

They all paused to give a listen to the voice that echoed inside of their heads, sweating as they stared at the undead before them. It was obviously a different kind of undead, there was something off about it that made them feel terrified of it. In their vision it had an overwhelming amount of strength and a surprising lack of openings, the jet black armor seemed so strong it could crack their swords with ease and the sword it carried emitted death itself as blackened souls screamed from within it.

“If you want to avoid certain death disarm yourselves and move to the side, that way it will be known that you are our allies.”

“Allies of a stupid unde-?!”

The sounds of weapons being dropped one by one could be heard very clearly as they stared at who would do such a treacherous thing. Their eyes widened upon seeing who it was, Volo and the Beast’s Roar party had disarmed themselves and began to move the far left away from the undead knight.

“You are our allies huh. Then I must thank you for leaking the information about this place, the elites of the 3 city states having been murdered are defenseless. The plan will run even more smoothly than before as their elites die here phase 2 of the plan will take place and we will begin to purge all the nobles with a bad track record with the beastkin, preserving the good natured ones to be incorporated into the now reborn Beastkin Empire of Grimsvile.”

Volo and the Beast’s Roar raised their hands before placing them on their chests with a loud shout that could inspire a beastkin into fight.


“Now then are you the doomed souls who have been led to die?I feel pity for you, those who are to die in this crypt of chaos, this shall be your final resting place. Say goodbye to the world of the living and welcome to the world of the undead. I, Odin shall be your ruler.”


Seth roared out in pure anger as the undead knight’s right eye which had a cold blue flame turned into a crimson flame filled with violence as it leapt forwards in a blurry movement that was hard to see. The sounds of rushing footsteps occur as the undead blocks Seth’s sword before kicking him in the face and cutting his body in half, it throws a dagger into the eye of one of the adventurers who is amongst the fastest in the group slicing his body and using it as a shield to block the flame magic coming its way before kicking it into the other adventurers who didn’t expect it to do such a thing. With precise movements it steps on the burning body to leap into the air and crash into the mages who all scream from the crushing impact, kicking up the nearby rumble in such a rapid way that those who are caught in its wake are left either without functioning limbs or holes inside of their bodies. A red afterglow is emitted as quickly reaps the mages’ lives before they could heal themselves, Zailo’s Witch’s Kiss had been laid to rest immediately. It picks up a discarded shield that it throws to the Raging Boulder who lost their leader a few moments ago to this monster. Their heads all fall down in synchrony as if it were the drop of a cue.


“Oh?Nobles are you?I will certainly learn a thing or two from your memories”

It walks at first towards them before heading into a sprint using another shield to bash the head clean off one of the nobles who is caught by surprise in its rapid movement. Odin then cuts off the legs of the next noble who screams his lungs out before being crushed under the steel boot of Odin, who then rushes to the noble who is right beside him. He futilely raises his shield only for Odin to tip it slightly upwards jumping on it twisting its body to sunder the noble easily, sheathing his sword real quick before it grabs the faces of the nobles it smashes their heads into the ground. Flames of black escape from its mouth as the eye becomes black flamed as well, Odin like a storm of wind rapidly approaches the final nobles. It grabs the arm of the first noble in its way and tears off his arm before smacking him with it and using the dagger in that torn arm to stab his eye so deep that it comes out the other end of his head, using the same momentum it punches a hole in another who coughs out blood on its armor before Odin sends him flying across the area, it promptly cuts off the arms and legs of the next before using a spear to impale the next all of this happening within mere seconds, it was a rapid death for these nobles. Only Matthew is left standing to face the best warrior he had ever seen in his living life.

“I must admit this is the first time I have seen such mastery of the art of violence, I can never bring myself to be like that and I have to commend you for it”

“As expected of a noble you recognize talent when you see it, and for that you will die as painless as ever”

“No, I wish to die like a warrior. If I cannot die amongst my men who were brutally murdered then what kind of leader am I?”



He screamed valiantly as he ran towards the lone undead which stood still for but a moment, Matthew was faster than before and swung the best that he could. This could probably be his finest swing of the sword ever, it was blocked easily before he gets stabbed three times. In the stomach, the chest and the head, he falls down a dead man with Odin nodding to himself that he did a fine job.

“The knights who were caught in the Flesh Pit of Hell seemed to have been integrated into the system it seems. Their souls are still lingering around there, it would be wise to put their souls into the bodies of the undead knight orders I prepared. Hmm?”

Odin noticed something on the corpse of the dead noble leader, he had to take it off before it became an undead just like him. It was a pouch inside of it was potions and medicines, things which didn’t matter to him but what did interest him were the books that it held. He opened the pages of the book and began to see the sketches of the book.

“This was his diary, it was also used to chronicle his adventures and his daily life from when he was a young lad to he became a man.”

Odin stares at him and begins to process the information that is coming into his mind, he could learn much from his life and become an even better lord. The plan was running smoothly and now it was going to be the fall of the controlled city states and the rise of the beastkin empire. Volo’s Beast’s Roar shivered as they saw the massacre that took place and were glad this kind of monster was on their side.

• Name: Odin

• Age: 0

• Race: Skeleton Knight Lord

• Title: Creation of the Archbishop of Chaos, Lord of the Undead, No Life King (NEW!), Sword of Chaos (NEW!), Blood Storm (NEW!)

• Job: Dungeon Lord of the Chaos Crypt

• Level: 408

• Job History: None

○ Attributes:

• HP: 500,000

• MP: 200,000

• Strength: 500,000

• Agility: 600,000

• Stamina: ♾ (Due to being an undead) 

• Intelligence: 100,000

○ Skills:

• Advanced Sword Technique Level 8 (LEVEL UP!)

• Dungeon Management Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

• Necromancy Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

• Increased Attack Power When Equipped With A Sword Level 4 (LEVEL UP!)

• Form Alternation Level 3 (NEW!) (LEVEL UP!)

• Rapid Swordsmanship Technique Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

• Reaper’s Touch Level 1 (NEW!)

• Soul Management Level 2 (NEW!) (LEVEL UP!)

• Monster Creation Level 2 (LEVEL UP!)

• Floor Creation Level 3 (LEVEL UP!)

○Passive Skills:

• Undead Miasma Level 1

• Undead Lordship Level 1

• Bloodied Sword Level 3

• Increased Agility Level 1

• Increased Strength Level 1

• Belief: Yukiyo Archbishop of Chaos

• Dominance

○ Unique Skills:

• Soul reading Level 3 (NEW!) (LEVEL UP!)

• Skill Taking Level 3 (NEW!) (LEVEL UP!)