Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Release of the seal

After a short while Challot and Emrissen came back with bloodied hands.

Vulcan and Irene were scared shitless and thinking what happened to Berlserion and hopping that he was still alive.

Zeldaris worried and quite scared asked” Mom did you and aunt Emrissen killed uncle Belserion?”

“Nope, but I think he wishes he is.” answered Challot with a scary grin on her face.

“I hope you didn’t go to much overboard with him.” said Irene with a helpless face.

“Now then let us get to the main point, the control of your dragon abilities which are still sealed away.” said Challot.

Meanwhile Emrissen said to Irene” Thank you again for helping us Irene, without you all of this would be impossible.”

What she means by this is that the most part of Zeldaris and Aversia´s power and abilities that came with their dragon blood were sealed away, this was necessary because of the fundamental difference in power between their two sides.

Which would lead into a struggle between these two sides where the dragon side would try to devour their human side and that would ever make them go completely insane and turn them into mindless beasts or kill them.

Which is why Challot and Emrissen had to seal their dragon powers to avoid this outcome.

But in order to seal the dragon power they needed the help of an enchanter of Irene´s level.

And even then, the sealing of their power would only be a temporary one, because the difference between their two sides would with time only grow and at some point, be so great that even the seal wouldn´t be able to hold their dragon side back.

Which is why Emrissen, Challot, Vulcan and Irene were trying to strengthen their human side through training in body, magic control and will in hope to decrees the power difference between those two sides and allowing both to gain control over their draconic powers.

Zeldaris and Aversia trained since they were 5 years old and made tremendous improvements and were now ready for the first try in controlling their powers.

“No problem, you two have done so much for me or Belserion already. Although I think he is probably cursing you now more than being thankful.” said Irene with smile.

“It is his own fault for mentioning a woman’s age and besides me and Challot need to look after our juniors.” said Emrissen jokingly.

“Besides, it is our fault that he thinks he owes you a lifelong debt. Seriously he really needs to learn not to be so anxious or serios all the time, or he will never find a wife.” said Challot feeling just a little guilty.

Belserion´s life was saved by Irene´s predecessor and because of that he swore to serve Irene and protect her with his life, as a way of paying his debt back.

And the reason for his life-threatening situation was because he angered both Challot and Emrissen and they beat him up close to the point of death and left him alone on the ground afterword’s where Irene´s predecessor found him.

Irene could only smile wryly at Challot´s comment and think about everything those two must have put Belserion through and feel pity for him.

Zeldaris and Aversia prepared themselves in the meantime and tried to relax their mind.

After preparing themselves Irene walked between the two young half dragons and laid her hands on each of their heads.

Challot, Emrissen and Vulcan looked worried at their children, the joking and loose atmosphere vanished, instantly replaced by a serious one.

“Are you ready?” asked Irene.

Both nodded and Irene used her enchant magic to loosen the seal on their dragon power for just a slight amount.

Almost instantly, they felt an enormous amount of power overflowing their bodies.

The released power did not take long to aggressively attack them.

Zeldaris and Aversia felt an immense pain running through their entire body.

“It…. is….as…. if……m…my…. entire…. body….is…. splitting….…. apart.” Aversia said through fritted teeth, and pain, only able to say one word at a time.

Zeldaris was in no better condition and did not dare to speak in fear of losing control.

Their bodies shook and sweated profusely.

You are reading story Fairy Tails Half Dragons at

Challot, Emrissen, Vulcan and Irene looked worriedly at them, ready to interfere at any given moment, if necessary.

They knew that this was necessary for both Zeldaris and Aversia, if they wanted to survive, but it did not make it any easier for them to watch them suffer like this and not be able to do anything.

Challot and Emrissen already had tears in their eyes, ready to interrupt this little experiment, but a hand stopped them.

They looked around and saw Vulcan looking at them.

“We can´t do anything at this point and interfering could do more harm than good. All we can do at this point is believing that they will pull through.” said Vulcan and shook his head.

Emrissen already knew of the emotions inside of her husbands’ heart and stayed silent

Challot wanted to retort but the second she saw Vulcans eyes she saw the same anxiety and the same worry and could not utter a word.

Irene was also very worried and was ready to seal everything away again at any time, even if it damages those two.

(It hurts, why do I need to go through this pain. It feels like I am about to be split in half. Why is this happening to me, I cannot concentrate, I can only feel pain.) thought Zeldaris.

(I can´t control this power. It is tearing through my entire body and eating me from the inside out. This pain is unbearable, and I am starting to lose myself into it. I can´t lose myself) were Alversia´s thoughts.

After 15 Minutes, both were still far from taking control over their powers and were at their limits.

Suddenly both had the same idea and when they thought about it, they suddenly laugh at how stupid they were.

The sudden laughter surprised everyone, and they thought that those two had gone insane.

Both turned their backs to each other and slightly leaned backwards, so that they touched their backs.

It would be impossible to bring their powers under control alone, but together, they had a chance.

When Challot and Emrissen saw this, it dawned on them, because since they were baby’s, they were relying on each other, never left the others side, which is why they were the perfect trainings partner for each other and why Irene gave them the nickname of twin dragons.

(This thickhead is still standing so what reason do I have to fall here. Even if the chances are a thousand to one, I will not falter, and I will beat him.)

(She did not give up and is still fighting, so tell me when she is still standing, is there any way that I will fall here and die a miserable death? NEVER, not in a thousand years will I let this happen.)

And with these thoughts did they finally had the willpower to suppress and absorb their powers bit by bit and with every bit they absorbed became it easier and easier for them.

Irene and Vulcan were stupefied at seeing Zeldaris and Aversia suppressing and gaining control over their power, they never thought they would be able to do it, because they know the best how big the difference between humans and dragons were and even with their superhuman abilities, condition and magic power it was still not enough to make the difference any better.

After that it still took them half an hour to suppress and absorb their power.

When they finally finished, took it a while for them to realize that they did it, they really did it, they got one step closer to controlling their powers.

But their extasy was short lived because their magic power was suddenly rising bigger and bigger and even manifesting outside their bodies in form of grey flames, which shot to the top of the courtyard.

Everyone was speechless when grey flames shot out of Zeldaris´s and Aversia´s bodies, the rise in magic power was expected, after all they gained control over quite the amount of power after all, but what shocked them almost to death were the grey flames.

After all they never saw or heard of grey flames, but apparently not finished in scaring them even more, was that they could suddenly hear the roar of two dragons, it was so fierce that even Challot and Emrissen, who were some of the strongest dragons on the continent were sweating in fear.

“What is this and what did we awake?” was the only question on their mind.

Even Belserion who was battered and was bleeding quiet badly could still hear the roars.

But unlike the rest he was smiling and thinking (As expected of the children of these two monsters.).

The roar and the flames which engulfed the hole courtyard vanished as fast and as suddenly as they appeared and left only the two half dragons, who fell unconsciously to the ground.