Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Evolving rocks!

So… evolution.

<Evolution: A monster's ability to change shape or form, while also increasing their rank. Evolution choices are controlled by the monster's skills, strengths, lineage, and other conditions>

Alright. So, what can I evolve into?



[Young Dragon]

[Young Drake]


Young? What does that mean? What is considered young by System Voice, anyways? My race is "Dragon Hatchling". It's clearly describing me as a newborn, so does a "young" dragon mean, that I will grow up?

<Young Dragon: A young dragon that has no specialization. Possess immature wings and the potential to evolve freely. Rank F>

<Young Drake: A young dragon that chose to forgo wings for a highly specialized body for traversing the land. Rank F>

The description didn’t mention it anywhere, but if I evolved now, could I grow taller and larger? Evolution would sound pretty amazing if it could turn me from a gecko into a proper dragon.

This world honestly keeps fascinating me. I wouldn't be surprised if races like elves and dwarves existed in this world. To be honest, I would be displeased if this world only had humans. Well, of course, if there are any humans at all ‘cause I literally have no information about this world.

… Hold on, what the hell am I talking about, there is a skill called [Humanization]. Its description literally tells me that I can transform into a human with it.

… Y-Yeah, let’s forget about that lapse of memory. Lalala, I’m just rambling, nothing to see here~

… In any case, my evolution offered me two choices. Either stay flexible with a chance to evolve into a winged dragon or commit to being stuck on land.

From its description, becoming drake didn’t sound too bad. It explained how maneuvering on land would be its selling point, a trait that could become invaluable for my current situation. There were advantages I could benefit from becoming a drake. If they can’t hit, I won’t die… nor feel any pain.

In comparison, I would keep my door open to future evolution options with [Young Dragon. I would receive wings, which probably will be useless until I grow up… and that’s pretty much it, right? Of course, it would be dumb to just leave it at that, after all, the ability to “feely” evolve might come in handy. Since I had no idea about this world, having options to evolve into might be better.

However, the question is, will I lock myself out from any flying options if I choose drake? What evolution choices does a drake have? So, many questions.

So, this is a dilemma between a massive short-term advantage over a, supposedly, long-term one.

What will yield the most advantages? Should I just go with the versatile evolution? I can develop my status and skills, regardless of the choice but not opting for the [Young Dragon] could exempt me from flying. If I wanted to run faster, I could buy some of the agility or stamina-based skills. The [Young Drake] could give me those skills naturally, but I have no proof of that…

Pfff, yeah, right. Shouldn’t the choice be clear enough?

<Will you choose to evolve into [Young Dragon]?>

Hell, yes! Give me to power of flight. Aerial supremacy, here I come!

<Evolution choice decided. Commencing evolution of [Dragon Hatchling *]>

Oh my gosh, who turned up the temperature? Oh wait, it’s just me. Kidding~

Joking aside, I was feeling a sudden warmth inside me circulating through my whole body, invigorating every single cell. A cycle of destruction and growth was progressing inside me, and while the pain wasn’t noticeable, I could kinda imagine it with how much was going on in there.

So, this is what evolution feels like?

It reminded me of my growing pains just without the pain itself. I wasn’t sure how I knew this, but my body was telling me I will become stronger soon and that I should just relax while it happened. It gave me a good feeling, you see. Knowing results were happening was good.

I can— Mhmmmwwaaaaaaaah. Oh shit… tired.

I began to feel sleepy. I still kinda wanted to imagine myself becoming strong enough to take those kobolds down without an issue after evolving, but I quickly reminded myself to not be so conceited. They were just two low-leveled kobolds, and they almost defeated me.

Maybe I should see if there are any protec…tive skills…

And then I lost consciousness.

Hmmm? Mhmm, yeah, that was a good sleep. Looking in the sky, it seemed I woke up at dawn. I slept through the entire evolution process. Is that suddenly feel of drowsiness part of the process? If so, then I should really be careful next time and find a more secure place. Some random bush won't protect me when I'm all alone and vulnerable.

Regardless, I shouldn’t beat myself up too much. This was my first try. I didn’t die. Gotta stay positive. If I remember to be more careful next time, everything should be forgiven. And, frankly, I feel so incredibly refreshed right now, I’m really not in the mood to scold myself!

So, how do I look like~

First impression: My body was slim and lean from my tail up until it reached my chest, which seemed to have gotten bulkier. Two horns grew from my head, while my neck has turned quite slender.

I actually looked like a dragon now! I didn’t just mean my appearance, but also my body mass. This bush used to be able to cover my entire body. Now, it couldn’t hide my head or tail. I was still quadrupedal but from the looks of it, I might have grown to the length and size of an iguana.

In just a matter of days, I grew up from a puny lizard into an acceptable baby dragon. I could make an advertisement for how crazy this sounded.

By following my training regiment, even your newborn can turn into a dragon just like me.

Haha, gosh… I sound so dumb. Hiehie.

Huh? Now that I had some time to adjust, I could feel something moving on my back. Are those… my wings? Moving my long neck around, I touched my newly formed limbs with my head. Y-yup, this foreign sensation, exactly like the one I felt when I touched my own tail. Very ticklish but the webbing felt soft.

Now I wondered how much my stats had grown. Profile.


