Chapter 32: Side Chapter 6: The Tournament Part 1: Hero Swordsman Vs The Fiendish One Who Rules Over Demons

Side Chapter 6: The Tournament Part 1: Hero Swordsman Vs The Fiendish One Who Rules Over Demons

The tournament was here and it was to show off the power of the nations that held the children who they sent. Of course none of them could ever hope to match the power of the heroes who were sent here, it was disheartening to see them toy with such good talent. The teachers of the Hero Generation Classes were happy and were gloating about the strength of their students. This was only natural just the the last student to face against Tadashi Matsuoji, the Hero Swordsman they were about to wrap up the tournament. He stood there proud of his ability basking in the praises of the crowd and smiled to hear them shout his name, the screams are cut short as the principal of the school is about to congratulate him on his win after fighting both the regular peasants and his own classmates.

“You have done well Lord Matsuoji just like your peers have. However the match is not over, the tournament was but a weeding ground of sorts”


“If you manage to defeat them then you are truly a hero, the runner-ups shall all be invited in the match as well. Now I introduce the true champions of the school, the dark horses no one knows about.”

“Bring it on”

“You may step out now”

The footsteps are heard walking from the entrance where Tadashi was, he could feel a presence that could grip his entire soul and rip it into shreds but he kept that to the back of his mind. First a gloved hand reached out feeling the sun as if testing it like water whether it’s hot or not, then a figure gets out of the darkness walking towards the stage. It’s wearing a black hooded jacket with red lines, jeans are the same color as well as its sneakers. Tadashi’s face becomes serious as he stares at this person who has entered the stage in such a fashion, he could recognize that it came from his world and wondered whether it was a hero who was previously summoned before. 

“I do not know who you are but I will defeat you, its my destiny to become the one on the top.”

“C’mon now. Don’t tell me you forgot about me Tada-kun, I am sure you need a soda after this right?”


He recognized that voice it belonged to a classmate he had forgotten about completely. The dude had it coming because he was weak but now he was facing him, he removes his hoodie and looks at him with his eyes a grin etched in his face.


Despite laughing Toshiro’s grin widens even as he steps forward with an aura that overwhelms him and almost suffocates him. He could sense there was something behind Toshiro and by reflex leaps backwards.

“What’s the matter Tadashi?I am just a weakling right?”


Without even hearing the word start Tadashi was already sprinting towards him with his sword, he sends a vertical slash at him and smiles that he shut him up or so he thought as he freezes from the shock of the living wall that appears from out of nowhere. It has mocking eyes and a mouth that laughs at him, Toshiro stands on top of it and folds his arms.

“W-What the fuck is that?!Answer me you loser!!”

“This?Its a demon under my contract you should recognize it, its one that blocks the path of people”

“D-Don’t fuck with me!!”

“Alright then, here’s a question do you really want to fight me in close combat though?I might be very scary”


“Heh. Weak this, weak that. Despite being a hero you are nothing but an insect when compared to fighting a god”

“What kind of bullshit are you spou-?!”

Toshiro opens up his jacket and throws it away revealing his obviously built up body, he holds his chest for a moment clutching up his hand into a fist before revealing the black hole within his chest as a pressure of energy falls upon the entire stage with Tadashi sweating profusely as he stares at Toshiro whose upper body is covered in glowing arcane tattoos that resemble the faces of demons with red tear like markings found on his face as his eyes turn into a crimson color. This was not the Toshiro he knew. He appeared within the blink of an eye before he could even guard himself getting punched as a result of his slow reaction. The punch really hit hard as it flung him across the stage with the only thing stopping him being him stabbing the ground and staring hard at Toshiro who slowly walking towards him.

“C’mon now that isn’t something that should send the Hero flying stop fucking around”


Tadashi stood and pointed his sword at Toshiro who was provoking him to come with his hands, his response was to step backwards in fear. His body was shaking as Toshiro kept on strolling towards him with a happy footstep, Tadashi wanted to run but he couldn’t that would be too humiliating he had to think of a way to beat him. He chose to attacking him at a distance with fire and water arrows being shot at Toshiro who slapped them away, as soon as he steps on where he set an explosion spell Tadashi smiles and laughs from the bottom of his heart.


The blaze could be felt by the entire arena but something was off, firstly no one could see Toshiro and secondly there was an evil presence that they could feel within those flames. Tadashi froze and didn’t want to accept it because it was impossible the explosion spell, Flare Bomb was his ace in the hole but there it was still around. Toshiro is seen with red skin and horns similar to that of a demon’s, with his eyes glowing into a yellow color as the image of an oni is seen right behind him laughing.

