Chapter 47: Chapter 47: Two reasons to celebrate

It was now May and the usual meeting of the guild masters had just ended.

Zeldaris and Aversia had accompanied Makarov to every meeting since they joined the guild and used the free time to visit Vulcan.

Phantom Lord also started to attend the meetings again and the tension between it and the Fairy Tail guild became increasingly tense.

The escort of the representative were trying to infuriate Zeldaris and Aversia at every turn, so that they would fight against them, but the two half dragons didn´t really care about it.

That was until they started to insult the guild and the other members, which crossed the line for Aversia, Zeldaris and even Makarov and they agreed to fight the escorts.

After spending a lot of time with the guild and the mission that the two did with Erza they adopted the same manner that most members had and that was to not let anyone insult the name of the guild or its members.

It was a crushing defeat for the Phantom Lord guild, Zeldaris and Aversia didn´t even need to use their magic in any way or form and only needed their physical strength to beat the living shit out of them.

Phantom Lord then started to send stronger escorts and told them to defeat Aversia and Zeldaris at any price, but the two kept crushing them with minimal effort if you want to call it effort in the first place.

This continued until they sent both Soil and Totomaru, two members of their S-Class group the Element 4.

Both also challenged the two half dragons, and the result was quite unexpected, in the fact that it only took the two a bit longer than the other times to crush them.

Totomaru fought against Zeldaris and Soil against Aversia.

Totomaru used primarily fire magic and could control it with his mind and could use some strange forms of fire; including but not limited to fire that was cold and fire that smelled bad.

But none of it had any effect on Zeldaris and just made him confused as to why he would use this in the first place.

After seeing that his attacks had no effect whatsoever Totomaru tried to attack Zeldaris with his sword, but the sword broke the second it touched Zeldaris.

Totomaru was not able to understand why his sword shattered and continued to stare his broken sword and Zeldaris.

Zeldaris on the other hand was getting tired of this disappointment of a battle, he really had higher hopes for the famous S-Class group from Phantom lord.

So, he decided to use Totomaru as his personal punching back for the next few minutes.

As for Soil vs Aversia, Soil hid beneath the ground and used his earth magic to attack from all directions and create multiple golems at the same time.

Aversias answer to all of it was simple and brutal, everything was getting destroyed by her fists and none of the attacks were able to take more than a single blow.

Aversia tried to figure out where Soil was hiding but he had completely merged with the ground.

So, she decided that if she could not find him, then she would force him to come out and face her.

 And she did that by punching the ground.

Aversias was physically stronger than Zeldaris, just like Emrissen was physically stronger than Challot.

Her punch created a small crater and sent a shockwave through the ground.

Soil was forced to somewhat reveal himself and Aversia didn´t let this opening go to waist and rushed toward him and grabbed him by his throat and pulled him out of the earth, only to throw him into the woods.

Soil quickly flew into the forest and disappeared shortly after.

The sound of breaking wood began to ring out and a few trees began to fall.

The other guild masters and their escorts could only look in shock as two of the strongest members of Phantom Lord were defeated in such an easy manner.

Goldmine and Master Bob on the other hand were only sighing and seemed to be reminiscing about something in the past.

Zeldaris and Aversia walked back toward their guild master and stood behind him, Makarov on the other hand was smiling from ear to ear.

After that there were no more provocations from Phantom Lord, and they even decided that the guild would hence for take part in the meetings of a different region.

At the end of the meeting Makarov, Zeldaris and Aversia would immediately take the next train toward Magnolia, but this time was different, because this time they would bring some one with them.

The three walked toward the city where the person was already waiting for them.

That person was of course none other than Vulcan.

He had trained the new blacksmiths for 6 months now and was now able to finally join Fairy Tail.

Vulcan had already met Makarov, Zeldaris and Aversia introduced the guild master to their father when they had some free time at one of the meetings.

Makarov had no problems with Vulcan joining the guild and with the fact that he would continue to do his craft and would provide a place to practice his craft right behind the guild hall.

There was however a condition to it and that was that the members of the guild would receive a good discount no matter if it were something mondain like a shovel, a magical weapon or a magic item.

This was no problem for Vulcan and even got a step further and promised that every member had only to pai for the material or provide it and pay nothing further, which in turn shocked Makarov, because this would mean that Vulcan would work practically for free.

Vulcan on the other hand didn´t care one bit about it, being a blacksmith was his dream job and although he had to admit that he was a bit interested to work as a wizard, he never did his job for money and just fully enjoyed his job and the process of creating something.

He was waiting before the inn in which he, Zeldaris and Aversia had stayed when they first came to the town.

The house had already been sold and Vulcan had most of his stuff inside the space of Requip.

Zeldaris and Aversia were excited that Vulcan would finally come with them to Magnolia and join Fairy Tail.

The three of them talked through most of the ride toward Magnolia and after finally arriving at the city they walked directly to the guild hall, where they were greeted by everyone.

As always it was quite lively and chaotic.

Natsu and Gray were fighting again, Happy was of course sheering for Natsu, while happily eating a fish.

Mirajane was bringing some members the food and drinks that they ordered, as for her job as a model, she became an instant hit and became extremely popular and was now the poster girl of the guild.

Macao, Wakaba and Canna could be seen drinking.

Loke, who had been actively avoiding the two half dragons, was sitting at a table with a woman in each hand.

Levy was talking with Laki, Jet and Droy.

Elfman, Lisanna and Erza were currently not in the guild, and many believed that they were doing some jobs.

A lot of people became curios as they noticed that Makarov, Zeldaris and Aversia brought someone with them.

