Chapter 58: Chapter 58: The cursed Island

Happy first  anniversary of the story.

It didn´t take long for them to arrive at the port town Hargeon.

“Can you two locate them?” asked Erza the second they left the train station.

“Easy, all we have to do is follow Gray´s scent. I don´t believe that they would just leave him behind.” Answered Aversia.

“And even if they did, we could follow their sent from there.” continued Zeldaris.

“Good. Then let us go.”

Zeldaris and Aversia followed the scent of Gray, it led them to the docks, where all kinds of boats and ships could be seen.

The trail ended at an empty small dock and Gray was nowhere to be seen.

“Looks like they found a boat to the island after all and took Gray with them.”

“So, what now Erza? Do we look for a ship?”

“We get ourselves a ship.” Said Erza as she turned around and walked to the nearest ship.

“You don´t think she is going to…”

“Yep. Let´s just say that the captain of that ship is about to have a tough time.”

The ship was a small frigate, and its crew were moving hastily to finish the final preparations, before setting sail.

A middle-aged fat man, who tried to look like a pirate stood before the ship shouting commands while also berating the crew when they made mistakes or were not fast enough.

None of them noticed Erza as she approached, they were either to focused on their tasks or were too afraid of the captains endless berates of the captain.

“Can you bring us to Garuna Island?”

“Garuna Island? What is wrong today, this is now the second time that I heard that accursed name. Now listen here you little land rat, there is no way in hell that we will get even close to that god forsaken island. Now leave us alone, we have to make our ship ready.”

Not liking the answer, Erza started to beat the captain and the crew up in a matter of seconds.

None of them were even able to land a single hit or take one of Erza´s fists.

Zeldaris and Aversia could only sigh as they watched all of it, this was by far not the first time this happened.

Erza had the habit of punching anyone that was not fast enough to answer her or didn´t answer her at all.

Erza was now asking the terrified and shaking captain again, although this time it didn´t sound like a request at all.

This time the captain readily agreed.

Not long after the crew woke up and continued their work, but all of them became extremely respectful toward Erza.

Zeldaris and Aversia could only watch dumbfoundedly as the crew started to call her stuff like big sister.

 “We stumbled into a weird bunch, didn´t we?”

“Ave, did you expect anything else?”

Aversia didn´t answer to that and instead continued to watch.

However, there were some bad news and that was that the crew would need a full day to make the ship ready.

And Erza was not happy about it and was about to look for another ship.

Luckily Zeldaris told her that all other ships were also trying to get ready and that this was still the quickest way for them.

Of course, this was a lie and normally Erza would be able to see through it, but she was currently to focused on bringing Natsu, Happy, Lucy and Gray back.

Zeldaris didn´t want to lie toward Erza, but if she made a bigger ruckus by beating up the other ship crews, then the militia would get involved and they had already enough trouble as it was.

However. there was also another reason and that was, that he thought that Erza would cool of a bit while waiting for the ship to get ready.

So, they decided to get a room in a nearby inn and have some fun in the city, except Erza who stayed behind to look after the ship.

The two half dragons tried to have a bit of fun in the city, but they just couldn´t help themselves in making more strategies on how to make Erza relax a bit, but none of the ideas had a high chance of succeeding.

“I don´t like Erza the way she is right now. Granted, she can be strict and also bossy, but that´s just how she is. But right now, it doesn´t feel like Erza.” said Aversia while drinking a hot chocolate.

The two were at a café taking a break and enjoying a good cup of hot chocolate.

“To be fair, she is extremely angry at the moment, and I can understand why. They have, in a way betrayed the trust that the guild, every member and gramps had put into them. I think that Natsu understands this to a certain point, but he probably thinks that he will be forgiven if he can finish the job.”

“Our little brother sure is a hand full. Same was true for Gajeel. *sigh* Should we really continue like this, I mean we know that he is with Phantom Lord and all, but he is still our brother. Should we at least not try to contact him, at least once?”

“We should, we really should. But I am afraid to see what he has become; you know the rumors and stories.”

“I still can´t fully believe them. Gajeel was always ruff, which is partly thanks to being raised by Metalicana.”

Both didn´t continued to speak after that and were quiet for the rest of the day.

The next day at early afternoon was the ship finally ready to set sails and travel to the island

It was estimated that they would arrive at the island late at night.

Zeldaris and Aversia passed the time by playing cards with the crew or reading books, but Erza didn´t move from her spot, she continued to stay there like an immovable statue that would only move when they arrive at their target.

It soon became dark and Zeldaris made lunch for everyone.

And again, Erza did not move from her spot.

