Chapter 11: Lady Isla of Rasani


That was uncalled for, Cai,” I scolded, walking past that booth where that blond slave girl was still standing. I looked over my shoulder to see her staring at us as we left, like… she hadn’t even moved a muscle at all. I felt terrible, Cai’s harsh words against her cutting through me. I knew where she was coming from, and why she had to be extra careful, but if the girl was a shadow elp, then why would she have allowed herself to be beaten down and tortured like that?

I get that I was a god, but my mentality was far from it. There was no difference between me and Elrie, but through’s Cai’s eyes, peasants weren’t allowed anywhere near me.

Cai ignored my comment, the rest of our journey to the manor oddly quiet. I guess she figured I was upset with her about what she’d done back there, but I was just disappointed was all. I wanted to let her know that, but by the time I mustered enough courage to break through to her, we’d already reached our destination.

In the front yard of the baron’s manor sat this huge water fountain and a ring garden suitable for a king’s. the place was massive, something straight from a fairy tale, except without the dense guards surveying the place. It was only a matter of time before we were made, but I noticed this brunette woman tending to her garden in a floral dress, with one long braided tail over her slender shoulder. She was tall, probably about 5’10, with blue eyes so bright that they looked like crystals under the sunlight.

She pulled herself up from her bending over her garden, and stopped putting flowers in her woven basket. When her guards took notice of us, they lined up to defend the lady stopping us in our tracks.

“La-barra-zen. You are trespassing the baron’s quarters!” one armored guard warned us. “State your business, light warrior.”

Wait, what?

They knew who Cai was, so why were they being all defensive and hostile toward her?

Ah, right, shadow elps…

“We came to visit the Lady of Rasani.”


“Iratti-zen, paggathi rotta.”

What in the what now?

Cai gave a password, but the guards were still skeptical, hesitant to let us in between them. The tall woman in the sunflower dress poked her head out from behind her guards before pushing herself through the line, wearing the most beautiful smile I’ve seen in all of Ligera.

“Oh, I have visitors?” she said delightfully, her voice smooth like summer rays. “Cai, what a pleasant surprise!” she giggled, and then gazed over to me with interested eyes. She looked me up and down while I gave her a kind wave. This lady was nothing like Cai had described her, the woman practically radiating positive energy. She was friendly and seemed sweet, right until she grabbed my hand and leaned her chin over my shoulder, whispering, “Are you the private entertainer I’d asked for?”


“Lady Cecil, this is Lucian. My… Dosha,” Cai stated bluntly, making the lady’s eyes grow twice as huge. Okay, so it was safe to say this pretty little number wasn’t who I was destined to bang.


Though, I wonder what a Dosha was…

“Oh my! How embarrassing!” she said sheepishly. “I am sorry, I wasn’t aware. You know, these lonely nights can bring out the worst in you, am I right?” She grinned bashfully. “Please, guards, they are safe to enter. Cai gave you the password, did she not?”

Finally, we were allowed entry, the both of us following Lady Cecil inside. “Come, I have these buttery croissants that I had my personal chef make for me an hour ago. We can talk, drink tea, and enjoy each other’s company in the sunroom.”

So the food in Ligera wasn’t all exotic after all. Some dishes and recipes similar to what I’d have back home. I was crossing my fingers that these croissants didn’t have any shredded mystery meat inside them, though. When we stepped inside the manor, I’d caught myself not being as taken aback by the decorative ambiance of her estate, seeing as I’d came from Raito. And even though most of it was still in ruins, this manor’s beauty didn’t compare to my father’s palace sitting in the capital.

Once we were in the sunroom, her maid took her request to prep the table closest to those huge two-story windows. She gestured us to come over just when Cai began to explain herself. “I apologize, Lady Cecil, for calling Lucian my boyfriend.”


“But I didn’t want to reveal Lucian in untrusted company. Not to say, that I don’t trust your guards, but Lucian is far more special than that,” she started, taking her seat while Lady Cecil propped her elbows on the table with her fingers interlaced under her chin.

