Chapter 16: Light Battle in Bed


That last day on earth kept spinning in my head, over and over again, like a fucking broken record player. I was torn between two feelings: regret, and anger. Because I had ignored all of the warning signs, something felt off about that girl. But I had been lonely and greedy… I wanted to feel something again. Distractions could only work for so long though. It was only a matter of time before the sorrow broke through—mom, dad, it was a harsh reality I had to live with for two long years. And I was angry, angry as hell. Now the feeling of death had spread across the family, leaving me on that head of the cliff, looking down into a shadowy pits of hell. I didn’t want to fall through, but it was pulling me.

Then again, I had someone else pulling me from the other side, trying to bring me back…


She sounded like an angel…

Eager to stir me awake.

When I did, it felt like a bucket of ice cold water drenched me. I jerked up from Cai’s lap, clenching my arm against my chest with a hard gasp. My heart dropped in the pit of my stomach, all of my senses hitting me at once.

Where, how, when, what?

My blurry vision soon adjusted, realizing that we were in a foreign bed, in a room that looked like a hotel’s. The place was on the dark side, with only two dim nightstand lights on, and the curtains barely coughing up any moonlight.

Wait, moonlight?

How long had I been out for?

“Lucian, you’re finally awake,” Cai said, my head turning to her and her relieving smile.

“Cai…” I could barely whisper, my eyes growing wide to her sitting by my side.

Holy shit, she was okay!

Crap, the last thing I remember was—wait, wait, what the hell?

“Your arm, I managed to bring it back. The skin is still a bit red, but, in a few hours, it will look less tender,” she confirmed. “I’m sorry I couldn’t heal it all the way. I didn’t want to tap into my light repertoire just in case we—”

I didn’t care about all of that, snatching Cai up mid-sentence into my arms and never letting go. I grabbed onto her tightly, trying to hold back my tears while my hand held the back of her head against my chest.

“You scared the crap out of me, Cai,” I confessed, Cai taking me into her arms. I could feel her small fingertips gently press into me, Cai grabbing the clothes on my back without hesitation.

“You did too, Lucian,” her soft voice trembled.

“I don’t want you doing that again. I don’t think my heart could take any more of that fearless bullshit.” I inched away from her gently. “Promise me.”

She scrunched her face up at me, clearly disagreeing. “Lucian…”

“Come on Cai, we are a team. And as a team, we need to do better than that. I got lucky. I had no idea I was going to blow up like that.”

“Your light powers, they came in a perfect time.”

I let out a sigh of relief. “I have no idea how, though.”

“Mira was right, Lucian. You’ve always have the light inside you. Maybe being here under Ligera’s sun helped you claim it.”

“Cai, when that shadow elp got a hold of you, I just lost it. Something in me broke, and then suddenly the thought of losing you became so incredibly painful. I started burning up. Hell, I have no words for it.”

She froze.

“I don’t know what I’d do with myself if I lost you, Cai.”

“Lucian!” she pitched, but then she recanted, that energy she had when she said my name lowering a few deciliters. Cai looked at me like she was afraid, those violet eyes in near tears. She bit her lip, the light warrior riddled with nervous, before she finally snapped out of it, blurting out between her quaking lips, “I love you…”

I never knew three words could sound so magical.

For a second I felt displaced, my soul temporarily escaping my body. I didn’t expect her to tell me such a thing, especially after a near death experience.

“I’m sorry, Lucian. I… I couldn’t hold it in much longer. I love you, light god. And, I know that you don’t love me the same way I love y—”

I wanted to shut her up for Christ’s sake, before she started lying to my face.

I wasn’t going to mess up this time and let her slip away from me. I was ready to show her just how much I loved her back. I leaned in and kissed those fragile little worries away, making sure I got the message across.

Those soft full lips broke me, sending heat in all the right places. I felt like kissing her was long overdue, from the moment she had saved my life to the moment I’d saved hers. I wasn’t trying to get even, readily willing to give my life to save this girl. And even if it felt like I’d just met her, we connected in ways I’ve never connected with anyone before.