“You should eat something Erza, we are almost there, and you will need your strength.” said Zeldaris as he gave her a plate with food.

“Thanks. Your skills are as impressive as always.”

“Save the compliments for after you actually ate it.”

Erza laughed a little and begun to eat.

Zeldaris smiled a little, finally Erza was acting more like normal again.

He turned around to look at the see and noticed something.

“Erza? I think we have arrived at our destination, and I really do not like the look of it. Ave come over here for a second!” said Zeldaris

Erza stopped eating, looked at the horizon, and became silent.

Aversia rushed toward the front of the ship and froze.

“What the hell is that?” yelled Aversia, because not too far away was a normal looking island with a gigantic purple dome hovering over it.

“It´s the curse of the island I tell you lads. We need to turn around before we ourselves will be cursed.

 None of them paid any attention to the captain.

“What is your opinion?” asked Erza the two half dragons.

“It’s practically made out of magical power and magical power is flowing upward from a point on the island. It seems to crystalize as soon as it hits a certain height and as far as I can tell it is not harmful for us as long as we don´t stay to long.”

“Or we can just destroy it. Although it may sound tough, it is not really that hard and even Natsu should have nor problem in destroying it if he would be able to reach it.”

“Leave it, we are only here to punish and bring back those three idiots. Captain, you, and your crew will stay here with the ship and wait for us. If we do not return in three days, then you have my permission to leave the area.”

Captain could only nod at Erza´s commands, happy that he didn´t had to get any closer to that island and that those three would leave his ship.

Erza walked a few steps back, before running toward the railing and jumping over it.

Not being out done Zeldaris and Aversia were right behind them, they stored their hoodies and shirts in the space of their Requip magic, leaving their upper bodies bare, except Aversia who still had her dark red bikini top on.

The two also jumped over the railing and summoned their wings and tails before grabbing Erza and flying upward.

The captain and the crew could only watch dumbfoundedly as the three flew toward the island.

The three flew with high speed toward the island and in no time at all were flying over it.

Zeldaris and Aversia were searching for any signs of their friends and it didn´t take long to find one of them, Lucy.

She was on the beach and running away from a giant stone golem and for some reason that stone golems head had a hole in which a person was sitting in.

It was a young woman with long pink hair that was in pig tails and wore a short black and pink spaghetti dress with light pink trimmings and appeared to have two long and thin wings on the back.

 She also wore fitting long gloves, black leggings, and high heeled sandals.

The woman was laughing loudly and only paused to taunt and ridicule Lucy.


“I see it. Throw me!!!”

Not wasting any time by answering both half dragons threw Erza toward the golem and the woman.


Lucy was desperately trying to reach the ocean, she had regrets coming to this crazy island, but it was way to late for that and regrets would not help her.

She had to defeat that crazy girl that kept talking about love but would kill an entire village in the same breath.

Worse was that none of her spirits could destroy that stone doll of hers and even if they could, they would just be taken over by her magic.

Her magic was puppet magic, she could make any nonorganic thing into her puppet, or create some out of them and for some god damn reason that included plants and her celestial spirits.

She also couldn´t hope that someone would come and save her, Natsu was busy fighting with hi own fight and Gray was still unconscious from fighting the leader of this group, who happened to be the senior apprentice of his teacher Ur, who taught them Ice Maker magic.

But all of that didn´t matter because she had a plan and that involved getting into the ocean so that she could summon Aquarius.

And even if that crazy girl called Sherry would control Aquarius, Aquarius wash both of them away.

Only a few more meters.

But she suddenly noticed that something was flying toward them with high speed.

Her brain didn´t even had the time to react as Erza cut through the stone doll with a single swing of her sword.

Erza continued to fly for a few more meters before ramming her sword into the ground to stop.

The stone stood still for a moment before it begun to fall apart, with Cherry falling down, not understanding what just happened.

“Erza!!!” yelled Lucy in surprise and delight.

But the celebration had to be put on hold because Cherry was starting to get back on her feet, although with much difficulty.

“Why you, I won’t betray the trust that Lord Lion gave me. [Sand Doll]”

The sand begun shift and formed a form that was not too much different from the stone doll.

You are reading story Fairy Tails Half Dragons at

Lucy begun to panic and tried to get to the water, trying to summon Aquarius.

Erza however didn´t even looked at the sand doll and looked instead at Cherry, a smile on her face.

“What are you smiling about? You are going to die! I will… Wait what is that sound?”

The sound of leathery wings flapping in the wind could be heard as two silhouettes came closer and closer.

“[Chaos Dragon´s…”

Hearing this voice and these words, every alarm clock was going off in Lucy´s head and she tried to get as much distance between her and that sand doll as possible.