You are reading story The Light Prince of Ligera: An Isekai Harem Series at

“Enlighten me, warrior of light. Is he your husband to be?”

“Oh, em, no,” Cai stumbled, her face turning a nice shade of red as she took her seat. “He is our god Kiran’s son, from earth.”

“He’s what?” a voice stretched out from the sunroom entrance before my ass could even hit the chair. All eyes turned to this pretty little red-head about the same height as Cai, standing there with her arms crossed over her chest, with a face that said piss off.

Oh, so she was the brat. Who I had seen in the garden was her beautiful mother.

What a total contrast, expect for their faces. She had her mother’s beauty but not her charm, even though she was dressed elegantly from head to toe. Her hair swept behind her head in a braided bun, with two springy curls framing her delicate face. Her long dress screamed 18th century Victorian, laced with black satin and vintage red embroidery.

I prompted myself to stand straight as I was halfway through sitting down, walking up to her to introduce myself. “Hey, the name’s Lucian,” I started, offering her my hand. “And you must be Lady Isla Mautoise of Rasani. Cecil’s daughter.”

She gave me a sour look with that sass, leaving my hand hanging. “Is that how you address the Baron’s daughter?”

“Ugh, yeah. Your name is Isla, isn’t it?”

“I understand you’re from earth, but I am sure they have manners where you come from, don’t they?”

“Sweetheart, this is Lucian, our lord of light!” her mother proudfully exclaimed. “Here to protect us from The Void, just like I imagined it!”

She scoffed. “Doesn’t look like much of a god to me.”

“Well, I might be currently light-less, but I’m Kiran’s son all right. I mean, we are talking about the same guy, right, Cai?” I asked, turning my head over to her.

“Wait a minute, you don’t wield light?” Isla asked me.

I turned back to Isla. “No, not yet. That’s where Cai and I are headed, to the mother spirit, so she can hopefully unlock them.”

She grinned devilishly. “Oh, mother, your prayers have been answered, all right. You must have been pleading to The Void instead, seeing as you’ve been given this joke as a protector of Ligera!” She laughed and taunted. “A powerless human, here to save us? This weak mortal isn’t worthy of the air he breathes, posing as Kiran’s son! You bring shame to our estate, coming here with nothing to provide but your shameless tactics.”

I narrowed my eyes on her with a witty grin. “Is that so? Well, we might as well be in the same boat then. You see, I can’t protect Ligera because I’m powerless, and you can’t protect Ligera because you’re too selfish to. Proof is in the conditions of your boarder, princess.”

“Lucian, you will show the lady some respect,” Cai scolded.

“Actually, I think it’s the other way around, right?” I grinned. “Gods are above royalty from what I gathered from you, Cai. Actually, I’m pretty sure it’s common knowledge. Which means, she ought to start talking to me right. But I don’t want any animosity between us, red. Let’s start over. Name’s Lucian Reafe. And you are?” I parried, leaving the room silent.

But I was right. Little miss Red had to show me some respect. I was her god, and even though she held the baron title under her parents, I was on top of that food chain, and I was bent on letting her know that, powerless or not.

She schooled her face before the light demi-god, but I could tell she was fuming inside. Isla had to swallow her pride this time, reserving her heat for a later date. And I’ll be there for when she explodes, the lady giving me her hand instead of a handshake. She expected a kiss, and I gave her one, being polite as I bend over, with my lips to the back of her hand.

But when I was done, I didn’t let her pull away…

I gave her a dirty playful glint, looking up my eyebrows at her while I held my hard grip on her fingers. She blushed and tugged, and I could feel her heart beat racing. Did she think she was in trouble with me? Hell, I didn’t know, but I enjoyed the reaction I was getting from her. And when she started to sweat, I’d let her go watching the heat continue to rise up her stubbornly cute face.

“Pervert!” she cried, rubbing her hand at her chest.

“Aww, they are getting along just fine!” Cecil beamed behind us, giving me the impression that she knew why we paid her and her daughter a visit. “Please, stay the night. It will allow us to get better acquainted with the light prince, yes?”