Aversia and Zeldaris introduced Vulcan to the other members of the guild, who were surprised that he was rather normal looking.

You are reading story Fairy Tails Half Dragons at

Of course, Natsu and Mirajane were extremely happy that Vulcan finally joined the guild, but surprisingly two other members were just as happy that Vulcan joined.

Those two were surprisingly Macao and Wakaba, the reason for this was simple, there were not many other members in the guild that were around their age group.

Most of the members were either around 20 years old or younger, mostly younger than 20 years old, and the only other members that were over 25 years old were Gildarts (44) and Reedus (26).

On the other hand, both Macao and Wakaba were over 30 years old, which was normally the age were some mages would retire from the guild, most would retire at around the time they became 40 or 50 years old.

It was common that most of the members of a mage guild would be rather young, since the live of a wizard was everything but safe, its just that Fairy Tail was right now a bit extreme, since a lot of its older members retired not long ago.

The other members started to chat with the other members, while Zeldaris and Aversia were talking with Natsu and Mirajane.

After finishing their talk with Natsu and Mirajane walked both Aversia and Zeldaris out of the guild, only a few people noticed that, including Makarov, who knew why they left the guild and started to smile.

After Vulcan had talked with most of the members did, he finally notice that Aversia and Zeldaris had disappeared, he wanted to ask if someone had seen them.

But before he could even say a word, “Listen up kids. Zeldaris and Aversia have prepared, with the help of the guild staff, prepared something for everyone. Mirajane and Natsu will lead you too it.”, said Makarov in a loud voice.

As if on commando stood Mirajane, Natsu and Happy before the entrance and told the other members to follow them.

The staff members had already begun to move out of the guild.

Confused, everyone followed Mirajane, Natsu and Happy.

Some asked the three where they were going, but Mirajane just smiled and didn´t say a single thing, while Natsu and Happy giggled the whole time.

Makarov and Vulcan were the last two people left in the guild.

“Are you not going to follow?”, asked Makarov Vulcan with a smile.

“There is no need to rush. Besides, this is perfect opportunity to talk with you alone master.”

“Oh? And what would you like to talk about?”

“Thank you for taking in Natsu and looking after him for almost six years, this means a lot for me, Zeldaris and Aversia.”, said Vulcan as he bowed toward Makarov.

“Hahaha. You don´t have to thank me. It was only by luck that I found Natsu back then and it was only natural to help him. And now he is part of this guild, part of this family and a family helps and supports one another, no matter what. The same is true for the three of you as well, you three are also part of this family.”

Vulcan didn´t know what to say and could only nod.

He remembered something that his two children had told him at one of their visits, that the guild was special not because of its strength, but because of its bonds that connected them, and he had to agree.

(AN: Yeah, I know it´s a bit cheesy)

The two continued to talk while walking toward their destination.

They walked westward and soon past Fairy Hills and continued westward.

Soon the old mansion came into view and what everyone saw surprised everyone.

Because the mansion had been completely repaired and looked like a completely new building and was decorated festively.

Multiple desks were prepared, and large quantity of foods were on top of them.

Erza, Elfman and Lisanna could be seen carrying some drinks, which they placed on some desks.

The three of them were doing the last few preparations, which is why they were not at the guild the whole day.

Zeldaris was standing behind a giant grill, cooking various kinds of meet.

The restoration had been completed for a few weeks now and Zeldaris and Aversia had started to move in furniture and was now ready for them to move in.

And since it was so near with the date that Vulcan would come with them to Magnolia, did they decide to put both together and prepare a great party.

They talked with Makarov about it, and he agreed to the idea and together with Erza, Natsu, Happy, Elfman, Lisanna and Mirajane did they plan the party.

“What are you all standing around with your mouths open, drink, eat and enjoy yourselves. There are not going to be many occasions where we will plan a party for you all.”, said Aversia, who had a great time seeing the dumbfounded looks of everyone.

“This… This is the mansion that you and Zeldaris received after your first job, right?”, asked Nab, a member who was famous for not being able to choose a job request on his own, not because he didn´t know how but because he was never able to decide which job he should pick.

None of them could believe that this was the old run-down mansion that no one wanted.

“Yep, took a lot of work and money to fix it up, but it was definitely worth it. You guys can go inside and have a look around if you want to, not all the rooms are finished but enough that me, Zeldaris and dad can confutable live in it. Also, there are a few rooms that are marked, those are absolutely off limits, and we made sure that you will regret it, if you try it, nonetheless. The same goes for the forge in the backyard. Did I make myself clear?”, the last part was said in a tone that did not allowed someone to talk back.

““Yes, mam””, said everyone at the same time.

Everyone then either started to eat and drink or decided to explore the mansion, most of them doing the latter.

Even Cana decided to explore the mansion instead of drinking.

Natsu and Happy were filling their mouths with food and were devouring it at a frightening speed.

Mirajane, Elfman, Lisanna and Erza were also exploring the mansion.

When Makarov and Vulcan finally arrived, were most members already finished with exploring the mansion and decided to celebrate.

Cana was sitting on top of one of the tables and was drinking from a giant barrel, thirty percent of the drinking budget of the guild goes down her throat.

(AN: I am not making this up, 30% of the alcohol is being consumed by her alone.)

Wakaba and Macao were sitting beside her and were also drinking quit heavily.

Gray and Erza started to barrel surf against one another, while some members tried to stop them.

The staff members enjoyed it that they could celebrate with everyone else and didn´t need to work.

Vulcan and Makarov stood at the side and just watched everyone.

(This really brings back memories.), thought Vulcan and could not help but remember the meals with everyone back then.

This might really be a second family.