Zeldaris appeared out of nowhere from the sky and stuck the ground around the sand doll.

Before anyone could process that he actually didn´t hit the sand doll erupted the ground into a gigantic fire pillar that swallowed not only the doll but also the surrounding area.

Cherry and Lucy were sent flying by the shockwave from the ground erupting.

Cherry was knocked out, while Lucy was caught by Aversia, Erza on the other hand was holding onto her sword, that was still in the ground.

The fire pillar lasted for a few seconds before slowly getting smaller and smaller before disappearing completely.

What it revealed was the molten area, as for the doll it had also molten down and Zeldaris was not hurt or burnt at all.

“Thanks guys, although I had a plan to deal with her, I really owe you guys.” Said Lucy shortly after Aversia let her down on the ground.

“Don´t celebrate to soon.” said Zeldaris.

And as if prove him right a giant light blue rat, that for some reason was wearing maid clothes.

“Why is it wearing maid clothes?” asked Aversia in confusion, Zeldaris nodding at her words.


“Since you two had your fun, I will take care of it.”
“Be my guest.”

“I already know the perfect way to deal with it. After all what way it better to take care of rat than with a snake. [Open gate of the snake charmer: Ophiuchus]”

Lucy looked on in shock as Aversia pulled out a golden key that was wrapped around by a black snake.

A gigantic black metallic snake appeared out of the ground and caught the surprised rat with its mouth.

The rat tried franticly and desperately to escape but was not able to make Ophiuchus jaw move a millimeter. (AN: I mean it is trying to escape from a giant cyborg snake powered by a half dragon, what do you expect)

“You can do with it as you please Ophiuchus.” Said Aversia.

Ophiuchus swung her head around before opening her mouth and throwing the rat into the jungle.

“Thanks Ophiuchus, we will summon you again later.”

The giant snake disappeared, and everyone’s attention got on Lucy, who know realized that all three of them had been sent to bring them back.

Lucy was scared to death, especially thanks to the death stare that Erza gave her.

“You know why we are here, don´t you?”

“To bring us back, right?” answered Lucy with a fearful voice.

“Lucy, thank god you are safe.” Said Happy as he came flying toward them.

He wanted to ask her more when he finally noticed Zeldaris, Erza and Aversia.

Happy stand still in the air for a second before turning around and desperately trying to get away, but Zeldaris was faster.

“Hello there, Happy, where is that idiot of a little brother?” asked Zeldaris as he held Happy by his tail.

Happy didn´t want to talk, but that didn´t matter, they would find that idiot sooner or later.

They wrapped Happy with some ropes, so that he won´t try to flee.

Meanwhile, Lucy brought all of her courage together and said,” Listen, I apologize for taking this request illegally and coming here, but the people of this island are in grave danger. Some strange people want to revive a frozen demon, a demon from the book of Zeref, and villagers are tortured by their magic. There is a lot of tings that are happening and we… we want to help them.”

“I am not interested.” said Erza with an ice-cold voice, shocking Lucy greatly.

“Then at least let us finish this job to the …” yelled Lucy but was interrupted by the sword that Erza pointed at her throat, only a few centimeters away from it.

“Job? No. Lucy, you guys betrayed the master and the guild, don´t think that you will get away with it just like that."

Aversia and Zeldaris sighed in defeat, normally such a dedication and determination were admirable, and Erza would praise anyone for it, but it was the wrong time, the wrong place, and the absolute worst situation.

“Now then, where are Natsu and Gray?!”

“They… They should be with the villagers, as to where they are? I don´t know the village was destroyed, thankfully no one was hurt, and they should have evacuated by now. Gray should still be unconcise from the fight with the leader of those people and Natsu was fighting someone when I left.”

“Meaning that the villagers took Gray with them to safety and Natsu is either with them or is attacking your aggressors. Personally, I think that the latter is more likely.”
Erza agreed with Zeldaris estimation.

“As for locating the villagers, that should be no problem for us.” Added Aversia.

“Good, then let´s go to the villagers there and have a little talk with Gray.” Said Erza.

Erza tied Lucy up as well and begun to search for the villagers.

Which was quite easy thanks to the two half dragon’s senses.

The villagers were at a place not too far away from the village and was used as a storage area before.

They were now working on tents but stopped when they noticed the group.

Zeldaris and Aversia looked at the villagers with great curiosity, because all of them looked like demons from old fairy tales and every single one of them were unique in their look, meaning that there was no one that looked similar to someone else.

