Chapter 65: Chapter 65: Battle inside the robot

Turning back a little in time, Lucy tried desperately to convince Mirajane to let her fight as well.

However, Mirajane would not let her.

“Please, Mira! I know that Phantom is only using my father’s request as an excuse to attack us, but I still feel responsible. So, please, let me at least fight by their side!”

“Lucy, believe me, I can understand your feelings. However, their main goal, even if it is only an excuse, is still you.”

“But… But…”

“I know that it is difficult to just watch at the side and not be able to do anything. It is the worst feeling. But we can help them in other ways and the best way for you to help them is to get to safety, Lucy.” said Mirajane, while clenching her fists.

“I… I understand what you mean, but I can´t just leave like this.”

Mirajane sighed and held her hand before Lucy´s face.

“I am sorry, Lucy”

“Mira?” said Lucy in surprise before lights came out of Mirajane`s hand and a sudden feeling of sleepiness came over Lucy and a second later she fell asleep.

Mirajane caught Lucy, before she could fall on the ground.

“Reedus. Bring Lucy to the hideout and look after her.” said Mirajane with urgency in her voice.

Reedus quickly drew a wagon and a large boar, to pull the wagon.

Mirajane gently laid Lucy into the wagon and Reedus drove off toward the hideout.

This so-called hideout was one of the large warehouses at the edge of the city.

Mirajane watched as the wagon drove away and activated her transformation magic and her body was enveloped in light.

A second later the light disappeared and Mirajane transformed into Lucy, only her body, her clothes are still the same.

‘I have lost my ability to fight, however I can still help them through a different way.’

Mirajane went back inside the guild building and then toward the others.

She exited the guild building as the headquarters of Phantom Lord transformed into the giant robot and started to create it´s magic seal.

“This is the seal fore Abys Break! Have they gone completely insane now, with this they would destroy not only us but also the majority of Magnolia!” cried Mirajane out in horror!

However, Ophiuchus was shortly after summoned by Aversia and the giant snake wrapped itself around the robot, stopping all of its movements.

Shortly after Zeldaris and Aversia flew toward the robot.

“Everyone, we need to hold these phantoms back until Zeldaris and Aversia have taken care of Jose!” yelled Cana to motivate everyone.

The battle against the phantoms was going rather well, partly thanks to the reduced numbers.

However, it was only a matter of time until the number of the phantoms were back at the original number.

It was also only a matter of time until Cana and the others would begin to get tired.

Meanwhile Ophiuchus tightened her grip around the robot and readied her breath attack, trying to destroy the robot in one attack.

But Phantom Lord still had hidden cards and a giant shockwave erupted from the surface of the robot, sending Ophiuchus crashing into the lake and disappearing back into celestial realm.

“OPHIUCHUS!” yelled both Mirajane and Cana in shock.

The robot continued with its magic seal.

“How long do you think we have until it is finished?” asked Cana Mirajane.

“I would say around 15 minutes. Hopefully, the people inside can stop the completion of the seal.” said Mirajane with a grim face.

“As far as I know, 7 or 8 from us are inside the robot. Natsu, Gray, Elfman, Lisanna, Zeldaris and Aversia are certain. Vulcan and Erza have suddenly disappeared, and I am certain that both of them are also inside it.”

“Elfman and Lisanna are inside the robot?! Why? Both of them can´t fight! Cana, you know that!” yelled Mirajane in shock.

“All three of you are still hurt, but Elfman and Lisanna have been trying to move forward. They have been training with Zeldaris and Aversia, they can fight for themselves.”

Mirajane closed her eyes for a moment, before stepping forward with eyes filled with determination and spreading her arms while shouting,” I AM THE ONE YOU ARE AFTER, RIGHT?! WELL, HERE I AM! COME AND GET ME BUT LEAVE THE OTHERS ALONE!”

“Disappear, little imposter. We knew from the start that Lucy would not be here. There is no way that the targeted person would be on the front lines.” said Jose with an ice-cold voice that made everyone that heard it shiver.

Mirajane could only stare in disbelieve, her spell lost its effect and Mirajane transformed back.

Her courage and determination shattered into a million pieces.

Tears filled her eyes as she felt completely and utterly helpless.

‘I am completely useless.’ Was the only thing that she was able to think.

But things were bound to get worse, because a magic circle appeared right beneath Mirajane and neither Mirajane nor Cana were able to react fast enough.

Mirajane was sucked into the magic circle and reappeared in the free hand of the giant robot.

“MIRA!” yelled Cana.

Mirajane cried out in pane as her body was stuck between the fingers of the giant robot.

“Attempting to deceive us. A foolish thing to try, I will crush your body, this will be your punishment. Now then, time to take care of your little friends and crush them as well.” said Jose.

‘Everyone please, stop that thing and safe Mirajane.’ thought Cana while continue fighting against the phantoms.

Meanwhile inside the control center of the giant robot Jose was standing before the window and looked down toward the ongoing fight between his phantoms and the other members of Fairy Tail.