“That was your strongest attack huh?Well why was I even worried about your sorry ass”


You are reading story I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base! at

His face was grabbed by Toshiro’s burning hand and he was slammed into the ground with an impact that sent vibrations throughout the arena, right after he groans his right leg is grabbed and his entire body is slammed onto the ground as if he were a ragdoll. He is made to stand up once more before Toshiro lands a punch to his stomach which sends him flying into the air but he is kicked back down, as soon as he lands on the ground his face is dragged across the floor before sent flying into the air once more with a small red point of energy rapidly grows in the mid of Toshiro’s horns.


Tadashi is hit by a red stream of energy that feels like swimming through a sea of broken glass being dunked into a giant bathtub of salt. His clothes are burning out and showing signs of extreme damage, he lies on the ground completely motionless.

“This is the true power of the Hero Swordsman?Tch what a weakling but I am not done screwing with you yet. Here have this”

Toshiro’s skin turns back to normal with him floating in the air sitting on it as if he was in a chair. The bottle that crashes into his body heals him off all of his wounds and even restores his mana, he wonders how such is possible and why but this was the new Toshiro he was talking about here, he could do anything to him.

“I am going to disable all of the demons I equipped to be fair, the first part was just payback for the shit you made me go through. In fact I do not even need to fight you to be honest”

“D-Demons?But they are in the dark conti-“

“Not those demons, demons from our world. Demons I have control over so show me that you are a true hero”

“Master you’re such a showoff”

“Sorry Sylvie I got too excited but hey you get to fight now”


The little pixie like being that appeared on his shoulder spoke whilst staring at Tadashi who was confused as all hell about what was going. The monster flied in the air without a single care in the world, she was dressed in street fashion and looked rather cute in it. 

“Don’t underestimate me because of my size I will put you down”

Tadashi lifted his sword up but then put it back down and made a magic arrow instead to fire at her. Unfortunately the magic that he had sent was lightning elemental based and this caused a reaction of the arrow coming back to him tenfold in power, if he hadn’t dodged it then he would be cooked alive. He was right, the demons were just as powerful as he was. 

“Tch, fuck it I’ll take my chance.”

He decided to go against his better judgement and lunged himself at her swinging his sword and casting bullet sized arrows at her for her to not dodge but she was evading them as if they were something very easy to see at the rapid speed they were flying at her even using one as a surfboard to go back to him, she raises her arm at him to which he laughs at what could she possibly do to him with such a tiny fist. Mana constructs in midair as he watches with a fist bigger than his head smacking his head, another hand grabs him by the collar with her bitch slapping him constantly before throwing him like trash. With a red face Tadashi gets up furious running towards Sylvie who is going back to her master. Toshiro clicks his fingers and now what appears before him is a real threat, a traditional red skinned oni which smiles as he cannot stop sprinting towards it. 


It punches the ground which cracks into a web of unearthed tiles which send Tadashi flying into the air, the oni leaps up into the air and grabs his legs aims to slam his head on the ground. He tries his best to get it off by all means using magic and even his sword to stop this one hit kill it was about to do on him but nothing works in his head as he crashes into the ground. Because of the way this world is structured his HP is at a dangerous low almost near death even, a mere hundred. The oni stretches its arms and adjusts itself with a smile on his face, taking a breath in. Another dreaded finger click is heard with Tadashi shaking like a leaf in the wind as he slowly raises his eyes to see what it was, he uses a low leveled Analyze to know what he is dealing with. His eyes widen in shock.

『God of the Storms, Susanoo』

“no…..fucking….way….A GOD?!HOW?!”

“Where we come from we are all demons in the end, that is why I could make a contract with him. You are just unlucky to face this boy.”

The warrior god is in battle armor whose motif is cloud based, his black hair is tied in a ponytail and his blue eyes stare down on him, his androgynous face would have made him fall in love but in this case it was terrifying. He crossed his arms and smiles looking at Toshiro who nods.

“I can see you have lost your will to fight but not just yet you have to look pitiful hence I will show something special”

Susanoo claps and suddenly he and Tadashi share the same vision. He turns around to face Toshiro who has many demons standing behind him, of many different sizes and strengths. The one that made him lose all control of his bowels is the dragon king that Susanoo bows in respect to. He screams horribly before fainting.

“Well then I guess that ends that, time to head back”

“That was certainly fun”

“Hey Toshiro you promised I get to eat the food from this world!”

“Remember child that I too want to see the races of this world I heard the elves of other worlds are beautiful to behold. I’ll slay a thousand Yamato no Orochis just to court with one”

“Alright alright sheesh”

The arena is quiet as they saw a brutal fight of epic proportions, common sense was broken right before their eyes. In their world the heroes stood at the top of everything but now there were people who stood even higher than that and quite honestly it was terrifying and relieving those snobbish heroes were going to get their asses handed to them.