Chapter 9: The Flying Red Panda


I couldn’t get Cai’s slick tasty naked body out of my head! That wasn’t the image of her I needed right now as we prepared to head off to our little adventure into the dystopian remains of Ligera. After I had taken my shower, I got dressed with the tasteful hand-selected wardrobe that was left in my closet. I didn’t know why, seeing as I wasn’t planning on coming back here anytime soon. But I guess the residence of this palace insisted I wore something more their speed.

I left my shredded earth clothes behind me, walking into a plethora of fine fabrics, shoes, arm wear, headgear, you name it. But in the middle of my walk-in, I had something special laid out for me on the bench to wear.

Ahh! I felt like a dress-me-up Barbie doll!

I could get used to being pampered like this when all was said and done. For now, I would enjoy my attire for the trip: some type of dark cropped armor, with matching padded leather gauntlets, and a pair of dark Locksley pants and knee-high plated boots. Underneath the vest, I was given some type of tough shelled piece to cover my torso. I couldn’t tell what material it was made out of, but it was supple enough to slip onto me like a glove. The entire ensemble was dark for a planet named after light.

I had to wonder—was that so we could blend in with the shadows?

I got dressed, admiring the sleek design. It didn’t make me look bulky at all. And once I stuffed my small backpack with only the essentials, I made my way downstairs with my heavy ass sword to meet up with Cai.

Easy there, take it one step at a time…

“Lucian!” The blue-haired girl chimed, greeting me with a peachy smile as I noticed the trio in the foyer. I was halfway down the steps when I caught Cai, Jett, and Mira in front of the grand doors.

“Good morning, prince!” she greeted, holding something in her hands. It was a tray, with a plastic see-through bag on it. And inside, snacks? “I hope that you slept well! I see that you got my letter, and your weapon! Looks great one you! I hope it’s not too heavy.”

“Not at all!” I lied through my big white smile. “Good morning Mira, Jett.”

“Morning, prince,” Jett saluted.

“And... Cai,” I breathed, trying not to make my nervousness near her awkward or obvious.

“Morning, Lucian,” she said, her voice less monotone than before—more… flowery… “I have something for you.”

“Oh, I do too!” Mira interjected, stepping in front of me and Cai. “Here! I made these for you. The shelf life on these are really long, so you can eat them whenever you run out of rations or something. Though, I would hope it would never come to that, of course!” She giggled. “Please, take them! They are fruit-based, crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside. They are packed with vitamins and minerals, less like trail mix and more like an energy bar! We call them Chuchan here in Raito.”

“That’s very thoughtful of you, Mira. Thanks!” I took her offer, giving it a nice whiff through the bag. “Mmm, and they smell great!”

“Really? I made them this morning! And I promise, no rodent parts this time!”

I caught Jett rolling his eyes as his girlfriend drooled all over me.

“I appreciated it, Mira. Honest! I can’t wait to dig into these.”

“I have something for you too, Lucian…” Cai said, handing me over the long piece of fabric dangling over her arm. “It’s a hooded robe.”

“A matching hooded robe!” I beamed, taking her gift up to my eyes. “As a matter a fact, we are color coordinated. You look good with clothes on! EEhhHH! I-I-uh-erm, I mean, those clothes on! Heh!”

She smiled at me, and my terrible fumble. “Thank you. You look great yourself.”

She looked like a dark forest archer, the both of us dressed and geared to fight. It was exciting to say the least. And after we collected our food, supplies, and currency to head out, I tossed Mira’s gift in my bag and gave Jett and Mira a parting wave.

“Come back to us safely, prince!”


Ehh, I still couldn’t get over them calling me that. I felt far from a prince. I was just doing what any caring person would do, right? Still, it felt nice to being seen in such high regard. I had to get used to it, especially if I was expected to take over for my father.

It was a great day for an adventure; the air crisp, the climate clear, and our forecast looking promising. Because so far, I hadn’t met one shadow elp. And I was hoping it would stay that way, too.

As we walked further and further away from the palace, I started to wonder about our way of getting us from point A to point B. For some reason, I had forgotten to ask Cai about how we’d be getting around not only in Raito, but throughout all of Ligera. I’d hate to think we’d be walking on foot. She had mentioned Raito alone being massive, and the temple we were headed to was at least two districts down.

