The Grand Irricester Institute, Foundation Classroom
Rihan stares at his desk, his eyes unfocused. The event the night before was bothering him, although he wasn't able to pinpoint the reason. He ponders over the conversation he had with Larisa.
There's no doubt that he sensed something wrong with her cultivation causing her body to burn up and her legs to go numb.
He stares at the wall, pondering the situation further. If it was indeed the case, the only explanation is that she had a special constitution that caused her body to react in that manner.
It doesn't seem to be different from what he remembers in his past life.Rihan stares at the clock, noticing it's almost noon.
"I wonder what she's doing," he stares at the wall, "She's probably training."
"You're oddly attentive to the clock today" he hears his friend's voice, followed by the clacking of his cane.
"What do you mean?" He turned to stare at his friend, his eyes focused on his face.
Can't believe I've forgotten about Ijohen, if someone didn't know anything about him, would think that he is crippled because of his obsession with canes, he muses.
"I'm just saying, you're always watching the clock. I don't know if it's because of the girl, but it's rare to see you this interested in the time." His companion stares at him with a sardonic smile.
"It's nothing Ijo." his mouth puckered into a frown. "Just curious at the time, that's all."
"Well, You're always stalking those girls around campus, and now it's the new clock too?" Ijo stares at him with a look of disbelief.
"I'm not stalking anyone," Rihan replies, stifling a laugh. "And definitely not the clock. What a weird thing to say."
His friend stares at him, crossing his arms. "They changed the clock yesterday, so it's new." he stares at the clock, "I remember you missed the class the day we did the history lesson. Ah! That was yesterday."
"Yeah, I'm aware of it now." Rihan stares at the clock.
"Well, why did you miss class yesterday?" his friend stares at him with a serious face.
Rihan stares at the clock, thinking carefully about how to answer. "I was busy," he stares at the clock, "That's why I've been looking at the clock. I'm working to get earn more coins."
"You're lying." Ijo stares at him, narrowing his eyes. "You're hiding something. Why are you so evasive?"
Of course, it's impossible to hide everything, especially from his best friend, who has been growling at him ever since he arrived at school. "I'm not lying to you, I'm telling the truth,"
It's just that his best friend is prying into his affairs, making it harder to lie to him.
"I don't trust you." Ijo stares at him stonily. "I'm not blind. Tell me you didn't skip class yesterday and have fun along with some woman."
"What?!" He paused for a moment to regroup his thoughts. "Look! I'm a little boy!" he pouts, trying to imitate the behaviour of a small child.
"You're not a kid anymore, you should act like it," he pauses, staring at Rihan with a thoughtful look. "So where'd you meet her? Is she a student here?"
Ijohen has always been a curious person. This trait of his was useful during their time at the Academy. After all, they needed to learn a lot of things quickly to rank up in the past life.
He's always been one of the top students of the academy, earning the title of 'Dark Sage' due to his achievements in dark arts.
Sung Li suddenly appears behind them, startling both of them. "I heard that you two were talking," he pauses, "What's the matter? Are you fighting again?" he pauses, his eyes sparkling mischievously.
"Ah, yes … my commoner friend," Ijo turns to look at Sung Li. "Tell me how did Rihan here manage to grab the attention of two beauties? With his penniless wallet?" he pauses, glancing back at Rihan.
"Oh, that's not true." Sung Li shakes his head. "He can't even manage to speak properly, let alone attract women with any money. In fact, if you ask me, he's not fit for a lady's company at all."
"Rihan frowns, glaring at Sung Li and Ijohen simultaneously. Did these two brats grow a pair of balls?" he thinks. "It's just some coins anyway, I don't care if I live in poverty. It's easy to make money. I've had plenty in my past life."
I won't deny that I do miss them after not seeing them for a whole lifetime but I must've forgotten what's it like to be surrounded by them. Money this, money that.
"I won't be telling you anything!" Rihan shouts angrily, standing up and scowling at Sung Li and Ijo.
"Hey!" They scowl, staring back at him.
"You can't treat people like trash when you're the one in trouble!" Miss Shurong scolds, her eyes glowing with a red light.
A heavy pressure falls upon them, pushing them back into the chair. "Don't talk like that, you'll hurt your spirit." She places a hand on her chest, her expression serious.
"You don't need to worry about us; we don't need to hear what's going on between you and your friends." She smiles gently, her expression softening slightly.
"But—" he begins but she cuts him off with her index finger against his lips. The whole class is silent, looking at the three of them.
Miss Shurong grins, patting him on the head. "Don't you dare try to pull any funny stuff?" She points her finger at him.