Cai was more than a quest partner or some sidekick, and I was bent on showing her that she was more than just a baby maker, too.

The sun spirit was evil for this one. Fuck the rules. While she was more concerned about me breeding her, I wanted to make love to my light warrior, dropping her back against the bed with that passionate kiss, Cai’s lips starting to tremble in my mouth. She was getting nervous, and I got why, but back on earth, I was just some regular guy—nothing special. Having sex with a demi-god though, I could see where that may be nerve wrecking. I was determined to put her at ease, undressing myself first, flinging my gear aside before I gave her the gun show. That blush on her face was on point, Cai getting giddy behind that fist over her mouth.

“You like what you see?” I teased in a whisper.


“I don’t want you to make a big deal about me, you know? Don’t think about what the sun spirit wants, don’t think about what I am. And please, don’t think about this as me trying to breed you.”

“Okay, but Lucian, this is my… um,” she hesitated, her eyes shying away from me.

“This is your what?”

Cai sat back up on the bed, having trouble articulating her words. “This is my first time…” she shamefully admitted.

Her first time? Didn’t she say she was over two-hundred years old!

“I was raised as a light warrior. There was no room for building relationships outside of the one I was to have with my army. And even then, it was strictly professional…”

Well, to be fair, that explained a lot about her personality. All work, no play, makes for a mundane lifestyle. She was stripped of her adolescent years, built from the ground up as a soldier, or a robot. I couldn’t fathom how healthy that could have been, but it made her feel like she was under the spotlight now, expected to perform. It was my responsibility to ease her into the transition, while keeping my roughness during sex in check.

Cai was a virgin, but a step further than that. To be honest, for a girl who’d never locked lips with anyone before, she was a pretty good kisser. I wanted to make her feel comfortable during the process and think of a way to not intimidate her. Maybe we could make sex fun for the both of us?

So I gauged her comfort level with me, taking her hand over to my chest, Cai practically falling over my body from the tug. I think she was confused with my intentions, but I wouldn’t brush her off—I wanted her to have her skin against mine and see if all of that shaking would go away.

“I won’t rush you into anything you’re not ready for, Cai,” I said with a smile. “I’d feel guilty for it, so I wanted to see how comfortable you are with touching me when I’m naked first.”

She bit her lip. “You feel nice…” she complimented, running her fingertips down my chest, and through every grove of my abs. “And hard.”

Yeah, you can say that again…

“I have to ask myself though, that day when I saw you naked, how did you figure we’d fuck?”

She looked at me shocked, Cai pulling away from me quickly. “What?”

“When you’d asked me if I was there to breed you.”

She shied away again, and I felt like I might have undone something between us with that question.

So I pulled her back, Cai looking at me like I’d asked her a hard question. “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

“No, it’s okay. It’s just that, the way I understood breeding is that… there isn’t much for a woman to do in the process. We simply open ourselves for the man’s seed.”

“Heh, that’s my fault for not knowing any better! No, I’d never do that to you, Cai,” I said, cupping her chin and turning her bashful face toward me. “You’re not a baby farm. What I want to do is make love to you, and that’s completely different than Ligera’s definition of breeding.”

“I don’t know how to do that.”

“It’s okay. It’ll come naturally, because you love me, and I love you too, Cai.” She blushed. “So… maybe we can skip all of this trying to get comfortable with my body, because you’re making me fucking horny…” I confessed.

This light god caved in, the way Cai was looking at me had all the blood rushing between my legs. She looked so oblivious to what I was trying to do to her, that gullible expression on her face giving me newbie vibes. There was something extra exciting about having sex with a two-hundred year old virgin, but this was something else entirely. I was Cai’s first everything, and a part of me felt unleashed from that exciting idea.

It was my job to show her a good time, and I didn’t want to waste much more of it with groping. I’d only be teasing myself, taking Cai’s hand down my manhood, where she could feel my girth pressed up against the seams of my trousers.