Jose was no longer in his usual uniform but was now wearing his formal uniform as a member of the ten saints.

“Master Jose, after the use of Abyss Break, we won´t have enough energy for any of our weapons anymore.” said one of the members that were piloting this giant robot.

“I don´t care, after Abyss Break, there won´t be any more anymore to oppose us. Aria, you, and the other members of Element 4 will kill every intruder, while I take care of these two half dragons myself. And don´t you dare disappoint me again.” said Jose angrily at seemingly no one.

“As you wish mast Jose, we won´t disappoint you again.” said a voice, seemingly coming out of nowhere.

After hearing the reply, Jose walked out of the control center.

Meanwhile on the right shoulder of the robot stood Juvia.

Juvia was still trembling from the punishment she and Sol had received from Jose, who was furious at their failure to capture Lucy and at the fact that their opponent showed the two mercy and teleported the two out of the city. (AN: What? You really thought that Vulcan would destroy them, oh please, he doesn´t enjoy spilling blood and will only do it when it is necessary, which it wasn´t.)

But this time she won´t fail, this time she will succeed in her task and regain the trust of her guild master.

Juvia turned around as she heard footsteps.

And the second she lay her eyes on her opponent, her heart begun to beat faster and louder like never before.

‘Why… Why is Juvia´s heart beating like this. Is this the effect of his magic?’ thought Juvia while trying to calm her heart down.

Her opponent, Gray on the other hand had no idea, what was in store for him, neither for the fight or his future. (AN: This fight will mostly be the same, so, yeah, I am not writing it.)

 On the opposite side of the robot, Elfman was quickly running through the corridor, trying to find the control center.

However, he had to stop because Sol came out of the ground behind him, his lower half still merged with the ground.

“Salut. My name is Sol of Element 4, but you may call me monsieur Sol.” Sol said while completely getting out of the ground and doing his weird bow.

“You come at the right time; you probably know how to stop this giant thing.” said Elfman while taking of his hooligan jacket, which had the kanji for ‘The greatest` on them. (AN: Ok, why does Elfman have so many Japanese stilled outfits, especially those after a school uniform and the one like those fictional hooligans, his current outfit.)

“[Beast Arm: Black Bull]”

Elfman´s right arm transformed into that of a giant black beast with prominent muscles.

“Oh? Are you sure that you will be fine with only one arm? It seems that the rumors were accurate. You can´t perform a full body take over.” Sol said while still in his pose.

“Don´t you ever shut up!” yelled Elfman while trying to punch Sol.

But Sol dodged by simply jumping.

“I do believe that there was a little incident that almost costed your little siters life.” Sol said with a smug smile.

“[Sable Dance]” (AN: Sable = Sand)

A whirl of sand covered Elfman and made him lose sight of Sol.

“Damn, where did he go.”

Sol was still in the air spinning around himself.

As he landed, he took another pose and used another of his spells.

“[Roche Concerto]” (AN: Roche = Rock)

You are reading story Fairy Tails Half Dragons at

Sending multiple large rocks flying toward Elfman, sending him flying and crashing into a nearby wall.

A giant hole was smashed into the wall and Elfman lied with his head out of the hole.

It took Elfman a second to regain his senses and saw the outside and the left arm of the giant robot and Mirajane.

“MIRA!” yelled Elfman as he stood, scared for his sisters live.

“Elf… Elfman… run…” said Mirajane barley through the pain, she would not be able to withstand the pressure on her body for a long time.

“My, my, so this is your elder sister. In other words, this woman is the famous lady Mirajane, who was once feared as the ‘Devil’? My, my… It seems her magic power has become quite weak in the last two years, what a shame. I am afraid that she is currently being punished for trying to deceive us. She should be smashed apart any moment now…” Sol said with a nonchalant voice and doing his weird pose again.

“Let my sister go!” yelled Elfman as he faced Sol again.

“No… Elf… Elfman… don´t… run away…”

“Now, now, don´t be so hasty. Don´t you care about the well being of your younger sister.” Sol said while pulling an unconscious Lisanna out of the wall.

“LISANNA!” yelled both Mirajane and Elfman the second they saw their younger sister.


“Oh, nothing much. I found her by chance as she was easily dealing with some of our members. However, she didn´t pay too much attention for her surroundings, so I easily got behind her and made her unconscious.” Sol said while touching Lisanna´s face with one hand and swirled his mustache with the other.

“LET GO OF HER! [BEAST ARM: IRON BULL]” yelled Elfman as he rushed toward Sol.

Elfman´s right arm transformed again, this time into one that was composed out of metal and looked like a gauntlet.

This time Sol didn´t dodge but wrapped his body around Elfman´s right arm.

Elfman tried to get Sol of his arm but was not able to pull him off.

Sol´s head appeared before Elfman´s face and said, “Salut.”

“Ugh… Disgusting.”

“Non, non, non. That is nonsense with three nons.”