Name: *    Level: 0    Race: Young Dragon

Age: 0 Month

Status:    Health: 100/100(+20)   Mana: 302/302(+50)

Strength: 46 (+15)   Intelligence: 39 (+20)

Vitality: 26 (+10)   Wisdom: 30   (+15)

Agility: 66 (+20)   Stamina: 47/47  (+15)

Effects: None

Skill Points: 550

Skill:  Magic skills and related:

[Mana Control Lv. 3] [Holy Magic Lv. 4] (+1) [Fire Magic Lv. 3]

[Earth Magic Lv. 3] [Primal Magics]

Physical skills and related:

You are reading story A Dragon Idol’s Reincarnation Tale at

[Mana Strike Lv. 2] (+1) [Enhanced Claws Lv. 1] (New)

[Enhanced Fangs Lv. 1] (New)

Senses and movement skills:

[Stealth Lv. 5] (+1) [Enhanced Enemy Sense Lv. 3] (+1) [Evasion Lv. 1]


[Physical Resistance Lv. 3] (+1) [Pain Resistance Lv. 3]

[Holy Resistance Lv. 1] (New) [Fire Resistance Lv. 1] (New)

[Earth Resistance Lv. 1] (New)

Stat growths and related:

[Enhanced Mana Growth Lv. 2] (+1)

[Enhanced Strength Growth Lv. 1] (New)

[Enhanced Intelligence Growth Lv. 1]

[Enhanced Agility Growth Lv. 1]


[Identify Lv. 3] [Cooking Lv. 2] [Dismantle Lv. 2]

Spell List: Holy spells:

[Minor Heal] [Cure] [Modest Heal] [Smite]

Fire spells:

[Fire] [Firebolt] [Imbue Fire]

Earth spells:

[Earth Wall] [Rock Blast] [Earth Strike]

Other spells:


Titles:  [The Light] [Bearer of Kargryxmor’s Blood] [Otherworldly Reincarnator]


Oooh, not bad. My stats were already higher than those two kobolds, but now they completely overshadowed both of theirs. You know, considering how shitty my second life has been up until now, this really was like a bright light at the end of the tunnel, huh? Everything still sucked, but now it sucked a bit less.

This deserves a celebration! And what is a celebration without a song~

“Kraa. Kraa. Kraa.”

… Yeaaaaaah, still sound like a lizard. I mean dragon. I questioned why I made that mistake. Anyways, becoming a [Young Dragon] also gave me a few new skills and improved others. I'm perplexed why System Voice didn't announce them.

It didn’t really matter, at the end of the day, but if I could guess, it probably was ‘cause of me sleeping too deeply. I needed some proper sleep so I might have just missed System Voice.

Checking my profile again, it seemed I got the enhanced fang and claw skills from the 50 SP list, another enhanced growth skill in addition to three resistance skills related to my magic elements. With my first offensive holy element spell, I now could level them all up by hurting myself. My parents won’t be happy to hear I was slowly turning into a masochist…


There was still a few skills I wanted to get, but honestly, this might be a good time to be experimental and buy [Space-Time Magic]. It was a gambit, but I really, really want some pocket dimension to use as a storage.

I saw some stuff I could use as spices, so it would be good to collect them for future cooking sessions. It also wouldn’t hurt to prepare some rations, in case I failed to hunt something. Hopefully, my pocket dimension would be similar to how some fiction presented it — everything inside was stopped in time.

<You have bought [Space-Time Magic Lv. 1] Your current SP is 0>

<Magic gained: [Haste]>

<Haste: A spell that accelerates the time of the body. Movements, thinking speed, and reactions are all increased. Due to accelerating the body, beneficial and detrimental effects will be sped up too. This spell only grants a base speed increase that cannot be improved by an increased mana cost nor a higher level>

Cool, time to get some breakfast. Evolving really made me famish. Oh, since I was about to explore, it might be good to test this new spell out before going.


<[Haste] inflicted on [Young Dragon *]>


[Space-Time Magic]’s description wasn’t lying when it mentioned its spells consumed a lot of mana! I felt a hefty chunk just leaving my body right there. I probably should be more careful with its usage. Only for training or emergencies, not for a spur of the moment.

Still, it made me aware I needed more mana. Like, a ton. No, hold on, I might as well wish for so much mana I don’t need to worry about it again. Yeah, that sounded like an amazing side objective.

With my new body, I made myself through the forest for the first time with suppressed confidence. No more hopping around bushes! Well, at least until I met some weird beast.

<Minor Heal: A spell that accelerates the healing process of a wound. Mana will be used as a fuel instead of the body’s nutrients for the healing process. Cannot heal mental damage>

<Cure: A spell that rids a body from certain abnormal effects. The effect only affects minor to modest effects>

<Modest Heal: A spell that accelerates the healing process of a wound. Mana will be used as a fuel instead of the body’s nutrients for the healing process. Cannot heal mental damage>

<Smite: A spell that conjures a bolt of mana with the holy element.>

<Fire: A spell that uses mana as a fuel to produce heat. The resulting fire can be fully controlled, by injecting mana>

<Firebolt: A spell that uses mana as a fuel to produce a fire that flies in one direction>

<Imbue Fire: Using mana, this spell imbues a weapon with fire element>

<Earth Wall: Use mana to mold the earth to produce a wall made from earth>

<Rock Blast: Use mana to mold the earth into a rock ball, that shoots out of the earth>

<Earth Strike: Use mana to terraform a piece of earth to shoot out from the earth. The form can be molded freely>

<Shine: Using mana, the spell casts an incandescent light of pure holy element. The intensity of the light grows exponentially according to the mana consumed. May harm the undead or anything with an affinity towards the dark elemental>