“You feel that?” I groaned, leaning back a few degrees into the bed with my arm supporting me. “I want you to take it.”

Her eyes lit up, and I could hear her heartbeat pounding against her chest. Cai was nervous, but she did as she was told, with a little help. My hand helped her grab my junk and jerk it through my pants, the gentle strokes making her face beat red. I could tell she was squirming inside, and between her folded legs, she started growing with heat. The smell was something else, Cai seconds away from bringing the beast out of me.

“Good girl,” I breathed, letting her jerk me on her own now. I was falling into my own trap, being the typical alpha in bed. But I couldn’t help it, Cai was making it so easy. She went inside my closet and pulled out my biggest fetish, so trying not to lose myself in the fun was going to be super hard to do. “Take it out, Cai. It’s yours, after all…”

My voice was smooth and raunchy, Cai not questioning me one bit. Again, the girl did as she was told. She knew how to follow directions. She unbuckled my belt, and slipped that bad boy off. The look in her curious eyes—as if she were unwrapping a Christmas present. She unzipped my pants and pulled my boxers down, letting my balls sit along the rim while she unflopped my hard-on.

“Lucian…” her voice shook with a gasp.

I could tell, she was impressed.

And she was ready to show me how much she was impressed, pinning her hair behind her ear and leaning her open mouth toward my cock. My jaw dropped, Cai acting out on her own. I hadn’t told her to suck me off but she did, that first touch of her lips making my balls tight.

You are reading story The Light Prince of Ligera: An Isekai Harem Series at

Shit, Cai…” I tilted my head back when her mouth went diving. She had incredible range for a virgin, this light warrior making me lose my breath as she introduced my meat with her throat. Her head bobbed up and down, taking my girth in like a pro. Now I was impressed, grabbing her by the back of her head, my fingers interlaced with her silky ivory hair.

“That’s it. Ugh, Cai… you feel so fucking good,” I gritted, my hips gyrating to her deep wet strokes. I explored the cavity of her mouth like I was looking for gold, Cai being such a good sport about it while her soft fingers played with my balls.

I could tell I was getting her acclimated to the idea of being open with my, my light warrior already having me bust a hot nut in her mouth. It came without warning, the moment I started dropping her head faster down my meat, it was a wrap for all parties involved. I might have given her too much though, Cai pulling her head up, where I got a clear shot of the mess I’ve made on her face.

And it was fucking hot…

Cum and snot oozing down her nose, tears streaming down her cheeks, and her lips…

Did she swallow the rest of it?

I needed a second, my cock still throbbing from the finish. I gasped a hard breath, taking my meat and squeezing the rest of it out. White sauce all over her chin. What a trooper.

“Fuck, Cai… you sure you’ve never done this before?” I chuckled, then reached over to the nightstand to give her some tissues. “Here.” I wiped her face down, and her tits, my cum dripping down those perfect hills sitting in her armor.

That’s when Cai finally broke into a confident smile, looking up to me mesmerized. “That was fun,” she admitted. Her higher voice was a show and tell, the light warrior experiencing foreplay for the first time. I could tell she enjoyed me and was waiting for more, my thumb quick to slip between my hips and the rim of my pants, where I finally stripped down to my birthday suit.

“We don’t have to stop there,” I whispered. ‘We still have so much ground to cover…”

She looked at me like a full course meal, Cai not making it subtle at all as she gawked at me. Her jaw was on the floor, my light warrior appreciating her god. But I wanted to do a bit of appreciating too, bringing myself at the head of the bed, my back against the tower of pillows. “Take your clothes off for me,” I instructed, Cai crawling between my legs, positioning herself to give me a strip show.

She was slow with it, her pacing just the right speed for me to hug every curve of her body with my hungry eyes. Once she got down to her bra and panties, I reeled her in, her soft breasts smacking my chin as I leaned her over me.

I took one good sniff, that smell between her legs making my cock throb.

“You’re wet,” I growled, nibbling along her chin, craving her taste.