Lucy had told them on the way that the villagers had been cursed and transformed into these demons, but now that they were able to see them, they couldn´t feel anything from weird from them.

Granted, they had not much experience with demons and curses but as far as they were concerned these people were not humans but demons from the very beginning.

Erza on the other hand was not interested in the least.

A male demon with red skin, black fur on his stomach, lower back and from the hands up to his elbow with bull like horns run up to them and greeted them.

He informed them that the chief was grieving over the destruction of his son´s grave and would not be able to talk with them for some time.

Lucy looked down while clutching her hands, she regretted the fact that they were not able to safe the village and the grave of the chief´s son, which the chief had been protecting up to the bitter end and had to be forcefully brought with them.

The village was destroyed by a that girl cherry, that giant rat and their comrades.

They had poured an enormous amount of corrosive jelly on top the village, the rat was able to fly by moving it´s tail around like a helicopter and poured down with a giant bucket.

It was so much that it could have destroyed the village, the people, and the surrounding area to the point that nothing would have remained.

Luckily, Natsu was able to scatter the jelly to the point that the villagers were able evacuate.

But she was forced out of her thoughts by a question from the demon, who had continued to talk with Zeldaris and Aversia.

“Well, this is the first time that I have met someone that wasn´t afraid of us when they saw us in this cursed form.”

“We have lived with actual dragons and have seen a lot in our lives, so seeing something like this is nothing new and besides…” said Zeldaris but stopped mid-sentence and gave Aversia a signal.

Zeldaris and Aversia transformed into their true form, stunning the villager and the surrounding people as well.

“We are not too much different from you and no we are not cursed.” Said Aversia, the last part a bit annoyed because she knew that this question would have been the next thing he would have asked, his eyes were telling here that much.

The villager brought them to one of the largest tents, it was filled with boxes and firewood, but had still enough room for everyone.

Erza sat down on a chair crossed her legs and closed her eyes.

Lucy and Happy sat beside her on a carpet.

Zeldaris and Aversia stood beside the entrance and started their questioning of what happened.

This continued through the rest of the night and until late morning.

Not long after they finished Gray woke up and was brought inside the tent by one of the villagers, who at this point looked like a normal human being except for one part that still looked like that of a demon.

That was true for every single one of them and it was a different part for each one of them, for some it was an arm, for others a leg and others still had their horn or tails.

As for Gray his abdomen and left shoulder were bandaged with minor wounds here and there.

“Erza!!” was the first thing he said in shock as he saw Erza waiting for him.

Gray´s first thought was to run away, even though he knew that it was pointless, but two hands that were grabbing his shoulders made him unable to move.

“Hello there, Gray. Long time no see, looks like you have been mixed up in some complicated things.” Said Aversia in a sarcastic tone.

Gray tensed up the moment he heard that, “Aversia, that means that the other person is Zeldaris.”

“Yup and you can spare your words Lucy just told us everything.”

“I am honestly lost for words Gray.”

“Where is Natsu? Is he not here?”

“That is what we want to know as well, although Zeldaris and Aversia already suspected that he would not be here. But finding him will not be too much of a problem.” Said Erza in an icy tone and looked at Zeldaris and Aversia at the last part, who in turn nodded.

“Then you found this place through them?”
“Please, don´t underestimate our noses, although not as good as Natsu´s, we still can find anything and everything with it.”

“As soon as we found him, we are going back to the guild.”

“What are you talking about, Erza? If you heard our story, then you should know what is happening here right?”

“I don´t care. The only reason we are here is to bring back those that have broken the rules.”

These words shocked Gray to the core, and he looked at Lucy and Happy for confirmation, but they just shook their heads.

“You saw the appearance of the villagers, right? And now you are telling us to just leave like that and abandon them?” argued Gray, slowly getting angry.

“This request has been made to all guilds. Don´t you think that a group that actually is qualified for this and accepted the request legally should handle this.”

“Gray, I can understand why you want to help them, after all you know that Leon guy pretty well and you have apparently history with Deliora, and you and Natsu are not to far from S-class mages, but you two are still not on that level and have accepted this request without permission.” reasoned Zeldaris, trying to add an explanation to Erza´s statement.

Gray gnashed hi teeth together in anger and said, “I am disappointed in you Erza!”

“What!!!” Erza of course didn´t take this kindly and summoned a sword into her hand and pointed the tip at Gray´s throat, just like at Lucy before.

“Are you going to break the rules of the guild as well? You won´t get away unharmed!!!”

Without even missing a beat, Gray grabbed the blade so hard that blood started to flow through his fingers.

“Do whatever you want!!! This is what I chose!!! I just got to do what I have to do!!!”