Chapter 82: Chapter 82: Dragon Dance

Finally a normal chapter.


Jellal sneered after he heard Zeldaris´s words.

“I am one of the ten saints, one of the strongest mages on the continent, why would I fear your spell?”

Zeldaris sighed and didn´t even bother to answer, he just continued to watch as his giant flaming dragon rose into the sky, toward Jellal while its speed increased with every second.

Jellal´s eyes widened in shock as he felt the magic power that this dragon was radiating and instinctively tried to dodge the dragon.

And he was able to dodge it, but quickly realized that it wasn´t as easy as he thought, because the dragon was changing its course, toward Jellal.

Just like its predecessor, ‘Hunting Dragon’ could ‘Rising Dragon’ chase after its targets.

The giant flying dragon opened its mouth, as if to devour Jellal.

Jellal increased his speed to the maximum, trying to give him room to plan his next moves and giving him more space to act.

And at first, Jellal was able to drastically increase the distance between himself and the dragon, but not even 10 seconds later, the rate at which the distance was increasing was getting slower and slower.

Jellal could feel something pulling at his body, trying to pull him backwards toward the gaping mouth of the dragon.

The dragon was sucking in massive amounts of air into its mouth, to the point that even Jellal was being affected by it.

“Did I forgot to tell you that this improved version as a few special tricks? No? Oh well, too bad for you.” Zeldaris said with a smirk.

Suddenly the dragon roared, and multiple fire balls came flying out of its body.

These fire balls transformed into miniature dragons, which were only as big as a hand.

They looked like normal dragons but had a long, spear like horn on their head, which grew forward.

These small dragons flew with extreme speed toward Jellal.

Jellal on the other hand was drawing a star constellation into the air, the constellation was made out of seven stars.

“Let´s see what your spell is made off. Be judged by the seven stars! [Grand Chariot]”

The seven stars shot toward the flaming dragon, as for the mini dragons, they evaded the stars with ease.

The body of the giant flaming dragon was penetrated by all seven stars and the body of the dragon begun to lose its form.

Zeldaris and Aversia looked at this sighed with curiosity and Aversia took out a pen and paper from god knows where and took some notes.

“Well, credit where credit is due. It was quite brilliant to attack the form of the spell and not clash with it in a contest of strength. I never thought that someone would try something like that, but it seems that I was naïve. But you are underestimating the way that Ave and I can control and manipulate our flames, Jellal. [Dragon Dance]”

The entire body of the collapsing flaming dragon started to separate itself into multiple small fire balls.

And every single one of these hundreds, if not thousands of balls transformed into the miniature dragons, who then flew toward Jellal.

But Jellal didn´t had the time to deal with the approaching wave, because he had to deal with the mini dragons that the flaming dragon had produced had reached Jellal and were now trying to ram their spear like horns into his body.

One of them had actually managed to do that and shortly after exploded, causing heavy burns to Jellal´s right leg.

To get rid of these little pests, Jellal was firing single stars toward them.

When the mini dragons were hit by the stars they would explode instantly, but there were quite a few that managed to dodge them, leaving less then a third of them left.

Jellal was angry and frustrated, his plans were so close to be completed, the resurrection of Zeref was so close and all of it was falling apart now.

And all of that was because of these two half dragons.

Jellal crossed his arms aboth his head.

“I WILL MAKE YOU PAY! [Altairis]”

A small black orb appeared aboth Jellal´s hands and begun to suck in everything in its vicinity, including a few mini dragons, who desperately tried to escape.

The sphere slowly grew and with it pulled more into it, pulling also the other mini dragons into it.

And it was around that moment that Jellal finally noticed the massive army of mini dragons that were about to reach him.

But instead of panicking, he started to laugh like a mad man.


Jellal threw the black sphere toward the incoming mini dragons and even as the sphere had traveled only a short distance, it begun to suck and swallow mini dragons into itself.

Zeldaris was estimating that almost all of them would be swallowed and decided to end this here and now.

He spread his wings and flew into the sky, leaving his lance on the ground.

He would use a trick that he had learned form his mother, although he was not able to learn it completely, he was able to use its basic idea.

Jellal was still laughing manically at the sight of the whole swarm of mini dragons being sucked into the black sphere.

But he still noticed the approaching Zeldaris.

“So, you finally decided to face me like a man, you coward. Good, then let me greed you. [Pleiades]”

Six rays of light fell from the sky and toward Zeldaris.

Zeldaris tried to dodge these lights, but only managed to dodge half of them.

Zeldaris delt pain course through his body, the three lights had hit the same place, a place that wasn´t covered in scales, his stomach.

Even with the high resistance to magic and event he fact that he had absorbed part of their power, the three lights still had enough power to impale Zeldaris.

But even so, Zeldaris didn´t stop and flew upward.

Even though it had been a long time since he had been wounded like this, he still bit through the pain and concentrated on his target.

“HAHAHA Good, if that had been enough then it wouldn´t be fun. Be judged by the seven stars! [Grand Chariot]”

Jellal drew again the star constellation and again the seven stars were launched, but this time toward Zeldaris.

However, this time Zeldaris was prepared.

Take flight! [Flame Wyvern]”

Seven fire lances appeared around Zeldaris and transformed into seven flaming wyverns.

The flaming wyverns flew toward the descending spears and collided with them.

Jellal tried to make the stars dodge the wyverns, but to no avail and the wyverns collided with the stars, destroying themselves and the stars in a giant explosion.

Jellal hastily tried to prepare another spell, but it was too late as Zeldaris burst out from the smoke and flames, just beneath Jellal.

Zeldaris attacked with his claws, before flying pass Jellal higher into the air.

At first Jellal didn´t feal anything but then blood sprayed out of his shoulders, and he had watch in horror and disbelieve as his arms fell of his shoulders and fell down, blood spraying out the whole way.