“Yeah, down there,” I said, slipping my fingers along the top of her panties, giving it a nice tug. I went down, taking what I wanted. My two fingers grazed along her clit, Cai immediately tightening up on me when I applied a little pressure.

“L-Lucian,” she breathed, her voice shattering. Her hand gripped my shoulder hard, while her other hand grabbed me by my wrist. She was afraid of being pleasured, and I wanted to put that fear to rest, diving between her legs further, where I struck that steamy pot of gold.

She moaned, arching her back, her legs starting to quake. I gave her a few slow strokes, her pussy juices coating my fingers nicely.

“How does that feel?” I grunted, my tight sex squeezing my fingers getting me all revved up again. If it felt that good around my two fingers, I could only imagine how great it’s feel around my hard cock.

“Lucian, please…stop,” she begged, but her hips were grinding against my two fingers. Looked like she learned the bedroom lingo rather quickly, and I didn’t break my speed, sinking into her wet box even further.

Shit, she started to convulse on me. I’d be honest, I didn’t want her having an orgasm with my fingers. Call me selfish. So I pulled out, letting her take a breath, my wrinkled fingers coming out of the entire ordeal caked with cunt juice. “Geeze, Cai,” I chuckled, then cleaned my pointer finger off with my tongue. “Mmm… what a taste.”

She cringed. “Lucian!”

“What? It’s mother nature’s secret nectar. And very tangy too, if I might add.”

“You can’t—”

“So unfair—you can taste me, but I can’t taste you? Unless, you’re jealous?” I grinned devilishly. “Why don’t you have a taste? It’s amazing.” My other hand pinched her mouth open, and I slipped my middle finger inside her lips. She was hesitant at first, but she trusted my word, suckling on her juices, the sight of her slobbering on my finger taking me for a ride. “Wow, that’s kinky,” I growled, Cai open to anything I asked her to do. And she kept at sucking on my finger too, making my face heat up.

“Okay, now you’re just teasing me,” I said, pulling out my finger, that sexy look on her face still lingering there. “I’ll take it you’re ready for me, huh? Enough with the foreplay…”

I hooked my finger in between her bra, letting those yummy tits of hers fly. They had a nice bounce to them too, Cai leaning into me, cupping my face with her sticky hands. She was hungry, I could tell behind those exotic carnal eyes of hers. She’d finally opened up to me and invited me in, and I was ready to take this exclusive invitation seriously.

Our lips went at it, Cai already moaning in my mouth. We were like a bonfire ready to explode, all of that pent up sexual frustration about to burst. Cai’s tongue wouldn’t let me breathe, and she was vigorous about it, to where her hips started to grind hard against my junk.

Sweet mercy…

That two-hundred year drought needed quenching, and I was a happy candidate for it. My hands moved down to her hips, appreciating her beautiful tight waist, down to her heart-shaped ass. I cupped those cheeks, kneading them mercilessly. Shit, Cai was getting me so hot and bothered, that I accident forgotten my strength and tore right through that flimsy underwear of hers.

“Mmm, Cai, you feel so good…” I purred, in between that break her lips allowed me. I gave her a firm slap on her ass, Cai gasping in my breath, before I took a moment to absorb that sex-drunk look in her eyes.

Hell, she was beautiful all around…

I was done waiting, ready to claim my light warrior. I drew her back a few inches, noticing Cai’s lips red from all of that hard macking out. Her chest was heaving, her hands falling behind her and against my knees, where she anchored herself.

“Come on, saddle up, Cai. Don’t be bashful,” I chuckled. “Ride me like a stallion.” I yanked the torn panties between us, my meat now leaning against her puckered pussy—what a lovely sight. What was she waiting for? “You’re not going to make me do all the work, are you? We aren’t breeding, remember?” I teased.

But Cai kept looking at it like I was intimidating her. “It’s big, Lucian.”

“It’ll fit, Cai,” I reassured her. “I promise, I won’t break you.” I winked. “Here, let me help.”