Elfman continued to struggle, “Why won´t you get off of me, you slimy bastard.”

“That is monsieur to you.” Sol said and his body got off from Elfman´s arm and turned back to normal and was now right before Elfman.

Sol than kicked Elfman into the face, sending him flying once again.

“Before you stand up again and try to attack me again, you should listen to what I have to tell you. But first.”

Sol snapped his finger after saying that and Lisanna begun to wake up and a few seconds later her eyes slowly opened.

“Huh? Where… Where am I? The last thing that I remember was that I was fighting some members of Phantom Lord and then… WAIT IS THAT? BIS SIS MIRA!”

Lisanna tried to stand up and walk toward the hole, but the earth behind and beneath Lisanna moved and caught her arms and legs, making her unable to move.


Both Elfman and Mirajane yelled.

“BIG BRO ELF?!” yelled Lisanna as she noticed Elfman.

“Now, that the family reunion is over. I have heard that you call yourself a man, as a gentleman myself I wanted to evaluate that myself. You will stand there, where both of your sisters can clearly see you. I will than use my most powerful move and if you take it without moving or using your magic, I will let both of your sisters go free, if not I will skewer your little sister right before your eyes and make you watch as your elder one is smashed to pieces.” Sol said with a sinister look on his face.

Elfman became pale like a ghost and slowly got up, canceling his magic, and turning his arm back to normal.

“ELFAMN, DON`T. I DON`T CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO ME, JUST LET THOSE TWO GO. PLEASE!” yelled Mirajane with tears rolling down her face.

“Big bro Elf, don´t worry about me. None of this is your fault, so please, safe big sister Mira and get out of here.” Lisanna said toward Elfman, tears also rolling down her face.

Elfman could only look between his sisters, he wanted to save both of them, but he didn´t know how.

But, if it meant to die, to safe them, then he would do it gladly, after all he should have died two years ago.

“You will keep your word, Sol?”

“I give you my word as a gentleman.”

“No, big bro Elf, don´t.”


Elfman took one long breath before saying,” Good, then you have a deal.”

Sol smiled and held his right arm out while holding it with his left.

“Good, then let´s see how much of a man you really are. [Plâtre Sonata]!!!” (AN: Plâtre = Plaster)

A giant stone fist was fired from Sol´s right hand and was flying with high speed toward Elfman.


Time stopped for Elfman as he looked at the crying faces of his sisters.

Images from two years ago popped up inside his head.

‘I swore to myself that I would never see their tears again, that I would become someone strong so that I could protect my sisters.’

Suddenly another memory popped up in his head, it was late afternoon, and the sun was setting down.

Elfman was sitting on the ground heavily breathing from the training that he just did with Zeldaris.

Zeldaris looked at him and asked him three questions.

What does it mean to be strong? What does it mean to be a man? And what does it mean to you?

It took Elfman a long time until he reached the same answer for all three of them, TO PROTECT HIS FAMILY.

And he was reminded of that again, something broke inside of him and power rushed through his entire body.

Something similar was happening to Mirajane as well.

The images of two years ago were tormenting her again, she almost lost Lisanna because of her weakness, would she now lose Elfman because of her weakness again.

She had been stuck in the past for the last two years, while Lisanna and Elfman tried to leave the past and steep forward to the future.

How? How did they had the strength to step forward.

She remembered the stories that Zeldaris and Aversia told her about their past, the memories of her time as the Devil and the smiling faces of Elfman and Lisanna.

‘NO. Not again, I will not let myself be chained down by my past, by my weakness any longer!’

Her magic power welled inside of her again and this time it broke through.

As both Elfman and Mirajane were enveloped by their magic power, all of the members that were fighting against the phantoms looked up.

Zeldaris and Aversia, who were almost at the control center felt, stopped for a moment, and looked in the direction of the magic power.

“Do you feel that?” asked Aversia.

“I do. They finally did it. They finally took the step forward.” Zeldaris said, while he and Aversia smiled.


The giant stone fist smashed into Elfman, but instead of blasting Elfman away, the giant stone fist broke into pieces without hurting Elfman in any visible way.

Before Sol could even react, the sound of breaking and twisting metal could be herd and Sol was sent flying through a strong blow to the head.

Sol crashed through multiple walls, before being send flying back by another strong attack, this time a kick.

And as he reached the original corridor again, a giant fist slammed him into the ground.

After a few moments and spying out some blood he managed to stand up and look at what hit him and the second he saw who it was, his face went paler than a ghost and he lost all strength in his body.

Because before him stood a verry furious Beast, to be more accurate, the Beast.

Elfman had performed a full body Take Over and transformed into the Beast.

But wasn´t the greatest threat to him, although the Beast alone was already enough to kill him with ease.

The real threat stood behind him.

Behind him stood the person that once was feared as the Devil, the person that was once equal to Erza Scarlet and one of the strongest members of Fairy Tail.

Mirajane the Devil in her basic Satan Soul form was standing behind Sol and she was furious like never before.