Jellal yelled out in rage and pain.

But this wasn´t the end, because Zeldaris was preparing his roar.

He inhaled and concentrated a large amount of his magic power into his mouth.

Grey flames were already leaking out of his mouth.

Aversia could only feel the concentration of magic power, btu that was enough for her to understand what was about to happen and to curse at Zeldaris.


Aversia turned around and looked at everyone else, the ship had been destroyed by the waves, so Aversia had summoned Ophiuchus and had them climb onto the giant mecha snake.

You are reading story Fairy Tails Half Dragons at

Luckily, everyone was already on her head and were watching the battle in the sky, Ophiuchus included.

“Ophiuchus bring them out of here. That idiot is going to blow up the small islands.” Aversia yelled while flying into the air.

“Ok, I will hurry as fast as I can. Should I swim toward somewhere specific?”

“Get first as far away as you can, then swim north.” Aversia instructed.


In the sky, Zeldaris was finally ready to unleash his spell.

He opened his mouth and released a giant beam of flames.

Jellal got instantly enveloped by the flames.

“… Forgive me….” was all Jellal was able to murmur before being burned to ashes.

The flames continued to descend toward the islands and like a raging inferno engulfed them and destroyed everything in their path.

 Zeldaris spew out flames like that for more than a minute, before finally stopping.

He breathed heavily as he had spent a lot of magic power.

“Looks like I over did it.”

“GOD DAM RIGHT YOU DID!” yelled Aversia who suddenly appeared beside him.

Zeldaris simply rolled with his eyes, not even attempting to defend his actions, not that it would help and because he knew where she was going to go with it.


Zeldaris chuckled at her little rant.

“Then you and the old man can give me the same lecture when we are back at the guild.”

“You bet your ass I will.” Aversia said and pressed her flaming hand onto Zeldaris´s wound.

Zeldaris bit onto his lips as he felt the pain.

After that Aversia made sure that the wound had been closed properly and then flew back toward Ophiuchus, not saying another word.

Zeldaris sighed and followed her to Ophiuchus.


A few days past and everyone was currently staying at the resort.

Zeldaris and Aversia had bought two rooms for themselves while the others were sharing rooms.

Erza was sharing her room with Miliana, Gray his room with Shô, and Natsu his room with Simon and Wally.

As for Juvia, she actually already had a room in the resort.

In these few days Erza had spent quite some time with Simon and the others, all five of them were slowly recovered from their emotional wounds, although Shô needed some extra work.

Erza had apologized to Zeldaris and the others.

They were now sitting at the beach with grim faces because this morning it had been announced that the headquarters of the magic council had been destroyed by Jellal and Ultear.

Dozens of people had been killed while hundreds had been injured.

Worse of all was that the council was now under inspection by the main branch, although some countries had already partitioned the reestablishment of the Ishgar branch.

“Well, that explains why Jellal wasn´t really worried about the council’s reaction, he had already destroyed it.” Aversia said while sighing.

“I don´t think that it will take long for a new council to be formed, but I fear that it will try to be even harsher than the last one, so that they can show that they are better than the last council.” Erza said while drinking some beer.

“In other words, they will have even less patience with us then the old council, what a pain.” continued Zeldaris.

“But that aside. What are you guys going to do?” Erza asked while looking at Simon, Shô, Wally and Miliana.

“Although we wanted to spend some more time with you Erza. We decided that we would start travel the continent. We had been outside the tower a few times, but we never really got to see the world outside the tower.“ Simon explained.

Erza was surprised after hearing this, she had hoped that she could bring the two to join the guild, but it seemed like that was not possible.

“But… But… That doesn´t mean… that we won´t…” Simon started to stutter.

Erza smiled as she saw that.

“I know what you are trying to say, that it won´t be a permanent farewell and that we will still get to see each other. I am sad that you guys are going to leave, but at the same time I am happy for you guys. But please, listen to this little selfish request of mine.”

“Sure sis, whatever you want.”

“Meow, say it Erza, if it is in our power, we will do it.”

“Of course.”

“Why do you even need to ask, I wouldn´t be dandy otherwise.”

“Could you guys, please and come to Magnolia’s harvest festival?”

The four were surprised for a second before they happily agreed.

Natsu and the others were watching all of this.

“Now that Erza mentioned it, it is not even a month until then. I have never been there before, but I have heard many things about it.”

“Aye, it is one of the highlights of the year.”

“And one of the most major events for the guild”

“It never gets boring, that’s for sure.”

While Natsu, Happy, Gray and Lucy were talking about the approaching harvest festival, Zeldaris and Aversia were talking with Juvia.

Juvia had been rather shy these few days.

“Come on Juvia, tell us, what do you want to do after this?” Aversia asked.

“I… I am not sure.” Juvia said in a meek voice and looked down at the ground.

“Just say it, we won´t laugh or judge you for it.”

Juvia raised her head and looked at the two, who were back in their human form.

It had been a long time since the two had been in their true form for such a long amount of time, from the moment they had departed from the guild until they had reached the coast of Fiore they had remained in their true form.

“I… I want to join Fairy Tail!”

Both Zeldaris and Aversia smiled after hearing this.

“Took you long enough.”

“And here I thought you would never say it.”

Juvia was surprised as she heard their comments.

“OY ERZA, JUVIA HAS FINALLY ASKED TO JOIN!” Aversia yelled toward Erza.

Erza nodded after hearing this and pulled out some flags with the guild emblem on it and gave them to Zeldaris and Aversia, who in turn placed themselves beside the confused Juvia.

“Although it is not official until the master officially welcomes you. I already know his answer, so. Juvia Lockser, you are herby accepted to the Fairy Tail mage guild.”