I guided her, taking her by the waist, letting her body take in my cock. Cai grabbed onto my shoulders while I adjusted, her grip on me getting tighter, and I wasn’t talking about her hands…

“Cai, you need to relax your muscles, or I’ll never get in,” I laughed.

“I’m trying…”

“Tightening up will make it worse. I’ll guide us there, just relax, and trust me.”

She took a breath in and a breath out, Cai letting her body fall loose. Once she did that, it was easier to slip through that untouched sex of hers, my head finally breathing through her walls.

“Yeah, that’s it… Just like that…” I moaned, Cai suddenly tightening her body on me again.

“Lucian, it hurts,” she begged.

“N-not for long, Cai. Don’t move, please…ugh…”

“Lucian!” she cried, Cai, dropping her chest into mine, and I swear she was trying to get me in another headlock. Her abrupt motion made me slip, Cai’s hips falling into me fast, where a loud yelp escaped her lips.

“Shit…” I rolled my eyes back, her sex choking my meat hard. “Holy virgin Mary…” This sex was sinful on all levels. I had no idea Cai could feel this fucking good…

She moaned in my ear, for every stroke, my hips clashing into her incredibly tight sex.

She was panting, bouncing along with me. There were no complaints on her end, my size ripping through her with no remorse. I had those ass cheeks playing hopscotch on my thighs, her heated pussy walls starting a fire up and down my shaft. It would only be seconds now before I busted another nut, letting Cai’s walls close in on me tight.

Not every girl could say that a god took their virginity, and not every girl could say that a light god gave them their first fucking orgasm…

Cai gave me a wall-shattering cry through my ears, her body clenching up, convulsing. I looked up at her proudly, that orgasm of hers putting a smile on my face before I gripped her down and went at it like a jackhammer.

Shit, I wanted my finish too, my cum ready to invade those walls.

Because I had promised Cai I wanted to make love to her. I’d never promised her I wouldn’t give her a cream-filling ending...

I had her taking every inch, my balls getting tight, my thighs did too. I held her in place, making sure her guts took every last drop, grunting and grinding my teeth after the best sex I’d ever had. That rush of adrenaline caught me at the base of my shaft, our juices making a sticky sex cocktail together while my cock throbbed violently inside her. I was covered with sweat once I broke through to her, shooting my kids inside the tuck of her womb.

Finally, a moment to breathe…

I showered her breasts with kisses, trying to put the visibly exhausted Cai at ease. She took a second to recompose herself as well, Cai shaking all over, the way she let go of me and collapsed on the bed a show of my stamina in bed.

It was cute, her tuckered out flesh looking even sexier glistening in sweat.

I got up on my fours, making my way to her. I straddled her body with mine, never letting go of Cai even for a second. With her hair cascaded on the bed, her chest heaving, and her eyes struggling to stay awake, I safely deduced it was time for bed, unplugging my meat from between her legs, watching the river flow from the creek.

“Lucian… that was…” she whispered, her eyes shutting on me.

“Well, I guess it’s safe to say you won’t be in for a round two?”

She snapped those eyes wide open, summoning enough strength to sit up on the bed. “What?”

“Ha, I’m just messing with you, Cai,” I teased. “I can see that you’re tuckered out.” With that, I scooped her up underneath her legs, making my way off the bed before she stopped me.

“Where are you going?” her fleeting voice asked.

“To the bathroom.” I smiled. “We can wash up together.”

“How about later?” she suggested. “In an hour. If I lay down, I’d have a higher chance of getting pregnant.”

My eyes softened on her. “Cai…”

“It’s okay, Lucian.” She smiled sweetly. “I want to have your babies. I won’t stop being a warrior. I can be both a mother and a protector of my country,” she said, combing her fingers along my face. “I’d be honored to have your child. That’s how much I care for you, Lucian.”

She fell asleep in my arms leaving me with that last remark. And while I couldn’t see myself slowing her down in her quest of protection, I could see myself being with her for the rest of my life.