But before I could even open my mouth and say anything as I followed her to an open grassy field, she pulled out this small ivory wooden flute and stopped her stride.

I stopped right behind her, dumbfounded, ready to question why we had stopped walking literally after just a few seconds away from the palace. Then she started playing, a tune I was deaf to apparently. I couldn’t hear a damn thing, before this huge shadow flew over my head, prompting my head up to the clear blue sky.

“Holy crap!” I cried, my voice jagged. I dropped on my ass, my heart pounding! There was a huge beast of a creature flying about us. And for a second, I thought it was a shadow elp ready to rock us. But as the creature drew closer, I realized it was just a… giant red panda?

Yeah, a giant red panda… with angel wings, two stripped tails, and long horns on its fluffy head.

I had to scratch my eyes on that one.

Honestly, I was taken away, the thing at least 12 meters wide, and six meters tall standing on its stubby black legs. It gave me a wild breeze on its way down, landing right in front of Cai as the gusty wind sliced right through me. That gentle rock when it landed begged me to get up on my feet, my arm shielding my eyes before it tucked its wings in.

You are reading story The Light Prince of Ligera: An Isekai Harem Series at

“Good boy,” Cai cooed, rubbing the creature’s furry orange head when it bowed down before Cai. It purred, the beast so huge it was blocking the sun off my face.

Cai turned to me with a smile, ready to introduce her friend to me. “Lucian, this is Narro, my champion.”


“Yes. Ligera doesn’t have many champions left, highly intelligent creatures that can serve as transportation or alleys in battle. He is a Nucoon, a species that went extinct over two-hundred years ago. He may be the last Nucoon on our earth.”

“Well, that answered my question. And, he seems friendly.”

“That’s because he is.” She turned back to Narro, who was already strapped down with a long saddle on his back. “Narro, this is Lucian. He is our god’s son, and he is here to help us.”

Narro gave me a bright look, stomping over and around Cai to sniff me. Then immediately, the beast went whooshing! Round and round he went, circling me from sheer excitement. This Nucoon acted more like a dog than anything else, wagging his tail with his tongue out, making a show for me. It had Cai giggling, and it was the first time since I’d met her did I see her break out like that.

Heh, I liked this flying beast already.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Narro!”

“I think it’s safe to say he likes you.”

“You think?”

“Come, let’s ascend. We will reach Rasani faster through air,” she said, reaching into her bag that was five times as long as mine.”

“Rasani? Is that the district where the mother spirit’s temple is?”

“No. Rasani is the next district over, the one closest to Raito capital,” she started. “Once we get to the border, we will have to dismount Narro. I don’t want the wrong set of eyes on him.”

“Heh, I think all of Rasani would see him coming.”

“Poachers are prominent in Rasani. Narro’s species died out because of selfish men and women using their bodies for profit.”

“I’m sorry about that, Cai. I’m all for keeping Narro safe,” I said, then scratched my head on our destination. “Hey, if Rasani isn’t the district where the temple is, then why are we stopping there?”

“Because the Baron’s home is there. And since it’s on our way, it’s fitting that we visit the Rasani Manor and meet the lady.”

My heart skipped a beat. “The lady? As in, the woman I’m expected to sleep with?”

“And mate, if you so wish.”

Suddenly, I didn’t feel like going to Rasani anymore!

Not to say I was nervous about getting it on with a complete stranger, but I was expected to impregnate her knowing that I wasn’t going to be with her long-term. Let alone help her raise our child. It was a different ballgame, one I still had trouble accepting.

Spreading my seeds across the land…

On some farmer John type shit.

I swallowed that lump in my throat as I watched Cai strap Narro down with the head piece she pulled out from her bag. I took a few short steps closer to her, Narro looking at me with his bright yellow eyes as he panted, like he was ready to happily pounce on me. “So, this lady, what’s her name?”

Cai listened to me speak as she worked the noseband over Narro, keeping her back toward me. “Her name is Isla.”

“Isla, huh?”

“Lady Isla Mautoise of Rasani. That is how you will address her.”

“Huh? What’s with the formalities? Aren’t I a step above her rank?”

“Yes, but that is how she will be addressed,” Cai urged.

“Oh, so she’s a real brat, huh?” I gauged, judging by that passive look on Cai’s face.

“She can be a bit difficult, yes. Hard to please.”

“Then, I’m in. Nothing like a challenging woman to spice things up!”