With quick succession, her powerful hand shaped like an axe came crashing down on the three boys. Ijohen was the first to fall, his nose broken, and blood gushing out onto his shirt and pants.
The second to go was Sung Li, whose head was twisted violently to the side before his neck snapped and his body fell to the ground limply.
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Rihan once again managed to escape by rolling away from the attack, only to be struck by the back of the seat of the chair which was thrown at him. The force of the blow was strong enough to knock him further backwards.
He's surprised at the speed she's capable of using her hands, although it's not the first time he sees her move like that.
"I hope you're okay." She says, her voice calm and composed. She walks up to him, kneeling beside him. "Are you alright? Do you have a concussion or something?" She looks worriedly at him.
This serpent, this woman, would be the only reason why he wouldn't want to return to this timeline. He's never seen women as beautiful, gentle, cruel, and barbaric at the same time.
Her golden hair flows freely, her bright red eyes sparkle, her skin is pale and flawless, her body is lithe and slender, her muscles are toned and well defined, and her smile could make a man lose himself. Especially when she delivers her deathly-aimed blows.
She's a monster.
"I'm fine," he replies, rubbing his bottom.
"Are you sure?" she asks, placing a palm over his hip.
He feels a slight pain, but it's gone in a flash.
"Ye-yeah" he answers, shaking his head to clear it. "I'm sorry for the noise," he glances at everyone in the classroom, "We'll keep it low from now on."
His other two friends were lying limp on the ground, their chests rising in deep breaths. The teacher also rushed to check on them, while the rest of the class remained quiet. The sound of the wind outside can be heard, whipping the trees, and causing leaves to rustle.
Isn't this a monster that's just waiting to devour the entire class? The students shudder, their bodies shivering. Surely they'll find themselves in grave danger if Miss Shurong decides to unleash herself on them.
"You're welcome." She stands up, dusting the dirt on Sung Li's clothes.
"Thank you, Miss," he mutters, still unable to stand.
"It's nothing," she replies. "I'm glad I was able to help." she approaches him, her smile widening. "Do you feel better now?"
"Yes …" he nods weakly, feeling the pain returning to his body.
"Good. Now, why don't you go to the back and stand at the corner?"
"Okay, thank you very much," he bows, walking to the back of the class.
She then turned to gaze at Ijohen's condition, sighing softly. "You're bleeding badly," she touches his cheek, wiping the blood from his face. He winced under her touch.
"I'm so sorry," she apologizes.
Then, she grabs a cloth hanging nearby, dabbing it lightly on his wounds.
"Miss," he whispers, "Please don't bother yourself."
"I'm not bothered," she replied, smiling warmly at him. "I don't mind at all."
Golden eyes meet Black, a tender smile forming. Ijohen's eyes widen, his mouth dropping open. He's too shocked to speak. How is it possible for this beautiful woman to care about him?
"I—I didn't expect you to care about me," he mumbles, his face flushed, "You're not a bad person, Miss Shurong, but sometimes you just don't know how to control your temper."
Her eyebrows furrow, "You're wrong. I have no problem with controlling my anger." she sighs, "I just hate to see anyone not learning properly in MY class." she lifts his chin, gazing into his eyes.
"Also, I'm not a good person, I promise." she kisses his forehead, "I'm just a little too hotheaded."
His face blushes deeper than ever before. His heart beats faster, thumping loudly inside his chest. "Hehehe…," he murmurs, walking in a trance to the back of the class. His legs tremble as he joins Rihan and Sung Li at the back of the class.
"You're disgusting." Rihan scoffs, turning to face the back of the class.
"I can't believe she kissed you!" Sung Li glares at him.
"Shut up peasants." Ijohen scowls, looking at them sternly. "I'm a royal noble, you should respect me more," he scolds, frowning at them both.
"Pft, you looked more like a pervert!" Rihan scoffs.
"I'm not a pervert!" Ijohen scowled at him, "I'm a gentleman!" he scoffs, folding his arms across his chest.
"You two are just a disgrace to the nobles!" Sung Li retorted.
Rihan scoffs, sitting down on the floor and leaning his back against the wall, "Hey, I'm not one who's beaten up here."
"Tsk, tsk," Miss Shurong scolds, coming up towards them, "I told you to stay quietly in the back of the class until you can behave like civilized human beings again. What did I tell you!!!?"
Sung Li felt accused and pointed his thumb at his friends by his side, "…they started it!"
Miss Shurong's expression hardens.
"Sorry! Ma'am!" they shouted in unison, bowing their heads.